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<br /> �i�deb�ed���ss sl�all �ons���u�� compli�nce with the insurance �ro�isians under this ❑�ed af Trus�:, �� the ex�ei�t
<br /> compliance wi�h th� terms o� this DeEd of Trus� would c�nsl:itut� a dup[ication a� insurance requirem�n�. If any
<br /> �roce�ds �rom the insurance k���ome payable on ioss, �the pravisinns in �his Deed af Trust fo�di�is�on o� proceeds
<br /> shall apply anfy to that por�ion of�:he proceeds no�payal�le to the f�older a�f tl�e Exis�fiing Indeht�dness.
<br /> �rus�ar'� R�pa�•-� ❑n lr�suE•anc�. LJpon requ�st nf Lend�r, hav��e�er na� more than once a year, Trusfior shal! iurnisi�
<br /> to Lend�r a repor� an each exis�ing policy o� i��surance sh�wing: {1} �he name of the insurer; �2} �he risf�s
<br /> insured; {3} the amaunt af th� polic�r; {4} the properfiy insurEd, th� thel� currenfi re�facement Walue ❑f such
<br /> p�aper�y, and ��7e manner o�de�e�mining that�afue; and t5y �17e expira�ion date of�he po�icy. Trustor shali, upon
<br /> request of Lender, hav� an ind�pend�nt apprai��r�atis�actary to Lender det�rmine tf�e �ash �alue re�lacemen�casfi
<br /> of tl�e Praper�y.
<br /> �E��E�`� E�PCi��iT��E�. If any ac�ion or proc�eding is cammenced tl�a� wauld materially af-�cct Lender's interest in
<br /> fihe �'raperty Qr i�Trus�:or fails t� compfy wi�:h any pro�isian ��this ❑eed of Trust ❑� any Rela��d ��cumen�s, inclt�d�ng
<br /> but not �imited ta Trus�a�'s -�aiiur� to �om�ly witf� any abl�gafiian to rnain�ain Exis�ing Ind�btedr�ess in �ood standing a�
<br /> requ��ed ��low, or�a discharge or pay when due any a��oun�s Trus�ar is required to discha�ge or pay under�his Deed of
<br /> Trus� a�' a��y I��Iated Do���me���s, L�nder on Tru�-��r's h�haif may tbut sh�l[ no-t ��e obligat�d to} tal�e any action tl�at
<br /> L�n��r c�eems appropriate, including k�ut no� limi�ed to discharging ar paying ali taxes, liens, s�curity i��te��s�s,
<br /> enc�mhr�nces and other �laims, a� ar�y time levied ar plac�d on �h� Pr�perty �nd paying �[f cos�s for insuring,
<br /> ma�n�:ainEng and p3�e�er��ng tf�c Prflperty. 1�l1 sucf� �xpenditur�s incurred ar paid l�y L�nc�er for such ��ur�l�os�s wi�� tf�en
<br /> hear in�t�rest �t the rate c���rged und�r the No�e frorn the date i��curred or paid by LendeE� �a 1:E�e date af �epay����nt by
<br /> Tru�tor. A11 such exp�nses wil� Ue��me a part a�' the �ndebt��ness and, at Lend�r's �ption, will �A} �e payable on
<br /> �ern�nc; 4Q} h� added �❑ the ba�an�e ❑f �[h� Note and be appnr�ttoned among and be paya6�le with ���y insta�lment
<br /> payments to became due during �ither �17 �I�� ��rm of any app�ic��le insuran�e p�licy; or ��3 �h� re���aini��g �term ❑f
<br /> �he No��; or �C� be trea�ed �s a balloon E7ayment vv47ich wrll b� due and payaUl� a�� the Note's maturi�y. The D�ed of
<br /> Trus� als❑ will secure paymen� of '�f�ese amounts. �uci� r�g��� shall be in additian �:o �I� other rights �nd remedies �o
<br /> whi�h Lender may��e entitied upan �efault.
<br /> �I1J,��R�1l�TY; C�C.FE�SE OF T[TLL. The�following pra�isiQns r�la�ing to own��ship af�he Pr�perty �r� a part af�his Deed
<br /> �f T�ust:
<br /> Ti�le. Trus�ar warran�:s t��afi: �ay Trustor holds go�d and mar�<e�able title of re��rd to �he Pr�p�r�y in fee simple,
<br /> free �+nd clear �� all li�s�s and encu�nbranc�s other than �t}��se s��t fiorfh in th� f��a� f'roperty descrip�ion ar in �:he
<br /> �xis�ing lndebtedness sect�on below or in any title insura»ce po�icy, �:i�tfe repart, or final tit�e opinian issued �n �Favar
<br /> o�, and accepted by, Lender in connection wi��� �his Deed of Trust, and �b} Tr�astor has the �uil righ�, �ower, and
<br /> au-�1�or��ty to ex�cute and defiver�:f-�is Qe�d of Trus��o Lender.
<br /> D��e�se o� Ti#fe. Subject to fihe exception in the pa�agraph ai�ave, Trus�:or warr�n�:s and wif[ fore�er de�end the
<br /> -�itle �❑ the Praper�y agains��he law�ul claims af all persans. [n �he e�rent any action or pr����ding is cammenced
<br /> -�Ezat ques�ions Trustor`s title or the infierest�f Trustee or Lender under this Deed �f Trust, Trusta� sF-�all defend the
<br /> a��ion at Trust�r's expense. Trustor may be �the nomina! �arty in sucl7 pro�eed�ng, but Lender shal� he en�i�led to
<br /> participate in the proceeding and �:o b� r�presented in �h� prace��ing by counsef of Lender`s own choice, and
<br /> Trustar will deliWer, ❑r cause to b� de�i�ered, �a Lender su�h instruments as L�nd�r may requ�s� fram tiE�ne to �im�
<br /> to permit such par�icipation.
<br /> Comp�xance 11Vi�h Laws. Trusto� warrants that �he Prop�r�y and Trus�or's use �f �I-�e Property complies with all
<br /> exist�ng app�icable [aws, ordinan�es, and regula�ions o�go�ernmental authorit�es.
<br /> Sur�rirral o� F�epresenfa�ions and 1�11arran�ies. All representa�ians, warranties, and agr�ements mad� by Trustor En
<br /> this aeed of Trust shal! survive �he executEon and deliWery o��his Deed o�Trust, shall be continuing in na�ure, and
<br /> sf-�all remain En �ull�orce and e�f�ect un�ri� such time as Trustar`s [ndebtedness shafE b� paid ir�fuli.
<br /> E�CISTI�IG 1NDEBTEDNE�S. The�ollawing pro�isions con�erning Exisfiing [ndebtedness ar� a parf of this Deed of Trusfi:
<br /> Exis�i�ig Lien. The li�n af �:his Deed of Trus� securing ti�� lndeb�edn�ss may Ue secondary and inferior to an
<br /> exis�ing �ien. Trus�or expressly co�enan�s and agrees to pay, or see to the payment of, �he Existing Indebtedness
<br /> and t� pr�Went any defaul�on such indebtedness, any defaul�under the instrumen�s e�idencing such indebtedness,
<br /> or any default under any securi�y documen�s f�r such indeb�edness.
<br /> No IViodi-Fi�ation. Trustor sha�1 not �nter into any agreement w�th fihe halder o� any mor�gag�, deed of trust, or
<br /> ��her security agreem�nt wh�ch has priarity o��r this Deed af Trust by which �hat agreement is modi-Fied,
<br /> amended, extended, or renewed withou� the prior wri��en consent of L�nder. Trusta� shall neither requ�st nar
<br /> accept any future ad�ances under any such security agreement vuithout the pri�r writ�en consen�af Lender.
<br /> CC7NDE�VINAT��N. The�allowing pro�isions re�a�ing to �andemna�ion proceed�n�s are a par�of this ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> P�oce�dings. if any proc��ding in candemna�rion f5 -�iled, Trust�r shafl promp�ly notify Lender in wri�in�, and
<br /> Trustor shall promptly talce such s�eps as may �e necessary to def�nd the action and obta�n the award. Trustor
<br /> may be the nQminaE par�y in su�h proceeding, bu� Lender shall be en�i�led-�a par�icipate in the proceeding and to be
<br /> represenfied in the proceeding by counsel of �ts awn choice, and Trustor wili deli�er or cause ta be delt�ered t❑
<br /> Lender such instrumenfis and dacumenta�ian as may be requested by Lender from �ime �❑ �time to permit such
<br /> part�cipation.
<br />