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� 2� 1 �� 1487 <br /> su�h obl�ga�ion; and the �os��hereof sha�� be added �o �he Indebtedness and paid on Lender's de�nand b <br /> � <br /> �ran�or. <br /> ASSI�NMENT�F LEASES AND IiENTS.As additiona�secur�ty far�he paymerit af�h�Indebtedness and�he <br /> perfarmance of the ca�enan�s con�ained herein, Grantor hereby ass�g��s and transfers o�er to Lender a�� ren�s <br /> in�ame and prafi�s �"Rents"� under any presen� vr futu�-e �eases, sub�eases �r ��censes flf the Pro e �nciudin� <br /> � �Y� � <br /> an�guaran�i�s, ex�ens�ans, amendmen�s or rene�als there�f, fr�xn the use of the Proper�y. So long as �ran�vr is <br /> no�Y.r�defau�t, Gran�vr may r�celve, co�Ie��and enjoy a��Ren�s ac�ruing from�he Proper�, but n�t more�han�ne <br /> manth in ad�vance of the due da�e. Lender may als�requ�re Gran�or, �enan�and an� �ther user�f�he Pra er ta <br /> make paymen�s of�en�s directXy�o L�nder.Hovve�er �b rece' ' p � <br /> , y �v�ng any such paymen�s,Le�a.der is not,and shal�not <br /> . be cons�dered, an agen�far any par�y�r en��ty..Any amoun#s�a��ec�ed ma�, at Lender's sale dis�re���n ��a lied <br /> to pro�e�t Lender's xnterest in �he �'ro � ' ' pp <br /> p rCy, �ncluding but nvt �zmited �o �he paymen� of taxes and insurance <br /> and �� the Indebtedness. At Lender's soXe discreti�n, a�i leases, subleases axad I��enses must fu st be <br /> approved by Lender. : . : <br /> �UNDEMNATIUN. Grantar sha��give Lender nvt�ce of any ac�xon taken�r fhreatened to be�a��en b rivate <br /> y p or <br /> pubii�ent�t�es to appropriate the Pr�per�y or any part there�f,through condemnation,emznent domain or an o�her <br /> a����n.Fur�her,Lender shaXl be perm�tted ta par���ipa�e or in�er�ene in an of�he ah � <br /> y a�e descr�bed pro�eed�ngs xn <br /> any manner i� shal� a� xts so�e dis�ret�on determine. Lender xs hereby gi�en full pov�er, r�gh� and au�h�r� to <br /> rece�ve and re�exp�fvr any and aX�dama es av�arded as a resul�af � <br /> � �he fu�I vr pax-�ia��ak�ng or appropriatxan and in <br /> z#s sale dzscre�ion, ta apply sa�d av�ards�o�he Indebtedness, whe�h�r or nfl��hen due ox �ther��se in acc�rdance <br /> �ith appl��abl.e Xa�. Unless Lender o�hervvise agrees in wrx�ing, any app��ca�ivn of pro�eeds �o �he �nde�tedness <br /> shall not extend flr p�stpone �he due date af�he paymen�s due under th.e Indebtiedness or chan e the am�un� of <br /> such payments. . <br /> � <br /> G�tANT��t'S ASSURA,N�ES. A� any ��me, upon a reques� of Lender, Gran��r �ii� execu�e and de�i e� <br /> v � �o <br /> Lender, and if appropr�ate, cause t� be re�orded, such further mar�gages, assxgnmen�s, assi ments of�eases and <br /> renfs, secur�ty agreements, p�edg�s, fixa.anc�n s�atem�nts ar suc � <br /> g , h a�her d�cumen� as Lender may requu-e �n <br /> Lender's soXe dxscretion,ta effectua�e, comp�e�e and#�perfect as�e��as ta contuaue�o reserve the Zndebted.ness <br /> ar the Iien or security in�er�s��reated b �h�s Se�uri Irxstruane p � <br /> Y �y n�. <br /> ATT�RNEX--IN-FA�T. Gran�ar appvin�s Lender as at��rn.e _-�n--fac� an beha�f o <br /> Y f Grant��. If G�antor fa��s t� <br /> fuifili any af Gran�or's obliga�zons under �h�s Secur�ty �nstrumen� ar any Re�a�ed Daczunen�s inc�udlll �hose <br /> � g <br /> �b�igat�ons men#ioned in.�he precedu�.g paragraph, Lender as at�orney-in-fac�may fulf��I �he obli a�ians �xthou� <br /> n�tice�o Grant�r.This pawer af att�rney shali not be affec�ed b fih�disab�l' g <br /> y ��of the Gran�vr. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAUL'I'. The fol�o�ing e�en�s sha�� c�ns�ztu�e �.efaul�under�his Securi Instr <br /> "E�en�of DefauX�"�: �, <br /> ty umen� �ea�h an <br /> �a} Fax�ure t❑make required paymen�s vvhen due under Indebtedness; <br /> . <br /> Failure �o perform ar I�eep`any af�he covenants of this Security Instrument or a defau��under an of <br /> �he Re�ated Da�uments; � <br /> �C} The makirlg af any oral or writ��n s�a�ement or asser�xon�a Lender�ha� zs fa�se or Y ' ' ' <br /> nzslead�ng �n any <br /> materia�respect by Gran�or or any person ob�Ygated�n#he�ndeb�edness; <br /> . <br /> The death, diss�Iu�ion, �nsolvency, bankruptcy vr rece��ersh�p proceeding of�rantor�r�f any ersnn <br /> ar en��ty Q�liga�ed an�he Indebtiedness; p <br /> �e� Any assxgnment by Gran�ar for�he h�nef�of Gran�or's cred��flrs; � <br /> �f} A ma�er�a�advers� change �ccurs i.n�he fnanc�al condit�on, ovtmership or�nanagemen� �f Grantor or <br /> any p�rson�h�iga�ed on the Indeb�edness;or <br /> �g} Lender deems rtse�f u�secure for any reason whatsoever. �_ <br /> REMEDIES �I1T D�FALT�T. Upan �he accurrence �f an E�ent of Defaul�, Lender may, withou� demand �r <br /> no��ce,pay any ar al�taxes, assessmen�s,premiums, and���ns required�o be paid by Granto�•, effe�t an insurance <br /> pra��ded for here�n,make such repairs, cause�he a�stracts of t��Ie or t�t�e in � <br /> . surance pol7cy and�a�hlstar�es af the <br /> Pr�perty�o be cer�xfed to da�e, or procure nevv abstracts of�i�ie ar�z�Ie insu.�•ance and�ax his�ories in case none <br /> were furnzshed to i�, and procure��t1e reports covering�he Propex�ty, in��ud�ng sur�eys. The amounts aid far an <br /> such pu.rposes wi11�e added to�he Indeb�edness and v�ri�I bear interes�at the ra � � <br /> . �e of in�eresti o�her��se accruing on <br /> �he Indebtedness un.til pa�d. In the e�ren� of forecl�sure, �he abstracfis of�i��e or t�t�e insurance sha�I bec�me �he <br /> property af Lender. A1� abs�rac�s of�r��e,tx��e insurance, �a�h�storxes, surWeys, and ather d�cum�n�s er�ainin t� <br /> P g <br /> �he Indeb�edness vv�Il rema�n�in Lender's possess��n unti�the Indeb�edness zs paid ua.fu��. <br /> IN THE EVENT�F THE SALE�F THIS PR�PERTY UNDER THE PR�CEDURE F�R F�RECLQSURE QF� <br /> A SECURITY INSTRLIMENT BY ADVERTISEMENT,AS PRflVIDED BY APPLIC.A�BLE LAW, �R IN THE <br /> EVENT LENDER E�ER�ISES ITS l�C'r�TS UNDER THE ASSIGNMENT �F L'EASES AND RENTS, THE <br /> LENDER SHALL PR�VIDE ALL STATUT�RILY RE�LIIRED N4TI�ES �F SALE AND N�TICES �F <br /> JUDI�IAL HEA�RINGS BEF�RE LENDER E�".ER�ISES ANY �F ITS. RIGHTS UNDER THIS <br /> INSTRUMENT. • <br /> Upan the occurrence of an Even�of Defaul�,Lender may,wxthau�nvt�ce un�ess re uu ed b �a <br /> c� y w, and a��ts�ptiY�n, <br /> de�lare�he entire Indeb�edne�ss due and payab�e, as i�may e�ect,regard�ess of t�ie da�e ar da�es vf ma�urz�y thereof <br /> and, if permZt�ed by s�ate lavv, zs au�har�zed and empowered�o cause the Property to be said a�public auc��on, and <br /> to e�e�u�e and de�iver���he_p�.0 chaser ar�urchasers a�such sa�e any deeds of canveyanGe good at�.d suff�cient at <br /> �av�r,pursuan�to the s�a�ute�n such case made and prvv�ded. The Trustee sha��app�y.�he pr�ceeds of�he Trust�e's <br /> sa�e, fi�rst,t��he cos�s and e�penses of exercising�he povc�er of sale and of�he sa�e, includi�xag the aymen�of the <br /> � <br /> Trus�ee's fees actua�Iy zn�urred; secvnd, t� payment of the ob�.iga�ivn se�ured by.�he trusx deed; �hird, �o �he <br /> �2004-�415 Cor3npl�ance Sysfems,Inc.:d8F9-D03E-2Q <br /> Cammercial Real Estate Se�vrity Inst�ment-I]I,,�Op7 Page 3 of S � www.cnrr�pliancesystems.cvm <br />