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<br /> H�m�Federal Savxngs&L�an Associativn of Home�edera�Sa�in s&Laan Assuciat�on of
<br /> Grand Is�and �
<br /> Grand Is�and �
<br /> �2� Sauth Locust Street 2��South Lacust Street
<br /> � �Spa�e Abvve This L�ne Far Recarding Data}
<br /> E DEED
<br /> �F TRUST �
<br /> Thxs��MMERCIAL REAL,ESTATE DEED�F TRUST�"Secur�ty Ins�rumen�" �s�nade on March 14 .2
<br /> �he grantor�s} Francxsco A. �'enate ` } ' .4����
<br /> Jr. and Manue��a �enate, Husband and �ife, ,tavhase address �s 3G49
<br /> Bronco Rd., GRAND ISLAND,Nebraska 68$�1 �"Gran�arT'}. Th�trustee is A�rend �t. Baac�� Attorn
<br /> address �s P.�. �ox 7gQ, Grand Island Nebraska y eY�h�se
<br /> , 6SSU2 ("Trus�ee"}. Th� benef c�a�y �s Home F�dera�
<br /> Sa�ings & ��an Assoc�ation of �rand Is�and v�hose address �s 22� South Locus� Street Gra��
<br /> , d Islai�d,
<br /> Nebrasl�a 68SU1 �"Lender"�, �hx.�h is organxzed and exist�ng under �he �aws af�he Uni�ed S�ates a '
<br /> Gran�or�n,c�ns�derati�n of�oans ex�ended� Lende f.Amer�ca.
<br /> � r up to a ma,�mum prin��pa� arn.�u�xt���ne Hund red Ten
<br /> Thousand and U�11 UU Do�Ia r� �U.S. $11 U,4U�.40� �"Maxxmum Princ�pa� Indeb�edness" and f�r o�her
<br /> �, valuable
<br /> considerati�n, the receip� of.�vhich �s a�knov��edged, �rre�ocably grants, c�nve s and ass� ns ta Trustee '
<br /> �ri�h power vf saie,the fa�lav��n descr�bed ro e ��ca�e ' � � ' ��'us�' .
<br /> ;
<br /> g p p r� d u�the��unty af Ha��, S�a�e of Nebraska:
<br /> Address:3�U9 Bronco Rd.,GRAN��SLANIl,Nebraska 5S$Q1
<br /> Lega�Descrip��on:Lat Twenty�'our��4},Saddle��ub S.ubd�v�s�on �Ia�I C�unt
<br /> , y,�ebrasx�a
<br /> Toge�her v�ith aII �asemen�s, apput-�enances abutt�ng s�ree�s and a��eys, im ro�emen�s build�n s f xture
<br /> �e n e m e n t s,h e r e d x tamen ts, equ�pmen�,rents income rof�ts a p ? g � 5'
<br /> � ,p nd raya�ties,personai gaads of�vhate�er descr�p�xan
<br /> and a1I �ther righ�s and privileges in��udin.g a�i minerais, ni�, gas, wa�er �v�he�her raund�ater su�terra e
<br /> g , n an �r
<br /> o�herwise}, wa�er rYgh�s��hether riparzan, appropria�e or a�her�ise, and�he�her nr nat a urtenan�to�he ab
<br /> described rea� pr�perty}, �nrells, v�ei� erm��s d�tches d�tch ri ht pp o�e-
<br /> p . .
<br /> , � , g s, reser�airs, reservoir rrgh�s, reser�a�r sx�es,
<br /> s�orage r�gh�s, dams and wa�er sta�k �hat may now, ar a� any���me �ta �he fu�ure, be ��ca�ed an andlor us�d in
<br /> conne�t�on w�th the aba�e-described real proper�y, payment awards, amoun�s received fr�m em' '
<br /> . , ua.ent domau-�,
<br /> amaun�s recerved fram any a�d aIl�nsurance payments,and��.mber�h�ch may n�v��r Ia�er be ioca�ed, si�uatied or
<br /> affixed an and used vn connectivn there���h�hereinafter caX�ed�he"Pro er " . �
<br /> P �Y )•
<br /> RELATED D��UMENTS. The vvords "Rela�ed I]vcumen�s" mean aI� r � '
<br /> p ornzssory notes, security agreemen�s,
<br /> pr�or mortgages, pr�or de�ds of trus�, pri�r deeds t� secure deht, bus�.ness laan a� eemen�s canstru��ion �
<br /> �' , oan
<br /> agreemen�s, reso�u��ons, guaranties, env�ranmental agreemen#s, sub�rdYn.a�i�n agreein.ents, assi en�s �f Ieases
<br /> and rents and an� n�her d�cuments ar agreemen�s executed in cannec ' � �
<br /> , �i�n v���h �his Inde��edness and Security
<br /> Instrument,whether nov�or h�reafter e��s�ing,in��uding any mod�f cat�ons,extens��ns,substitutions ar renewals o
<br /> f
<br /> any af�he f�rega�ng. The ReXated Documen�s are hereby made a par� of this Security Instrumen� b reference
<br /> thereta,v�i�h the same fvrce and effe�t as�f ful�y se�forth here�in. - �
<br /> INDEB'I'EDNESS.This Securi�.y Instrument secures the principa�amaun�sho�n above as ma �e evidenced
<br /> � by a
<br /> promissory na�e or no�es of�e�en, pr�or or subsequen� date heretn, inc�udxng future advan�es and eve other
<br /> iudebtedness of any and e��ry kind now or hereaf�er owin fram�s�and A �
<br /> � utv, LL� t� I�om�Federa� Savings
<br /> & Loan Associati�n o�Grand Is�and, h�v�s�e�er�rea��d or arising, vwhether primar�, secQnda or��n�ua ent
<br /> �ogether w�th any in�erest or�harges prtivided�n or ar�sin ou�of su�h�nde � g �
<br /> . g b�edness, as�ei�as the agreements and
<br /> cavenan�s of thi.s Security Instrumen�and a�1�ela�ed D��uxnen�s(hereina�er a1�referred ta as�he"Indebte "
<br /> : dness �.
<br /> F�7TITRE ADVAN�ES.Ta��h�ex�en�permztted b�la�r, �h�s Secur� Instrumen�wi�I '
<br /> ty secure future advances as Yf
<br /> such advances were made on�the date of�his Secur�f.y Instrumen�regardless of the fac�tha�fram�zme�o�ime there
<br /> may be no ba�ance due under�he no�e and regardless of vvhe�her Lender is abixga�ed tio make such future advances.
<br /> C�t�SS CQLLATERALI,�,A,TI�N, I� �s �he e�pressed i.nten� flf Gran�ar �� crass colla�era�xze '
<br /> aI� of xts
<br /> Indehted.ness an� �bliga�x�ns �� Lender, hav�saever arising and v�rhensoever incurred, exce t an ab�� ation
<br /> exxstuag or ar�svag agax�s�the�principal dvwe�l�n of an Gran�or. � y g
<br /> � Y
<br /> �
<br /> � :
<br /> �20D4-�4I5 Camplianc�Systems,In�.`58F9-D�3E-2415.1 i.3.1425
<br /> Cammerciat Rea1 Estate Security Instrument-DL•4�Q7 Page�af 5 • w�vw.compliancesystems.�vm
<br /> �
<br /> , �
<br />