2� 1 �� 1487
<br /> paymen� ❑f junior trust deeds, m�r�gages, or nther lienhol�ers and the balance, if an�, �o the pers�n or persons
<br /> �egaily enti��ed thereto. The reci�als in �he Trustee's deed sha�l be prima fac�e ev�den�e of the iruth of �he
<br /> s�a�eYnents made Yn�t.If Lender ch��ses�o in�r�ke the p��er of saie,Lender or Trus�ee�il�pr��ride notice af saie
<br /> pursuant ta appli�able �av�. Any such sa�e or a sale mad�pursuant tv a judgment ar.a decree fvr�he fareclosure
<br /> hereof may, at the op��on of Lender, be made en masse. The c�mmencement of pxo�eedings to fvreciose this
<br /> Secux�ty Ins�rument in any manner au�hvr�zed b�r la�v shail be deemed as e�ercise of�he ab��e opti�n.
<br /> Up�n the accurrence af an E�rent of I]efau��, Lender sha1l urs.media�e�y be ent�t�ed t� make app�icati�n fvr and
<br /> ob�a��a�he appolll�inent of a rece��rer for�he Prope�-t�and of the earnings, in��me, �ssue and profi�s af�t,v�ith�he
<br /> po�ers as the ��ur�makixlg the appointmen�s c�nfers. �rantor hereby irrev�cably cansents to such appointment
<br /> and v�ai�res nat�ce of any app�i�ati�n therefor. ;
<br /> N� 'L�AIVER.No delay �r�failure af Lender t� exercise any right, r�medy, pavver �r pri�i�ege hereunder shal�
<br /> affect that�•igh�,remedy,pvv�rer or privilege nar shall an�s�ng�e ar par�ial exer�ise thereof pre�lude�he exercise�f
<br /> any righ�,remedy, povwer or pri�r�I.ege.N❑Lender de�a��r faiiure�� demand stric�adherence t�the�erms�f�his
<br /> Se�urity Instrumen�sha�l be�eemed tv cons�itute a cow.:se of�onduc�inconsis�ent��th Lend�r's right a�any time,
<br /> befvre or after an e►vent uf default, to demand s�x�c� adher�n�e to the terms of this_Secw�i.ty Instrument and the
<br /> Re�a�ed Dacuments.
<br /> SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE.Lender, at i�s optian,may from t�me to t�.me r�mo�re Trus�ee and appvin�a 5uccess�r
<br /> �-us��e to any Trus�ee app�in�ed hereunder by an i.nstrumen� recarded in the count� in which th�s 5ecurity
<br /> �ns�i ument is record�d. ���haut c�nveyance of the Pr�per�y, the successor t�-ustee shall succeed �� all �he t�t�e,
<br /> p�wer and du�ies c�nferred up�n Trus�e�herein and by app�icab�e law.
<br /> JQINT AND SE'L�ERAL LIABILITY.If�his Secur�ty Instrument sh�u�d be s�gned by m�re than�ne person,a1I
<br /> p�rsons e�ecuting�his Security Instrument agree�ha�the�sha��be jo�n�ly and se�erally bound,�rhere permit�ed by
<br /> Iaw.
<br /> SIJR.''LrIVAL. Lender's rights in�his Security Instrumen��i��can�inue i.n i�s success�rs and assigns. Th�s Security
<br /> Instrument is bind�ng on a�l heirs,execut�rs,administrators,assigns and success�rs�f�rantor.
<br /> N�TICES AND W AIVER��F N�TI�E. Un�ess other�vise requ�red by app�icabl� 1aw, an.�no�ice �r demand
<br /> given by Lender�o any par� �s cansidered effec�i�re: (i) when i� is depos��ed in the IJnited S�a�es Mail wi�h the
<br /> appropria�e postage; (ii� �rhen i� �s sen� via electr�nic ma��; �i�i} v�hen it 3s sent �v�a facsimiie; �iW) when it is
<br /> dep�s�ted v�ith a nat�onaliy rec�gnized�vern�ght Guur�er service; �v} an the day ❑f persona�delivery; or �vi} any
<br /> o�her commercia�iy reas�nahle means.A copy�f any n���ce sha��be sen�to each par�y at�he address of�he par�y
<br /> gi�ren at the beginning of�his Security Instrument un�ess an alternat�ve address has been pr�vided to Lender in
<br /> v�ri�ing. Ta�he e��en�permitted by lavv, Gran�or�raives noti�e of Lender's accep�ance�f this Secu��it�Insfrumen�,
<br /> def�nses based on sure�ship,any defense arising from any e�ec�ion by Lender under�he Uni�ed S�a�es Bankruptcy
<br /> Cod�, T]nifQ��n �ommerc�a� �ode, as enaeted in the state where Lender �s �ocated vr o�her applicable Iav� ar in
<br /> e�u�ty, demand, nnt�ce vf a��e�era�i�n, no�ice ❑f nonpaymen�, presentment, protes�, n��ice of dishon�r and any
<br /> other notice.
<br /> REQUEST F�R N�TICES: Grantor r�ques�s tha�copies�f�he n��ice of default and not�ce�f sale be sen�t�the
<br /> address af each par�y given at the�eginnxng vf th�Se�urity Instrumen�.
<br /> W�iIV�R �F APP�tAISEIVIENT RIGHTS. Grantar wai�es aI� appraisement r�gh�s rela�ing�v the Property to
<br /> the e�tent penn�t�ed by lav�.
<br /> L►ENDER'�EXPENSES. Gran�or agrees t�pay ail e�penses�ncurred by Lender in connect��n�i�h enforGement
<br /> �f its rights under�he Indeb�edness,th�s Secur��y Instrument�r in the e�rent Lender��made par�y to any litigation
<br /> because of the existence�f�he Indebtedness or�his Security Ins�rument, as v�re11 as court cos�s, cvllection�harges
<br /> and reasonab�e att�rne}�s'fees and disbu.rsernen�s.
<br /> ASSIGNABILITY. Lender ma�r assign or other�ise ti ansfer this Security Instru.ment �r any of Lender's rights
<br /> under this Securit�Insti umei�t���hout n�tice t� Grantvr. Gran�or ma�not assign�his Security Instrument or any
<br /> part of�he Security InstrUment v�rithout�he express�vrit�en cons�nt of Lender.
<br /> G�VERNLNG LA�'. This Se�uri�y Inst�-ument v�i��be gvverned b�the laws of�he S�a�e �f Nebraska inc�uding
<br /> all proceedings arising fram���s Se�urity Instrument.
<br /> SE'�ERABILITY. If a cour� of colnpetent jurisdiGtian de��rmines any term �r pr�vis�vn of �his Securi�y
<br /> Instrument �s in�aiid �r prah��i�ed b� applicable �av�, �ha� term or pro�rision vvi�l be �effect��e �� �he e�tent
<br /> requll ed.Any term or prov�sion that has heen defiermined ta be inva�id or proh�bited�iII be se�rered from�he res�
<br /> of the Security Instrument �i�hou� in�alidatuag �he remainder of e��her the affec�ed pro�si�n or this Se�ur�ty
<br /> �nstrument.
<br /> WAIV�ER �F JURY TRIAL. All par�ies to this �ecurity Instrument here�� kno��ngl� and vo�untarily
<br /> wa���,to the fuliest extent permitted by Iaw,an�right to tr�ai by jury of any dispufe,whether in cantract,
<br /> tort,nr atherwise,ari5�ng out�f,in�onn�ction v+�ith, reiated ta,or inc�dentai to the relatianship establ�shed
<br /> between them in this Se�urity Instrument or an� other instrument, document ar agreement e�ecufed or
<br /> de���er�d in connectian�vith thi��ecurity Instrument ar the Related Documents.
<br /> �2aU4-2015�ampiiance Systems,Inc.5$F9-DD3E-2015.11,3.l OZ5
<br /> Casremercial Real Estate Security Instnament-DL44Q7 Page 4 of� www.compliar�cesystems.com
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