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<br />' Loan No: 1�'I�5�7'I� �C��1t�nu�d} Page �
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<br />� c�sts and expenses o�operation and collec�Eon attarneys' fees, �a any indeb�edness secured by�his Deed �
<br />� of Trus�, a�l in su�h ❑rder as Lende� may determine� Th� entering upon and taking possession ofi the �
<br />� Property, the �a[fection o� su�h rents, 15SUE5 and pro�[ts, and the appli�a�ion fhereaf shaf I no� cure ar
<br />�� wai�e any defaul� or no�ice af defau�� under this Deed o�Trus�❑r in�alidate any acfi �one in respanse �o ��
<br /> f such de�aul�❑r pursuan��o such na�ice o�defau[�; and, notwiths�anding the continuance in possessi�n �f '
<br />� �he P�operty or the �allec��an, r�ceipt and applica�ion a� rents, IS5uE5 or profits, Trustee ar Lender shafl
<br /> 1
<br />;� he en���ied to exercise e�ery righ� pra�ided far in the Nvte or th� Refated D�cuments or �y law upon �he '
<br /> i� ❑ccurr�r�ce�f any e�ent o�default, irtcluding the right�o exer�ise the power af sale; ;�
<br />�.
<br />�
<br />, �by Cammence an ac�ion to foreclase th�s ❑eed af Trus� as a mor��age, app�int a recei�er ar speci�ically ;
<br />� enfiorce any o�the co�enants hereof; and �
<br /> i
<br />�' 3
<br />; ��y ❑eli�er t❑Trustee a wri��en declaration of de�aul� and demand �or sale and a written no�ic�of defaul�
<br />" and ele��tion to cause Trusfior's in�erest in fihe Praper�y�a be sald, which notice Trus�ee shall cause t❑ be ;
<br />; duly fifed for reco�d in�he appropriate��ftces af the County in which the Proper�y is focated; and �
<br />�� {d} Vllifih respec�to al1 or any part of�he Pe�sanal Property, Lender shall ha�e all the rights and remedies '
<br /> ,
<br />� of a secured party under the Nebraska lJni�orrn Gommercial Cade. ;
<br /> �
<br />: Fvre�losure by Portier of Sale. If Lend��elects to �oreclase by exer�ise ❑��he Power of Sale herein �on�ained, �
<br /> Lender shall noti�y Trusfee and shall dep�sit wi�h Trustee th�s D�ed of Trust and the Nafie and such receipts ;
<br />� and e�idence ❑f expendi�ures made and secured by�his aeed ❑f Trus� as Trus�ee may require.
<br />� �a} LJpon receipt o� such notice from Lender, Trus�ee shall cause�o be recorded� published and deliWered -
<br />� t❑ T�ustor su�h Notice of De�ault and Notice of SaIe as then required by law and by�his Deed of Trus�k.
<br /> i Trustee shall, wi�chaut demand an Trustor, after such fiime as may �hen be required by law and after :
<br />;
<br /> recorda�ion of such Notice af Defaui� and af�er Nofice ❑f Sale ha�ing been giW�n as required by 1a�, self
<br />� the Pr�perty at �he tim� and place ot sale fiixed by i� in su�h Notice of 5ale, either as a wha�e, or in
<br /> j separa�e lo�s or parcels or i�ems as Trus�ee shall deem expedien�, and in such order as it may determine,
<br />; at pubiic aucti�n ta the highe�t bidder far cash �n lawfui money ofi�he Uni�ed S�ates payable at the tim�
<br />� o� sale. Trustee shall deli�er to such purchaser ar purchasers thereo� its go�d and sufficient deed or '
<br /> d�eds con�ey�ng the property so sold, bufi wi�haut any co�enant or warranty, express ar imp�ied. Th�
<br /> reci�a[s in such deed of any matters �r facts shail be �an�lusi�e pr�of �f �he truth�ulness thereof. Any
<br />� person, inciuding without limifiation Trustor, Trus�e�, ❑r Lender, may purchase a�such sale.
<br /> �b} �is may be permi��ed by lairv, af�er dec�uc�ing al� costs, fe�s and �xpenses of Trus�ee and of this
<br /> Trust, �ncluding casts of e�idence ofi ti�le in connection with sale, Trustee shall apply the proceeds a�sale
<br /> to payment o� �iy all sums expended under�h�ferms of this aeed ❑�Trust or under�he terms �f�he �Vo�e '
<br /> not then �epaid, including bu� no� limited �o ac�ru�d interest and la�e �harges, �ii� all �ther sums then ;
<br /> secured hereby, and {iiiy the remainder, i�any, to the person or persans legally entitled ther��o, '
<br /> �c� Trustee may in�he manner pro�ided by law postpone sale of all or any porfion of the Prop�r�y.
<br /> RemedEes No� ExclusiWe. Trustee and Lender, and each af them, sha�f be entitled to enforce payment and
<br /> perf�armanCe o�any ind�btedness or abligations se�ured by�his Deed fl�T�usfi and to exer�ise all r�ghts and pawers
<br /> under this Deed of T�us�, under the Note, under any o� �he Related Da�umen�s, or under any other agreement or
<br /> any laws now ❑r her�a�ter in farce; no�wi�hstanding, some or all of such indeb�edness and abliga�ians secured by
<br /> this Deed ❑f Trus� may now or herea��er be atherwise secured, v�ihether by mortgage, deed o��rust, pledge, li�n,
<br /> �
<br /> assignmen� or o�herwise. Nei�her the acceptance of this Deed ofi Trust nor its enfor�emen�, whether by court =
<br /> aeti�n or pursuant �a the power of sale ar o�her powers con�ained in fhis L]eed ❑f Trust, shall prejudic� ar in any
<br />�
<br /> mann�r affea� Trustee's or Lender's righ� to realize u�on or enforce any ❑�her security now or hereafter held by
<br /> Trus�ee or Lender, i� being agreed that Trust�e and Lender; and each of them, shall be entitled t❑enforce th�s ❑eed
<br /> of Trust and any ather security now ar herea��er held by Lender or Trustee in such order and manner as they or
<br />' ei�rher o� �hem may in �heir absolute discre�ian de�ermine, No remedy can�erred upon or reserved to Trustee or �
<br />� Lender, is intended �o be exclusi�e o� any other remedy in �his C]eed �f Trust ar by law pro�ided ❑r permitted, bu� ;
<br />� each shail be cumulati�e and shall be in addi�ion �o e�ery other r�medy gi�en in fihis Deed of Trust or naw or
<br />� herea��er exis�in a��aw or in e ui� �r b statute, E�er ❑viier or remed i�en � the Note or any of�he Relat�d '
<br /> g q Y Y Yp Yg� Y
<br /> C�a�uments to Trusfiee or Lender ar to which either af them may be atherwise en�it�ed, may be �exercised, �
<br /> concurren��y or independently; fram time to time ar�d as o-�ten as may be deemed expedient by Trustee or Lender,
<br /> and ei�her o� �hem may pursue incansis�ent remedies, Nothing in this Deed of Trus� shall be cflnstrued as
<br /> prahibiting Lender from seeking a de�iciency judgment against the Trus�or fia �he exten�such a�tion is permifi�ed by .
<br /> lavv. �
<br /> Elec�ion vf Remedies. Afi �f Lender's righ�s and remedies will �e cumulati�e and may �e exerc�sed alone ar
<br /> toge�fiher, lf Lender decides to spend money or to perfarm any af Trus�or's ❑bl�gations under �his Deed of Trus�,
<br /> af�er Trustor's fiailure t❑ do sa, that decision by Lender v�iill no� a�fec� Lender's r'igh� to dec[a�e Trustor in de�ault �
<br /> and fo exercise Lenderrs remedies.
<br /> Reques#�o� IVotice. Trustor, on �ehal�o�Trustor and Lender, hereby reques�s that a �apy❑�any No�ice a� ❑e�aul�
<br /> and a capy of any iVatice of Saie�under this Deed o�Trust be mailed fio fihem at the addresses set forth in the first �
<br /> paragraph af�his Deed af Trust.
<br />