2� 1 �� 1827
<br /> pay �he premiums required to maintain Mor�gage �nsurance in effec�, ar to provide a nnn-�refundable loss
<br /> res�r�e, un�il Lender's reyuiremen� fo� Mortgage �nsurance �nds in accordance with any w�ri�ten agreement
<br /> be�vveen Borrovver and Lender provid�ng far such termination or un�il �ermina�ion is �required by App��cab�e
<br /> Law. No�hing in�h�s Sec�ion �� affects Barrower's ob�igation �a pay interest a��he rate pro�ided in �h�Nnte.
<br /> Mar�gage �nsurance reimburses L�nder �or any enti�y tha� purchas�s �he No�e� far cer�a�n �osses �� may
<br /> incur if Barrower does not repay the L�an as agreed.Borra�er�s na�a partiy�a the N��r�gage�nsurance.
<br /> Mortgage insurers e�a�uate �heir tatal risk on all such insurance in force from time �o �ime, and may enter
<br /> �n�fl agreemen�s �xth other parties �ha� share ar mod�fy their risk� or reduce �osses. These agreemen�s are �n
<br /> t�rms and condi�ians that are sa�isfac��ry �o the mar�gage �nsurer and �he o�her pa�r�y �or par�ies� �o these
<br /> agreemen�s. These agreements may require the m�rtgage insu�rer �a make payments us�ng any s�urce of funds
<br /> �hat �he mar�gage rnsu�re�r may have a�a��able �which may include funds ab�ained from Mortgage �nsurance
<br /> premiums}.
<br /> As a result of�hese ag�re�men�s, Lender, any purchaser �f�he No��, another �nsurer, any re�nsurer, any
<br /> o�her entity, �r any affiiiate af any of�he faregoing, may recei�e �direc��y or indirec�iy} amoun�s that deri�e
<br /> from �or migh� be characterized as} a portion af Borr�wer's payrn�n�s for Mar�gage Insurance, in exchange for
<br /> sharing ar modifying the mor�gage insurer's risk, or reducing �osses. �f such agreemen� prov�des �ha� an
<br /> affil�ate of Lender takes a share of the insurer's risk in exchange for a share of �he pr�miums paid ta �h�
<br /> insurer,�he arrangemen��s often�ermed"cap�i�e reinsurance."Furthex:
<br /> (a� Any su�h agreemen�s will not affect the amounts �hat Borrower has agreed �a pay for Mor�gage
<br /> Insurance, ar any other �erms of the Laan. Such agreements wi�l no� increa�e the amflun� Barrower will
<br /> owe for Mortgage Insuran�e,and they will not ent�tle Borrawer to any refund.
<br /> (b} Any such agr�ements wil� no� affect the rights Borrower has - �f any - w�th respect �o the
<br /> Mor tgage Insuranc� un der �he Homeowners Protection Ac� of 1995 or any other law. These rights may
<br /> xnc�ude the righ� ta recei�e certa�n dfsc�osure�, to reque�� and obtain can�e��ati�n of �he Mor�gage
<br /> Insuran�e, to ha�e the Mortgage Insurance terrnina�ed automatica�ly, andlor �a rece��e a refund of any
<br /> Mor�gage Insurance prem�ums tha�were unearned at�he t�m�of such cancel�a�ion or terminatxon,
<br /> 11. As��gnment of MiSce��aneous Proceeds; Forfei�ure. A�� Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned
<br /> �fl and sha��be paid ta Lender.
<br /> If the Property is damaged, such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be app��ed to restora�ian o�r repair of�he
<br /> Prap�rty, if�he �estorat�on ar repair �s econamxcaliy feasrb�e and Lend�r's securi�y is not lessened. Dur�ng
<br /> such repair and restara�xon per�od, Lender sha�� have �he right t� hold such M�sceilaneous Pro�eeds un�ii
<br /> Lender has had an appar�unity ta �nspe�t such Proper�y �� ensure �h� work has been compieted to Lende�r's
<br /> sa�isfaction, prn�i�ed �ha� such inspec�ion sha�l be undertaken pramptiy. Lende� may pay fa� the repairs and
<br /> rest�ra�xon in a single dxsbursemen� �r in a series af progress paymen�s as the work �s complet�d. Uniess an
<br /> agreemen� is made in vvrx�zng or Appl�cab�e Law requir�s interest �o be paid on su�h M�scellaneous Proceeds,
<br /> Lende� shall na� be required to pay Borrovver any rn�eres� or earn�ngs on such Miscellaneous Praceeds. �f�he
<br /> restora�ion or repair is not �conamically feasibie or Lender's security v�auld be lessened, �he Miscellaneous
<br /> Froceeds shall be app���d �o the sums secured by this �ecurity �nstrument, �he�her ar no� �hen due, with the
<br /> �xcess, �f any, paid �fl Borrov�e�r. Such Misce��aneous Proceeds sha�i be applied in the order pro�ided for �n
<br /> Section 2.
<br /> In �he eWen� of a to�ai taking, destruc��on, or loss in �alue of�he Prop�r�y, the Mxscellaneous Pro�eeds
<br /> shall be applied �o the sums s�cured by this Secur�tiy �nstrumen�, v�hethex �� no� �hen due, wi�h the excess, if
<br /> any,pa�d�a Borro�ver.
<br /> In �he eWent af a par�ial tak�ng, des�ructi�n, or loss in value of�he Frop�r�y in �vhi�h �h� fair market value
<br /> of the Property immedia�e�y before the part�al �aking, destruction, or lass in value is equal �o or greater than
<br /> the amnun�af�he sums secured by this Security Ins�rumen� immediately bef�re �he par�xal taking, destruc�ion,
<br /> or �oss l�l Va.�U�y uniess Barr�v�er and Lender oth�rwise agree in wri�ing, the sums secured by th�s S�curi�y
<br /> �ns�rument shall be reduced by�he amoun�of�he Miscellaneous Proc�eds mu��iplied by�he ffll��wing fraction:
<br /> ta} the to�al am�un� of the sums secuxed �mmedia�e�y befflre the partial taking, destruc�ian, or Ioss in vaiue
<br /> d�Wided by �b} the fair marke� �a�ue of�he Pr�perty immedia���y bef�re the par�ial �akzng, des�ruc�ion, or lass
<br /> in vaiue. Any balance shal�be pa�d to Borrower,
<br /> �n the event of a partial �ak�ng, destruct�on, or loss in vaiue of the Pr�pe�rty in vvhich�he fair market �aiue
<br /> af�he Property immedia�ely before the par�ial �aking, destruc��on, or �ass in �alue �s �ess �han �he amoun� flf
<br /> �he sums secured immedia�ely before the par��al taking, destruction, or l�ss in va�ue, unless B�rrov�er and
<br /> Lender o�herwise agre� in wri��rig, the M�sce��aneous Praceeds shali be applied �o �he sums secured by th�s
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family �FannieMaelFreddie Mac UN�FQRM lNSTRUMENT
<br /> Ft�rm 3�28'�tfl1
<br /> L.aser Fo�ms f��.�8�0�446-3555
<br /> �.FI#FNMA3�28-MERS 911 fi Pa e$0 13 `
<br /> g I n itia ls: �,,,,,,,�,,, �
<br />