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2� 1 �� 1541 <br /> ���� �� �����p <br /> �.��� ��: ���������� ����������} ���� � <br /> amauE��s secur�d by this D��d o� T�ust as they bec�m� due, �nd shal[ s�:rictly ai�d in a tim�ly manner per�form ��I af <br /> Trustor"� abli�a�ians und�r�he hfo�e, �his Deed o�f Trus�, and the Re�a�ed ❑acuments. <br /> P�SSE�51E�� �4.�� ��4l��YE1VA.�CE QF T1�fE �'RC7P�.�T1'. Trus�:or agrees tha� Trus�tor's possession and us� �f t��e <br /> Property shall b� go�err�ed b�th�following provisians: <br /> i�oss�s�ion ar�d Us�. Untif �he occurrence o� an E�rent of Defaul�, Trustar may ��� remain in possessian and <br /> con�rol of�l�e Prop�rt�; t�} use, operate or manage�h� PrQper�yi and [3} collec�the F�en�s from the Prap�rty. <br /> Du�:y �a [1f�ain�ai��. Trustor sl�a!! main�ain the Praperty i�7 �enan-�able canditian and prompt�y perform all r�pairs, <br /> replac�ments, and rr��intenance necessary t� pres�r�e i�s Walu�. <br /> Cvmp�i�nce 1�Vi�:h �r��r�ranm�n�al La�r�rs. Trusl:or repr�sen�s and wari•ants to Lender that� �1} During �he p��i�d o� <br /> Tt-ustar's ownershi��a� the Proper�y, ���ere has k�een no use, genera�tion, mar�u��c�rure, s�orage, treatmcnt, disposal, <br /> release or threaten�d �elease o� any Ha�ardous Substance hy any pers�n on, under, abou� or �r�m the Proper�:y; <br /> {2} Trust�r has no ��nawlcdge of, ar r�ason t� k�elieve th�� there has been, exc�pt as previously disciosed to and <br /> acltnow��dged l�y Lender in wr�ting, {a} any brea�h or �iola�ian �f any En�rironm�ntal Law�, �b� any us�, <br /> generat�on, rnai-�ufactur�, storage, treatment, disp�sal, r�feas� �r �hr�a�en�d reieas� �f any Ha�ardaus �ul�s�anc� <br /> on, unde�, abau� or fram the Property k�y an� �ri�r ❑wners or accupants afi �lhe Property, or �c� aE��y acfuaf or <br /> tf�reatened litiga�ian or claims ❑f any I�ind by any pers�n rela�ting �o �uch matter�, �nd {3} Except a� preWious�y <br /> disclosed ta and a�lc�ow��dg�d k�y Lende��n writing, �a} neit}�er Tr�rs�ar nor �ny tenant, con�rac�a�, agen�or o�f�er <br /> �uthc�rized user of i:he Prap�i��y sh�l� use, gen�rate, ��anufacture, s�are, �:r�at, dispos� ❑f or release any Hazardaus <br /> Su��st�i�ce an, und�r, abou�: or fram the f'��oper�}�, and �b} any su�h actiWity�hal� �e c�ndu���d in com�aliance with <br /> a�f appli�ai�ie �ed�r�l, sta�e, and fo��i I�ws, ��gulatians and ordinances, inc�uding withnut limita�ion a�l <br /> �nvir�nmental Laws. �1�rusto�� auth�rizes Lender and its agen�s �o enter u�on �I�� Praperty �:o make s��ch <br /> insp�c�ions and ��s��s, at Trust�r's exp�nsef a� Lender may de�m appropria�e to de��rmine compliance of the <br /> f'rope��ty wi��� tl-��s s�c�i�n af the Deed ❑-F Trust. Any inspections �� �t�sts made hy Lend�r sha11 �e far L�nder's <br /> purpases �nly and sh�if na� be Gonstrued ta create any responsibifi�y ar I�abili�� an�:he parf of Lender to Trus�ar or <br /> to any o�h�r persa��, The represen�a�ions and warran��ics con�:ained herein are I�as�d �n Trus�or's due dilic�enc� in <br /> inWes�igat�ng �h� I�roper�:y �ar Ha7ardous 5ubstanc�s. Trus�or hereby {�) �el�ases and wai��s any -future claims <br /> agai��st Lender f�r ir�demn��t� or Gor�tribution in �he e�ent Trus�or E�ecomes �iable �or cl�anu� ❑r o�her• costs under <br /> any sucf� �aw�; and ��] agr��s ta Enderr�nify, de�end, �nd 17oid harrnless Lender agains�any �nd ail c�aims, las�es, <br /> liabiiities, damag�s, �ena�l:ies, �nd exp�ns�s which Lender may dir�ct�}�or inciire�tly sustain or su�fe� ��esul��ng fro�r� <br /> a k�r�ach of this s�c�i�n o�the Deed o�Trust or a� � �onsequenc� of any use, gen�ra�i�n, manufiac�ure, stora�e, <br /> �isposaf, release or threatened re�ease o�currin� prior to T�ustai�'s ownership ar in�terest i€�tf�e Property, whether or <br /> n�� �he sam� was or shauld ��a�re bee�� lcnown to Trus�or. The pro�isions �� �IlfS se��ion oi thc Deed of Trus�, <br /> 3nciudin�tf-�e obligati�R�t� indemni�fy and d�fend, sha[1 sur�ive�he �aaymen�:o�F the Indebtedness and �he�a�is�actian <br /> and reconveyance o��h� fi�n af�his ❑eed af Trus�and shall nat be aff����d by Lender's acquisitiQn a�any interest <br /> in�he Property, whe�her f�y fioreclosu�e or�tf�erwise. <br /> �uisan�e, �lras��. Trustor shali not �ause, conduc�: �r permil; any nuisan�e n�r �arnmi�, perlr�if, ❑r suf�Fer any <br /> sfiripping of ar waste on or �o the l�raperty ar any por�ion of �he Property. Wi�chaut �imi�ing tf�e gen�rali�y o� �:he <br /> foregaing, Trustor will noi: rem��e, o� grant to any ��her par�y the righ�to rem��e, any tim�er, minerafs �i�-�cluding <br /> oi! and gasy, �Qa�, clay, scoria, so�l, grave{ ❑r rocic products wi�hou�Lend�r's prior v�rri�ten cons�n�. <br /> ReRnoval o�imprc��ernenfis. Trustor s11all nat demol�sh or remav� any Impro�er�nen�s fram �lh� Real Praperty wi�:hou�: <br /> Lendeir"s p�iar writfien cansent. As a condi�ion ta the remoWal ��any lmpro�emen�s, Lender ma� require Trustor to <br /> malc� arrang�ments sa�isfac�ory to Lender t� replace such ImproWem�nts wi�h Impr��ements af a� feast equal <br /> Walue. <br /> Lender's F�ight�a Fn�er. Lender and Lende�'s agents and represen�atives may ent�r upon the Real Proper�y at a�f <br /> reasonable times ta attend �❑ Lender's in-��r�sts and to inspe�t �th� Rea� Prop�r�ty far purposes o� Trustor's <br /> complian�e w�th th��erms and condifiions af th�s ❑eed o�F Trus�. <br /> Comp�ian�e with Governme�fia� �equ�remen�s. Trus�tar shal! pramp�ly comp�y with ali iav�rs, ardi«ances� and <br /> regulafiions, naw Qr hereafter in e�fe�t, ❑f all gnvernmen�lal authorities applicabfe to �l�e use ar o��upancy of �he <br /> Proper�y, inciuding withou� limita�:i�n, �h� Americans VVi�h Disabili�ies Act. Trus�ar may �an�est in gaod �aifih any <br /> such law, ordinance, ❑r regula�i�n and withhold compliance during any proceedin�, inc[uding approprEafie ap�a��ls, <br /> sc� long as Trus�or has n�tified Len�er in writing prior to doing so and so long as, in L�nder's so�e apinion, L�nder's <br /> interests in �he Proper�y are not j�opardized. L�nde�- may require Trustor �o post adequa�e security or a surety <br /> bond, reasonably satisfactary t❑ Lender, t❑ pratect Lender's interest. <br /> Duty to Protect. Trustar agrees nei�her ta abandon or leaWe unat�ended �he Prap�rty. Trus�ar sha�� do all other <br /> aC�S� in addition�o�hose acts ss�i`orth abo�e in this sec�ion, which fram the character and use �f the Prnperty are <br /> reasonably ne�essary to prote��and preserWe the Prop�rty. <br /> ❑UE�N S1-�LE- CQNSEIV7 61� LENDER, L�nder may, at Lender`s aption, dec�are imm�dia�ely due and payable all sums <br /> secured by�his ❑eed �f Trus�upon the sale or trans�er, withou�Lender's prior wr�tten cans�nt, of all o� any par�af the <br /> Real Properfiy, or any in�erest in the Re�] Property. A "sale or transfer" means the Gon�eyance o� Real Proper�y ar any <br /> right, ti�Ie ar fn��CC'.5� in the Real Praper�y; whether legal, beneficia� ar equitab[e; wl�el:her �oluntary or �n�Qlun�ary; <br /> whether by Qutright sale, deed, ins�alEment sa[� cantrac�, land con�ract, c�n�ract for deed, Eeaseh�fd in�eres� with a <br /> term greater than three {3� years, lease-option contrac�, or by sale, assignment, or transfer o�=any bene�icial interest in <br />