2� 1 �� 1427
<br /> paymenfi af junior trust d��ds, m�r�gages, �r other lienho�ders and �he ba�ance, if an�, t� �he person or persvns
<br /> 1egaliy en�i�led thereto. T�18�Y�G1��.�5 in �he T�-us�ee's deed shal� be prima fa�ie ev�dence of t�ie tru�h of the
<br /> s�atements mac�e in it.If Lender chooses t�3n��ke�he pov�er of sa1e,Lend�r ar Trustee vsrill pr��de natice�f sale
<br /> pursuant to app�icable �aw. Any such sa�e or a sa�.e made pursuant to a judgment or_a decree for the forecl�sure
<br /> hereof may, at �he aption ��Lender, be made en masse. The commencement of proceedings �o f�rec�ase i:his
<br /> Secur��y Ins�i umellt�n an�manne�•au�horized by 1av�r sha�i�e deemed as e�ercise of tlie a�ove�pt��n.
<br /> Upon �he occurrence of an E�ent of I]efaul�, Lender sha�� immedia�el� be entitled to make app�ication for and
<br /> Qhtain the app�intment�f a re�e�wer f�r the Proper�y and�f the earnings, �nc�me, issue and praf�ts �f it,with th�
<br /> pvvvers as �he court mak�ng the app�intments c�nfers. Grant�r hereby irrev�ca�ly c�nsen�s �fl such appvintrnent
<br /> and Vvaives notice uf any app�i�ati�n therefor.
<br /> N� '�'AIVER.Nu dela�r or failure of Lender to exerc�se any right, remedy, po�er or pr�v�lege hereunder sha�l
<br /> afFec�that r�gh�,remed�,p�wer�r pr��i�ege nor shal�any single or partial exercise there�f preclude the�xercise of
<br /> any r�ght,remedy,po�ver ar pri�ilege.No Lender c�elay or fa�lure�� demand slric�adherence to the terms af�his
<br /> Security Instrument shal�be de�med to cons�itu�e a c�urse of cnnduct incons�s�ent�rYth Lender's right at any time,
<br /> befare or after an event of defau�t, t� demand stric� adherence �o �ie �erms �f th�s Security Instrum�n� and the
<br /> Reia�ed I3ocuments.
<br /> SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE.Lender, at its option,may�•vm time�v time rema�e Trustee and app�in�a suc�essor
<br /> t�ustee t� any Trus�ee appaiu��ed hereunder by an �ns�rument recorded in the Gounty in �hich �his Security
<br /> Inst�rument is recorded. W��hout �on�eya�ce vf�he Pr�p�rty, the su��essor trustee shal� succeed to all the �i�le,
<br /> pvwer and duties conferred up�n Trust�e h�rein and by a�plicable�aw.
<br /> JUINT AND SEVERAL LIABILIT�Y'. �f this �ecurity Instrumen�shauld be sigmed by more than�ne pers�n, aIl
<br /> persans execu�.ing this Security Ii�s�-uunent agree that�hey sha11 be jo�ntly and severa�ly bound,�vhere permit�ed hy
<br /> �av�r. -
<br /> SiTRVNAL. Lender's r�ghts in th�s Se�ur�ty Instrumen��rill�on��nue in�ts successors and assigns. This Security
<br /> Instrument is bind�xag�n a1i heirs,exe�ut�rs,adm�nistra��rs,ass�gns and successors of�rrant�r.
<br /> NU'I`ICES AND �AT�E�'�� NUTI�E. Unless other�vise requ�red by app�icable �a�, any no�ice or demand
<br /> g��ven hy Lender to any pa1-ty is cons�dered effecti�e: (x� when i� is depos�ted in the Un�ted Sta�es Mai���th the
<br /> apprupria�e postage; ��i� when it is sent vxa e�ec�ronxc mail; �ii�� v�hen it is sent ��ia facsimiie; ���� 'V�Th�I7 It I5
<br /> depasited with a nationaiiy rec�gnx2ed ove��ght courier ser�r�ce; �v} on�he day�f personal de���ery; �r�vi} any
<br /> a�her commercia�ly reaso��able means. A cop��f any no�ice shal�be sent to ea�h par�at�he address of the party
<br /> given at �he beg�nning of this Secu��ty Instru.men�un�ess an aiternati�e add.�•ess has been provided t� Lender in
<br /> �nn iting. T�the ex�ent permit�ed by�a�, Grantor v�raives n�t�ce �f Lender's acc�p�ance�f this 5e�urity Instrument,
<br /> defenses based�n suretyship,any defense arising from any ele�tion by Lender under the United States Bankrup�cy
<br /> Code, Unif�rm Comm�rcial �ode, as enacted in the s�ate v�her� Lender �s Ioca�ed or �ther app�icable Iaw or in
<br /> equ�ty, demand, no�ice of a��e�erati�n, no��ce �f nonpaymen�, presen�.rien�, prates�, n�t�ce �f d�shan�r and any
<br /> other no�ice. � �
<br /> REQUEST�`�R N4TICES,: Gran�or r��uests�hat c�p�es of�he natice of defau��and nv�ice�f sale be sent tv the
<br /> address�f each party given at�he beginning�f�he Securi�y�nstrument.
<br /> �'AT�ER �F A.PPRAI�EIVI�NT RI�IITS. �ran�ar v�ra�v�s a�� appraisemen�righ�s re�ating t� the Pr�per�y t�
<br /> the extent p�rmit�ed b�1aw.
<br /> ]LENDERtS E�PENSES. �rantor agr�es to pay aI1 e�penses incurred by Lender in conne�tian v�ith enf�rcement
<br /> �f i�s rights under the Ind�l�tedn�ss,�his Securi�y Instru.ment vr in the event Lender is made par��o an��it�ga�ion
<br /> be�ause of the e�aistence of�he Indebtedness�r�his Secur�ty Instrument, as�ell as c�urt cvs�s, col�ect�on charges
<br /> and reasonahle at��rneys'fees and disbursements.
<br /> ASSIGNABILITY. Lender �nay assign �r o�her�rise �ransfer �his Secur��y Instrumen� �r any of Lender's rights
<br /> under�his Sectu i�Ins�rumen��vSrithout n���c��o Gran��r. Grant�r may n��ass�gn�his Security Instrumen�ar any
<br /> par�of�he Secu.rit�Instrument wi�hou�the express v�rrit�en consent of Lender.
<br /> G�VERNING LAW. This �ecur�ty Instrument�vi1�be govei-ned by the 1av�rs vf�he S#a�e of Nebraska�nc�ud�ng
<br /> al�prviceedings ar�sing fr�m thYs Se�urit�Instrument.
<br /> SEvERAI3ILITY. If a �our� �f cflmpe�ent jurisdic�Yon de�ermines any ��rm ar pr��rision of this Security
<br /> Instru�nent �s invalid �r pr�hi�i#ed by app�icab�� 1a�, that �erm or prvvisi�n w�.l� be ineff�ctiv� ta #he exten�
<br /> re�uired.An��erm or pra�isio�that has been de�erm�ned to�e in�a��d or pr�hib��ed wi�11 be se�ered fr�m the rest
<br /> of�he Security Inst�-ulbent �vi�hau� in�al�da�ing the r�mainder of e�ther the affec�ed pro�is��n ur this Security
<br /> �nstrument.
<br /> 'WAIVER �F JYJR�Y' T�IAL. AII parties ta thi� Secur�ty In�trument herehy kno�ing�y and voluntariiy
<br /> wai�e,to the fu�lest ext�nt permitted �y�aw,any right to tr�al by jur�of any di�pute,wheth�r in cnntract,
<br /> tort,nr otherwise,arising out of,in connection with,related to,flr incidentai to the reiation5hip e5tablished
<br /> hetween them �n this S�curity Instrument nr any �ther instrument, document or agreement ex�cuted �r
<br /> deli�ered in connection w�th this Security Instrument or the Rel�ted Documents.
<br /> �20❑9-2�15 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc.68F9-D88I-2015.11.3.1�25
<br /> Commercial Real Estate Security Instrument-DL4U�7 Pa�e�of 5 wti�w.campliancesystems.com
<br /> �
<br />