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<br />; Loan lVo: 'I�'I��87'i D ��or1t��lueC�} Page �
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<br />�� unless Lender daes so in vvri�ing. The fac�k �ha� Lende� deiays or ❑mifs t� exercise any right wili not mean that �
<br />;; Lender has gi�en up that righfi. lf Lender does agree in wri�ing to gi�� up ane ❑f Lender's righ�rs, tha� does nat �
<br />'� mean Trustor will no� haWe �o comply vtirith the other p�ouisions af this Deed af Trusfi: Trustor als❑ undersfiands
<br /> 1
<br />:' �hat if Lender daes consen� �❑ a requesfi, that does nflt mean that Trustor w�ll not ha�e �� get Lender's cansent '`
<br />' again if the si�uatian happens again. Trustor�Further unders�ands�hafi�ust because Lender consents to ane or mare ;
<br /> af Trus�or's requ�sts, �hat does na� mean Lender will �e required �o cons�n� �o any of Trustor's futu�e requests, �
<br />, Trustar wai�es presen�ment, demand far payment, profiest, and na�ice of dishonor. �
<br /> ;
<br />� 5errerabil"r#y. !� a caur� �inds that any pro�isi�n o� this Deed ❑f Trust is not va��d or shou�d not be enforced, �hat .
<br />� �ac�r by ifisel�will not mean that the rest of�his ❑eed o�Trust will na� be �aiid ❑r en�orGed. Therefore, a �aur�will !
<br /> enforce�he res�of the pro�isians ❑f this ❑eed of Trus�e�en i�a pro�ision af this Deed o�Trust may be found�❑ be :
<br />' in�alid o�unen�orceable. �
<br />� Successors and Assigns. Subjec� �a any limifa�ions stated in this De�d of Trus� ❑n transfer af Trustor's in�eres�, ;
<br />. �his Deed a�Trust shall be binding upon and inure �a �rhe �ene�i� ❑� �he par�ies, their success�rs and assigns. lf ;
<br />; own�rship �f the Property becomes �ested �n a person ❑ther�han Trus�or, Lender, wi�hou� no�ice to Trustor; may
<br /> deal with Trus�or's successors with reference�o�khis Deed af Trust and�he Indebtedness by way o�farb�aranee or
<br /> extension without releasing Trustor trom the obli�atians of�his Deed o�Trus�or liabili�y under the Indebfiedness. '
<br />.
<br /> r
<br /> Time is a�th� Essence. Time is af�he essence in the performance af this �eed of Trust.
<br /> Vllai�er of Homes�ead Exempfiion. Trustar herehy releases and wai�es all righ�s and benefits of �he h�mestead ;
<br />; exemption Iaws of the State ofi Nebraslca as ta a�l Indeb��dness se�ured by fihis Deed o�Trusfi. =
<br />, ,
<br />. DEFINIT�4N5. The�ollowing words shall ha�e the fallowing meanings when used in this Deed ofi Trust:
<br /> Be�eficiary. The word "6eneficiary" means Fi�e Points Banlc, and its successors and assigns, �
<br /> Borro►nrsr. The v+�ord "Borrower" means BRIAN K T�IVNIGES and DAN�-1 L T�NNIGES and includes a�l co-signers '
<br /> and co-malcers signing the Note and al!thei�successors and assigns,
<br /> Deed of Trus�. The words "aeed of Trust" mean this Deed of Trus� aman� Trus�or, L�nder, and Trustee, and �
<br /> includes withou� limi�a�ion al� assignment and securi�y interest pro�isi�ns relating #o �he Personal Praperty and
<br />� Ren�s.
<br /> EnW�ronmen�a� Laws. The words "En�ir�nmen�al Laws" mean any and aii state, federal and local statutes,
<br /> regula�ions and ordinances rela�ing �❑ the protec�ian of human heai�h or �he en�ironmen�, including wi�hou�
<br /> limita�ion the Compreh�nsE�e En�ironmental Response, Compensa�ion, and Liability Ac� a� 198�, as amended, 42
<br /> �.S.C, Section 9��1, et seq. {"CERCLA"}, �he Superfund Amendments and Reauthoriza�ion Act of 1986, Pub, L.
<br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA".}, the Hazardous Ma�eria�s Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. Sec�ion �8�1, et seq.,the R�source
<br /> Conser�ati�n and Reco�ery Ac�, 42 U�S�C. Sec�ion �9��, et seq�, or o�her applicable state or federa! laws, rutes,
<br /> ar re�ula�ions adopted pursuan��hereta.
<br /> Event o�Defauif. The words "E�ent❑f De�aul�" mean any of�he e�ents of defau�t set farth [n this aeed af Trus�in ,
<br /> �he e�en�s o#default section o��his Deed o�Trus�.
<br /> Hazardaus Subs�ances. The words "Hazardous 5ubs�ances" mean materials t�at, becaus� of their guan�i-�y,
<br /> coneen�rati�n or physical, chemical or �nfectious characteris�ics, may cause or pose a present ar potentiaf hazard
<br /> to human healfh or the en�ironment when improperly used, treated, s�ored, disposed of, genera�ed, manufac�ured,
<br /> �ranspor�ed or ofiherwise handled, The w�rds "Hazardaus Su�star�ces" are used in their Wery braades� sense and
<br /> include wi�hout limita�ion any and all hazardous ❑r �axic substances, materials or was�e as defined by or listed
<br /> und�r the Environmen�al Laws. The t�rm "Hazardous 5ubs�ances" afso includes� withou� Iimita�ian� petro�eum and :
<br /> pe�raleum �y�producfis or any fraction thereo�and asbes�os.
<br /> lmpror�ements. The word "Impra�emen�s" means al! ex[s�ing and fu�ure impro�emen�ks, buildings, s�ructures,
<br /> mobile h�mes affixed �n the ReaE Property, �ac�iities, addi�ions, replacements and o�her construction on the Real �
<br /> Proper�y. '
<br /> �ndeb�edness. The word "Indeb�edness" msans all principal, in�eres�, and ather amounts, casfis and expenses
<br />, payab�e under the Not� or Re�ated ❑acuments, together with al! renewafs a�, ex�ensions �f, modifications o�,
<br /> consolidatians af and subs�itu�kions for�h� Na�ke ❑r ReEated Documen�s and any amaunts expended or ad�anced �y
<br /> Lertder to discharge Trus�or's abliga�ions or expenses incurred by Trust�e ar Lender fio enfiorce Trustor's
<br /> obligati�ns under�his ❑eed of Trust, tag�ther with in�erest on such amounts as pro�ided in this ❑eed of Trust�
<br /> Lender. The word "Lende�" means Fi�e Poin�s Bank, i�s successors and assigns. The words "suceessors or
<br /> assigns" mean any person�r company that acquires any interest in fihe Nvte.
<br /> Note. The word "No�e" means the pramissory note dated March �1, 2���, in the origrnal �rincipal amount
<br /> Df $477.�5�w�� from Trus�or �o Lender, toge�her with all renewals o�, extensions o�, modi�ications of, ,
<br /> refinan�ings of, cansaEidati�ns of, and substitutions for�the promissory note or agreement.
<br /> Personal Property. The words "Personal Proper�y" mean all equipment, �ixtures, and ❑�her ar�i�les of personal '
<br /> property now �r hereafter owned by Trustor, and now or hereaffier a�tached ❑r affixed ta the Rea! Prvperty;
<br /> together with all a�cessions, par�s, and additi�ns ��,, all replacements af; and all suhs�i�u�ions �ar, any of such
<br /> prop�rty; and fagether wi�h all proceeds �including wi�hau� limita�ian all insurance proce�ds and refiunds ❑f
<br />