• 2� 1 �� 18�7
<br /> ,
<br />: L�3�N#: 4����1�1��4#5���
<br /> �If�rna��mflrt�a��ir�surer��le�t��l�y Lend�r.[f��bs�an�iall��quiva[�ntlt�art����In��r�n�e���r��a��i�
<br /> �ot��ailab�e,Borr��r�r s�����antrr�ue��pa���L�n�1er the�r��un#�f the�eA�r���iy d��ignat�d�a�m���s
<br /> tha��c�re �ue���n th� ��n��€�ance ����r��e c�as�� to �� ir� �fFe��. Lender v�r�fl a���pt, us� �nd r��air�
<br /> #h�s����rments��a r��n-�efund��l��ass r���r�re ir�li��of�111�r#��g�I n��ra���. S uc�IQ�s r�serve sh�ll
<br /> be n�n-ref�r�d�ble, na�v�rit��tan�ing�h�fa�t th�t th�Lo�n is u�t�mately ��id �n f�li, �rtd Ler��l�r sh�11 n��
<br /> b�r�qui��d to pay�arr�����r�y�nt�r�st�r�a�nin�s an such I�ss Tes�r�r�. L�n�ler c�n r��langer r�quir�
<br /> ��ss r��er�� paym�nt� �f i�lf�rtg��e lnsuran�� ���re��g� �in the amaun� ar�d f�r th� �eriod t#�at L�r��er
<br /> te�u'r��� pr�vide� �y�n in��rer s������d ��r Lender ag�in becom�� �v�il����, is ob�ain�d, �nd L��nd�r
<br /> r�quir�s$�parat�i��ies��n��ed�aym�nts ta�rv�r�the�r��-niurr���ar Il��ttg�ge rr�s�ran��.ff I�en�er rsquir�d
<br /> �Il�rtgag� �nsur'�n���s ���n�i#i�n of rr��kin� th�L��n and B�rr��rv��r�as r���ir�d t� mak�s��ar��e�y
<br /> d�sig na���l �ayr��nt�t���r� th� �remi�ms for�Il�rt�a��ln�ur�n��, E�orr��r��sh�a�� �a�r th� prem rurn�
<br /> r�q�ir�d ta ma�ntai� Mar����� 1 ns�r�n�e i n effeGt, �r �a �r��id� a non-r�f�r���bfe lass r��er�e, ��tii
<br /> L�nd�r'���q��r�ment far��rt�a��lns��an��ends in a�cordance vv�th any rrvrit��r���r�em�n�be��en
<br /> E3�rrawer and L�r�dr�r�ro�vidin��ar���� ��r-�r��t��n or ur�ti� #ermrr��ti�r� i� req�ire� by��plE�a�l� �,av�r,
<br /> N�thir�g �n fhis���#��n ���ffect�B��raw�r's���iga�i�n�� p�y�nteres�at t��r���p���rided �n fhe I��t�,
<br /> �111arkg��e i n��ran�e r��rn��rs�s Lender 4ar��y�r�#�ty t�at p�r�l�ases�he�iate}f���e�t�in iass�s it rna�
<br /> i��ur�f Bo�r���r��es �at repay tf��L�an ���gree�. B�rr�v�r�r is nof�par�y tv th�14��r��ag� Insuranc�.
<br /> �'�11ort�ag� I���r��s �t���u��� th�ir tot�l risk �� all su�h insur�n�e in f�r�e fram tim� fo tim�, an�
<br /> rr���ent�r into a�re�m�nts �i#h o���� p�rt��s that sC�are�r m�dify th�i� �i�k, a� r���u�e l��s�s. �hes�
<br /> a�re�m�r�t� �re �n terms an�i conditio�s �h�t ar� s����fa�t�r� fo ��� rnort���e ins�r�r and the a���r
<br /> �ar� �ar��r�i�s�#o th�se��r�em�nt�. These a�r�e��r�ts ma� r��u�re t�e mort��ge in��rr�r t� make
<br /> ��yr�ents�sing any s�ur��vf f�n�s that the mor������nsur�r rr�a�h�v���r�il��l� ��wh�ch m��r in�lude
<br /> f�ur�ds ab#�in�d f��m I�or�ga�e�ns���nc� pr�miun���.
<br /> A� a r�s�lt�f�hes���r��men#�, L�r�der, �ny�ur�ha��r�f#he n�teF ar��ther insur�r, an�re�nsur�r,
<br /> ar�� �th�r �nti�, �r aff�li��� af ��� �f fhe fvr�g�in�, may r�c�i�re �dir�ctly a� ir�dir�����} am�un�s tha�
<br />� ���iv�frarn �or miSMt�e char��teri�ed as� a� p��#iar� of Bo�rav��r's p�ym�nt�for 11J��rt�ag� 1 r�su rar���,
<br /> i��x�i�an��for s�aring Qr rrr�d�fy�r�g ti�e rr�vrtga�e�ns�r��'s risk, o�r��u�i�� I�ss��. �f�Ucl�a�re�t���t
<br /> �r�����d t�at an a�filiate �� Len�e�`f�ke� � share af�he in�uret''� r�sk in ex�t��r��e f�r� sf��re �f tf��
<br /> ��emiums pa�d�o the i��ur�r, tn�ar�r�n��rn�r�t is ofter��errr��d"cap�i��re��sura�nce." F�r���r:
<br /> �a� Ar�� such a�re�ment���II not �ff�ct th� amaunts th�t Bor�vwe� has ��reed tv pay for
<br /> Il�l�ar�ga��Insuran�e,ar�n�othert��r�s af�he Lo�r��SucF�agre�rxa�r�ts vvill nvt ir��rease tF��am��rn�
<br /> B�rr��v�r�rif1 o�r�for IIA�rt�a�e f n�ur�,n�e?and tF�ey�nri�� not�nti�l�B�rr�v�er to any r�f u nd.
<br /> �b} Any such a�r�em�nts v��li not �ff�ct tf�� ri��ts Bo�rower ha� - i� a�y -v�th r��p��t �a
<br /> #��ll�Ic��t�ag� [n�uran�� u nder��e Hc�m�c��rner� Pr�t��tion Act of 1�9� �r any ��her I�vr�.Th���
<br /> ri�h#s ma� �n�lu�� �� ri�l�# to r����we certa�n d���I�suFe�, to r�t�uest�nd ��#��n ��n��lla���n
<br /> of�he�I�la�tgage fr�suran��,�a ha��th� �I�lartg�g�lr���r�nc�ter�mi�a��d �ut�tnati�ally, and��ar�o
<br />; r�c�ive a f+efund �f�ny 1Vl�art�a�� ins�trance premi�r�s that�rer� u�earR�d �#the time of su�h
<br /> �ar���lla��vn or t�rminatian.
<br />; 11. A��ig nme�t of l�liscel�an��ws Pr�aceeds;��rf�itur�.All�Iiscellan�Qu�P r��e�d��r�h�reb�
<br /> ass��r����r�and �h�ll be pai��o L�nd�r.
<br /> Ifth��rQ��rty is dar����d,�u�h�li�c�llan�ou��rocee�s sh���b�applied��r�st�ratior��r r��air af
<br /> tn� Pr��e�ty, if th� r��ta�-at�an�r��pair is�c�n�m���lly fea��ible an�t�nde�'s secur��y�s n��I�s���n�d.
<br /> Q�rring su�i� r���i� and restara�i�r� per'ro�, L�nd�r sh��� ���e the r�ght �� hoid such Misc�l��n�au�
<br /> Pr����d� un�il Len��r has h�d an a��ortun�ty�a ins�ect s��� Pra�er�y �o �ns�re t�e�rork Mas b���
<br /> camplet��t� Ler���r's sati�fa�t�a�, provi�e�that su�h ins���ti�n sh�l!be�n�lertak��pr�rnp�ly. Le���r
<br /> m�y �ay for the r�p�airs �nd r��t��atia� in � single�isbufs�rr��r�t ��in a��ri�s af pfogress pa�m�n#s
<br /> a��he v�r�rk�� camplete�. �f n I�ss �n�ag r��m�nt is �n�de�n wr�tiri� �r Appli��bl� ��w r��u fr�� i nt�rest
<br /> t��e���d ar��u�h I�Iis��ian�Qus pro��e�sr L�nder�h��i n�t be r�€�u�re�ta p�y Barr�o�ve�any in#�r�st
<br /> �r��m�ngs�n such �lisc�l��r�ea���'r����ds. If�he��s�or�a�i�n or rep��r is no�ec�r�ami�ally f�asi���ar�
<br /> Ler�der's���urit�w�u��b�less�n��, the 1111i���1lane�us Pra�ee�s sha��be a�pl��d ta�he s�rns sec���d
<br /> by�his ���urity I n���um�n�, �vh�th�r�r r�at th�n d ue, v3rith �he e���s�, if an}�, paid �a ��rr��er. S��h
<br /> il�isce��an�a�s Pr�����s sh�ll b��ppfi�d �n �h��rd��pra�id��d far in���ti��2.
<br /> Ir�t����ent af a�ot���aking,destruc�i�n,c�r lass'rn���ue�f#he Rr��erty,the�isc�lJan�a�s P�ac�e�s
<br /> shai� be app�ied �a t�� s�rr�s sec���� by t�i� S��urit� Ins�rumer��, �rhe�her �r n�� then due, �rifl� the
<br /> ex��ss, if�ny, �aid to E��rraw�r.
<br /> In t�e e��n��f a partE��t�king�, destr�tctivn, or��s� in�r�.lu�of fh�Rr�p�rt�in�rhi���he�ai��n�rket
<br /> v��u� of#he Pr�p�rty ir�me�i�tely ��f�re th��partiaf t�king� des�ru�fii�ri, �r I�s� in v�lue rs �qual �o ��
<br /> gr�ater�h��t�e�mount af�he sums�ecur�d bythis�ec�rity�nstrurner��irr���di�t���before the�arfial
<br /> t�l�i r�g, d�struction, Qr lass in�aMue, u nl�ss ��rr�o��r and L�n�d���#herv�i��a�re� i n wr��ing, ��e��rr��
<br /> s�c�r�� by th�s �ecuri�y ir���ru��n� shal� �� redu��d �}� ��� �mou�t af�t�� f!Ilis�e��an�ous Pro�e��s
<br /> r�ulti���e� �y��� ���l��ng fra�tion: ��} tf����tal �rr���n� �f fh� �um� s���tr�d �rnmed�at�fy ��f�re ���
<br /> ��r�ial�akin�F�est���tion,�rl�ss rnv�l�edivided by�b�thef�irmark�t��lue�ft��Propert�immedaate��
<br />: ��fare�he partial t�kin�, dest��cti�n, �r l�s�i�valu�:.An�r��I�n���l�a�l be p�id t�B�rro�er.
<br /> �n the���nt of���r�ial�akin�� ��s�ructian, or Io�s �n v�lu��f th��ro��rt}� rn v�r�i�F�the f�ir r�a�k��
<br /> ��lue ofth�P�operty�m�ne���t���b�f�r��h�partia�l t�k[n�, destructi�n, ��I��s in �alu�i�i�s�ha��t� �
<br /> Initial�-
<br /> �� l�
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<br /> MEBI�4S�C�4�W�ir�gle F�rnily�-Fanni�I�IaelFre��i�l�lac UN��Q�,II�1NSTRUMEI�T�orm 3Q�8 1��1
<br /> E.�Iie I�a�,!nc. P ag� ��f'I 1 �3��
<br /> a�t1�1�0'�6 OS:�'!AM P�T
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