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2� 1 �� 1827 <br /> Se�tion 5 �hat repair �r �res�oration is not economi�a��y feasib�e, Borrower shall pramptly repair �he Praper�y if <br /> damaged t❑ av�id further de�e�ioration �r damage. �f insurance ar condemna�ion p�-Qceeds are paid in <br /> conn�c�ion with damage �o, or �he �aking af, the Property, Borrower shall be respons�bl� fflr repairing o�r <br /> res��ring �he Property only �f Lender has released proceeds for such purposes. Lender may d�sburse p�oceeds <br /> far �he r�pairs and res�ara�xan in a single paym�n� or rn a series of pragress paymen�s as �he �ork i� <br /> cflmple�ed. �f �he �nsurance or condemnation proceeds are no� suf��ien� �o repair or restare �he Property, <br /> Barrower is not relie�ed of Barrov�er's abliga�ian fo�r the complet�on of such repair or res�flratian. <br /> Lender ar its agent may make reasonab�e en�ries upon and inspec�ions of�he Proper�y. If xt has reasanable <br /> caus�, Lender may inspec� �he in�eriar �f the impra�ements an the Froperty. Lender shal� gi�e B�rro�ver <br /> no��ce a��he�ime of or priar�o such an in�exior inspec�ion specify�ng such reasonab�e cause. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loan App�ica�ion, Borrawer shall be in default if, during �he Loan app��catifln process, <br /> Borrovver ar any persons or en�i�xes actrng at the direc��on of Borr�wer or wr�h Borrawer's knovvledge o�r <br /> cnnsen� gaWe materia�ly fa�se, mis�ead�ng, or ina��urate informa�ian or sta�ements to Lender �o�r failed to <br /> � pravide Lender with ma�erial informat�on} in cannec�ion ���h �he Laan. Mater�al represen�a�ions inciude, bu� <br /> are no� Iimited �o, r�presentations concerning Borrav�er's oc�upancy of the Proper�y as Bflrrrovve�'s princzpal <br /> �esidence. <br /> 9. Protecti�n of L�nder's Interest in �he Proper�y and Rights Under this Securi�y Ins�rument. �f�a} <br /> Borrower fai�s �o perform �he �o�enants and agreemen�s con�a�ned in �his Security Ins�rument, �b} �her� is a <br /> Iegal praceed�ng that m�gh� signif�cantiy affect Lender's interes� in the Property andlor righ�s under th�s <br /> Secur��y �nstrument �such a� a praceeding �n bankrup�cy, probate, for candemna�ion or forfeiture, f�r <br /> enforcemen� of a lien vvhich may at�a�n pr�or�ty o�er �his Security �ns�rumen� �� ta enforce �aws o�r <br /> regula��ons}, or �c) Barrflwer has abandflned the Pr�per�y, �hen Lender may da and pay for wha�e�er �s <br /> reasonable or app�ropria�e �a pratec�Lende�r's int�rest in the Prope�-�y and rights under th�s Security �nstrumen�, <br /> including protecting andlor ass�ss�ng �he value of the Property, and securing andlor repair�ng the Proper�y. <br /> Lender's ac�ions can include, hut are not ��mi��d �a: �a} paying any sums secured by a �ien v�hich has priori�y <br /> o�er �his Se�uri�y Ins�rument� �b} appearing in cour�; and �c} paying reasonable attarn�ys' fees �o pro�ec� i�s <br /> interest in �he Property andlor righ�s under this Security �ns�rument, inc�uding its secured pas��ion in a <br /> bankrupt�y praceeding. S�curing th� Praper�y iricludes, bu� is no� �imited to, enter�ng the Prap�rty to mak� <br /> repairs, change lo�ks, replace or baard up doors and vvindows, drain vvater firom pipes, e��mina�e building nr <br /> o�her c�de viola�ians �r dangerous conditinns, and ha�e ut�Ii�ies �urned an or off. A1�hough Lender may take <br /> actinn under�his Sectian 9, Lender does no� have�o do so and �s not under at�y du�y or obliga�xon�o do s�. �� <br /> is agr�ed�ha�Lender incurs no Iiability for no�tak�ng any or a�1 ac�ions au�horized urider�his Se���an 9. <br /> Any amoun�s disburs�d by Lender under this Sectian 9 shall becflme additianal deb� of Borravver secu�ed <br /> by this Securi�y �r�strumen�. These amounts shall beax interes� at the Nate ra�e from �he dat� of d�sbursement <br /> and shall be payable,w��h such in�eres�,upnn notice fr�m Lender to Barro�er request�ng payment. <br /> �f�his Securi�y 7ns�rumen� is on a�easeho�d, Borrower shai� camp�y with al1 the provis�ons of�he lease. �f <br /> Bo�rovver acquires fee ���le to �he Property, the l�asehold and the fee�i�le shaii not merge unless Lender agrees <br /> ta�he merger in writing. <br /> 1 D. Mar�gage Insurance. �f Lender requ ired Mortgage �nsurance as a candi�i�n of making the Loan, <br /> Barrower sha�i pay the premiums required to maintain�he Mor�gag� �nsurance in effec�. �f, for any reason, �he <br /> Mor�gage Insurance coverage requir�d by Lender ceases ta be available from �he mor�gage �nsurer �ha� <br /> preW�aus�y provided such insurance and Borravver was reyuired �o make separate�y designat�d payments <br /> tovvard �he prem�ums for Mar�gage Insurance, B�rrower sha�l pay �he premiums reyuired �o ob�a�n c��r�rage <br /> subs�antialiy equiWalen�ta the Mortgage �nsurance previous�y in effe��, at a c�st subs�an�ially equi�alent�� �he <br /> cos� t� B�rrovver af�he M�r�gage Insurance previous�y �n �ffect, fram an a��ernate mnrtgage insurer seiec�ed <br /> by Lender. �f substantia�ly equxva�ent Martgage �nsurance �average zs not availa�le, Borrnwer sha�� con��nue <br /> to pay �o Lender �he amount of�he separa�ely designa�ed payments tha� were due when �he insurance co�erage <br /> ceased �a be in effec�. L�nder w�il accep�, use and reta�n these payments as a non-refundable �oss reser�e in <br /> l�eu �f Mortgage �nsurance. Such loss reserv� sha�l be non--refundab�e, na�wi�hs�anding �he fact that the Loan <br /> is ult�mately paid in fu�i, and Lender shall no� be r�quired ta pay Barrowex any �n�erest Qr earnings on such <br /> lass reser�e. Lender can no longer requir� �oss reserve paymen�s if Mor�gage Insurance co�erage �in �he <br /> am�un� and for �he perxod �hat Lender requ�res} provided by an insurer se�ected by Le�de�r again b�cflmes <br /> a�ai�able, �s ob�ained, and Lender re�u�res separa�ely designa�ed payments tov�ard �he prem�ums f�r Mo�r�gage <br /> �nsurance. If Lend�r required Mar�gage �nsurance as a condi�ion of making �he L�an and Borrower was <br /> required ta mak� separa�ely des�gna�ed payments tawa�d the prem�ums fox Mflrtgage �nsurance, Barrower shaii <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family �FannieMaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM lNSTR�MENT <br /> Fvrm 3�28'�t�'� <br /> �.aser Farms fnc.(8�0}445-3555 <br /> LFf#FNMA3�28-MERS 91'11 Page 7 af 13 Inl'�lal5: <br />