2� 1 �� 1397
<br /> �EE� �F TRUST
<br /> ��ontRnued� Page �
<br /> �cy Trustee may�n the manner prv�ided by law pqstpone sal���a11 or any portian a�the Praperty.
<br /> Rimedies Not Ex��usi�e. Trustee and Lender, and each of them, shai� be en�i�led ta enf�rce payrnent and
<br /> perfvrmance af any indebtedness or obligations securad by this Deed of Trust and to exe�cise all rights and powers
<br /> under fhis �eed of Tru�t� under the Note, under any of the Related D�cuments, or under any ather agreement or
<br /> any laws now or hereafter in force; notwithstanding, same or ail af such indebtedness and abligations secured by
<br /> th�s Qeed of Trust may now or he�eafter be o#herwise se�ured. whether �y martgage. deed o�trust, pledge� lien,
<br /> assignment or otherwise. Neither the acceptance o� this Deed ot Trus# nar tts enforcement. whether by court
<br /> ectian vr pursuant to the power o#sale ar other powers cont�ined in this Deed o�Trust, shall prejudice ar in any
<br /> manngr affect 'Trustee's or Lender's right ta realizs upon or enfor�e any other security naw or hereafter hefd by
<br /> T�ustee ar Lender, it baing agreed that Trustee end Lender, �nd each o�them, shall be entitl�d to enf�rce this Deed
<br /> af Trust and any other secur�ty now or here�fter he�d �y Lender ar Trustee in such orde� and manner as they or
<br /> e�ther of them may in their abso�ute discretion determine. No remedy canferred upon ar reser�ed to Trustee o�
<br /> Lender, is intended to bg exclusi�e vf any other remedy in�his ❑eed of Trust vr hy faw pra►►ided or permitted, hut
<br /> ee�h shall be �umuEati�e and sha�� be in add�tion �#o e�ery other rem�dy gi�en in #his Deed �� Trust or naw or
<br /> hereafter existing at law or in equity nr by statute. E�ery power or remedy gi�en by the Note❑r any flf the Related
<br /> Qocuments to Trustee �r Lender ar to wh#ch either af them may be otherwise entitled, may be exercis�d,
<br /> �onCurrent�y nr independsntly, from t�me to time and as af#en as may be deemed expedient by Trustee �r Lender,
<br /> and either ❑# them may pursue inconsistent remedies. Nothing in this Deed o� T�ust shall he construed as
<br /> �rohib�ting Lender from se�k�ng�deficiency judgment against�he 7rustar tv the extent such ac#ion is permitted by
<br /> I�w. E[ection hy L�nder t� pursue any remedy sh�t� not exClude pursuit of any other remedy, and an e�ectian tv
<br /> make exp�nditUres or to �ake ac��on to per�Form an ab�r�at�on of Trus#or under this Deed of Trust, after Trustor's
<br /> �aifure to perfvrm,shall nat af�ect Lander's righ#ta declare a de�ault and exerGise its remedies.
<br /> Asquast far Not�ce. Trustar� on behalf af Trustor and Lender� hereby requests that e copy vf any Natice of❑efault
<br /> �r�d a copy ot any Notice of SaEe under this Deed of Trust be mailed to them at the addresses set farth in the first
<br /> p�ragraph of�his Deed of Trust.
<br /> Attvrt�eys' Fees; Expensa�. If L�nder institutes any suit or action to enfarce any a# �he te�ms ot th�s Deed of
<br /> Trust, Lender shall be enti#led to reco�er such sum as the cvurt may ad�udge reasonable as attorneys' fees at trial
<br /> and upon any appeal. Vllhether ar not an� caurt actEvn is inWalved� and ta the extent no� pr�h�btted by �aw, al!
<br /> r�aa�nable expens�s Lender incurs that in Lender's vpinion are necessary a# any tim� far the pr�tection of its
<br /> interest vr the en#orcement of its rights shait became a part af the Indehtedness p�yeble an deman�and sha��hear
<br /> interest a#the Note ra#e fram the date of the expenditur�unt�!repaid. Expense�co�ered by this paragraph include,
<br /> withQut limitat�an, haw�ver suhject ta any �imi#s under applicable iaw, Lender's sttorneys' fees arld Lender's iega�
<br /> gxpenses. whether or nat there ia e lawsuit� lncluding attorneys' fee� and expenses for bankrupt�y proceedings
<br /> ' �including efforts to mvdi#y or��cate any eutomatic stay vr�njunction�, appeals, end an�anticipatsd post-judgment
<br /> ��IlgGtian 58r�iCes� the cost of searching r��o�ds, ob#a+ning title reports �including�vre�losure reports�, sur�eyors'
<br /> rsparts. and appr�isa! fees� title insu�an�e, and fees #or the T�ustee, to the ext�nt permitted by �ppficabie law.
<br /> Truatt�r also will pay any caurt costs, in ad�itioh to e!��thar sums pra�ided by law.
<br /> l�i�hts of Trustee. Trustee shel!ha�e a1�af the�i�hts and dutiea❑f Lender as set fvrth in this section.
<br /> P�VIIERS AND �SLIGATlONS DF TRLlSTEE. Thg f�ifowing pro�isions relating to the powers and obligations of Trustee
<br /> are p�rt of this Deed of Trust;
<br /> I�vwe��of Trustee. In addition ta el! pawers o�7rustee arising as a matter of law,Trustee shall ha�e the power to
<br /> take the following a�tions with respect to the Prapsrty upon the written request af��nder and Trustor: �ay j�in in
<br /> prepsring and #iling a map or pfat o# the Re�l Propgrty, inc�uding the dedicat�vn o� streets vr a#her rights ta the
<br /> publ�c; [b� j�in in granting eny easement �� �reeting any restriction on the Re�� Praperty; and �cf join in any
<br /> subordinat+on ar other agreement a#fecting#his�eed of Trust�r the tnterest af Lender under this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Tr�t�+ae. Trustee shall mee't a�i qualifications required for Trust�e un�er app�iCable taw. 1n addition tv the rights
<br /> e�nd remedies set farth aba�e, w�th respec� �to ell or any part vf the Prvperty, the Trustee shafl ha�e the right to
<br /> fv�ec�ase by notice and s�1e, and Lender shall h��e the right to fore�lase by judic�al #ore�lvsure, in either case in
<br /> ec�ordance with srnd ta the�ul�extent pro�ided!�y epplicable law.
<br /> 5uccassa�Trustee. Lgnder, at Lender's option, may from time to time appoint a successor Trustee to any Trustee
<br /> app�inted under this fleed of Trust by an instrument executed and acknowledged by Lender and re�arded in the
<br /> �ffica af the recarder of Hell County, 5t�te of Nebresk�. The instrumsnt shell contain, in add�tion to ail vther
<br /> metters r�quired by state I�w, the names �f the original Lend�r, Trustee, and Trustar, the b�ak and page �or
<br /> eompu#er system reference� whers this Deed v�F Trust is recvrded, �nd the namQ en� ad�ress of the successo�
<br /> trustee, and the instrument sheli bg executed end acknowledged by all the heneficiar�es under th�s ❑eed of Trust or
<br /> thei� su�cessors in interes�. The successar trustee, withaut con�eyance vf the Property, sha�� succeed to ail the
<br /> titie, pawer, and duties canfe�rred upon the Trustee in this Deed af Trust and hy applicable law. This procedure fvr
<br /> substitution of Trustee shal!govern tv the exc�usivn of a�l other pro�isions for substitution.
<br /> N�TICES. Any notice required tv be gi�en unde�this Daed of Trust, including withaut lim+tation any noti�e of default
<br /> and any natice of sa�e sha�� be gi�en in writ�ng, and she[I be effec�i�e when actua��y deli�ered, when actualiy recei�ed
<br /> by telefecsimile �unless otherwise required by law�, when depvsited with a nationally recagnized o�emight courier, or, if
<br /> mailed. when deposited in the United 3ta�es mail. es first ctass, cerEified �r�registered meii postage prepa�d, d+rected to
<br /> the addrasses shown near the beginnirlg of this Deed of Tr�st. AI� copies of notices af�oreclosure #rom the hoider of
<br /> any li�n which has priority o�er this Deed of Trust shall be sent xa Lender's address� as shown near the hegRnning of
<br /> this Deed o# Trust. Any perty may cl�ange its address for notices under this Deed vf Trust by gi►►ing fvrmal written
<br /> natice #v the ather parties� specifying that the purpose a� tha notice �s to change the party's address, For nati�e
<br /> purp�see. Trust�r agrees to kesp Lender infarmed et ell times of Trustvr's current address. Unless�therwise pro�ided
<br /> or required by Eaw, if#here is more than one Trustar, any natice gi�en by Lender t❑�ny Trustar is deemed ta be notice
<br /> gi�en to ell Trusto�s.
<br /> MISCELLANEaUS PR�VI51I]NS. The folEawing misce�laneous pro�isians are a part o�this Deed vf Trust:
<br /> Amendments. This Deed of Trust�tvgether with any Related ❑ocumen�s, canstitutes#he entire understanding and
<br /> egreement o#the parties es to th�matters se#forth �n this De�d of Trust. No aiteratian of or amendment ta this
<br /> ❑eed of Trust shall be eifiecti�e unless gi�en in writing and signed by the party or parties sought tv be charged or
<br /> bound by the alteration vr amendr�ent.
<br /> Annuel Reports. 1# the Property is used for purposes other than Trustor's residenGe, Trus#ar sh�ll furnish to
<br /> Lender, upon request, a certi#i�d statement of net operating income recei�ed from the Property during Trustar's
<br /> pre�ious fisca� year in such �orm and deta�! es Lender shail require. "Net �perating in�ome" shel! mean all cash
<br /> receipts from the Property less a11 cash expenditures made in connectian with the op�ratian of the Pr�perty.
<br /> Cap�tian Heedings. Captian �eadings in this De�d ot Trust ara tor con►►enience purposes only and are not tv be
<br /> used ta interpret or define#he pra�isions o#this Deed of Trust.
<br /> IIA�r�sr. There sh�11 be nfl merger of#h��ntarest�r estate created by this Deed of Trust wfth any other interest ar
<br /> este#e in the Property �t any time held hy or#or�he benefit of Lender in any�apa�ity, without the written cansent
<br /> a�Lender.
<br />