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2� 1 �� 1 �74 <br /> de�ignated a subs�itute n�tice address by notice t� Lend�r. Barrower sha�l promptly notify L�nder of <br /> Borrower's change�f address. �f Lender spec�fi�s a pr�c�dure far rep�r�ing Barra�ver's change af address, <br /> th�n Borrower shal� only repar�a change of address through that spe�ified procedure. <br /> Th�r�nza�be on��r on�de��gnated not�ce addres�under th�s Se�urity �ns�rument a�any�ne t�me. Any notice <br /> t� Lend�r sha��b�gi�ren by de�iver�ng �t�r by xna��ing zt by f�rs�class mai� ��Lender's addres� s�ated herein <br /> un�ess Lender ha�designated anoth�r addre�s by not�ce to B�rr�wer. Any no�����n cannec��nn with thzs <br /> Security Instrument shall not be deemed ta have been gi�en t� L�nder unt�� a��ual�y rec��ved by Lender. �f <br /> any notice required by th�s Security Instrument�s alsa required under App�icab�e I�aw, the Appl�cable Lavv <br /> requir�ment u�i�� sa�isfy the corresponding requiremen�under this S��ur�ty�nstrument. <br /> '1�, �n��rning Law; Se�erah�lity; F�ules �f Cvnst�uctian. Th�� Secur�ty �n�trum�n�sha����g�verned by <br /> f�deral lavv and the lav�af th�jurisdiction in which the Proper�y �s�ocated. Al� rzghts and�b�igat�ons <br /> contained in�his Se�urity Instrumen�are subject to any requirements and�irnitati�ns of App�icable Law. <br /> AppliCable Law migh�expl�c�t�y or implicit�y allow the par�ie5 to agree by contract or i�might b�silent, bu� <br /> such szlence sha��not be cons�rued as a pr�hibition agains�agreemen�by c�ntract. In the e�en��ha�any <br /> pro��szan or c�au�e af�h�s S�cur��y �nstrument or�he No�e con�l�c�s w�th Applicable Law, such conf�zc�sha1� <br /> not aff�ct o�her pro�isions of this Security �nstrumen�or�he Note whzch can be g�wen eff�ct without the <br /> canflicting pra�ision. <br /> As used in�his Securi�y �nstrument; �a} words of the mas�u�ine gen�er sha11 mean and include corr�sponding <br /> neu�er v�ords or words of the femin�ne gender; �b}�ords in the singular shall mean and ir�cxude�he plural <br /> and v�ce v�rsa; and �c} the word "ma�r" g�ves so�e d�scre�zon vv�thout any ob�igation to take any act��n. <br /> �7. Bvrrower's Capy. Borrow�r shal�be g�v�n one c�py of the Nflte and�f this Securi�y Instrument. <br /> '18. Transf�r of the Prvp�rty vr a Benefi�ia! lnter�st in Barrvwer. As used in�his�ection �8, "�nt�re�t in <br /> the Property" means any �egal�r�ene�"�c�a� �nterest�n the Prap�r�y, �nc�uding, bu�no���m.i�ed to, those <br /> ben��icial in�ere�ts �ransferred in a band f�r d�ed, �ontract for deed, �nsta��m�n�sa�es con�ract or es�rati� <br /> agreement, �he inten�af which is the transfer�f ti��e�y Barr�wer at a future da�e�❑a purchaser. <br /> If a�l or any par�af the Pr�p�rt� or any �nterest in th�Property �s s�id ar transferred�or if Barr�wer is not a <br /> na�ura� p�rs�n and a benefic�a� inter�st in Borr��er i�sold or transferred} withaut Lender's pr�or wri�ten <br /> consent, Lender may requ�re�mme�.zate paym�n�in fu�l of all sums s�cu��d by th�� S��urit� �nstrumen�. <br /> However, this�p�ian sha�l n�t be e�erc�sed by L�nder�f such exerc�se is prohzb�t�d by App���ab1e Law. <br /> �f Lender exer�ises this option, L�nder shall g��e Borrovver no��ce of acce�erat��n. Th�not�ce sha�I pro�ide a <br /> period af not less than 3�day� from the dat�the notice is given zn accordance w�th Secti�n I S within wh�ch <br /> B�rro�ver must pay a�l sums s�cur�d by this Se�ur�ty Instrument. �f B�rrower fails t�pay these sums prior to <br /> th�exp�ra���n�f th�s per�od, L�nder may invok�any remedies permi��ed by this Se�ur�ty �nstrument without <br /> fur�her not�ce or demand on Barrower. <br /> �9. Borrvwer's R�ght to Reinstate After Accelerati�n. �f Borrower meets cer�ain condi�ions, Borrawer <br /> shal�have the r�ght�o have e�f�rc�m�nt of�his Securit� Ins�rument dis�on�inued a�ar�y time priar to the <br /> �ar��est nf: �a} fi���ays before sale�f th� Praper��pursuan�to any power of sale contained in�his Security <br /> �ns�rument; �b} such�ther p�riod a�App���ab�e Law m�.ght spec�fy for the t�rmina��on af Borrow�r's r�ght t� <br /> rein�ta�e; or�c}entry of a judgrr�ent enfarcing th�s Securzty �nstrument. Thase condi�ions are tha�Barrawer: <br /> �a}pa�s Lender a11 sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and�he Note as if na <br /> acce�era�ion had occurred; �b} cures any defaul�of any�ther covenants ar agreements; �c}pays ail �xpenses <br /> incurred in enforCing this Security �ns�rumen�, including, but n�t�imited to, r�as�nable at�nrneys' fees, <br /> proper�y �nspectz�n and Wa�uation fees, and�ther f�e� incurr�d f�r the purpose�f protectin� Lender's�n�er�st <br /> NEgRASKA-Singte Famiiy-Fannie Ma�IFreddi�Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT Form 302$1101 <br /> VMP[]a VMPfitNE)�1342y <br /> Vllalters K�uwer Financial 5er��ces Page�2 of 7 7 <br />