� 2� 1 �� 18�7
<br /> 4
<br />! �����■ ��������Y������
<br /> ��c#i�n �� or v#h�n�rise, ��r�o��r h�re�� �ss��r�� t� ��n��r �a} B�rr��rerrs ri�h�s to a ny �ns���n�e
<br /> pr�c�ed� ifl an a�-naun�nQt tfl exc��� �h��m��nts unpaid un�Jer��� Nv�� �r thi� ����r��� �n�trum�nt,
<br /> �n� �b� an� o#�e��f Borr��rei's r�ghts �ather�har� tl�e right�� �n� r�fun� �f u r�e�rn�d premiums �a�d
<br /> ��r B�rrovwrer� und�r�II ��s��'�n�e pa�i�ies ����rin� �}�e �rop�rt}�, ir���far as �uch rEghts ar� �ppi���ble
<br /> to�he�ca�rera�ge of the Pr�per�}�_ L�n�f�r�nay use#h��ns�ranc���o����s �ither t� r��ai��r��st�r��he
<br /> P r�pe�ty a�f�p��r�rnour��s unpaid un���the NQt�ar this �e�u r�y�n�tru m�r�#, wh�t�er o�n�t�hen d��.
<br /> G. C��cupan��. Ba�r��er sh��f �ccu��, es�abi�sh, a r�d us� th� P r���rty �s Borra��rr� pri nc�pa�
<br /> resid�nG��ithin�a d�ys afterthe�x�cuti�n�ffhi���c�rRt��n��r�rn�n�an�s�al���r�tir���to���u��th�
<br /> F'fope�k����o�r�wer'�prir����al residence f��a��ea�t ar��ye�T aft�r�h�da��of���up�nc�,u nl�ss Lend�r
<br /> �fh�r�ri�� ���e�s ir� �r��ir�g, wh«h ��n�ent shall n�t b� unreaso��bl�v�rithhe�dr ar unl��s �xt�nua#ing
<br /> �i r�u m s�a���s ex i�t�rYt i�h a re b ey�n� ��r�r-o�nre r's ���t ro i.
<br /> �� Pres�rva���n, �aint�r��r�c� �n� Protect��n �f�h� Prape�#y; �n�pect��ns E BQrr�v�rer sh�il
<br /> no� d�s�r��r, �lamage�r im��ir�F�� �raperk�, ����r��h� Prop�rty to ���e�iar�te �r ��mrr�i#�2���� Qn th��
<br /> Pr�p��. �#Il�r�th�r�r nat���r�►��r is resi�in� �n the �'rap�rty, Bor����r��sh�ll rn�int�i� the P�`�per�� in
<br /> ar�i�r�o ���ven#��e ProR�rty fTom �i��eri�ar��in� ar ��cr�asin� in �r�lue �ue�a its ��n�iti�n. L�nl�ss it
<br /> �s �����mr��d ����r��r�t t� Se�ti�r� � �h�� r���i��r resfvr��i�r� is r��t ecanQmica�l� f��sible, B�rr�v���
<br /> �h�li prar��t�y rep���th� Pr�perty if d�m�ged �o���id furth��deter�ar�ti�r� o�d�r���e. �f ff�S�I�a�1C� �r
<br /> �on��rrtin��i�n pr���e���r��aid ir�c�nr���ti�n w�th�amage ta,�r t��t�k�n�of, th�F�rap��ty, Borr�w�r
<br /> shall �e r����nsi��� f�r re�airi r�g �r rest�r'rng t�e P rQp��t� Q�i� if L�n�e� has rel�a�s�d pra��ds f�r
<br /> su�h purpQs�s. L�n�er m�y��sburse �r���ed�fflr th�e ��p�irs and res#ar�tiar� �� � �ir�gfe��}��n�nt or
<br /> in a ser�es�f prog��ss p�yments��th�r�ork is�arnp��#�d. 1�f the ir�sr�r�r�ce�r condem r�a�E�r��r�c�e�s
<br /> ar� r�ot�Uffc�ent�� r��ai��r r�star��he Pr�per��, �orr��er is no# re���v�d of B�rr�wer's ���i�ation for
<br /> th��orr�pN�t��n of�u�h r�p�ir or r��tara�i�r�.
<br /> Len��r o� its ����t �n�� �nake reasvnab�� �n�r�es u�on and �ns���ian� �f�h� R�-o�e�t�. If �� �a�
<br /> r��s�na��e cause,��nder r���y ins���t�he interiar of the i�n�f���m��tts vr��he�'r�pert�.Lend�r�hall gi��
<br /> Borro��r no#��e a�th��ime of ar�riar t����h ar� �r�ter�ar ins�e��«r��p��if�ir���uch r�a���n�bl�c��s�.
<br /> $. B�rr���r'�LoanA�plica�ti�n.B�fro�►re�s��ll be�n d�fa�t��if,�u�ng th�Lo�n appli�ation pr��es�,
<br /> ��rr�v�r�r�r ar�y p�rs�n��r en#�t��s a�{�n�at#h�dir��tior�a�Bor����r or�nri�f�Borrav�er'�knov�r�edg�o�
<br /> consent c�a�e rnateria��y fal��, �ni�l�adin�,c��inac�urat�inf�rm���fln�r stat�m�n�s ta Lend�r���fail�d#o
<br /> pr��rid�Ler�d�r wit�mate�ial infarrn��i�n}in�onne�ti�n v�i�h�he L�ar�. I�llat�rial�epr����ta�i�ns ir�cl���,
<br /> a�fi�re n��ii�nit�d#a, �e�resen�a�i�n��on��rning ��r���e�'��ccu��r�������� P�Qp�rt�r as B�rrQ�rver's
<br /> �rincipal r��id�n�e.
<br /> �. Rr+�t��tion Qf Len���'�ln��res�ir����pr�p�rty a��R�ght�Und�rth�$Se�ur�t�ln�trurnent.
<br /> �f��� B�r����r fari�� ta Rerf�rm ��� co�en�n�� �r�d ��re�m�nfs �ant�i ne� in �h is ���u r��y Ins�rt�ment,
<br /> �b� ��r� is � �egal �roce�d�ng t�a� might �ign tf���n�ly �ff��t Ler���ris int���st �n fhe �ropert� andlor
<br /> r��lhts und�r thi�S��Urif�ln�trum�r���sucC���a�rv���d�n�ir�ban�cru�t�y,pr�bate,f�r�on��rr�r�ati�n�r
<br /> f�rfe��u�e, f�r enfarc�men��afi��i�n r�r�ieh�rt�y�tta���r�Qri���er�his �ecurity Inst�um�n��r to enf�r�e
<br /> la�vs o� re�r�lations�, �r ��� Borr�v��r has aband�n�d �h� F�rapert�, ���r� L�n��r �,�� da an�d Ra� for
<br /> v��a��e��r�� f�a��r�abl�ar a��ropri�����p��t�ct L�n��r's int�re�t in th�f�r�per�y�nd �gh#� ur���r��is
<br /> ���urity In��rumer�t,�n��udin�p�����#�ng an���r����s�si r��t�e�a�u��f th�P��pe�t}�,�n�secu��ing a n�f�r
<br /> re��ir��g�h�Prop�r�� L�nder�'s a�t��ns�ar��r�cf u��, bu�are r�vt l�m rt��ta: �a� �syin�an�sums se�u r�d
<br />: by�Ir���r�ich h�s pri�ri����rtf��s���+����[r��t�um�r�#;�b�apP�ari ng rr��our�:�r�d�c�p��i n�r�a�on�bl�
<br /> a��rn�ys't�es ta p��#�ct it�int�res�in�he F�r���r�r�r��f�r ri��ts un�er�h�s���ur�ty Instrum�n#,in��uding
<br /> its s�cur�� �a�itiar� in a b�nkrup��� Rro��e�ing. ���uring th� Prap�r�y in�iudes, b�t i� not limit�d tQ,
<br /> er�t�fRr�g the Prap�rty ta m��c� rep�irs2 �han�ge [ocks, rep�a�e �r ��ard u�► �oo�s �nd �in���+r�, d�ain
<br /> �afer frarr�pipes: �lirr�inat�bu�ldi��of�ther�od��ic����iar���r dar������s conditi�n�, an�hav� �t�l�ti�s
<br /> t�rn��an ar ofi�.Altha�g h Len�er m�y ta�c���t��n un��r�h is��c�iQn �, Le�rider d��� r�o��ave t��a so
<br /> and i� r��#�ander an���y��obli��tiar��a�a so. It i�agr���th���.�n��r in�ur�r�a����i�if�r far r�at ta�Cir�g
<br /> an��r a�f���«r�s�u#h�ri��� und�f thi� �e��ior� �.
<br /> Any amflun�� dis�urs�d b� Lend�r ur�d�r�hi� S���i�n � sha�l �ec�m� additiflna� ���t �f E��rrawer
<br /> �e�cu r�d�y��h�s�����i�y I nstr�men#.Th�s�ar�our�t�sh�l! �ear i r�t�r��t at���N�te r�t�frorn the d����f
<br /> �i��ursement an�sh��i�e����b��,v�i�h su�h�r���r�st, up�n n�t�ce fr�rr� L�nd���� �o��o��r r�q�,���kir��
<br /> ��ym�nt.
<br /> �f�his ����rity �r���rurr��nf �s an a �easeh�ld, 8�rra�r�r �h�F� �am�l� �ith all the p��visi�n� of t�e
<br /> I�ase. ���rQ�r�r s��ll not �urrer�d�r �he I�a�ehald e�t��e �nd int�r�s�s her�ir� c�nv�ye� �r#�rminat�
<br /> �r can��ei th���ound iease. �orr��r�r s�a�l n�t, �r�rith�W��h��e�p���s wri�ter� c�n��r���f Ler�d�r, a��er ar
<br /> amend the �r�und I�ase. I�'�orro�r�r acqu�r�s f��ti���#a th� Propert�rF th� l�a��hald and the f��titl�
<br /> sF��ll r��� m�t'�� �n�ess L�r��e�a�rees#o th�rne�g�r i n wrjtin�.
<br />: ��. �Iortga�e�r��Uran�e.lf�en�er r���ir�d I��rt���e Er�su�an�e�as���nditian�f makinc��he Loar�,
<br /> B�rr��ver�shal�����h��r�rriiums require�t4 ma�n�ain��e M�rt��g�In��rance in�ff��fi.If��ar an�re���n,
<br /> �h�Ilil�r�ga�e[nsur�nc�c���r��e�e���red�y Le�d��cea��s ta be�va��ab���r�rr�the m��t���e insure�r
<br /> that �r�v[ous�� pr�����d su�h i�����.r��� �r�� �arr�w�r �r�s �e�uir�d �� m�l�e s�pa��t�iy d�sig nat��
<br /> �a}�men�s t��ard the premiurns f�r M�r��a�e �ns�rr�nce, B�rr��nrer ��all �a� #f�e �r�17t111�Y1S I"�t�W1r�L�
<br /> �o vb��ir� �ov�ra�e �ubsta�nti��l� e�ui��)�nt tQ the I��rtgage lr�sura�r�c� pre�i�u�ly in �f����, at a ���t
<br /> �u��#a�n#ia�ly e����al�r��t��he�ast t� B�rro�rv�r af��e�11��ar�ga�e I�suran�e�r��iou�l� i n eff� � �r�m n
<br /> , � �
<br /> Ini�ial�:
<br /> NEBRASK�4--�in�ie Family���anni�Ma�lF�ed�ie[�lac UN�FpRI�I iNSTRUI�I��'T��rm 3���4J��
<br /> Elli��lae, In�. ������f'11 NE�C3 � 03��
<br /> NEEa��D���S)
<br /> Q 3f'��1��1�08��9 Al1A P�T
<br />