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�� . 2� 1 �� 149� <br /> such ob�i�at�on; and �he c�s�thereof shaX� be added t� the Inde��ec�riess and a�d on Lende ' <br /> Grantor. <br /> p r s �emand �y <br /> ASSI�NNI�N'�'QF LEAS��AND RENTS.As additxona�security for�he pa�men�of�he Indeb�edn�ss and the <br /> performance af�he covenan�s canta�ned hereu�, Grantor hereby assigns and �ransfers over to Lender aI� rents <br /> i.ncame and prof�s �"Rents"� under an�present or future �eases, subleases or Iicenses of t�ae Pro e� �nc�udu�.� <br /> any guaranties, e�tens�ans, amendments or renevva�s� e � �? � <br /> , �i r�of, from�he use o�the Proper�y. Sa Iong as Gran�ar is <br /> no�ua.defau�t, Gran�or ma�re�e�ve, co�Ie�t and enj oy a�1 Rents ac�ruing fi om�h�Pr�pe ,but na�more�han ane <br /> monfh�n advance of the due da�e. Lende � <br /> r ma�a�so requ�re Grantor, �enan�and any,other user of�he Propex-t��o <br /> make payments af Rents direG�iy to Lender.H�v�re�er,by re�e�ving any such payments,Lender�s na� and shal�nat <br /> �e considered, an a ent for an a 1 ' <br /> 'g. .�p r�y vr�n�x�y.A.ny amoun�s ca��ec�ed may, a�Lender s sale d�scre�Yon,be app�xed <br /> �o prflte�� Lender s xnterest an the Property, va.��ud�ng but no� �im�ted �a �he payment af�a�es and insurance <br /> premxums and t� the Indeb�edness. At Lender's sa�� discre�ian, a�� Ieases, su��eases and Iicenses mus� first be <br /> approved�y Lender. <br /> CUNDEMNATI�N. Gran�or sha��g��re Len�er no��ce of any act�an taken ar�l�rea�ened�o be�aken b rivate or <br /> public en��ties��appr�pr�a�e�he Property ar any ar��hereof �hrvu h�vndemn ' �p <br /> p � g atzan,eminen�domain.or any ather <br /> action.Further,Lender sha�I be permitted to partiicipa�e�r in�er�rene in any of the above des�ri�ed roceedin s �n <br /> any manner it shai� a� �ts sole dYscre�ion de�ermine. Lender is hereb ive p g <br /> Y g n fuiX p�v�er, �rgh� and au�hority �o <br /> rece�ve and receip�for any and aIi damages a�var�ed as a resuXt of�he fu�1 or par��al takin ar a rn r�ati�n and in <br /> its so�e dxscreti�n, to appXy s.aid a�nrards���he Itadebtedness � e � �p p <br /> � <br /> h �her or no�then due or o�her��se �n a�cardance <br /> �vi�h appl�cab�e Ia�v. Un�ess L�nder a�herv�zs� agrees in writing, any app��catxon ❑f roceeds �� �he Indeb�edness <br /> shai� no� e��end or pastpone�the due date af�h� a ents p <br /> p ym due und�r�he Inde�tedness ar change the amount af <br /> such paymen�s. . . <br /> �RANTUR�S ASSURA�NCES. A� an� �im�, upan a request flf Lender, Grantor wi�I e�ecu�e and �e�i <br /> ver �fl <br /> Lender, and�f appr�pr�ate, cause �o be recarded, such fur�h�r mflr�gages, ass�gzunen�s, ass� nen�s af Ieases and <br /> ren�s, securi�y agreemen�s, pledges, �nancv.a. s�atemen�s or such � � <br /> � , v her document as Lender may require, in <br /> Lender's so�e discre�zon,ta effectua�e, comp�e�e and to perfec�as�rel�as�o con��n.ue�o reserve�he Indebtednes <br /> or�he�ien or security�n�eres�crea�ed b �his Securi Instru e ' � 5' <br /> Y � m n�. <br /> AT'�'��tNEY-IN--FA�T. Grantar appoin�s Lender as att�rney--in-fac� on �eha�f af Gran��r. If Gran�ar fai�s t� <br /> fuif�� any of Gran�or's abllgations under �his Se�urity �nstrumen� vr. any Re�a�ed D�cumen�s includin �h <br /> , g ose <br /> ob�iga�x�ns men�ioned �n�he pr•eced�ng paragraph, Lender as at�arney--in-fac�ma fu��i� the obli a�ions v�i�hou� <br /> no�ice tti�rantor.This po�ver vf attorne shal�no�be af�ected � g <br /> Y by�he disa�i�xty of�he Grantar. <br /> EVENTS QF DEFAULT. The fal�.flv�ing e�en�s shal� cans�xtute defau��under�hzs Se�ur� Instrument eac <br /> "Event of D efauX�"): : <br /> �y [ h an <br /> (a} Fai�ure�o make required paymen�s v�hen due under Indeh�edness; � <br /> �b� Fax�ure to perform or keep any �f the coWenants of th�s Security Ins�ru.ment or a defaul�under an of <br /> �he Re�a�ed Do�umen�s; � � <br /> �c� The flf any �ra� or wr�tten s�a�ement or asser�ion�a Lender�hat is fa�se ar ' ' � <br /> m�sieaduxg in an� <br /> � ma�er�al respec��by Grantor�r any persan oblYgated�n.�he Indebtedness; <br /> �d} The dea�h, diss�lu�ion, insol�ency, ban�rup�c�ar re�ei�ersh�p proceeding af Gran��r or af an erson <br /> or en�ity obligated on the Indebtedness; y� <br /> (e� Any ass�gnment by Gran�or far t��e�enef�of Gran��r's creditiors; <br /> �� A ma�erxa� adverse �hange occurs �n�he fznancia� condxtion, ownership ar mana emen� of�rantor or <br /> � <br /> any persan ob�iga�ed�n the Lndeb�edness;or , ' <br /> � <br /> �g� Lender deems��se�f far any reason�vha�saev�r. " <br /> . , <br /> REMEDIES �N DEFAUI��. LTpan �he accurren�e of an Even� �f Defau�� Lender ma ��thaut de <br /> � <br /> y, mand or <br /> notxce,pay any or aI�.taxes, assessmen�s,prem�ums, and��ens required to be paid��Gran�ar, effect an �nsuran�� <br /> provzded fur herei.n,ma�e such repairs, cause�he abstracts�f tit�e ar�itie in ' ' � . <br /> surance po�x�y and�ax h�starxes of the <br /> Property�v be certifzed�o da�e, or nevv abs�-acts of title or���le �nsurance and�ax his�flries �n case none <br /> vvere furnished�� i�, and pro�ure ti��e repor�s cover�ng the Proper�y, including sur�eys. The am�unts a�d f�r an <br /> such purposes�ril�be added ta�he Inde��edness and w�i��ear intere � � � <br /> s afi�l�.e rate�f�n�eres�o�herv�ise accruing on <br /> the Ir�debted�aess wa�i�paid. In�he even� �f foreciosure, �he abstrac�s af ti�le or t��Ie insurance shal� become the <br /> proper�y�f Lender. All abs#xac�s of�z��e,t�t�e insurance, �ax histories, sur�eys, and��her documents pertauain to <br /> the Indebtedness wi�i remain=�n Lender's possessi�n untxl the Indebtedness xs axd in � <br /> p fuli. <br /> IN THE EVENT�F THE SALE�F THIS PR4PERTY UNDER THE PR��EDURE F�R F <br /> �RECL�SURE�F <br /> A SECURITY INSTR�LTMENT BY ADVERT�SEMENT,AS PR�V�DEI]BY APPLI�ABLE LA,L�LT,�R IN THE <br /> �� EVENT LENDER E�ER�ISES ITS RIGHTS UNDER THE ASSIGNMENT 4F L'EASES AND RENTS, THE <br /> LENDER SHALL PR�V�DE ALL STATUT�RILY REQUIRED NQTICES �F.SALE AND NDT�CES QF <br /> NDICIA.L HEARIN�S BEF�RE LENDER E�ERCISES ANY �F ITS: RIGHTS UNDER THIS <br /> INSTRLTMENT. � <br /> Upon the�ccurren�e af an E'vent of Defaul�,Lender may, vt�ithou�natice un�ess required by�aw, and a��ts a ��an <br /> P � <br /> declare�he en�ire Inde�tedness due and payable, as if may eiect,regard�ess of the da�e ar dates af maturi �hereof <br /> and, zf permzt�ed by s�ate�av� i.s au�h�rzzed and em a � � � <br /> . � p �vered�o cause�he Pr�pe�-ty�o be s�Id a�pub�ic auc�ion, and <br /> �o execu�e and de�xver�o�he purchaser ar pur�hasers at such saXe any deeds af conve�ance g�od and suf.�cient at <br /> Iaw,pursuan����he statute ua.such case mad�and prv�ided. The Trustee shall appiy��he proceeds�f the Trus�ee's <br /> sale, first, #o the cos�s and e�penses of exer��sing�he pflvver vf sa�e and of�he sale, inc�uding the a men�of the <br /> PY <br /> Trus�ee's fees actua�Iy �; secand, to paymen� nf�he. ob�zga�ion secured by:�he #:rust deed; thvrd, to the <br /> �2Q44-�D15 Campiiance Systems,Inc..58F9-145fl-��I5.11.3.1025 � <br /> Cammercial ReaI Estate Sece�rity Instn�ment-DI:4a�7 Page 3 a�5 www.cvm�[iancesyster►� <br /> ; <br /> . � <br />