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� 2� 1 �� 1427 <br /> such obl�gation; and th� c�s� �hereaf sha�1 b� added �o the Indebtedness and paid�on Lender's demand b <br /> Gran�or. �' <br /> � <br /> ASSI�NMENT�F LEASES AND I�NTS.As additivna�securi for�he a �ne <br /> �y p y n�of�l�.e Indeb�edness and the <br /> performance of�he co�enan�s contained herein, Gran�or hereby assigns and �ransfers fl��r t� Lender a1� re <br /> n�s, <br /> income and pr��x�s �"Rents"} under any present or fu�ure leases, sub�eases or licez�ses o��he Pra e ' <br /> any guaran�ies, ex�ensions, amendments ar rene�ra�s p �Y, znclud�ng <br /> , �he�eof, from�he use �f the Prope�-�. So Iang as Grantor �s <br /> no�ua.defau��, Gran�ar may recexve, cni�ec�and enj oy a��Ren�s accruing firom the Pr� e� � but not more than one <br /> m�nth in advance of the due date. Lend�r ma p �' <br /> y a�sa requiY e Grantflr, te��an�and any.other user of the Prope�-ty�a <br /> make payments uf Rents dire�t�y�o Lender.Ho,v�rever,by recei��ng any such pa�nr�en�s,Lender xs nv� and shall na� <br /> be cons�dered, an a ent for an a ► ` • ' <br /> g y p r�y ar ent�t�.Any amounts ca��ec�ed may, at Lender s sole dzscret�an,be applied <br /> �� pro�ect Lender's interes� ,�n �he Proper�y, �ncluding but no� �iumzted to the pay�.nent�of �axes and insurance <br /> prem�ums and to �he Indebtedness. At Lender's sale dxscre�ian, a�� �eases, sub�eases and ��censes �nus� firs� be <br /> appru�ed by Lender. . � <br /> �UNI3ENiNATIUN. Grantar sha��g�ve Lender notxce�f an ac��an�ake <br /> y n or threa�ened�o�e�a�en by pr��a�e or <br /> pub�ic enti�res to appropriate�the Praper�or an�pa�-�thereof,thraugh�ondemnation,eminen�doma�n or an othe <br /> y r <br /> ac�ion. Further, Lender sha��be permitted��par�rc�pate�r it�ter�e��e in any of the above described r�ceedir� s i <br /> any manner i� sha�I a� its so�e discretzon de�ez�ni�ne. Lender Ys hereb i�en p g n <br /> y g full povver, ri�h� and au�hority t� <br /> rece�ve and receip�for any and a�l damages a�varded as a resui�vf the fu�l or par�xa��akua ar a ra r�a��an and ' <br /> �ts saXe dis�reti�n, to app�y said a�ards �a the Indeb�edness vvhe� � p� p �n <br /> , her or na�then due or o�her��se ui acc�rdance <br /> witih appiicab�e Iawv. Un��ss Lellder other��se agrees in v�rri�ing, any app�xca�zon of roceeds �o �he �ndeb�edness � <br /> sha11 no� extend or postpone �he_due date flf�he a men�s due p � <br /> p y under the Inde�tedness or change �he amount of <br /> s uch p aymen�s. , . � <br /> GRANTUR'S ASSLT�AN�ES. A� any time, upon a re ues� of Lender Gran�or'vv�Il� ' <br /> 9. , execu�e and de�iver ta <br /> Lender, and �f appr�pria�e, �ause to�e recorded, such further mvrtigages, assig��tnen�s, assx n�nts �f�eas�s and <br /> rents, secur�ty agreemen�s, pledges, fin.ancu� statemen�s nr such o� - � <br /> � g , hei documen� as Lender may re�uzre, in <br /> Lender s sole discretian,�o effectua�e, comple�e and to perfec�as�e��as�a�an�inue�o reser�e�he Indebtedness <br /> . �r�he I�en or security interes�crea�ed b �his Secur� p ' <br /> Y �y nt. <br /> ATTURNEY--IN--FACT. Gran�ar appo�n�s Lender as at�orney--ln-fac� on �eh�.�f af Grantor. I <br /> f Grant�� faiIs �a <br /> fu�fll any of Grantor's o���gati�ns under this Se�uu-x� �nstru�nen� or any Re�a�ed�Documen�s in��udin tho <br /> , g se <br /> �b�iga��ons men���ned in �he pre�eding paragraph, Lender as atto�-ney--in-fac� ma fu�fi�� �he obli a�ions vvith <br /> �' g �u� <br /> na�xce�o�ran�or.Th�s pov�rer of at�orney sha1�no�be affe�ted by the disa�i�xty of the Gran��r. � <br /> EVENTS QF DEFAULT. �'he fallowing events sha�1 cons�itu.�e defaul�und�r�his Se�ur'� Ins�rument each <br /> "E�en�of Defau�t"�: = �' � an <br /> � <br /> �a� Fai�ure�o make requ�red paymen�s�rh�n due under Indebfedness� � � <br /> � <br /> �b} Fa�Iur��� perform vr ke�p an� of,the co�enants of�his 5ecurz�.y Inst�u�.nen� or a defau�t under an of <br /> the Related D�cuments; � y <br /> �c) The ma�ing of any ora� or v�r��ten sta�ement ar assertian �o Lender tha� is false �- ' ' ' <br /> z mislead�ng xn any <br /> materxa�respect�y Gran�flr or any person obliga�ed an the�ndeb�edness; <br /> �d� The death, diss�lution, �x�.sol�ency,bankrup��y or receivershzp proceeding af Gran�vr or of an erson <br /> or entity obl�gated an the Indeb�edness; � - � <br /> Yp <br /> �e} Any assigtvmen�b�Gran�or��r�he beneft of�ran�or's creditors• <br /> � <br /> �f� A materxal adverse change accurs in�h� f�nan�ial cvndx�i�n, o�nership or mana emen� of Gran�ar ar <br /> g <br /> any person ob�iga��ed on the Indeb�edness;vr � � <br /> �g} Lender deems itself insecure for any reason v�ha�soe�er. <br /> REMEDIES aN DEFAULT. Up�n �he occu��ence of ax� E�ren� of Defau��, Lender ma w��hou� demand or <br /> ,�� <br /> nof�ce,pay an�or al�taxes, assessmen�s,premxums, and�iens requ�red ta be paYd by Cran�or, effec�an �nsurance <br /> provided far here�n,make such repairs, cause�he abs�rac�s of tx�Ie or ti��e insura � <br /> nce pol�cy and tax h�s�orYes of�he <br /> Pr�perty ta be cer�ifzed�a da�e, or pr�cure ne�r abstrac�s �f�t�tle or��tle insuran�e and tax hxs�ories in case none � <br /> were furnished ta i�, and praGure����e repflrts �overixag�he Prapex�y, �nc�ud�ng s�.u•ve�s. The amou_n�s aid for an <br /> such purposes v���be added,t��he Indebtedness and vvi�X bear interes�a� ' � � <br /> . �he rate of va.teres��ther�rzse accru�ng on <br /> �he In.deb�edness uri�i� pazd. In�he even� of for�c�asure, t�ae abstrac�s af��t�e or t��le xnsuz-ance shal� becnme the <br /> proper�y af Lender.AI� abs�racts �f�z��e, �i�le insuran�e, tax histaries, surveys, and oth�r documen�s er�a�nin �� <br /> the Indeh�edness will rema�n.,�n Lender's ossessia��ur�til the Indebtedness ' ' ' � p � <br /> p �s pa�d ll�.fu1X. <br /> IN THE EVENT�F THE SALE�F THIS PR4PERTY UNDER THE PR�CEDURE F�R F�RECL�SURE <br /> aF <br /> A SE�LTR�TY ZNSTRTJMENT BY ADVERT�SEMENT,AS PR�VIDED BY APPL��ABLE LA�, QR IN THE <br /> EVENT LENDER E�ER�ISES ITS RI�HTS UNDER THE ASSIGNMENT �F LEASES AND RENTS THE <br /> LENDER SHALL PR���I]E ALL ST�.TUT�RILY REQII�RED N�TICES �F SALE AND N�TICES �F <br /> TCTDICIAL HEARINGS BEF�RE LEN1]ER E�ER�ISES ANY �F ITS RI�HTS UNI]ER THIS <br /> INS TRUMENT. � � <br /> Up�n the o�currence af an Event af Defaul�, Lender ma�,wi�hout natice un�ess required by�av�, and a���s o �ion <br /> P � <br /> de��are the entire Indeb�edness due and payal��e, as ���nay elect,regard�ess of the da�e flr dates�f matur� ther�of <br /> � <br /> and, �f permi.tted by state�aw, is au�horized and empavvered�a cause the ProperCy to be so�d a� ub�ic au��an and <br /> � � <br /> �v execu�e and deliver�o�he�purchaser�r purchasers at such saXe any deeds of conveyance gaod and suff cien�a� <br /> Xa�v,pursuant��the statute in such case made az�.d prov�ded. The Trus�ee sha�I app�y�the pro�eeds of�he Trustee's <br /> Sale, first, �o the costs and expenses of exer��s�ng�he povver vf sa�e and of�he sa�e, i.x���udu�g the a en�of the <br /> Trustee's fees actual�y u�cu.rre�; sec�nd, to a en� flf�he obli a�' � � <br /> � Ym g �on s�cured by�the �rus� deed; th�rd, to the <br /> �2U04-2015 Compliance Systems,Tn�,fi8F9-D881-2U 15.11.3.I a2S <br /> Commercial ReaI Estate Se�urity Instrument-DT�flU7 � Page 3 af 5 www.complian� <br /> � � <br /> - , <br /> . � <br /> ; F <br /> , <br />