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2� 1 �� 1 �74 <br /> ��. Borrvwer �Vot Re�eased; Far�earance By Lender Not a �N'air►er. Ex�ension�f the time for payment or <br /> n�odification of amar�izat�on af�he sums secured�y this Se�uri�� Ins�rument gran�ed by L�nder ta Barrower <br /> flr any Successor in Interest of Borrawer shal� nat ope�ate�o re�ease�he liab�Iit�of B�rrovver or any <br /> Successors �n�nterest af Borrawer, Lender shall not b�required to�ommence proc�edings against an� <br /> Successor in�nterest of Borrower or��refuse to extend t�me for paymen� or otherwise mod�f� amar�izat�on <br /> �f�he sums secured b�this Secur�t� Ins�rument by reason of any demand made�y th��riginal Borrower or <br /> any Succ��sors in�nterest of Barrow�r. Any forbearance by Lender�n e�ercis�ng any r�ght or remedy <br /> inc�uding, withou��imi�a�ion, Lender's acceptance flf payments from�hird persons, en��t�es or Success�rs in <br /> �nteres�of Borro�ver or in amaunts less than the amoun�then due, sha�l no�b�a wa�ver of or pre�lude�he <br /> exercise of any right�r remedy. <br /> 13. Jo�nt and Se�era! Liab��ity; Ca-signers; Successars and Assigns Bound. Borrower Govenan�s and <br /> agrees �ha�Borr�wer's obiiga�ions and��abi�ity shal�be�o�nt and se�era�. H�v�►�e�er, any Borrower who <br /> co-szgns �hxs Securi��Instrumen�bu�d�es nat�xecute the No�e ta "co�signer"}; �a} is co-s�gnin�this <br /> Securi�y �nstrumen��nly to mortga�e, grant and con�ey th�co-signer's inter��t�n the Proper�y under the <br /> terms�f this Se�urit� �ns�rument; ��} �s not pers�na�ly obligated �o pay�he sunZs secured by this Security <br /> �nstrurnent; and �c� agrees�hat Lender a.�d any other B�rrower can agree ta�xtend, modify, for�bear ar make <br /> an�accommodatians with r�gard to the terms af�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rumen�ar the No�e wi�hout the co-signer's <br /> consen�. <br /> Subjec�ta the pro�isitins of Sec�ion �8, any Su�cessor�n Interes�of Borrower who assumes Borrower's <br /> �bligations under this S�curity �nstrume�t in writing, and is appra�red by Lender, shall obta�n a�� of <br /> Borrawer's righ�s and benefits under this Security �nstrumen�. Borro�er sha11 not be re�eased from <br /> Borrower's obligati�ns and ��abi��ty under this Secur�t� �nstrument unl�ss Lender agrees t� such release in <br /> vwriting, The cnvenan�s and agreements of this Security �ns�rument sha�� ��nd ��xcept as provided in 5ec�ion <br /> 2�} and bene��the successors and assigns af L�nder. <br /> 't 4. Lnan Char�es. Lender may charge Borrov�rer fees for ser�ices p�rformed in connection vvi�h Borrov��r's <br /> default, for the purpose of prot��ting Lender's �n�erest in �he Pr�perty and rights under this Se�uri�y <br /> �nstrumen�, inc�uding, bu�not�irnited�a, a�torneys' fees, pr�per�y inspect�on and�a�uat�on fees. �n regard �o <br /> any a�her fees, �he absence of e�press author�ty in this Se�ur�t� �ns�rument�o charge a specxfic fee t� <br /> Borrov�er shal� no�be c�nstrued as a prohib�tion on the charging of such f�e. Lender ma�not char�e f�es <br /> tha�are expr�ssl�proh�bi�ed by th�s S�curit��nstrum�nt or by App�icab�� Lav�. <br /> If the Loan is sub��c�to a law wh�ch se�s n�ax�mun��oan charg�s, and�ha��a� �s finally in�erpre��t�so that <br /> th�in�eres�or o�her l�an charges col�ected ar to be col�ected in�onnection�vi�h the I.oan exceed�he <br /> p�rmi�ted l�m��s, �h�n: �a} any �uch Ioan charg��hali be reduced�y th�amount ne�essar��a redu�e fh� <br /> charge to�ht permitted l�m�t; and��} any sums alread�callected from BorrovWer wh�ch exce�ded permit�ed <br /> l�m.its vv�1�be refund�d to Borra�rer. Lender may c��ose ta make�h�s refund by reduc�ng the princ�pa� owed <br /> under the Note or by making a d�re�t paym�nt�o Borr�wer. �f a refund reduces principa�, the reduc��on will <br /> �e�reated as a par��al prepaymen�without any prepa}�ment charge�whe�her�r no� a prepayment charge is <br /> pr�vide�d far under�he Not�}. Borra�nrer's acceptan�e of an�such refund rnade by d�rect payment to <br /> Borr�v�rer will cons�itute a waiver of any right of ac�i�n Borrower migh�ha�e arising flut of such av�rcharge. <br /> '15. Nat�ces. All no�ices��ven h�Barrawer ar L,�nder in�onne�tion with th�s Securi�y�nstrument m�us�be in <br /> writing. Any notice�o Borrower in cannect�nn w��h th�s Secur�t� Instrument sha��be deemed to ha�e been � <br /> g�ven�o B�rr�v�er when ma�led b� first class mail or v�rhen actua��y delivered�o Barrawer's na��ce address if <br /> sen�by other m�eans. No�ic�to any on�B�rrower sha�� const�tu�e no�ice to aI1 Borrawers unless .A,.ppl�cab�e <br /> Law expressly requ�res�therw�s�. The notice address shal�be�he�'raper��Address unless Barrow�r has <br /> NE6RASKA-Singte�amily-fannie MaeJFreddie Mac UNt��RM INSTRUMENT Form 3428 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMPS[NEf{i 342) <br /> W�Iters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 1 i vf 17 <br />