• 2� 1 �� 18�7
<br /> �
<br /> �.�Ahi#:4���1�'��04�����
<br /> �. A�p�ication of Pa�r�en�� �r �r�c��ds. Ex�e�t a� a�F��r��s� d�scribe� in #his ���t��n 2, a�l
<br /> p�yt�ent�a���p�e�and a�pli�d��L�n�er sha��b��pp�i�d in�h�foll�r�rir�g o�der of pri�rity: ��� �r�ter�s�
<br /> d�e un�er th�N�t�; 4�}�rir���pa�du�un��r t��No��;�c}�rno�nts�U�un�ier�ec���r��.��ch���rr��nt�
<br /> s��ll b�����ied t����h Per�i�d�c Paym�nt i�th��rd�r in�vhich it f���arr�e�ue.Ar��r�rr�ain�r���rn�ur�ts
<br /> sF��l! b�appl��d first#a l�#e�h�rges, s��Q�d �o ar�y�ther�m�ur�t�d�e und�r�his Security In���ument,
<br /> ar��ther�to r���,G��he�r�incipal ba��nc��f the N�te.
<br /> I� Len�er r���ives � pa��m�nt frarr� B��rov+��r for � d�iinquer�t ��e�i�di� �a�m�r�t�r���h Nr��lud�� �
<br /> suffi�ientarr�oun���pa}rany I�►f�cf�ar��d��,�h�p��m�nt rn��beappli��t����delinqu��#pa}�m�nf�n�
<br /> th�la�e charg�.�f m�r�tha�on�PeriQdi�Payrri�r��is outst��d Nr��,��r�der m��r�ppfy a�y p��r�r�ent r���i�ed
<br />� frc�rn Barr��er�o th��rep��m�n��f�h�P�rrodic�a�m�n�s if� �nd�a�i�e e�er���f�a�!���h pay��r�t c�n ae
<br /> pai�in f�fl.T�th��xt�r�t th��t�r�y e��cce�s exist�aft�r�he p��rn�nt fs ap�����t�th�f�l!p�}�rn�r�#�f on�a�
<br /> rr�or� F��riodi�P��rr�er�t�, ��,�h ex��ss��y�e�p�li�d�a�ny late���r��s���. 11o1�r��a�y pr�p��m�nts
<br /> ���i1 b���a��i���r�t to an�prepa�men#�h�r�e��r��then a�d��r��ed ir�t��Not�.
<br /> Anya���i�at�vn�f�ayment�, �n�urar�c��ra�e�ds,�t-Misceliar��ot����o�eedst�p�incip�.lr���un�er
<br /> t�� �la#�s�all not extend �r p�s���n�#��du���te, ��change�he amourtt, �f�ne P�r��dEc P2�ymer�ts.
<br /> 3. �u��l����Es�r�r�r lt�ms, �or�o�rwr�r shall p�y t� Len�der���h��a�Peri�dic Pa�ments��e due
<br /> un��r th��N�te, �nt��t�e hl�t��s���� 'tn ful�, a su m{the"F�nds"�to pra�ide f�r p�ym�n�of am���ts du�
<br /> ��r: �a�ta�c�s ar�d ass���m�n#s and�#her if�ms usrf�i�h�an att�in pr��rify�v�r�h�s�ec�rity�nstrume�rt as
<br /> ��ien����c�m branc�ar�the Pr�p�r�y; �b� ��aseh��l�i p��m�r�ts �r���und r�n�s a��h��r�p��t�r, �f�r�y;
<br /> ���Pr��n�U�n�far any an��II ir�su�an��r�quire�by��nd��ur����S�ct��o� �;�nd�d��Jl�rtg�ge�ns��an��
<br /> �r�rr�ium�,i����r,�r an�sum��pay�ble by��rra�er ta L�n�er in lie�c�f�he�a�rrn�nt of i�lart�a�a�n�urar��e
<br /> �r�m��ms in a��ordan��with ������vis��ns of���t��n 1�. The�e i��ms �����Ile� ��s��vw���m�."�t
<br />; �ri�ina�iar��r��an�f�rn�dur�ng t��t�rm af the Lo�n, Len���m��re�uire tl��t C�rmmrunit��ssc�cia�i�n
<br /> Qu�s, F��s,�nd�ssessm�nts, if any, be es��o�rved��r�orr�vve�, �nd s��h dU�s,fi�e�ar�d assessm�nts
<br /> �ha��be a�r�E��r�w�t�m.BQrro�r�r�h�i�pr+��n�tiy fu�r�ish t�L�nd�r a�l no�i����f�m�unt�to b�p�id u�d�r
<br /> this Sec�i�r�. �vf�a�rer s�a���ay L�nd�r th�Funds for Esc��� �t��� uni��� L�nde����v�s �arr���r's
<br /> obligation fio pay#�t�Fun��for any�r a�!E�cra� f��ms_ L����r may�a�v� Barr��ruer's�����ati�n�o pay
<br /> �o L��der Fu�ds for�ny or�II Es�r��l��rr+s a#ar��t�m�.Ar��r�uc���iv�r ma�onr�r b� ir��rifiin�. In���
<br /> ��r�r��of s�ch��iv�r, �vr�a��r shal! pay dir��l�, �rh�n and�rher� �ayabl�, the �m�ur�ts �lue f���ny
<br /> Escrov� Iterr�s for�h�ch ��ym�nt of Funds h�s b��n �nrai�r�d �y ��r�d�� �nd� if L�nde� r��uires, shall
<br /> ��rt�is� t� Lender rec�ipts evider��i�� sc�ch p�}�mer�t v�r�th�n �u�� ��m� �eria� �s �.�nd�� m�y re���re.
<br /> Barro��r'�o��i�ativr�to rnake su�h Pay��nts an�t�pr�vi��r���i�ts �f��ll fo��I!pu r�oses��d�emed
<br /> t� b� a c�v��ar�� ��� ��re�ment can��ir��� �n this �e�urit� I���rur�ent, a� the �hr�s� "�o�en�nt �n�
<br /> ��reemer�t'f is us�d �� S��t`ror� �. If B�rr���er �s ��E�ga#ed �� pa� Es�ra� Ifierr�s dir�c�l�, �ur�uant�� �
<br /> ��i�r��� ar�d �arr�w�r fai�� to �ay tF�� ���unt due f�r ar� Es�ro�r�#�rn, L�n�er ma��xercise if� r��hts
<br /> un�er��ction � �nd pa�su�f� amaunt�r,d B�rra�nr�r sh�Jl ther� b�a��l�ated und�r��ctia� �t�r���y
<br /> #�L�n��r���r su�h�rn�unt. �ender rr���r revok�th�waiv�r as#o an�oT a�1 E�����v{��ms���n�firr��by
<br /> �r��t�c��i��n in ����vr��nce�r��Se�t�an '���nd, u��n su�h r��a�ati�n, B�rr���t����1�a�ta Len�er
<br /> a11 F��d�, an� in such�r�a�tn�s, tf�a�are�f��r� req��r�d ur���r tF�is���t�on �.
<br /> L�r�d�r m��r, at ar�y�im�,���le��ar�d h�l�l�und�in an am��nt��}sUffi�ien##a p�rrr�i�L�r�d�r t�a��i�
<br /> the F�nd�a�t����rr�e sp��ifie�und�rR�S�'A,�n��b}no�to�xce�d fhe rn�ximum�m�un�a I�r��er c�n
<br /> ��quire u��l�r RE�PA. l,er�d�r sha����timate th�am�unt�f F�,r�ds d��an t���a��s of�u�rer�t�[ata�r�d
<br /> rea�ona�le�stimates of�xp�nd itures�f fu�ur�E��r�vw Ite�s�r ath��wis�i n a�c�r���c��ri�h,�pp��c�l�l�
<br /> Law.
<br /> Th��unds�h�!!b�hel�in ar�insti#uti�n wh�se d�pa�ifs�re�nsuT�d b}���e��ral a��nc�,in�trumenf�lit�,
<br /> �r�n#it��ir��luc�i ng L�nder, i�L�n������n inst��r�#ion�nrh���d�posits�r� s� insu red} Qr�n any ��d�r�1
<br /> H�m�Laan �ank.Lend��r sha�l��ply t�e Fur�d�tv p�y the E�cr�v�r I'��rns n�late�tt�a��h�tim��p�ified
<br /> und�rR��p�.Lendershall n�tc��r��8�rra��rf�r ha�d�n�ar����pl�in�th�Fu��s,�nnu�ll��naly�ang
<br /> t��e��rauu�r��unt, ar verif�in�tl���sc���r It�m�f ur�les�L�r�d�r�0���Barr�v���i�terest on fihe �unds
<br /> and Applicabl���v��ermi�s Le�d�r�� m�[��sucl�a c�a�r��. 1��1��s�n ��re�rr�ent is m���i n�r�rr���n� ar
<br /> �4���ic��ie L��r��q�ir�s�n��r�s�to b�paid an�h�Fu�ds, Le�n�er�hall���be re�ui�e�ta pa�E�orr�v��r
<br /> a�r��inter�st�r��rnin�s an����un�s. BorrQ�er�r�d L�nd�r�an a�r�����rr���ng, ho�e�re�,t�r��i�����st
<br /> s��ll�e �a�id on�h�F'und�. L�nd��shall�iv�to Borr�wer}with�ut�I�arge, a�a�nnu�l acc��r���ng of tn�
<br />: �unds �s r��uir�d by�E��A�
<br /> If�her� �s � s�rplUs �f F�r�ds I���� in escr�o�r, as �e�in�d und�r F���P�,, L�n�1e� shail acca�rnt t�
<br /> ��rr�wer f�r�he ex���fun�s in���ar�an�e�rith F�E�PA. If there i�a shart�ge of Fur���held�n e��ro�,
<br /> a�d�fiir�ed un��rl�ESp�,L�n�e�s�all notify B�rro�v��as re�uired f��RESPA,ar�d�o�ra��r s��li���to�
<br /> Len�er the ama�nt ne��ssar�to�nak�up#�e shor��g�����c�rd�r��e�rEt��E�F'A, b�t in na�vr�thar�
<br /> 12 rra�nthl��aym�n�s,�f th�r�is�d�f�ienc���F�an�s hel�ir��s�r��r,as defi�ed ur���r F��SF�A, Ler���r
<br /> �h��l �Qtif� Barrow�r as r�quir� b}r R�SP�►� ar�d E3�rr��r�r�hall p��y to �en�f�r the am�ur��necessa�
<br /> �o mak�up #h�������r�cy in��cor��n�e�t��h RES��, �ut in n�rrE�r�than 1�rrior�t��y p�yrn�nts.
<br /> Up�n pa�m�nt in full of all sums��cur�d b�r�his ��curity Instru��r�t, L�r,���sha���r�mpt�y refun�
<br /> t�Borr���r an�r Fun�� hel� by L�nd�r.
<br /> �. Charges; ���ns. Bvrr�w�r.�hall �ay �I� �axes, ass��sm���s, ch�����, fi n�s, �n� �rn���F�ions
<br />: att�ia�ta�le to th� Pro��rt��nrhi���an a#tair� pri�rit�r Q�er#his �ecuri�� Instr�m��t: le�sehold��r��nts
<br /> tni#i�ls: `
<br /> NEBI�S14r4 Sing�e Fami��__Fanni�I�faelFredd ie IU����JhlIFORI�I 1N�TR�JI�I�NT Farrn 30�8'If�'� �
<br /> �I�ie Nl�e,lr�. �a�e 4�f'�� N�EDEED �31�
<br /> �IE��EED��L��
<br /> as���1��1��$:����p�T
<br />