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2� 1 �� 1487 <br /> V�ARRANTIES. Grantar, f�r i�self, its heirs, pers�na� r�presentatives, success�rs, and assigns, represents, <br /> �arrants,covenants a.nd agrees�r�th Lender,i�s su�cess�rs and assigns,as foll��s: <br /> Performance of Dbl�gations. Grantor prarn�ses tv perf�rm a11 �erms, cond�tions, and covenants of this <br /> Securi�r Ins�rumen�and Re�a�ed Documents i.n accordan�e�ith the�erms contained therein. <br /> D�fense and Title t�Property.At the time�f��eGution and de�ivery�f th�s instrumen�, Grant�r is lawfully <br /> seised af�he es�ate hereby c�nve��d and has �he exclusive r�ght�v mar�gage, grant, canvey and ass�gn the <br /> Pr�pe�-�.Grantor co�enan�s that�he Proper�is unencurn�er�d and free�f aII�iens,except far encumbrances <br /> uf record accep�able �o Lender. Fur�he�•, Grantor cavenants �ha� Grantor�il� �arrant and defend general�y <br /> the t�tle t� the Propert.y agains� any and alI claims and demands vvhatsoe�er, sul�jec� to the easements, <br /> restric�ions, or a�her encumbran�es of r�c�rd ac�eptable t� Lender, as ma� be Iis�ed in the scheduie of <br /> e�cep�i�ns to co�erag�. in any abstract of�itle or ti�le �nsurance pol�cy insuring Lender's int�res� in th� <br /> Pr�perty. <br /> Conditi�n of Property. �rantar promises at a�l times �� preserve and to maintain the Proper�y and every <br /> par�thereuf�n g��d repall•, w�rking order, and c�ndit��n and v��l� fi•vm�ime fi� �ime, make aIl needfu� and <br /> pr�per repairs so that the�a1ue of�he Praper�y sha�l not in any way be impaired. <br /> Remova� of any Part �f th�Property. Grantor promises not to remove any par��f the Pr�perty from its <br /> present�ocat�on,except.for re��a�ement,mai.n�enance and relocati�n in the ord�nary course�f busi.ness. <br /> AXteratinns to the Praperty. Grantar promises �v a�sta�n fiom the c�mmissi�n �f any v�aste on or in <br /> connect��n v�ri#h the PropeY-�y.Fu�-�her,Grantor sha��make na material a�teratians,add�t��ns or�mprvvemen�s <br /> of an�type� the Pr�p�rty, regardless of whe�her such al�era��ons, additivns �r impro�ements <br /> �v�u1d increase the va�ue �f the Pr�pert�, nor pe7m�t anyone�� do sfl except for tenant impr�vernen�s and <br /> ��mpie�ion of i�ems pu1 suant�a appr�yed plans and spe�ificatians, �ithaut Lender's pr��r wri�ten �onsent, <br /> which consent inay be.v���hheld �by Lender in �ts so�� dis�reti�n. Grantor Vv�II comply �ith aIl la�rs and <br /> regula�ions of a��public au�ho�•ities hav�.ng j urisd�c�ion over�he Pr�pert�inc�uding,�vi.thout limi�atian,th�se <br /> rela�ing tfl the use, oc�upa�cy and maintenan�� there�f and sha��upvn request prornptl� submit t� Lender <br /> e�idence vf such c�mpl�ance. . <br /> Due vn Saie�LenderTs�onsent.Grantor sha�l na�s�Il,fu�r�her encumber or vther�v�rise disp�se�f,except as <br /> herein pravided, any ur aI1 �f i�s in�eres� u�. any par� of or al� �f�he Pr�perty w��hout �rs� obtaining the <br /> �rit�en cvnsent of L�nder. If any encum�rance, lien, �i ansfer �r sale vr agreement f�r these is created, <br /> Lender may declare u�nmedia�e�}�due and payab�e,the en�ire balance�f the Indebtedness_ <br /> Insurance. Gran�nr pr�mises�o ke�p�he Property insux ed against such r�sl�~s and in such form as may v�rithin <br /> the sole discre�ion �f Lender he accep�a��e, causing Lender to �e named as 1�ss payee ar if requested by <br /> Lender, as mar�gagee, The insurance company shall Ue chas�n by �rant�r subj ect to Lender's approwal, <br /> v�h�ch sha�i not be unreasonab�y vc�i�hh��d. All insuran.ce palicies must provide that Lender �i�I get a <br /> minimum�f 1U days n�t�ce pr��r ta can�ellativn.At Lender's discreti�n, �rant�r may�e re�uired tu prvdu�e <br /> receipts vf pard premiums and renevval p�Iicres.If�rantor fa�ls tu obtain the required coverage,Lender may <br /> da so at Grant�r's expense.Gran�or here�y d�rec�s each and e►very insurer af the Prapert��o make payment�f <br /> �oss�a Lender vwith the praceeds to be applied, vnly at Lender's option,to the repair and rep�acement of the <br /> damage ur Iass or�o�be applzed t��he Indeb�edness v�ith�he surplus,if an�,t�be paid by Lender t�Grantor. <br /> Payment af Ta�es ai�d �ther App�icable �harges. �rantor prom�ses �a pay and �v d�scharge liens, <br /> encum�rances,ta�es,as�essments,Iease pa�ments and an}�o�her�harges relat�ng t��he Pr�pert��vhen�e�ed <br /> �r assessed aga�nst��•antar�r the Pr�perty. <br /> Enviranmenta� La�vs and Hazardous or Tnxic 1Viateria�s. Grant�r and e�rery tenant ha�e been, are <br /> present�y and shall con�inue �� be in strict �vmp�rance �ri�h any appli�al�ie Ioca�, state and federal <br /> en�i.ranmental la�s and regu�ations.Fur�her,neither Gran�or nor any tenant sha1l manufacture,store,handle, <br /> d�scharge �r disp�se of hazardous or t��ic mateY�ials as ma�be de�ned 1�� an}�sta�e or federa� �av� on the <br /> Property, except �� �he e�,t�nt the e�is�ence �f such mater�a�s has been presen�ly d�sc�osed in wri�ing ta <br /> Lender. Grantor wili�dia�e�y nvtxfy Lender in�vri��.g of any asser���n�r claim made by any parfiy as�o <br /> the pass�b�e �r��Iati�n of applicable sfia�e and federa� env�ranmental 1a�rs �n�luding �ie Ioca�ivn �f any <br /> hazardous�r t��i�ma�erials vn�r about�he Property. Grantvr indemn��es and h�1ds Lender harm�ess from, <br /> wi�hvut limitat��n, any liabil��ar expense of�vhatsae�er nature incurred d�rec�iy or �ndire���y out of or in <br /> connec�i�n v���h: �a}any envir�limenta�laws affecting a11 vr any pax-�of�he Property�r�rant�r;�b�the past, <br /> present or future existen�e of any hazardnus ma�eri��s in, vn, under, abaut, �r emana�ing fr�m �r passing <br /> fihrough the Propei� or any par� �here�f or an� pr�p�r�y adj acen� �her�t�; ��} any past, present or future <br /> hazardnus acti�ri�r at or in connec�ivn with the ProperCy or any part therevf; and �d� �he nvnc�mpliance by <br /> Grantar ar Grantor's fa�lure��co�nply fu1��and timely wi�h environmen�al la�s. <br /> Financia�Infarmatian.Gran��r agrees t�supply�ender such�nan�ial and��her�nformati�n concern�ng�ts <br /> affairs and �he status of any of�ts asse�s as Lender, fr�m time ta tune, may reasanab�y r�quest. Grantor <br /> further agrrees ta permi� Lender to �rerif�r a�caunts as v�e�� as �� i.nspe��, copy and ta the books, <br /> re�ards and��es af Gran�or. <br /> Lender's Right to Enter.Lender ar Lender's age��s shal�ha�e the rxgh�and access��inspect the Pr�perty a� <br /> al� reasnnab�e �imes in order to at�end to Lender's �nteresfis and ensure camp��ance v�i�h �he �erms of this <br /> Secur�ty Instrum�n�. �f the Property, �r any pa�� ther��f, shal� require inspect�on, repair or rnaint�nance <br /> �h��h Grantflr has failed t� pr��vide, Lender, after reasflnable nvtice, may en�er upan�he Proper�y ta effect <br /> �20Q4-2�15 Cam�liance Systems,inc.SSF9-D03E-2015.11.3.1425 <br /> Commercia!Real Estate Security Instrument-DL4Dfl7 Page 2 of 5 ww�v.compliancesystems.cQm <br />