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' 2� 1 �� 1378 <br /> � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . , <br /> � <br /> �end�r'S R�ght to Enter.Lender ar Lender's agen�s shal�have the righ�and ac�ess���.ns ec��he Pra er at <br /> a�� reasanabXe t�mes �n �rder to attend �o Lender's ' •p � � <br /> �ta.�erests and ensure comp��an�e vwx�h the �erms of�his <br /> 5ecu.rity Instru�nen�. �f�he Proper�y, �r any par� thereof, sha1l require inspection; re azr ar main�enance <br /> p <br /> which Grantnr has fa�ied ta pro��de, Lender, after reasonab�e na��ce, �nay en�er u an the Pro e to effe�t <br /> � p � <br /> s u c h o b liga tion; an d t he �os��hereaf sha�� �e adde d �o �h e I n�i e b t e d n e s s a n d p a i d o n L e n�.e r's d e m a n d b <br /> Y <br /> Grantor. <br /> . � <br /> f � <br /> � <br /> ASSIGNN�ENT�F LEASES AND�ENTS.As add�tiona�securi�f�r�he paymen�of the Indeb�edness and�he <br /> perfarmance �f the co�enan�s c�n�ained hez•ein, Gran�ar hereby assigns and transfers oWer ta Lender aiX ren�s <br /> ir�come-and praf��s �"Ren�s"} under any presen� or fu�ure ��ases, su�b�eases or 1�censes of��he Pro e ll7C�Ll�ll�� <br /> P �Y� � <br /> any guaranties, e��ens�ons, amendmen�s or renewva�s �hereof, fro�n the use af the Prvperty. So �ang as �rantor �s <br /> n�t ua.defau�t, �rantor may receive, col�ec�and enj oy al�Rents accruing from th�Proper�y., but n�t�nare�han ane <br /> mvnth Yn advance af the due da�e. Lender rna�also requvre GraYxtor, ��nant and any other;user of�he Pra e �o <br /> ma�e payments of Rents dv-ect�y�o Lender.H��v�ver b receY ' � p � � <br /> , y vulg any such pa�ments,Lende�•1s no�,and s��al�no� <br /> be cvns�dered, an agen�for any par��r enti�.y. Any arnounts col�ected may, a�Lender's s��e discre��on he a xxed <br /> �a prvte�t Lender's xnterest u� �h� Pr� e ' ' ' p� <br /> p r�y, �ncluding but nflt ��m��ed to the pa�nent �f�axes and ins�.0 ance <br /> prezniums and �v �he Indeh�edness. At Lender's sole dYscre��on, a�� �eases, SL���eaSeS a��C� �.l.Ce��.5e5 lI1LI5t �LX'S� U� <br /> approved by Lender. . ; <br /> . , <br /> ��NDEMNATI�N. Gran��r shaii g��e Lender nn�x�e of any a��ion taken or�hrea�ened to he taken b ri <br /> y p vate or <br /> pub���en��ties to appropria�e the Propert�or an�par��hereof,through condemna�ion,e�ninen�do�nai�n or an o�her <br /> ac��vn.Fur�her,Lender shall�be permi�ted�o ��c� ate or intervene �n an of�he � � <br /> � I� y above described praceedings in <br /> any manner i� sha�l at i�s so�e dis�re�xan de�ermin.e. Lender �s hereby gzven fu�� pnvver; r�ght and au�hori �o - <br /> rece�ve and recezp�for any and.alx dama es a�arded as a re � <br /> � suit of the fu11 or par��a��aking'or appropria���n and in <br /> �ts.soXe discretian, �o app�y sazd av�ards�� �he Indeb�edness, whether or no�then due or ather�zse �n ac�oY-dance <br /> � <br /> �vzth appl�cable Iavv. Un�ess Lender ��herw�se agrees in vvri�ing, any app�ication of pra�eeds tfl the �ndeh�edness <br /> shal�not ���end �r postpone the due da�e af�he payments due un�.er�he �ndeb�edness or chan e �he amaun� �f <br /> � g <br /> such paymen�s. , � <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> GRAN�'�R'S ASSURANCES. At any �llne, upvn a reques� of Lender, �ran�ar�wx�i execu�e and d ' <br /> e1��er to <br /> Lender, and xf appropria�e, �ause ta be recorded, such further mor�gages, ass�gnmen'�s, assign�ments of Ieases and <br /> rents, se�urifiy agreemen�s, p�edges, financ�ng s�a�ements, oz- such a�ther docu�nen� as Lender may re uire, i.n <br /> Lender's so�e discre�ion,t�ef�'ec�ua�e, compiete and�� erfect as wel�as�a cont�nu q <br /> . , p e�o preser�e�he Indeb�edness, <br /> or the lzen ar secur�f.y interest Greated by�hxs Securx�Instrument. � <br /> � <br /> a <br /> ATT�RNEY-IN-FA�T. Gran�or appa�n�s Lender as atto�ney-in--fac� an behaif of Grar�:�vr. If Gran��r fax�s ��, <br /> fu�fll any of Grantor's abliga���ns under �his Sec�.u-�ty �nst�u�nent ar any Rela�ed�Do�umen�s �nc�udxn �hase <br /> � g <br /> oblxgatzons men��aned xn �he precedin.g paragraph, Lender as attorney�in--fact may fu�f�l the abli a�ions w��haut <br /> g <br /> notice�a�rantflr.Th�s povver of at�arney�ha�I nfl�be affe��ed by�he dxsabi��ty of�he Gran�or. <br /> , <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAVLT. The foX�av��ng even�s sha�i cons�xtute defaul�under�h�s�Securx Instr <br /> �ty umen��each an <br /> "Event of Defaul�"�: � � . <br /> � <br /> �a} Fa�Iure t�mal�e required payments�hen due u�der Indeb�edness; : <br /> �b} Failure�a perform or�eep�any �f the covenan�s of this Secu.rrty Ins�rumen� or,a default under an of <br /> �he Re�ated Documents; � <br /> � <br /> ��� The makin� �f any oral ar written sta�ement or assert�vn to Lender tha� zs fals'e or m�s�ead�n in an <br /> ; � Y <br /> ma�eria�respect by Gran��r or an�person obX�gated fln�he Indebtedness; <br /> - �d} The death, dissa�u�ion, �nso��ency, bankrup�cy or rece��ership proceed�n.g�f Granf�r ar of an ersan� <br /> , �'p <br /> or en�ity obXiga�ed on�he Indeb�edness; ; <br /> �e� Any assign.ment by Gran�or��r the benefit a#'Grantar's credi�o�-s; . <br /> �f} A ma�er�al adverse change accurs itn�he fnancia� condxtion, ownersh�p ar mataagement �f�ran�ar�r <br /> any persan ab�iga�ed on�he Inde��edness;or . . ; <br /> �g} Lender deems itself uasecure far any reason�vhatsoever. � <br /> � <br /> REMEDIES �N DEFAUI��. Upon �he ❑ccurrence af an EWen� af Defaui#, Lender ma v�zthau� demand ar <br /> Y� <br /> notrce,pa�any�r alI taxes, assessmen�s,premiu�ns, and�iens required�o be paid by Gran�ar, effec�an�insurance <br /> prov�ded for hereiva,make su�h repairs, �ause�h� abst�acts of����e ar��t�e insurance po�icy and�ax his�ories of the <br /> Pr�perty to be �ert�fied to da�e, �r prflcure ne�v abstracts �f tit�e �r ti�1e a.nsurance ar�d�ax historzes �n �ase none <br /> were furnished ta �t, and rocure tit�e re or�s coverin the Pro e � <br /> � p g p rty, xnclud�ng sur�eys. The a�n�un�s paid far an� <br /> such purpnses v�x���e added-�o�he Inde��edness and wi�I bear in�eresti a��he ra�e of in�eres�;a�herwise a�cru�n �n <br /> � <br /> the Indebtedness unti� pa�d. �n �he even� o�farec�asure, the abs�racts of�x��e �r �it�e insurance shall become the <br /> property af Lender. AI� abs�rac�s of�i��e, �i��e uasurance, tax h�staries, sur�e�s, and�ther c�ac�unen�s per�ain�ng�o <br /> the Ix�.debtedness vwi�l remain��n Lender's possession untzl the It�deb�edness is paid i.n�ui�. ; <br /> IN THE EVEIVT�F THE SALE�F TH�S PR�PERTY L�NDER THE PR�CEDUI�E F�R F�RECL�SURE�F <br /> A SE�URITY INSTRUMENT BY AD�ERTISEMENT,AS PR�VIDED BY APPL��AB'LE LA�T,�R IN THE� <br /> , EVENT LENDER E�ER�ISES ITS RIGHTS UNDER T�E ASSIGNMENT �F LEASES AND RENTS, THE� <br /> LENDER SHALL PRQVIDE A.LL STATUT4�LY REQU�RED N�TICES QF�SALE� AlrID N�T��ES �F <br /> JUDICIAi► HEAR�NGS BEF�RE LENDER ExERCISES ANY OF ITS RIGHTS L]NDER THIS <br /> INSTRLTMENT. � � , <br /> Upan the uc�urrence of an Even��f Defau��,Lender ma vt�z�hout notice unless re uu ed � <br /> Y� q by,�a�v, and a�i�s ap�zon, <br /> declare the ent�re Indeb�edness due and payab�e, as it may eZect,�regardless of�he da�e or da�es af ma�u�-zty thereflf <br /> and, if permitted by s�a�e�aw, �s author�z�d and empov�ered�a cause�he Propex�.y to be sold a�publi�auction, and <br /> �2004-24I5 Compliance Systems,In�.58F9-E69B-2�15.I 1.3.1Q�5 � <br /> Commercia!Real Estate Security Inst�-ument-DL4fl�7 Pa e 3 of 5 - � <br /> � � www.compliancesystems.�am <br /> � <br /> . . � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> . . i <br /> 3 � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> d <br /> , i <br /> ; <br /> . � <br />