2� 1 �� 1541
<br /> ���� �� �����
<br /> �,aa� �a: ��1������ ���������d� �'a�� �
<br /> or �o any land trus-� h�lding title to �he Rea[ Proper-�y, or by any ather method of c�n�eyance a�F �n in��res� in the Re�[
<br /> Property. 6-�owev�r, �his option sl�all n�t be ex�r�ised hy Lender if �uch exercis� is �rohib�ted by �ederal law ar }�y
<br /> Nebraslca law.
<br /> TA�ES AfVa L�EfV�. The fallawing pro�isions relating to the �axes and Eiens on �he Praper�� ar� part o�this Deed of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustnr shall pay when due {and in a�l eW�nts priar�a d�[inqu�ncy) all taxes, ��ecia[�axes, assessments,
<br /> charges tincluding Wat�r and sewer�, fir�es and impasi�ions le�ied agains� or on accoun�of th� Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due �If claims �ar war[c done on or for services rende��d or ma��rial furnished to fihe Proper�y. Trustor
<br /> shall maintain the Proper-�y-�ree of al! �iens having priori�y o�er or�qual fio the in�eres�af�.ender under this ❑eed of
<br /> Trust, except �far the lien o� taxes and assessments no� due and exc�p� as otherwise provid�d in �his Deed a�
<br /> �f�rust.
<br /> Right�o Con�e��. Trustor may v�rithhold paymen�af any tax, ass�ssment, �r c�aim in c��nectian w�t}-� a good �ai-th
<br /> dispute o�er the obligatifln �o pay, so �ong as Lender`s in�er�st in the Prap�r�ty is nat jeop�ardiz�d. lf a lien �r�s�s �r
<br /> 35 �IE�'C� a5 a result af nonpayment, Trus�or sha�l within fifteen {15} days af�er the �ien arises ❑r, if a li�n is fi�ed,
<br /> wifh�n fif�een 4�5y days affier Trus��r has n��ice af �he filing, se�ure th� discharge a� ��-�e lien, or if requested by
<br /> Lender, deposi�with Lender cash ar a suf�Ficient co�pora�e sur�ty band or o�her se�ur�ty sa�is�ac�ory�❑ Lender�n an
<br /> � amoun�suf�icienl:to dis�harge the lien plus any cos�s and attorneys' fees, or a�her Ghar�es �Eha� could a�c�u� as a
<br /> result of a for�closure ar sale under fihe li�n. 1n any confi�s��, Trus�ar shall d�-�end itself a�d Lender and shal] sa�isfy
<br /> any adverse judgment befare enf�rc�m�n�against the Pro�erty. -Tru�tar sha�l name Lender as an addi��onal ob�igee
<br /> unde�any surety bond�Fu�nished in the ��ntes� pr�ceedings.
<br /> Evid�nce Q� Payment. Trustar shali upon demand -�urnish �a Lender satisfactory ��idence of payment af th� taxes
<br /> or assessments a�-�d s��all autharize �:he apprapria�e g�Wernmen�a[ aff€cial �a de�t�re�t❑ L�nder at any�ime a w�i��en
<br /> s-�a�em�n-�of the taxes and ass�ssmen�s agains�the f'raper�y.
<br /> IVv�ice ❑� Cans�ru��ion. Trus�or shalf no�tify Lender a�: least f�ft�en {�5� days be�ore an}� warlc is commen�ed, any
<br /> ser�ices are furnished, or any ma�eria�s are supplied t❑ �he Property, if any mechanic's kien, materialmen's [i�n, or
<br /> �ther lien cauid be asser�ed an acc�unt a�f �he wQrk, ser�ic�s, or materials. Trustor ��I! upon request of Lender
<br /> furn€sh to Lender adWance assurances satisfactory ta Lender that Trustor c�n and wi{1 pay thg cost ❑f such
<br /> improWements.
<br /> PRaPERTY DAlV1�+iGE I�ESUR►4�CC� The �o�}oviring praWisions rela�ing �� insur�n� �he Proper�� are a part o��his Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> IVIa3n�kenance o� [nsurance. Trus�or shal[ proGur� and maintain po�icies of -�i�e insurance wi�:h standard �xtended
<br /> co�erage endorsements an a �ai� �alue basis for the fu�l insurab[e Walue co�ering alf �rnprav�men�;s an the Rea�
<br /> Proper�y in an amounfi sufficien� ta a�oid applica�ian ❑f any coinsurance clause, and ►�ith a standard mar�gagee
<br /> c�ause in favor o� Lender. Trustor shalf alsa prflcure and main�afn cflmprehensi�e gener�f fiabili�ty insurance in su�h
<br /> cove�ag� amaunts as Lender may reques� with Trust�e and Lender being named as �dcfitional insureds in such
<br /> liabili�y Ensurance poiici�s. Addi�ionaliy, Trustor shalt main�ain such o�her insurance, inc[uding but nat limited to
<br /> hazard, business inter�uptian, and bailer insurance, as Lender may reasona�ly require. �'olicies shall b� wri��en fn
<br /> �orm, amoun�s, cav�rages and basis reasonably acceptabf� to Lender and Essued �y a company ❑r companies
<br /> reasona�ly accep�able �o Lender. Trustor, upon requ�st of Lenderf wi�f deli�rer �a Le�der �ram time �❑ �ime th�
<br /> pofici�s ar c��ti'Fic�t�s of �nsurance in farm sa�isfactory�:o Lender, including stEpu[afiions that coverages wi�l nat be
<br /> cancelled or diminished withou� at leas� ten ��47 days prior virri��en no�ice t� Lender. Cach insuran�e pa�icy als�
<br /> shall inciude an endorsemen� providing tha�c��erage in�a�or of Lender wt![ no� be impa�red in any uvay by any act,
<br /> amissian or default of Trus�ar or any other p�rson. Should the R�a! Prope�ty be iaca�ed in an area designated by
<br /> the AdminEstratflr of�he Federal Emergency Nianagemen�Agency as a spec�a� flood hazard area, Trustor agre�s �a
<br /> obtain and maintain Federa! Fiood Insurance, if availa�le, for the fui[ unpaid principal baEance of �ne loan and any
<br /> prior �iens on �h� property securing the loan, up ta the maximum p�[icy limEts set under �he Nat�anal Flood
<br /> Insurance Prog�am, or as otherwise required [�y Lender, ancl to maEntaEn such Ensurance ��r the term af the Ioan,
<br /> App�ica�ion o� Proceeds. Trustar shall pramptly notify Lender Qf any loss or damage to the Proper�y. Lender may
<br /> mal�e �roof o� lass i� Trus�or fails ta da s❑ wi�hin �ifteen ��5} days o� �he casualty. Vllhe�her �r nat Lend�r's
<br /> security is impaired, Lender may, at L�nder's e[ectian, receive �nd retain th� proceeds o� any �nsuranc� and app3y
<br /> �he proceeds to the reducti�n nf th� lndeb�edness, payment o� any lien aff�c�c�ng tf�e P��per�y, or the res�ora�ian
<br /> and repair o��he Property. If Lender ��ects to app�y the prace�ds ta res�oration and repair, Trus�or shalf repair or
<br /> replace 1:he damaged ❑r destr�yed Impro�emen�s in a manner sa�isfac�ory �o Lender. Lender sha�[, upon
<br /> sa��s�acfiar� proof of such expendi�ure, pay or reimburse Trustor fram �he praceeds for the reasonable CQS� of
<br /> repair or r�s�ora�ion i� T�ustar is no�t En defau{� under this Deed o� Trust. Any pr�ceeds which ha�e not been
<br /> disbursed within 18� days a�ter their receipt and which Lender has na� committed t� �he repaEr ar res�oratson af
<br /> the Properfiy shall be used first to pay any amount owing ta Lend�� under this Deed of T�us�, then to pay accrued
<br /> in�erest, and the remainder, if any, shail be appIied �a the principal balance of �he fndehtedness. If Lend�r holds
<br /> any pro�eeds after paymen� �n full o� the fndeb�edness, su�h praceeds shall be pa�d ta Trustor as Trustor's
<br /> in�eres�s may appear.
<br /> Cvmp[iax��e with Exis�ing �ndeb�edness. Dur�ng the periad �n which any E�isting lndeb�edness described �elow is
<br /> in �ffect, complianc� wi�h �he insurance provisi�ns contained in �h� instrumen� e�idenci��g such Existing
<br />