� • 2� 1 �� 18�7
<br />�
<br /> .
<br /> L��N#: ��Q�'��1��4G$�8�
<br /> �I"�1'��in� ��:I1�� O� '��G �CQ�P��� ��C'��I�I� C�FI� ��IYl�7I.II�IR��SS�C���I�I1 aLIP`r�`?t F���� ��d 1�aS,��SSIT�P.rI��� ��
<br /> �ny.T�the�x#en��ha#�h�se i�er�s���Escro�It�rn�, ��r��v�rer sh�ll ���t��m �r�#he m�nn�r pro�id�d
<br /> in����ia� 3.
<br /> B�rrowe��l�al� prorr���l� dischar��an����n �h�ch has priorifiy ov����i� �e�ur`r� Instru�rn�r�t unl�s�
<br /> B��row�r:�a�a�r��s�n v+�riting ta the pa�men�of th����igati�r���c���d�y th�ii�r����r��nner�����t��l�
<br /> �o L�r�d�r, ���anly s�lan��s E��rra�nr��is��rfarming such����emen�;�b����t�s�s the�i�r�in�oad f��t�
<br /> b�,��d�f�n�s a�ainst�rrfa���mentafth�1i�n in,����I�rac���ingswhict�ir�L�nd�r'��pini�n o�e���eta
<br /> prev�nt the enfar�em�r�t��the lien�vh�le�h�s�pr���edings ar���n�ing,h�t onl�ur�ti���������eed�r��s
<br /> �re c�n��r�de�;�r�����cur�sfram����of��r�fth�ii�n�n��r�em�r�t sat��fa�t�r�to L��der sub�rd i r�a�in�
<br /> �h���en to this�e��ri�y ir�strum�nt. I��en def�et�rm�n��that�n���rt�f�h�F'�o��rk�is�u�j��t t��li�n
<br /> �rh�ch can �tta�r� pri�rit� �ver th�s ��curity Instrurr��nt, �en�er ma� giv� ��r���rer� r��t«� i�er�tifjrir��
<br /> the f ien. �'�Iithin ���a}��af tl�e�a�e�n�hi�h tl��t r�o��ce i��i�r�t�, �arr��rver s[��II s��isf�r t���i�� a�ta�ke
<br /> an��r mar�af#h��c�+�ns s�t fQrth ��o�re in this�ectian �,
<br /> L�r�d�r m�y r�qu�re �arr�v�er #� ��� � ane-t��� char�� �or � ���I e�tat� #ax �erif���i�n an�I�r
<br /> r��or#in�servic�u���by L�nd��in �on�e�ti�n with this L��n,
<br /> �. Prop�r��r�suran��,�orr�o�nr�r sl��ll�eep the irn�����men��r��vv�xis�in�or h�rea�t�r erect�d�n
<br /> the P�-ope�t�t insur�d���inst los��y f r�, hazar�s��ciUd�d within t#�e�e�m"exter�d����ve�ag�,�an�ar�y
<br /> �ther haz�r�s in�lu��ngr but no�l�mit�d t�,�ar��q�r��es�n�fl�od�t f�r�h�cf�Lender re�uires�nsur�r�c�.
<br /> This insuran��sh�il be rr�a���tair�e�ir�the ar�aun�s {incl�din�dealu�ti�l�l�v�ls�an�f�r tl�e pe�iQd$���t
<br /> L�nd�r r��u�r�s. '��t Lend�r ��qu��r�es p�rsu�nt to �h� pr���di�� s�n�ences c�n �h�n�e ��rirtg ��e
<br /> te�m vf�h��Q�n.Th�in��ran�e��rri�r pravid ir���h�insu r�n�e sh�i�b�chos�n i����r�ow�r��a����t�
<br /> L�nder's ri�h��o�li��p��ove B�rra��r'��h�i��,v�h��h ri�ht s��ll not����er�rs��ur���as�n��ly,L�nd�r
<br /> m�y r�quir��orr��r�rer ta p��, in �or�n�c�ior��ith�his �.�ar�, either: (�� a o�r�-��rne�har��far f���� z�ne
<br /> d�ferrt-��n�#�on, ���kifi�a���n�n��r�ckin� s�rv���s; �r��}�o���t��e�f�����f�r fl��d z�ne�e��r-m�na�i�n
<br /> an�cer#�fi��ior�se�v�c���r�d�u b��€���n#�h�rges e�c�i t�me�emaRpin�s or s�m��ar�h�nge���cur�h��h
<br /> r�ason��l� mi�ht affeG�s��h det�rm�r��ti�n �r c�rt�ficat�an, Barraw�r s�a�f alsa �e r�sp�r�s�bJe fo��th�
<br /> p�y�en# of an�fe�s im�os�� b�r�h� F�d�ral Emer�en��Ill�anag�m�n�Ag�t�c� ir� c�nn�����n�ifh th�
<br /> ���ri��►v of an�flo���or����t�rmination r�s���in�frorr� an o��e��i�n by Bor�ower.
<br /> If B�rrawer�fail��� maintain any of th� c�ve�a��s d�scrib�d abo�re, Lend�r rr���r���a�n Rn��rance
<br /> ca��rag�, a�Lend�rrs ��ti�n ar�d Borro�r��'� �x��nse. Lender�� und�r n���I�g��ior� �� pur�l���e�n�
<br /> p�rti�u��r�y�e�r amour�t�f cover��e.Therefore, �u�h �over�g�sh�l���ver��ndef, �u�mig}�t or rn��ht
<br /> r���p�ote�t Ba�ro�nrer, �orr�w�r's�c�uit�in the Prop�rt�,�t`�h���nt�r�ts�f th�Proper��,��ainst�ny r��k,
<br /> h���r�or Ii��ility and rr�l�ht provid�great�r�r iess���o�e��g�t��r�w���reviausl�in�f#e��. B�r�r��er
<br /> ackno�l����� th�t�he �os��f the ��s�r�r��e �aver��� so��fi�ined m�ght sigr�if��an#�y�x��ed the�a�t
<br /> of i�su ran�e th�t��rr�o�r�r c�u1d h�v��bt�ined.�n�am��n���isb��rrs����L�n��r un��r t�is Section
<br /> � shai! b���me a�ditiona� ��bt of E��rra�rer s��u��� by th�� �ec�ri�� Instr�rr��r��. Yhe�� amc�unts shal�
<br /> b��r int�res��t t�e [Vot� r�t�frorr��he dat� af t�isbur�em���t and �ha�l b� p�yabl�, �nrith s��h �nt�rest,
<br /> �pon no��c�fram L�r�ale��a 8o�r���r r��u�s�in�pa�men�.
<br />: �111 lnsurance p�f�ci��req�ir��d i��Le�nd�r and �er���ra1s�f su��p�licie��ha�li be�u�jec����ender's
<br /> righ�to dis�pprove suc� policies, ����f incf��e a�tan�ard r�ort�ag��I�u�e, ar�d sh�ll na�n���nd�r a�
<br /> r'n�rtga�e�and��r as�r�a�ditional�v�s pa���.Lend�r shall hav��he ri�ht tv��i�l�h�p�ii�cies��d rene�ral
<br /> cerkif��e�.If��r��d�r r���r'rr�s, ��rr����r shall pram�f�y gi�e�a Ler���r all re��ipt�of p��d p�erriium��nd
<br />: renewa�r�ot���s. !f Borra�r�r�ob��i��any for�af in�t�r��c�c�overa��, nof oth�r�Rs����u i�ed�y L�en��r,
<br /> fi�r�lama��#o,��d�s�ru��ion�f,tM�Rr�p�r��, su�l�p�!'rcy��a[I inc�ude a s�ar��ard rn�rk�age�I��s��rtd
<br /> s��ll name L�n��r�s m�rtg��ee�r����r���n�d�iti�n�l loss ��y��.
<br /> fr�tk�e ev�c�t of I�ss, ��rra�ver s�al��iv���ampt n��i����the in��ranc��a�rier and Len��r. Ler�der
<br /> m�y�n�ke pr��f of loss if t��t made promptly��B�rr���r.l�n�ess�ender ar�d B�rr���r otl��r�i��agre�
<br /> in vu�iting, �n� in��ra�c� pra�e�ds, �h�th�r a� n�t th� underly�n� in��ranc� �as r��u�r�d �y Len�er,
<br /> sh�ll b�app�ie�t��e���rati�r�ar r�p�f��f th�F'ro��rt�, �f the��s��rstian�r r�p�ir is econar�i�ally f�asibl�
<br /> �r�� Lender'�sec��-�t��s no�I�ss�r���. Uurin�su�h r�p�ir and res�o�a�i�n��ri�d, ��n�er sh�l�ha�e fih�
<br /> ri���#Q hold �u�h �nsur�nce��o����� un�i� L�n��r i�as h�d an o���rt�r�i�t� �nsp���su�h �r�p��r#y t�
<br /> �nsure the�vr� �as b��n �arrfpl�ted �o l�ender�s sa�isfa�t��n, �ravid�d th�t suc�t ir��p���i�n shall b�
<br /> ur��ertak�n�aro�ptly� L�nd�r may�ishurs�prac���s�or th�r�pairs�n�re���r�tiar��n���r��le�aym�nt
<br /> ar in a s�ri�s�f pr�g�r�ss�a�mer�ts��th�wark�s��r��ie��d. �ln��s��n�gr��ment�s rrr�d�in�vri�in��r
<br /> ApPlicabl�Law requir��ir���rest��be��id an such ir�sur�nce pra����s, Lender sh���n����r�quir��l t�
<br /> pa��o�row��any int�r�st�r�arnings on such��ra�ee�s,F�es for�ubli�adju�fiers,�r at�er�hird p�rti�s,
<br /> r�taine�b�Barro�r�r s�all n��be�a��out��the ir�s�rrar�c��rac���s�n��h���b�the sole ahlig�tian of
<br /> �orra�r�r.If tf��restaratt�n��repair i�r,a#�c�nvmi��lly fea�ibl���L�n��r's��c�ri���ou�d��I�s��n��,
<br /> the ir�sur�nc� pra�e��ls �h��� b��p�lied t�th� sums s�cur�� �y�his Se�urit�r �nstrurri�nt, r�hefih�r�r
<br /> no�tF��r�du�,�fth#h��x��s�, �f an�r} p�id#a 8vrra�r�r.Such insu�r����pr�c��d�sh��l be appl��d in�he
<br /> �r���prowi�ed f�r�r����t�on�.
<br /> ff ���r���r�b�ndons th� Prop�rt�r, Ler�d�r rr��y fil�, ne�atiat� �n� s��#I� an�r �va�labl� insuranc�
<br /> �lairn and r�iaxed rraa��er�s. If Borro�rerdaes n��r�s�on�wi�hin �0���s to a no�i��from L�nd�r�hatt��
<br /> in�urar��e c��ri�r h�s offere��o se#tIe a�lair�, th�n Lender ma�n�g�ti����n�settle th�cl�irn.The 3Q-
<br /> d��per���will b�gin�rhe��h� nat�ce is�iven. In eit�er��ent, vr�f�.�nd����t�ui�es t��Pr�� urtd �
<br /> �� . . �
<br /> In�tia�s:
<br /> hIEBRASK�1--Sing,�Famiiy-�-Fa�n�e���1F�eddie I�I���l�IlFQF��I�I 11VSTF�L��IENT Farm 3��8 1/01
<br /> Efiie l�lae,Inc. P����Of'!� NE�nEEa 315
<br /> NEEDEED��LS�
<br /> o���������as:5'f A�l RST
<br />