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2� 1 �� 1397 <br /> vEE� o� �r�us�r <br /> �Continued} p��e 5 <br /> aff�ct �ny of Gran�tvr's pr��erty or �rantar's ability ta repey th� Indebtedness or Grantar's abi�ity to p��arm <br /> �r�ntor's�bii9�tiQns unds�this Deed o�Trust���ny of th�Re�l�t+�d DoGum�nt�. <br /> False Staternants. Any warranty, representation or statsmant made or furnished to Lend�r i�y T�ust��' Q�r on <br /> Trustor's behal�under this aeed af Trust or the R�lated D�cuments is �alse ar mi��eading in �ny materiel respe�t, <br /> eithsr now ar at th�time mad��r furni�he�d or l�ecames f�ls�or mis�eadin��t any ttme thereafter. <br /> Defe�ti�e G�liateral�zat�on. This Deed o�f Trust a�r any of the aalated Do�uments �eases ta be in full fic�rce and <br /> eff�ct �inGluding failure of any collateral daGumen�to �reate e �elid end Rerfe�ted se�ur�ty int�rest ar lian� at any <br /> time and#or any reason. <br /> Death or Inavl�ency. The de�th of Trustor, the snsol�ency o�i T�ust�r, the�ppaintment of� receiver far any part af <br /> Trus#ar's prop�erty. any assignment for the benefit a� creditar�, sny typa Qf �reditar wvrkout� ar the <br /> �ommenGam�nt vf eny ar��seding under any�ankrupt�y ar insal�ency lawa by o�egainst Trustvr. <br /> Credit�r or Forfeiture Rr�c�edin�s. �omme�ncem�nt �f fQ�eciasure or f�rfe�iture p�o��edings, whe�her �y judi�ia� <br /> prace�din�� seEf-help, rep�ssession�r any other m�thQd. �y sny craditof of Trustor or by ar�y ga�ernm�ntel agency <br /> against any p�operty �ecuring the ind���Cedness. This incEu�es a garnishment of any ot Tru�tor's a�caunts� <br /> including de�sit accaunts, with Lend�x. Hawe�er, this Ev�nt of Default shall not apply i� the�e +s a gvo�d �aith <br /> dispute by Trustar as ta the v�Eidity or reasonebl�ness ��the �laim which is the basis o#the crgdito�or forfeiture <br /> procegding and if T�ustor gi�es Le�nd�r written notic� o# th� �reditar ar f�r�eiture praCeeding and depa��ts with <br /> Lender monies ar a sur�ty band for the creditor or forfeiture procee�ing, in an amaunt detarmin�d by Lendar, in its <br /> sale discretion, as bein��n ad�quate�eser�e or bond fo+r the d��pute. <br /> Br�a�h�f�]th�r Agreement. Any i�rea�h by Trustqr under the�erms of any olther agreement la�etwsen Tru�ctvr and <br /> Lender that �s not remedied within any grace p�er�ad pro��d theretn, in�fuding with�ut 1im�tativn any eareemen� <br /> �vncerning any indebtedne�s�r other obligation of Trust�r to Lender. whether existing now or iater. <br /> ��ents Affa�ting Gue�antar. Any af the p�raced�ng e�ent�vccurs with respe�t to sny gu�rantor, ando��er, surety, <br /> or accommvd��ion party af any of the lndsbtedness or any 9uarantor, endo�ser, surety, a�r accammodet�c�n p�arty <br /> dies or hecvm�s in�vmpeten�, ar revQkes or disput�a the w�iid�ty of. ar Ilability under. any Guaranty �� the <br /> �ndebtedness. <br /> Adrrerse �h�ngs. A material ad�erse cha�9e occurs in Trus#or's financias condit�on, vr Lender brelie►►es the <br /> prospect of payment or perf�rmance of the Indebtedness is impair�d. <br /> lnsa�ur�ty. L�nder in goad faith belie�ea itself insecure. <br /> R�ght ta�ure. �f any d�f�ult� ather than a d�fau�t in psyment, is curab�e and if Tru�t�r has nat been gi�en e notice <br /> �f a breach o�the sam�pro�ision af this G�ead of Trus�wi�hin the prec�din�twei�� �1�} manths, it may b��ured i� <br /> Trustar� after Lender senda written natice t�Trust�r demend�ng cure of such default; �7� �ures the de�ault within <br /> twsnty ���f days; vr �2} if the cure re�quire� m�re #han twenty t�4� dey�� irnmad�ate�y ini�iatas steps whEch <br /> Lender deems in Lgnder's sole disGretian to be suff�c�ent t� cure th� default end �h�reafter continues and <br /> �ompR�tea all reasvnable�nd necessary steps suff�ci�nt ta pradu�e cvmpii�nce�$s�vn�s reasonably praciical. <br /> RlGHTS AND REMEDIES �N DEFAI�IT. If an E�ent vf�a#ault❑ccurs un�i�r this a�ed ❑f Trust, at any ttm�th�re�ft�r� <br /> Trustee❑r Lender may exercis�any one or mvre o#th8�c�!lowing��ghts�nd remedies: <br /> A�ca�arati�n Upon�sfault:Additivnaf Remedies. lf any E�ent of Defau�t accurs as per the tsrms of the Nate <br /> secured hereby� Lenale�r may dec�are all lndehtedness�ecured by this Deed o�Trust to be due and pay�ble and <br /> the same shal� thereu�on become due and payabrte withQut any pra�entm�nt. demand �� protest a��ny kind. <br /> There�fter, Lender m�y: <br /> I�y Either in pers�n vr hy �gent, wi#h or withnu# bringing any actiQn ar prvGeeding. ar by a recei�sr <br /> eppointed by a caurt�nd withaut rega�d to th�adequacy o�its sgcurity, er�t�r upon and take passession <br /> a�the Property,ar any part thsrevf. in its own nam�or in#he n�me af Trustee, and do any aGts which it <br /> deems nscessary or desirahie ta presen►e the�alue� marketability or rentab�4ixy vf the Property, or part❑f <br /> the F'roperty or interest in th� Praperty; increesa the income fram th� Prvp�rty nr protect the secu�ity of <br /> th� Property; and. wi�th or withvut taking pa�ss�ssion of the Pr�p�rty, sue for or otherwise calie�t the <br /> rents, issues �nd prv�its of th� I��r��rty� in�luding th�s� past du� and unp�id, �nd �pply the �ame� less <br /> costs end expenses of op�rat�on and collection atta�n�ys'fess,to any ind�htednes�s secur�d�y this❑eed <br /> o�Trust, all in such ord�r as Lender may determine. The �ntering up�n and tekin� possessi�n �fi the <br /> Pr�perty, the �allection af such rents, issues a� pra�its� and �he app�ication theren� sha�l not �ure or <br /> wai�e eny def�ult or notice af default under this Deed �fi Trust or in�a�id�te any act dane in�esponse to <br /> sca�h det�ult or pursuant�o such notice af d�fault;and, natwi#hstand�n�the continuance tn passession af <br /> th� Pr�perty vr tha coilection, ceceipt and applicat�vn vf rents� issues or profi�s� Trus�ee vr L�nc�er sha�! <br /> be entit�ed to eacer�isa��ery right pra��sded f�r in�e Note vr the Re1��ed DQ�um�nts �r by law up�on�he <br /> �cGurrenc�of any e�ent of dafaultt includ�ng the right to exer�ise the power of sale; <br /> tb� Gommen�e an actian to fore��ase th'rs aeed of Trust as a mvrtg�ge, appoint a recei�er or speci�icalty <br /> enforce�ny of the ca�enants hereof; snd <br /> �c� Deli�er tv Tru�tes a written de���r�ti�n at d�faul��nd demand�vr sale and a writt�n nQtice vf d�fau�t <br /> and el�ctian tv c�use Trustor's in#eresx in the �rop�rty to be svld, which nt�tice Truste�sh�ll Geu�e to be <br /> duly fifed�vr re�ord in th�appr�pri�te of�ices of�he C�aunty in which the Pro�rry is IaGat�d;and <br /> �df Wyth respect to�II or any part vi the Rersona!Property, Lender shafl ha�e a�l the righ�s and r�medies <br /> of a secured party under the Nebra$ka Uniform Commsrcial G�de. <br /> Forecla►sure by Power Qf 5ale, !f Lend�r eiects to foreclvse by exercise ot the Pawer❑�5ale h�rein cnnta�n�d. <br /> Lender�hal! n�tify T�ustes and shafl depo�it w�th Tru�t�e this �lge�d Q#T�ust and the Nr�te and �uGh reGeipts <br /> �nd evidence o�exp�endituras made snd sscured by th���]aed of Trust as Trustee may require. <br /> �af Upon receipt of such notice from Lender.Yrustee shall cause�a be recor�ed, publisheri and de4ivered <br /> to Trustvr su�� NQtice vf Qefeult�nd Nv�ice flf 5ale es then required hy law �nd by this Deed af Trust. <br /> Trustee shall, withvut demand on Trustar. afte� su�h time as may then be requirec! hy law and aftgr <br /> recordation v'�such Notice of Default and aftar Na�tice of Salg ha�ing baen gi�en �s required by �aw, sell <br /> the Prop�r�y at the� time and pl�ce of sale f�xed �y it }n su�h Notic� �# Sale, ei�her as a wh�le� or in <br /> se�arats Iots ar parcef�ar itams es Trusta�sh�lt deem�xpedEent, and in such order as it may determir�e, <br /> at public auction tQ the highest b+dder far cash in Iewful mon�y af th� United 5tat�s payabla et thg tim� <br /> af sa�e. Trustee sh�l� deli�er tv such purchase� or purch�sers thersaf its gtaod and sufificiant deed ❑r <br /> desds cvn�eyi�g the property sa sold, but w�thout any ca�enant o� warrsnty, expr�ss ar imp��d. The <br /> �ecitass Rn suGh deed ❑� any matters vr #acts shall b� conclusive prov��f the truth�ulness thereaf. Any <br /> p�rsan. in�luding�n►lthout�imitation TrUsto�, Trustee,ar Lendar, may purchase at such sale. <br /> tby As m�y b�v p�rmitCed by taw, aft�r d�ducting �II costs. �ees and expenses ot Trust�e and vf this <br /> Trust. inc�uding casts af evidence vf title in Gonnectivn with sale,Trustee shall apply the pro�geds of sale <br /> to payment o# �i� �fi sums expendsd under the t��ms of this Deed vf Trust or under the tsrms vf the Nvte <br /> not then repaid, inc�uding but not limi�ed to accrued �nterest and lat� char�es, �ii� al� oth�r sums then <br /> sa�ured hereby,and �iii�the rematnde�r� if�ny,tQ the p�rson pr persons legall�r entitlsd thereto. <br />