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2� 1 �� 149� <br /> payment �f juniar trus� deeds, mo�-�gages, or o�her lienho�ders and�he balance, if an�, t� the pers�n or persans <br /> legally en��t�ed there�o. The�re�itals in the Tx-us�ee's deed shal� be facie e�riden�e vf the truth af the <br /> statem�n�s made in it.If Lender chooses�v invoke�he�o�er of sale,Lender�r Trustee wi�1 pra�r�de not�ce of sal� <br /> pursuant to app�icable law. Any such sale or a sale made pursuant�o a judgment vr a�.ecree for the foreclvsure <br /> hereaf ma�, at the �pt��n vf Lende��, �e made en masse. The cammencement of pr�ceedings t� foreclvse �hrs <br /> Security Instrumen�in any manner aufihor�zed by la�sha��be deemed as e�ercise�f tlie abave aption. <br /> Up�n�he vccurren�e �f ar�Event vf Default, Lender shal� unmed�ate�}�be ent�t�ed t� make app�icati�n for and <br /> abfain�he app��ntmen��f a receiver f�r�he Pr�per�and�f�he earnings, income, �ssue and prQ�ts of i�,v�ith the <br /> pov�rers as the c�ur�mak�ng the app��.ntments confers. �rant�r hereby �rrev�cably c�nsents to such appointment <br /> and v�aives n�tice�f any appi�cat��n�heref�r. . <br /> N� V�AI�'ER.No dela}� nr�fa��ure �f Lender�� e�ercise any right, remedy, power o�pri�lege hereunder sha1� <br /> affec��cha�right,r�medy,p�wer vr�rivilege nor shall any sing�e or par��a�exercise th�reof preclude the exercise of <br /> any rxgh�,remed�,pa�vver�r privileg�. No Lender delay vr fa�lure�o demand str��t adherence to the terms af this <br /> Secur�ty Instrument sliall be deemed t�constitute a course of conduct�nconsis��nt with Lender's r�ght at any time, <br /> �efare �r after an e�ent of defauXt, to demand strict adherence �o �he �erms of th�s S ecur�ty Instirument and the <br /> Related Dacuments. <br /> SU.BSTITUTE T�USTEE.Lender, at�ts�pti.on,may from time to time remove Trustee and appvint a successar <br /> trus�ee tu any Trus�ee a�poin�ed hereunder b�r an �nstrument rec�rded in the c�unt� in �vhich th�s Security <br /> Instrument is rec�rded. �iT��hout cvnveyan�e of the Properfiy, the successar trus�ee shali su�ceed tv a�1 �he tit�e, <br /> p�wer and dut�es�onferred upan Trus�ee herein and by app�i�able la�. <br /> J�INT AND SEVERAL LIARII.�IT�'.If this Security Insl�men�should be signed�y m�re than one person,a�I <br /> persons e�.e�uting�his Se�ur�ty Inst�lunen�agree�hat�hey sha�l he j��ntly and severall�baund,�rhere permitted by <br /> 1aw. <br /> SURVTVA.�.Lender's r�ghts in this Security Instrumen��iil continue in its suc�essors and ass�gns. Th�s Security <br /> Instrument�s binding�n a�1�leirs,��ecu��rs,adm�ustrat�rs,assigns and suGcessors af Gran��r. <br /> NUTICES AND '4�'AIVER��F N�TI�E. Unless otherwise required by app�xcable �a�, any not�ce ar demand <br /> gi�en by Lender to any pa�-�y is c�nsidered �ffe�tive: (�} when it�s dep�si�ed in the Uni�ed S�ates Mail vvi�h the <br /> a�propr�a�e pastage; �ii} vvhen �t �s sent v�a e�ectranic mai�; ��i�� �vhen i� is sent �v�ia facs�m�le; �iv} when �t �s <br /> deposXted v�ith a nationally recognized o�ernight c�u.ri�r ser�rice; �v} �n th� da� of pers�na�delivery; ar ���) any <br /> ather comrnercially reasanable means.A copy of any natice shall he sent��each part�at�he address�f the party <br /> gi�ren at the beginning �f this Sectu ity Instrumen�unless an al�ernati�e address has been provided �v Lender in <br /> vvri�ing.To the exten�permit�ed by lav�, Grantor vvaives noti�e vf Lender's accep�ance of this Security Inst�rument, <br /> defenses�ased an su.retyship,ax�.y defense�sing from any electian by Lender u.nder the Uni�ed Stat�s B ankruptcy <br /> ��de, Un�f�rm Commercial Cade, as enac�ed in txie s�a�e v�here Lender is lvcated ar a�her appli�able lav� ar in <br /> equity, demand, notice of accelerativn, notice vf nQnpa�rment, presentmen�, pr�test, not�ce ❑f dishonor and any <br /> o�her notice. � <br /> R�QUEST F�R N�TI��S_: Gran�or reques�s�hat cop�es of the notice�f defaul�and no�ce of sa�e be sent ta the <br /> address vf each party given a��he beginn�ng of�he Securrt�Inst�-ument. <br /> T� THE E�TENT PE�MITTED BY I.�A�L�', GItA�IT�R '�VAIVES ANY RIGHT T� N�TICE, QTHER <br /> T�IAN THE NUTICE PR�'L�I73ED AB�V�, A�TD �AIVES ANY RIGHT TU ANY HEARING, <br /> JCT�ICIAL UR �THER�VISE, PRI�R T� LENDER E�ERCISIN� ITS RIGI3TS ITND�R THIS <br /> SECURITY INSTRUMENT. <br /> 'L�VAIVER �F AP]PRAYS��NT RIGHTS. Gran�or�a�ves all appra�sement righ�s re�a�in�t� �he Proper�y�� <br /> the e�tenfi p erm��te d b�1a�. � <br /> LENDER'S��'ENSES. Grant�r agrees t�pay a�l e�penses�ncurred by Lender i.n coxaxaect�on v�i�h enf�rcement <br /> �f�ts righ�s under�he Indeb�edness,this Securit�Ins�hrument ur vl the e�ent Lender as made par�y�v any Iitigation <br /> because of the e�is�ence of�he Inde��edness or this S�ctu�t�Inst�r�unen�, as we11 as cou�.-�c�s�s, c�11e��ion charges <br /> and reasonable at�or��ys'fees and disbursem�nts. <br /> ASSI�NABILITY. Lender may assign �r �therv�ise �ransfer this 5ecurity Ir�strumen� �r any of Lender's righ�s <br /> under th�s Secur�l.y Instrument�r�thout n�tice tfl Grant�r. Grantar may n�t assign this Security Ins�-ument�r any <br /> par�af the Se�urity Inst�•ument v�i�hvu��he express vvrit�en c�nsent�f Lender. <br /> G�VERNING�A�V'. Th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument wil�be gaverned by�he laws of�he S�ate nf Nebraska inc�uding <br /> a11 pr��eedings aris�ng fi•om�s Security Instrum�nt. � <br /> SE'LjER�ABILITY. If a cvur� �f Compe�ent jurisdiction d�term�nes any term or provision af th�s Security <br /> Instrument is in�valid or prohibited b� app�icab�e 1aw, tha� term flr pr�v�si�n �vill �e ineffective to the e�tent <br /> required.Any term�r pr�visian�hat has been determi.ned ta�e�nval�d�r prvhib�ted wi�l be severed from the rest <br /> of the Secur�ty Inst�ument without �.nvalida�ing the remainder of ei�her �ie affec��d pr�vis�on or this Securit� <br /> Instru�nen�. � <br /> '�L�AIVER �F JTJRY TRIAL. Ali parties to this Security Instrument hereby knowing�y and voluntar�ly <br /> waive,to the fullest�xtent permitted h�law,any right to tr�al by�ury of any dispute,wh�th�r�n contract, <br /> tort,ar�therYvis�,arising out of,in connectian w�th, relat�d ta,or incidental tQ the relationship establ�shed <br /> betw�en them �n thi5 Security InstY•ument ar any other in5trument, document �r agre�ment e�ecuted ❑r <br /> deli�ered in connection w�th thxs�ecurity Instrument or the Related I�ocuments. <br /> �2004-201 S Compliance Systems,Inc.fi8F9-1�160-2D�25 <br /> Cammencial Rea!Es�a�e Security Ins�rument-DLAa07 Pag��of 5 �3nvw.�ar�plian�esystems.cnm <br />