2� 1 �� 1 �74
<br /> in�he Pr�per�y and rights under�his S�cur�ty �ns�rument; and�d} tak�s such ac�ion as L,ender may
<br /> reasonab�� requ�re ta assure tha�Lender's interest in the Propert� and rights under this Securi�y Instrumen�,
<br /> and Borrower's obliga�i�n to pa��he sums secured�� this Securz��r Instrument, sha11 cont�nue unchang�c�.
<br /> I.�nder may require�ha�Borrower pay such reins�a�ement sums and expenses in one or mnre of the fo�i�wing
<br /> farms, as sel�cted by Lender: �a} ca�h; �b}money order; tc� cert�f�ed c�.eck, bank check, treasurer's check�r
<br /> cashier's ch�ck, pravided any such ch�ck is dra�n upon an institution whase depos��s are insured by a
<br /> federal agency, �n��rumenta��ty or en����; or�d} Elec�ronic Fund�Transfer. t�pon re�nstatement by Borrower,
<br /> �his Security �nstrurnen�and o�ligations secured hereby shai� rema�n fui��effe�tive as if no acce�erat�on had
<br /> oc�urred. �iowe�rer, �his right to re�ns�a�e sha��no�appl� in the case of acce�eration under Sec�ion 1 S.
<br /> ��. Sa�e of Note; �hange af L�an Servicer; Nat�ce of �r�e►rance. The No�e or a par�ial �n�er�st �n th�
<br /> Note��ogether wi�h th�s Security �ns�rumen�}can be sold one or m�re times wi�hout prior no�ice to
<br /> Borrower. A saie might resu�t in a�hange�n�he�nti�y �known as�he "Loan Servicer"��hat col�ects Per�odic
<br /> Payments due under the No�e and this Securi�� �ns�rurnent and performs�ther mor��age loan se��c�ng
<br /> obl�gations under the Note, this Securi�y Ins�rument, and Appl�cable Law. There also might be one or more
<br /> changes of�he Loan Servicer unre�ated�o a sa�e of�he No�e. �f�here is a change af�h�L�an��r�v�cer,
<br /> Barrav�er will be gi�en writ�en no�ic�of�he change wh�ch wi11 �tate the name and address of t�.e new L,oan
<br /> Servicer, the address �o v�rh�ch paymen�s should be made and any other infarma��on RESP.r�. requ�res �n
<br /> connec�ion v�i�h a notice of�ransfer of serv�cing. If the Note is sold and�h�reafter�he L,oan is serv�ced by a
<br /> Loan Ser�icer o�her��an the purchas�r of�he Nat�, the m�r�gag�loan s�rvicing obligations tn Borrov�er v�ill
<br /> remain with the Loan Ser�icer�r be�ransf�rred�o a su�cessar Loan Servic�r and are not assumed by the
<br /> N��e purchaser unless o�herwise pro�ided by the Nate pu�chaser.
<br /> N�ither Borrawer nor L.�nder xnay commence,�oin, or be�oined to any�udic�ai action�as either an
<br /> �ndi��dual I�t�gan�or�he member of a ciass} �ha� aris�s from�he�ther party's ac�ions pur�uan��o th�s
<br /> Secur��y �nstrument or�hat alleges tha��he�ther party has�reached an�pro�ision of, or an�du�y owed�y
<br /> reason of, this Securi�� Ins�rument, un�i� such Borr�wer or Lender has noti��d the o�her par�}� �vw�th such
<br /> not�ce gxven in comp��an�e with the requiremen�s of Sec�ion �S} af such al�eged breach and aff�rded�he
<br /> oth�r par�y hereto a r�asonable period af�er the��ving�f such notice to take cflrrecti�e a�tian, If Appl�cable
<br /> Law prov�des a�ime peri�d v�hich mus�elapse before cer�a�n a�tion can�e�ak�n, �hat�ime period v�r�l�be
<br /> deemed to�e reas�nable for purposes af�his paragraph. The notice af acc��eration and oppor�unity�o cure
<br /> g�ven t� Borr�vver pursuant to Sec���n 2�and �he no�ice of acce�erat�an gi�ren�a Borrower pursuant to
<br /> Section �S sha��b�deem�d�o sa�isfy�he notic�and oppor�unity ta take correc�ive action provisi�ns of�his
<br /> Sectian��.
<br /> ��. �azardous Substances r As used in this Sec��an��: �a} "�a�ardous Substances"are�has�substances
<br /> def�ned as�nxic or hazardaus substances, poi�utan�s, or was�es by Environmenta� Lav� and the follawing
<br /> substances: gas��ine, kerosene, other flam�mab�e or�ax�c pe�ro�eum pr�duc�s, �oxic pes�icides and herbicides,
<br /> .
<br /> volati�e s�lven�s, materials c�ntainin�asbes�os or forma�dehyd�, and rad�oac�i�e materials; �b}
<br /> "�'�tvira�t�rzer��aZ�aw"means fe�.eral �aws and�aws of�he�urisdiction where�h�Froperty �s �o�ated fhat
<br /> re�ate ta health, safe��or en�r�ron�nen�a�protect�on; �c} "E���iror�me�tar �rea��up"includes any response
<br /> ac�ian, rem�d�al ac�ion, or remo�al ac�ion, as de�ned in En�ironmental Law; and (d�an "E��viron�rz�r��al
<br /> Cotzdition"means a condi��on�ha�can cause, cantri�ute to� or othe�-v�r�se�r�gger an En�r�ronmen�al �Ieanup.
<br /> Borrower shall no�cause or permit�he presenc�, use, disposai, starage, or re�ease of any Hazardous
<br /> Subs�ances, or�hrea�en�o r���ase any�3azardous Substances, on or�n the Praper�y. Bnrrovver shall nat da,
<br /> nor allow any�n�else t�da, an�thing affecting the Property (a��hat is in�r���a�ion of an� En�r�ran�menta�
<br /> Law, �b}wh�ch creates an Enviranmen�al �andit�on, or�c�wh�ch, due to the presence, use, or releas��f a
<br /> �azardous Su�s�ance, cr�ates a condi�ion fhat ad�erse�y affects the value of the Proper�y. The preceding two
<br /> N�gRASKA-5ir�gle Farr3i�y-�annie MaelFr�die Mac UN1FQftM 1NSTRUMENT Fvrrra 30�8�1�7
<br /> VMP� , VMPS[N�y��3023
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer�ina�cia!5er�ices Page 13 of 7 7
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