2� 1 �� 1827
<br /> pro�ide rece�p�s shall for a�1 pu�poses be deem�d �o be a co�enant and agreemen� conta�ned in �his Security
<br /> �nstrumen�, as �he phrase "cawenan� and ag�reemen�" is used in Section 9. �f Borrower is obligated to pay
<br /> Escraw ��ems direct�y, pursuan� ta a �aiver, and Barrowe� fai�s �o pay �h� amoun� due for an Escrnw Item,
<br /> Lender may exercise its rights under Sec�ion 9 and pay such amoun� and Borrawer shall �h�n be abliga�ed
<br /> under S�c�ion 9 ta repay to Lender ar�y such amount. Lender may revoke �he �ai�er as �a any or a11 Escro�v
<br /> �tems a� any �ime by a noti�e gi�en in accordance wi�h Sec�ion 15 and, upon such revoca�ion, Borrower shall
<br /> pay�o Lender aii Funds,and rn such amounts,tha�are�hen requi�red under this Sec�ion 3.
<br /> Lender may, at any time, cnllect and hold Funds �n an amaunt �a} suffic�en��a perm�� Lende�r ta apply the
<br /> Funds a� �he �ime specified under RESPA, and (b} no� �a exceed the maxxmum amount a ��nder can require
<br /> under RESPA. Lender shall es�imate �h� amaun� of Funds due on the basis af cu�rrenfi data and r�asonab�e
<br /> es�ima��s of expendi�ures of fu�ure Escrow�tems ar athervvise rn accordance�nrith Applicable Law.
<br /> The Funds shali be he�d in an ins�itu�ion vvhase deposi�s are insured by a federal agency, ins�rumenta�ity,
<br /> or en�ity (including Lender, if Lender is an �nst�tu��on whose d�posits are sa insured} or in any Federal Home
<br /> Loan Bank, L�nder shall app�y �he Funds to pay �he Escrow �tems na �ater than �h� t�me speci��d und�r
<br /> RESPA. Lender shall na�charge Borrower f�r hoiding and apply�ng the Funds, annually analyz�ng�he escrow
<br /> accoun�, or verifying �he Escro�v ��ems, unless Lende�r pays Barrower �n�eres� an the Funds and Applxcabie
<br /> La� p�rm��s Lende� �o make such a charge. Unless an ag�reemen� �s made in writing or Applicable Law
<br /> requires interest ta be paid on th� Funds, Lend�r shall no� be reyuired ta pay Borrawer any interes� or
<br /> earnings an the Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree in vvr���ng, howe�er, �hat in�erest sha�i be paid on �he
<br /> Funds. Lender shal� g�v� to Borrov�er, vv��hout charge, an annual accountxng �f �h� Funds as required by
<br /> RESPA.
<br /> �f there is a surp�us �f Funds held �n escrow, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender shall accoun� �o Borxower
<br /> for �he excess funds in ac�ordance wz�h RESPA. If��aere is a shortage of Funds held in escrow, as def�ned
<br /> under RESPA, Lender shali na�ify Barrovver as required by RESPA, and B�rrowe�r shali pay �o Lende�r the
<br /> amount necessary �o make up �he shortage xn accardance wi�h RESPA, but in no mare than 1� monthly
<br /> payments. �f�here is a de�c�ency of Funds held in escrow, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender shal� notify
<br /> B�rrov�er as required by RESPA, and F3orravver sha�l pay to Lende�r �he amount necessary to make up �h�
<br /> def��ency�n accordance vvith RESPA,but in n�more than l�monthly paym�nts.
<br /> Upan paym�nt in fuil of alI sums secured by �his Secur�ty �ns��umen�, Lend�r shall promp�ly r�fund to
<br /> B�rro�er any Funds heid�y Lender.
<br /> 4. �harges; Liens. Boxrawer shall pay ai� �axes, assessme�ts, charges, f�nes, and impositions attributabl�
<br /> �o the Proper�y wh�ch can a��ain pr�ar��y �ver this S�curity Instrument, leasehoi� payments �r graund rents on
<br /> �he Prope�rty, if any, and �ammuni�y Ass�cia�ian Dues, Fees, and Assessments, �f any. Ta �he exten� �ha�
<br /> �hese it�ms are Escrow rtems,Barrower shal�pay th�m in�he manner pra�ided in S�ction 3.
<br /> Borrovver shal� promp�ly discharg� any Iien which has prrar�ty over this Secur��y �ns�r�umen� unless
<br /> B orrflwer: �a} agrees in wrx��ng �a �he payment �f the obl igat�on secured by the I ien in a manner accep�a�le to
<br /> Lender, but anly so lang as Sorrawer is performing such ag�-eemen�; �b} contests tihe lien in good faith by, or
<br /> defends against enf�r�ement af�he I�en in, legai proc�edings v�hich in Lender'� op�nion operate to preven� the
<br /> enforcemen� of the lien wh�le those proceedings are pending, bu�on�y un�il such proceed�ngs a�re cflncluded; ar
<br /> ��� secures fram the hoider of �he �ien an agreem�n� sa�isfac�ary �o Lender sub�rd�nating the ��en �o �his
<br /> Securi�y Ins�rument. If Lend�r d�te�rmines �ha� any par� of the Proper�y is subject �o a �ien which can a��ain
<br /> priflri�y over this Security �ns�rumen�, Lender may gxve Bn�rrower a notice iden�ify�ng �he �ien. �Tithin �0
<br /> �ays af�h� date on vvhich �ha� no�ic� is given, Borrower shall sa��sfy the lxen or �ake one or mo�e of the
<br /> act�ons se�fflrth above�n�his Section 4.
<br /> Lender may requrre B��rov�er to pay a one-�time charg� for a r�al es�a�� �ax verif�ca�i�n an�lo�r repar���ag
<br /> ser�ice us�d by Lend�r in connecti�n vvi�h this Loan.
<br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borr��nrer shall keep �he impro�emen�s naw exxsting �r hereafter ere��ed on �he
<br /> Property insured agains� loss by f�re, hazards included vv�th�n the �erm "ex�ended co�erage," and any o�her
<br /> hazards inc�uding, but not I�mited �o, earthquakes and flaods, for �hich Lender requires insurance. This
<br /> insurance sha11 be main�a�ned in the am�un�s ��ncluding deduc�ible l�ve�s} and for �he peri�ds �ha� Lender
<br /> requir�s. �ha� Lender requires pursuan� �o the preceding sen�ences can cha�g� during the term of the Loan.
<br /> The insuranc� carrier provzding the insurance sha�1 be chosen by Borrower subjec� to Lender's r�gh� �a
<br /> disapp�r��e Borrower's choice, which righ� shall not be exercised unreasonably. Lender may require Borrovver
<br /> �o pay, in �onnec�zon w��h �his L�an� e��her: �a} a one-�im� cha�ge for floo� zane determination, cert�f�ca�ion
<br /> and ��acking ser�ices; ar �b� a ane-�ime charge for flood zone determ�nation and cer�xf�cat�on ser���es and
<br /> NEBRASKA W Single Fam��y -Fannie MaelFredd�e Il�ac UNIF�RN!INSTR�MENT
<br /> Farm 3�28'l10'�
<br /> Laser Forms�nc,(8��}446-3555 •�n�
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