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I • <br />� • I� <br /> i � <br /> 1 <br />� 2� 1 �� 1 �87 ' <br />� . <br />; � <br />� �EE� �F TF�LJST � <br />� <br /> . <br />' �.aan �Vo: 'f D'!�887'I� ��ont�nu�d} F'age 7 ; <br />� <br />; <br />� � <br />� <br /> E : <br /> ►�t#orneys' Fees; Expenses. 1f Lender insti�utes any suit ❑r acfion t❑ enforce any ❑� the �erms of �his Deed o� � <br /> Trust, Lender shall be entitled �❑ recover such sum as �he cour� may adjudge reasanable as attarneys' fiees at tria[ � <br />� and u�on any appeal. Vllhether or not any Gourt ac�ion is in�o��ed, and �� the extent nvt prahibifed �y Iaw, alf ; <br />' reasonable exp�nses Lender incurs �ha� in Lender's opin�on are necessary at any time far �he prafiec�ian a� its <br /> int�rest or�he en�arc�ment a� �ts rights shali became a part o#the Ir7debfedness paya��e on demand and shal! bear <br />� interes� a��he Note rate fram the date vf�he expenditur� until repaid. �xpenses ca�ered by�his paragraph include, <br /> :; <br /> withoufi limitati�n, howe�er subjecfi �a any lim�ts und�r applica�le farrv, Lender's afitarneys' fees and Lender's legal , <br />; expenses, whefiher ar no� there is a lawsuit, including at�orneys' fees and expenses for bankrup�cy prviceedings � <br /> �including ���or�s�o modi�y or uacate any automatic stay or injunc�iony, appeals, and any an�icipa�ed pos�^judgmen� ° <br /> collec�ian ser�ices, the cos� ❑�F searching records, ob�aining �i�ie reparts �includin� fioreclosure reports�, surWeyars' <br /> repor�s. and appraisal fees, tit�e insurance, and fees for the Trus�ee, to �he ex�en� permitted by applicable iaw. <br /> Trustor also will pay any caurt cas�s, in.addi�ion�o all o�her sums pro�ided by law. ' <br />� Rights�f Trus�ee. Trustee sha�l ha�e all of fihe righ�s and du��es of Lender as set far�h in this section. <br /> PpV11ERS AM�[3 �6LIGATI�NS �F TRUSTEE, The following pro�isions relating �❑ fihe powers and obligations af Trus#ee � <br /> are par�of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Powers of Trus�ee, �n addi�ion�o all pawers of Trustee arising as a matter o� law, Trus�ee shall ha�� the power to <br /> �a1ce �he foll�wing actions with respect�o the Proper�y upan �he written request of Lender and Trus�or. {a� joEn in ' <br /> preparing and filing a map ar pla� of the Real Praper�y, including the dedica�ion of stree�rs ar ather rights to �he <br /> public; {by join in gran�ring any easemenfi ar creating any res�ri�tion an the Real Proper�y; and �c7 j�in in any � <br /> subordination or o�her agreement a�fec�ing this D�ed �f Trus�or the in�erest❑f Lender under this Deed ❑�Trus�k. <br />� Trustee. Trus�ee shall mee� all qualifiica�tians required tor Trustee under applicable law. In addi�i�n ta the r��hts . <br /> and remedies set farth abaWe, vvi�th respect �o a!I or any par�k ❑f �he Praper�y, the Trus�ee shall ha�e �he right �❑ <br /> fioreclose by notice and sale, and Lender will ha�e �he righ� to fareclose by �udi�ial foreclosure, in either case in � <br /> accordance wifih and�o fihe �ull extent pro�ided by appl[cable law� <br /> Suc�essor Trustee. �ender, at Lender's option, may from time to �ime app�in� a successar Trustee �❑ any Trustee <br /> appoin�ed under �his Deed o� Trus� by an ins�rument executed and acl�nowledged by Lender and recorded in the . <br /> a�fice ❑f �he recorder of HALL Caunty, State a� Nebraska� The ins�rumen� shall contain, in additian to al! other <br /> mat��rs required by state law, �he names of �he original Lender, Trustee; and Trus�ar, �he baolt and page {�r <br /> computer system re�Ference} where �his fleed of Trust is recorded, and �he name and address �f the successor <br /> trus�ee� and the instrument shall be�xecuted and acicno�l�dged by all�he beneficiari�s under�his ❑eed o�Trust or <br /> their suc�ess�rs in interest. The successar trus�ee, wjthaut con�eyance af the Property, shal� su�ceed t❑ all �he <br /> tit�e, power, and duties can�erred upon the Trustee in this Deed ��Trust ar�d by a�plEcable i�w, Tl�is procedure for <br /> substitu�ion o�Trus�ee shaf! gavern to the exclusian of ail ath�r pro�isians for substitu�ion. <br /> NnTICES. Any nofiice required to be gi�en under thEs Deed ofi Trust, including withou� �imitatian any notice �f defaul� <br /> and any no�ice of safe shall be given in wri�ing, and shall be effe�c�i�e when ac�ua�ly deiiWered, when ac�ualfy received � <br /> by tele�acsimile �unless a�herwise required by lawy, when deposi�red with a na�ianally recognized o�ernight caurier, or, if <br /> mailed, when deposi��d in fihe Uni�ed 5�ates mail, as first class, certi�ied ❑r registered mail postage prepaid, directed ta � <br /> the addresses shaviin near the beginning af this Deed o�Trus�k. Ail capi�s of no�ices of �oreclasure from the holder of � <br /> any lien which has p�iori�y o�er this Deed af Trusfi shall be sen� to Lender's address, as shown near the �eginning ❑fi <br /> �his ❑eed of Trust. Any person may change his or her address for notices under �his ❑eed af Trust by g�ving �o�mal ; <br /> 1 <br /> wrififien no��ce to �he ❑�her persan ❑r pe�sans, spe�i�ying tha� �he purpose af the natE�e is to change �he person's <br /> address� For notice pur.poses,.Trustor agrees �a Iceep Lender infiormed at a�l times af Trustor's current address. Unless , <br /> othervirise pro�ided or �equired by law, if �here is m�re �han one Trus�or, any na�ice gi�en by Lender to any Trus�vr is <br /> deemed t❑ be notice gi�en�ra a�l Trustors, f�t will be Trustar's responsibi�ity ta tell the a�hers ❑f the notice from Lender: <br /> Ni�SCELLANE�US PR�VI5I�NS. The following misceliane�us pro�isions are a part of�his ❑eed af Trusf: <br /> �mendments. What is wri��en in �his Deed o� Trust and in the Related Documents i� Trustor's entire agreement <br /> wi�h Lend�r concerning the matters co�ered by this ❑eed o�Trus�. To be effec�i�e, any change ❑r amendment�a <br /> �his Deed o�Trust mus� be in writing and must be signed by whoe�er wi1! be bound ar obligat�d by the change or <br /> amendment, <br /> Caption Headings. �ap�ion headings in this Deed ❑� Trust are �or conWenience purpases ❑nly and a�e no� �a be � <br /> used�o interpret❑r de�ine the pra�isi�ns of this fleed ❑f Trust. <br /> IV[erger. There shal� be no merger o��he inter�st ar estate �reated by this Deed of Trust with any other interest or <br /> es�ate in �he Praper�y a� any time held by or for the benefit of Lender in any �apacity, wi�houf�tihe wri��en consen� <br /> af Lender. <br /> Choice o�F Venue. If there is a lawsui�, Trus�or agrees upon Lender's re�ues� �o submi� �o �he jurisdictfon o� the <br /> courts of Half Coun�y, 5tate ❑f Nebraska. <br /> Joint and Several L�ab�li�y. All obliga�ions ❑f Trusfor under �h�s Deed of Trust shail be join� and se�eral, and alf � <br /> refie�ences t� Trus�or shall mean each and e�ery Trustor. This means that each Trustor signing below is �� <br /> responsi�le for all obligatEons in�his Deed o�Trust. <br /> Na Vllai�er by Lender. Trustar understands Lender wilf nat gir�e up any of Lender's ri�hts under this i]eed of Trus� � <br /> � <br />