2� 1 �� 1397
<br /> D��D �F TF�t1ST
<br /> ��t7ntlt7u�d} Page 4
<br /> P�`o�vedings. I# eny proGeedfng in cand�mnetion is fiied� Trustor shafE promptly notify L�nder in writing, �nd
<br /> Trustar sha�l pr�mptly take su�h ateps as may b� necessary to defend the a�tion and obtain the award. Trustar
<br /> may t��the nominal party�n such praceeding, but Lender shall bs ent�tled tv participete in the pr�cee�fn�and tu be
<br /> represented in the proceeding hY counss� af its awn choice, and Trustor will de�i�er or �ause to be deli�ered to
<br /> Lender such instruments and do�umentat�on es may be requested by Lender from time tv time to permit such
<br /> pertic�patian,
<br /> Application vf Net Proceads. If afil or any pa�t vf the Property is cvndemned by eminent domain proce�dings or by
<br /> $ny procQeding ar purchase in lieu a€�andemnetian, Lend�r may at its electian requirs that ali ar any portion af the
<br /> n�t proceeds n� the aw�rd h� applied ta �he lndebtedness ar the rep�ir �r restvratian �f the Prop�rty. The n�t
<br /> proceeds of the award shell mean the award efter payment of al1 reasoneb�e costs, expenses, end attvrneys' fees
<br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in cannection with the cvndemnati�n,
<br /> lMP�SII`IUN aF TA�CES, FEES AND CHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AVTHDR1TiE5. The f�Rlawing pr��isivns relating
<br /> to go�ernmental taxes.fees and charges ar�a part of#his 1]eed af Trust:
<br /> Gunrent Taxes. Fees and Charges. Upon requBst by Lender, Trustar shaEl execute such dn�umen#s in additiQn to
<br /> thia Deed af Trust and take whate�er other�c#ian Es requested by Lender tv perfeGt and continue Lender's 1�en�n
<br /> the Real Pcoperty. Trustor shal! re�mburs� Lender for all tax�s, as described belnw. together with a�! expenses
<br /> incurred �n �ecording. per�e�ting vr cont�nuing th�s Deed af Trust, including withaut limitation a!� taxes, f�es,
<br /> doGumentary stamps. and o#her charg�s#or reGording ar registering this ❑eed af Trust.
<br /> Texes. The following shef! �onsti#ute taxes ta which this seGi�on appEies: I�f a saeGi�ic tax u�on this type of
<br /> Deed of Trust vc upon a1� or any part �f�he Indel�tedness secu�ed by this Qeed vf 1"rust; ��} a sp��ci�ic tax vn
<br /> Truator which Trustvr is suthorized ❑r required tv deduct from payments an the fndebtedness secured by this typ�
<br /> of aead�f T�ust; �3j a t�x on this ty�ae❑f Deed of Tru��ch�rgeable ag�inst the Lender or the holde�r of the Note;
<br /> end �4y a specif�c tax on �if ❑r any portion of the Indebtedness ❑r on Rayments of principa� and interest made by
<br /> Trus�o�.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to which this section appli�s is �nacted subsequent to the d�te of this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust. this e�ent shall he►►e the same effe�t as an E�en# af Default, and Lender may exercise eny ar all af its
<br /> e�aifahl� remedies far an E�ent af Default �s pro�ided �elow unless Trustor either �1� pays the tax before it
<br /> becames delinquent, or ��} cantests the tax as pro�ided ebo►►e in the Taxes and Liens section�nd dep�sits with
<br /> Lander cash or a sufficient cvrporete surety l�nd or ather secu�ity satisfa�t�ry to Lendsr.
<br /> SECURlTY AC3REENlENT; FINAN�ING STATEIVIENTS. The following pra�isions relating ta this �eed of Trust as a
<br /> se�urity agr�ement are a part a�f�h�s Deed vf Trust:
<br /> Ssaurrty Agreemant. This instrument sha�i constitute a Security Agreement ta the extent any a# 'the Property
<br /> constitutes fixtures, �nd Lender shall ha�e a!I of�hg rights at e se�ured party unt�er th� Uni�orm �ommer�ial C�de
<br /> �s amend�d from#img to time,
<br /> &ecurity interest. Upan request !ay L�nder. Trust�r s��ll t�ke whate�sr a�tian i� requested by Lender t� perfect
<br /> end continue Lender's security �nterest �n the Rents and Persanal Property. ln addition to recarding this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust in the real �roperty recvrds. Lender mey, �t eny tim� end withaut fur#her euthorizatian from Trustvr, file
<br /> axecuted ��unterperts� cvpies or teprvduct#Qns vf this �eed �f Trust as e finencing�statemen#. Trustar sh�ll
<br /> reimburse Lender for a!! exp�nses incurred in perfecting or con#inuing this security interest. Upon default, Trustor
<br /> shell not remo►►e� se►►er or detach the Persa�nel Pr�perty from ths Property. Upvn def�ul#, Trustor shall ass�mh�e
<br /> eny Psrsona� Praperty not effixed to the Properry in a manner and at a place reasonehfy con�enient ta�Trustvr and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ai�ehle to Lender with�n three �3� days af�er re�eipt �f wr�tten demand �rom Lender ta th�
<br /> extenx�ermitted by epp�iceble law.
<br /> �Iddresses. The mailing addre�ses af Trus#or {debtar� and Lender �secured partyf f�om which infarmation
<br /> c�ncern�ng the security interest grant�d by thig t3�d vf Trust may �e obt�ined teach �s required by the Unifvrm
<br /> Cvmmercial �ode� are as s#ated an#he first page❑f thi� De�d o#Trust.
<br /> FURTHER A55URANCE�; ATT�RNEY-�N-FACT. The fa��owing pro�isians re��ting ta further assuran�es and
<br /> attarney-in�fac�are a R�rt o�this Deed�f Trust:
<br /> I�urtfi�r Assur�nces. At any time, and �r�m t�me tQ�ime, �r�an request�� Lender, Trus�vr witl ma��. ex�cut� and
<br /> deli�er, or wEll cause to be made, execut�d or detir►ered,ta Lender vr to Lender's de�i�nee, and when request�d by
<br /> Lendet. cause tn be f�led� record�d. refi�ed, ❑r rerecorded, as the case may be, �t such tim�s end in such offiices
<br /> end pla�ss as Lender m�y deem apprvpriate, �ny and al� such martgage�, deeds af trust, s�curity deeds, security
<br /> �gree�ents, finanGing stetements, �ontinuetivn statements, instruments af �unher assur�nce, certi#i�ates, and
<br /> other da�uments as may, in the soie vpinivn of Lender, be necessary or desirab�e�n arder to��tectuat�, com�lete,
<br /> perfect, continue, or pr�sen�e �1 f Trustar's rahligativns under the Nvt�, this ❑sed of Trust, and the Related
<br /> C3ocuments, and ��y the liens and sscurity int�re�ts created by this Deed �f Tru,st as first and prior l�ens vn the
<br /> Pra�perty� whethe�now awned or he�eafter a�quired by Trust�r. Cln�ess p�rohibited by lew vr Len�er agr�e��ta the
<br /> �ohtrery in writin�, Trustor sha�1 reimbur�� LQnder fvr aC� �vsts and expens�� in�urred in connectian with the
<br /> m�tter$referr�d ta in this peragraph.
<br /> Attarn�y-in-Fact. If Trustor fails t� do any af th� things re��rred t� in the preceding peragr�ph, Ler�der may d� so
<br /> #or and in the n�me of Trustar and at Trusta�r'a expense. Far such purpose�s, Trustar hereby irr�v�cably apparnts
<br /> L,ender as Trustor's attarney-inwfac��vr the purpos��f mal�ing,exe�utir�g� deli�exing, �iling, recording, a�nd d�ing �!I
<br /> t�th�r �hings as may be necess�ry or d�sirahle� in Lend�c's s�le o�inion. t❑ accompiish the matt�rs re�erred tQ tn
<br /> the pre�eding per�graph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. If Trustvr p�ys all the In�iebtedness� including without limitet�vn ell rtuture ad�an�es, when due,
<br /> and oiF�erwls� p�rforms a�� the ohl���tions imposed upon Tru�tflr under thi� C�eed a�f Trust, Lender �hall execute and
<br /> deti��r to �'rust�� e requsst for fu!! reGvn�eysnce end sha11 execu#e �nd deli�er tv Trustor �uitable stat�ments ❑f
<br /> term�nation of any f�nancing stet�mant on file e�idencing Lender's security intereat in the �tent� �nd the Persana�
<br /> Propqrty. Any rscon�eyan�e fe�requEred by Eaw sha�l�e pei��y Trustar, i#pe�mitted hy app�li�a�le I�w.
<br /> EVEN'1"� �� DEFAULT. E�Ch v�th�following, at Lender's optian, sha[l cflnstitute �n E►►ent of f�efault under this peed
<br /> of Truat:
<br /> �'sym�nt Defau�t. Trustar'�a�ils tq mak�any peyment when due�under the Indebtedness.
<br /> C�thsr x]afaufts. Trustor faits to �ompty with vr to per�orm any o#her term, ahlig�tion. Ga�en�nt or condi�tion
<br /> c�nt�ined in this [�eed rs� tru�t or in any c�f th� �teleted Documen�s or t� comply w+th or t� perform �ny �erm,
<br /> csbligat�an, caW�n�r�t or canditian con�arn$d in�ny ather agreement betw�en Len�er�nd Trustor.
<br /> �amp�i�n�e De�eu�t. Feilu�e tr� c�mply with any other term, obiig�t+on, ca�enant or �onditian Gtantain�d in this
<br /> �eed af Trust, the Note ar in any❑f#he Ftelated C�vcuments.
<br /> C��fault an�thar Paymen�ta, F�ilure vf Trus�or within th�e�im�required by this Q�ed o�trust to m�ke any payment
<br /> �tsr taxes or inst�r�nce, vr�ny ather payment necess�ry tv p�re�ent filing a�vr to eff�ct discharge af any lien.
<br /> C�sT�aul�in Fa�ar vf'Third i��rties. Should �r�antvr default under any loan, ��ctensian of cred�t, eecurity agreement.
<br /> purGhase ar sales agreement, or any ot#�er�gr�errtent. �n fa�ar�f any ather�reditar ar persan that may ma�terially
<br />