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2� 1 �� 1827 <br /> subsequenti charges each time rernappings �r similar changes accur whxch reasonably mrgh� affect such <br /> de�ermination o� certrfi�a���n. Borrower shal� also be responsib�e for �he paymen� of any fees imposed by �he <br /> Federal Emergency Management Agency in connection �i�h �he reW�ew of any flood zane de�erm�nation <br /> resulting from an ob j ec��on by�orrav�rer. <br /> �f Borrower fails�� main�ain any �f�he coverages describ�d above, Lende� may obtain insurance c�verag�, <br /> at Lender's op�ian and Borrawer's expense, Lender �s under na obliga�ian �o purchase any pa��icu�ar type or <br /> amou�t of c�verage. Therefore, such ca�erage shall co�er Lender, bu� mighti ar might not pro�ec� Borrawe�r, <br /> B�rrovver's equ��y in �he Pr�p�rty, or the cont�n�s af�he Proper�y, against any risk, hazard or liability and <br /> might provide greater or �esser coverag� �han vvas pre�xausly �n effec�. B�rrovver acknawledges �hat �he cos� <br /> of�he insurance co�erage sa obtained migh� significant�y exceed th� cost af xnsuran�� �ha� Borrower cauld <br /> have obtained. Any amounts disbursed by Lend�r under �his Sect�on 5 sha�l became addi�i�na� deb� of <br /> Borrovver s�cured by this Securi�y Ins�rumen�. These amounts shali bear interest a�the Nate ra�e from the da�e <br /> af disbursement and sha�l be payab�e, v�ith such in�erest, upon notice from Lender �a Bor�rower requesting <br /> paym�nt. <br /> A1� insu�rance po��c�es required by Lender and renewa�s of such policies shall be subject �o L�nder's r�ght <br /> to disapprove such po��cies, sha�I include a standa�d mar�gage clause, and shall name Lender a� mor�gagee <br /> aridlar as an addi�iflna� �ass pay�e. Lender sha�1 have the righ�t� ho�d the pol�cies and renewal cer�if�cates. �f <br /> Lender r�quires, Borrower shall p�ramptly gi�e to Lender ail receipts of paid p�remiums and renewal natices. �f <br /> Borrower obtains any fa�-m of xnsurance coverage, nat fl�herwis� required by Lender, fo� damage �a, or <br /> des�ructi�n �f, �he Proper�y, such po�icy shall include a standard mor�gage c�ause and shall name Lender as <br /> mor�gagee andlar as an addi�i�na� lass payee. <br /> In �he e�en� of loss, Barrovver shall give promp� no�ice �o �he rnsurance car�rier and Lender. Lender may <br /> make proof of lass �f no� mad� promptly by Borrawer. Unless Lender and Borrovtirer ��herwise agree in <br /> writing, any �nsuranc� proceeds, whether or not �he under�ying �nsurance was required by Lender, shall be <br /> applied to res�oration or repair af �he Property, if the restara�ion or repa�r is economically feasib�e and <br /> Lender's security xs no� l�ssened. L7ur�ng such repair and restora�ion perxod, Lender shall ha�e �he righ� tti <br /> ho�d such insurance praceeds until Lend�r has had an opp�rtuni�y �o inspec� such Property �o ensure the worl� <br /> has been compie�ed �o Lender's sat�sfaction, provided �hat such inspec�ion sha�� be under�aken promp�ly. <br /> Lende�r may disburse pr�ceeds far �he repairs and res�oration in a s�ng�e paymen� ar in a ser�es of progress <br /> payments as the w�rk is co�xzp�eted. Unless an agreemen� is mad� �n writing ar App�icab�e Lav�r requires <br /> interes� t� be paxd on such �nsurance pr�ceeds, L�nde�r shall not be r�qu ired �� pay B orrovver any intexest or <br /> earnings on su�h proce�ds. Fees fo�r pub�i� adjus�ers, �r athe�r �hird par�ies, r�ta�ned by Borrovver shall not be <br /> paid ou� of�he �nsurance proceeds and shall be�he so�e oblrga��on of Borrower. zf�he restora�ion �r repair is <br /> no� economical�y feasib�e or Lender's security vr�ou�d be l�ssened, the insuran�e proceeds sha�� be app�ied to <br /> the sums secured by this Securi�y �nstrument, whe�her �r no� �hen due, w�th the excess, if any, paid to <br /> Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shall be app�i�d in�he order prov�ded for in Secti�n 2. <br /> �f Borrower abandons the P�roperty, Lender may fi�e, negotiate and settle any ava�lab�e insurance claim and <br /> related matters. �f Bo�ravver daes nat resp�nd within 3� days �o a notice fr�m Lender �ha� �he insurance <br /> carr�er has affered to settle a �1aim, �hen Lender may negotxa�e and set�le the c�aim. The 30-day period �vill <br /> begin when the no�ice is giWen. �n either e�ent, or if L�nder acquires the P�roper�y under Secti�n Z2 or <br /> o�hervv�se, Borrawer hereby assigns �o Lender �a) Borrawer's rights �o any insu�rance proceeds �n an amoun� <br /> n�t to exceed the amaunts unpaid und�r the Nate or�his Security Yns�rument, and �b} any a�her of B�rrovver's <br /> r�ghts �other�han �he righ� �o any refund nf unearned premiums paid by Borrower} under all insurance pnl�cies <br /> coWerxng �he Property, insafa�r as such righ�s are app�icabl� �o �he coverage of�he Prape�r�y. Lender may us� <br /> th� insurance proceeds ei�he�r�o �epa�r �r res�or� the Praperty ar t� pay amaunts unpaid under the Na�e or �his <br /> Securi�y Ins�rument,whether or not�hen due. <br /> 6. �ccupancy, Borrovver shaI� occupy, es�a�lrsh, and us� �he Proper�y as Ba�rawer's prin�ipai resrdence <br /> wi�hin 60 days after the execution of�his Se�urity Ins�rumen� a�d shali con��nue to occupy the Property as <br /> Borrawer's princ�pal residence for at Ieast �ne y�a� af�er �he date af accupancy, unless Lender �therv�ise <br /> agrees �n v�ri��ng, which co�sent shal� not be unreas�nab�y �i�hheld, or un�ess ex�enuating circums�ances exis� <br /> which are beyond Bo�rrov�er's con�roi. <br /> 7. Preserva�i�n, 1Vlainfenance and Protec�ion af �he Property; Inspect�ans, Bor�rower sha�� nat <br /> destroy, damage or impair the Praper�y, allovv the Proper�y �o de�er�ora�e or comm�� �ras�e on the Praper�y. <br /> �Thether or no� Borxov�er is res�ding in �he Property, Borr�wer sha�� mazn�ain the Praperty in order �o pre�ent <br /> �he Praper�y from de�eriorat�ng or decreasing in �a�ue due to ��s candition. Unless i� is determin�d pursuant ta <br /> NEE3RASKA-Sing�e Family �Fanniei�l�aelFreddieilllac UNiF�RM lNSTRUMENT <br /> Form 3D�8�t 101 <br /> Laser Forms 1nc.�8��}446-3555 <br /> LF�#FNMA3D�8-MERS 9111 PCl' � �] � 13 � ` <br /> � .f �nitials: <br /> � � � <br />