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2� 1 �� 1827 <br /> as selected by Lend�r: �a} cash; �b} money �rder; �c} c�r�if��d check, bank check, treasu�rer's check or cashier's <br /> check, pro��ded any such check is dravvn upon an ins�itu�xan vvhose depasi�s are xnsured by a f�derai agency, <br /> �nstrumen�ality ar en�x�y; �r �d� Elec�ranic Funds Transfer. Upan reins�atemen� by Bo�rrflwer, �his Securi�y <br /> �nstrument and obiigations secu�red hereby shall remain fully effecti�e as if no accelerat�on had accur�ed. <br /> Haw�vex,�h�s right t�reins�a�e shall not apply in�he case af accelerat�on unde�Sec��fln �8. <br /> ZU. Sale of No�e; Change of Loan Ser�iCer; Notice of Grievance. The Note �r a par�ial in�erest in �he <br /> Note �toge�h�r ��th this Security �ns�rument} can b� so�d flne or mare t�mes �ithou�prio�r na�ice �o Borrower. <br /> A sa�e might result in a change in the en�r�y �known as �h� "Loan Servicer"} that ca�lec�s Period�c Paymen�s <br /> due under the No�e and �his Security �ns�rument and performs other martgage �aan s�rvic�ng abliga��ons under <br /> �he No�e, �his S�curity Ins�rumen�, and App�icable Law. There a�so m�ght be �ne �r more changes of th� <br /> Laan Servicer unr�Xa�ed �a a sale of the Na�e, zf there is a change of�he Loan Ser�icer, Barrov�er wi�� be <br /> given vvrit�en natice of the chang� �hich v��il sta�e th� name and addr�ss of�he new Loan Servx�er, �he address <br /> �a which paymen�s should be mad� and any other inf�rmati�n RESPA requrres in connection with a no�i�e af <br /> �ransfer �f s�r��c�ng. 7f�he N�te is sold and �hereafter �he Loan is serWiced by a Loan Se�r�icer flther �han �h� <br /> purchaser af th�Na�e, �he mor�gage �aan servxcing obliga�rons to Bor�rower vv�li rema�n wr�h the Loan Servicer <br /> ❑r be transferred to a successor Loan Ser�icer and are nfl� assumed by the Na�e purchaser unless o�herwise <br /> pro�rded by�he N�te purchaser, <br /> Nei�her Barrower nor Lender may c�mmence, �axn, �r be joined to any judre�al ac��an �as eith�x an <br /> indi�idua� lit�gant or �he m�mber of a class} �ha� arises from �he othe�r party�5 acti�ns pursuan� to th�s SeGuri�y <br /> Instrum�n� or that a��eges tha� �he othe� par�y has br�ach�d any pr���sion of, or an� duty owed by reason of, <br /> this Security �nstrumen�, unti� such Borr��er ❑r Lende�r has no�if�ed�he othe�r par�y �with such no�ice given �n <br /> compl�ance with the requirements of Sec�ian �5} of such alleged hreach and afforded �he ��her par�y h�reto a <br /> reasonab�e periad after �he g�ving of such no��ce to take correc�i�e ac�ion. If Applicable La� prov�des a time <br /> peri�d �hich mus� elapse before cer�axn ac�ion can be �aken, tha� time periad will b� deemed �a b� reasonable <br /> far purp�ses of this paragraph. The na�ice of accelera�ion and �ppnr�unity �o cure g�ven ta Borrovver pursuant <br /> �o Sec�ion 22 and the notic� ❑f acce�era�ion given to Borrower pursuant to Sec��an 18 sha�� be deemed ta <br /> sa�isfy the notice and oppartuni�y to take correc�i�e ac�ion pra��sions of�his Sec�ion��. <br /> 21. Hazardous Subs�ances. As used in�hzs Sec�ion Z�: �a} "Hazardous Substances" are�hase substances <br /> defin�d as t�xic a� hazardous substances, paliu�ants, or vvastes by En�ir�nmenta� La� and th� fallow�ng <br /> - subs�ances: gaso��ne, kerosene, a�he�r f�ammab�e or �oxic p��r���um productis, toxic pes�icrdes and herbi��des, <br /> vola��le solven�s, mater�als contain�ng asbes�os or formaldehyde, and rad��ac�i�e ma�erials; (b} "Envir�nmental <br /> Lavv" means federai 1av�rs and �aws of th�jur�sdict�on �h�re �he Praper�y �s Iocated �hat re�ate to health, saf�ty <br /> or enviranmen�al pro�ection; �c} "En�iranmental Cieanup" inc�udes any respons� action, rem�d�ai ac��an, nr <br /> removal action, as defined in En�iranmental Lavv; and �d} an t'Env�ronm.ental �ond�ti�n" means a c�ndition <br /> that can cause,can�ribu�e��,ar o�herwise�rigger an En�ironmen�a��leanup. <br /> Barrower shali no� cause o�r permi� �he p�esence, use, disposal, starag�, or release of any Hazardous . <br /> Substan�es, or thr�a�en to release any Hazard�us Subs�ances, on or in �he Pr�perty. Borrower sha�l not do, <br /> nor a��ov� anyone eise t� do, any�hing affec�ing �he Proper�y �a}tha� is in ��olation of any En�ir�nmental Lav�, <br /> �b� vvhich �rea�es an Env�ronmental Candition, or �c� which, du� ta �he pres�nce, use, ar reiease of a <br /> Hazardaus Subs�ance, crea�es a condition �hat adve�sely affects the value of the Pr�perty. The preceding �wo <br /> sentences sha11 not app�y to the presence, use, or s�orage on the Praper�y �f smal� quan�i��es of Hazardous <br /> Substances�ha� are generally recognized to be appropr�ate �o normal residen��a� uses and �o maintenance of�he <br /> Praper�y�including,bu�no���mited ta,hazardous subs�ances�n consumer produc�s}. <br /> Borrower shal� prompt�y gi�e Lender written no�ice of �a) any xnW�stiga�ion, �Ia�m, demand, Iawsui� or <br /> other ac�ion by any goWernmen�a� or regu�atory agency or pr�vate par�y �nvol�ing �he P�roperty and any <br /> Hazardous Subs�an�� or Enviranmen�ai Lavv of vvhich Borrovver has ac�ua� know�edge, �b� any EnWironmen�al <br /> �ondi�ion, iriciuding bu� not l�mit�d �o, any sp�ii�ng, leaking, d�scharge, re�ease or �hreat of release of any <br /> Hazardous 5ubs�ance, and �c} any condition caus�d by the presence, use ar release of a Hazardous Substance <br /> vvhich ad�ersely affects �he �alue of�he Praper-ty. �f Borrower learns, or is no�ified by any goWe�nmen�a� ar <br /> regu�atary authority, or any private party, tha� any r�mova� ar o�ther remed�at�on �f any Hazard�us Subs�ance <br /> affec�xng the Property is necessary, Borrower sha�1 pr�mp��y take all necessary remedia� a��ions �n acco�rdan�� <br /> �ith Env��onm�nta� Law. No�hing he�ein shali create any obiiga�i�n on L�nder fo�r a� Environmental <br /> �Ieanup. <br /> NESRASKA-Single Fami(y �Fann�e MaelFreddie Mac UN�F�R[1�!INSTRUMENT <br /> Form 3028'�!U'� <br /> Laser Forms InG.�8�0}446-3555 �j� <br /> LFI#FNMA3028-MERS 9111 Page 11 of 13 lnifia�s:�„�,,,,,_ � <br /> � <br />