2� 1 �� 1378
<br /> t� e�e�u�e and del��er�o�he purchaser ar purchasers at such sale any dee�s�f�onveyance gaod and sufFr.�ient at
<br /> la�,pursuan�to�he_s�atute i�.suc��ase made and provided. The Trus�ee shall appiy�he pro�eeds�f�he Trustee's
<br /> sale, first,�o�he cos�s and e�pel�ses of exercis�.ng�he povver of sa�e and of the sa1e, �ncluding�he payment of�he
<br /> Trustee's fees actual�y incur�ed; second, t� payment af�he flb�igati�n secured by the trust deed; thYrd, �a the
<br /> payment uf juni�r trust deeds, mar�gages, or o�her Iienho�ders and the balance, �f any, to �he persan or persans
<br /> lega�l�r en�x�led theretv. The�rec��a�s in the Trustee's deed shall be pr�ma facie ev�d�nce of �he �ruth �f the
<br /> s�a�emen�s made in it.Yf T.�ender chooses ta in�ok�the pav�rer af sale,L�nder or Trustee�v��l pr��ride notice of sale
<br /> pursuant t� app�icable la�. Any such sa�e ar a sa�e made pursuant to a judgment or.a d�cree for the fnreciosur�
<br /> here�f may, at the aption �f Lender; be made en �basse. The commencement of pra�eedings t� forec�ose this
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument�n any manner auth�ri.zed by�av�r sha�l be deemed as exercYse�f�he abo�re aption.
<br /> Up�n the �ccurrence �f an Even� �f Defau��, Lender sha�l in�media�e�y'be entitled,t� make app��ca�ion for and
<br /> obta�n the appointment of a receiver for the Proper�and of the earnings, incorne, issue and pro�ts �f�t,�rith�he
<br /> powers as �he c�u�-�mak�ng�he appoultmen�s confers. �rantor hereby irrevvcabiy consen�s t� such appo�ntment
<br /> and wai�es nvtice�f any appiication�herefar. .
<br /> NU 'L�AIVER.No delay or fa��ure of Lender to exercise any right, remed�, pov�er or pri�r�Iege hereunder shali
<br /> affec�tha�r�ght,remedy,pov�rer�r privi�ege nor sha11 any sing�e or parhial e�ercise thereof preclude the exercise of
<br /> any right,remedy, pv�er�r privi�ege.Na Lend�r delay�r failure t� demand strict adherence��the terms of�hxs
<br /> Se�ur�ty Inst�ument shall�ae cleevned�o constitufie a course af�onduct inconsis�ent v�r�th Lender's right at any time,
<br /> before or after an event �f defau��, to demand strxc� adherence �o �he tel�ns of this Secur��y Instxument and the
<br /> Relafed D�cuments. .
<br /> Si]BSTITUTE T�tUSTE�.Lender, at��s option,may from time t�time remo�e Trustee and appoin�a successor
<br /> truste� �a any Truste� app�inted hereunder by an insixument recarded in the c�un� �n which �his Securi�y
<br /> Instrument is re��rded. �ITithout con�eyance of�he Praper�y, the success�r trus�ee sha1l su�ceed to a�l the title,
<br /> pavwer and duties confer�ed upon Trus�ee herein and l�y app�icahle lav�.
<br /> J�INT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY.If this Securit�Inst�rumenf shouid be signed by more�han vne persfln,al�
<br /> persons e��cuti[�g f�us Se�u.rit�Instru.ment agree�hat th�y shall be j�in�Iy and severally bound,�here perm�t�ed by
<br /> �avv. � .
<br /> SI�RVIVAL.Lender's rights.�n�his SeGurxt�Instnurient�i��c�ntinue in i�s suc�essors and ass�gns. This Secur�t�
<br /> Instrument�s binding�n a1�he�rs,exe�u��rs,administratars,assigns and successors of Grantor.
<br /> NUTICES AND �AIVER��F N�TrCE. Unless o�h�1-��se requ�red by appl�cable la�r, an�not�ce �r demand
<br /> given by Lender to any part� is cons�dered effect�ve: ��} when rt is deposi�ed ul�he Uni�ed States IVIaiI ���h the
<br /> appropr�ate �os�age; �i�} vt�hen it �s sent via electr�nic ma�1; ��ii} �vhen it is sent v�a facs�m�Ie; ��v} �vhen it is
<br /> deposi�ed�nri�h a national�y recogruzed o�ernight cour�er se�-v�c�; (v� on the day of persona�de��ver�; ar�vi� any
<br /> v�her commerciall�reasona�le means. A c�py�f any n��ice sha��be sent��each party at f.he address of the party
<br /> gi�en at the beg�nning �f�his S�curi� Instrumen�unless an ai�erna�i�e address has b een pr��rided �� Lender in
<br /> wr�tang. To�he e�ent permi�tied�y Ia�, Grantur waives notice ❑f Lender's a���ptance of th�s Security Instrument,
<br /> defenses based on suret�ship, any defense arising from any elect�on by Lender under the United S�a�es Bankrupt�y
<br /> C�de, Uniform �vmm�rcial C�de, as enacted in the s�ate �here Lender �s �a�ated �r �ther app�i.cable Iaw or in
<br /> equity, demand, n�t�ce of accelera�ion, notice �f n�n�aayment, pres�ntmen�, protest, natice of dishanor and any
<br /> �ther notice. �
<br /> R�QIIEST F�R N�TICES: Grantor r�quests�hat copies af the noti�e of defaul�and no�ice�f sale be sent to the
<br /> addr�ss of ea�h par�y gi�en at�he beginning of�he Security Insri-ument.
<br /> '�"V'AIVER �F APPRAISEMENT RI�HTS. �rantur waives a�l appraisement r�ghts reia��ng t� the Propex�ty tv
<br /> the exten�.perm�t�ed by�aw. .
<br /> LENDER'S E.�P�NS�S. �ran�or agrees t�pay aI�expenses incurred b�Lender ix1 c�nnect�vn with enforcement
<br /> �f��s ri�h�s under�he Indeb�edness,th�s Security Ins�rrument or in the even�Lender is made par�y t�any liti�ation
<br /> because of�he e�istence of�the Indeb�edness ar this Securi�y Instrument, as we�� as c�urt casts, collect�on charges
<br /> and reasona�Ie attorneys'fees and disburse�nen�s.
<br /> ASSIGNABYLITY. Lender may ass�gn or atherwise transfer �hxs Securit� Instru.ment vr an� ❑f Lender's righ�s
<br /> under this Security Inst�umen����hout n�tice ta Grant�r. Gran�or ma}�not assign this Securi�Instxumen� �r any
<br /> paY-�af�he Secur�ty Instrumex�t vv��hout�he e�press written��nsen�of Lender.
<br /> �QVERNING LA�y'. This Security Instrument w�ll�Oe go�vern�d by�he Ia�s �f the Stat� of Nebraska inGlud�ng
<br /> a��praceedings arisin�fram fihis Secur��Instrument.
<br /> SEVERABILITY. If a c�u.�-� of c�mpetent jurisd�ction determines any term �r pr�vis�on �f fhis Secur�ty
<br /> Inst�-ument is �n�a�id or prahibi�ed by applica��e la�v, �hat term or pro�isi�n �vil1 be ineffec���e to �he extent
<br /> required.Any�erm or pr��isi�n that has been de�ermined t�be inva�id or prohib��ed w�Il be se��red from the res�
<br /> of the Security Instrum�n� ,t�vi�h�u� �n�alidating �he rema�nder vf either the affec�ed pra�risi�n ar �his S�GUTi�
<br /> �15f.TL1I71�llt.
<br /> �2U�4-2U15�ampliance Systems,In�.68F9-Efi9B-��15,i 1,3.1025
<br /> Cammercial Real Estate Security Instrument-DIAOa7 Page�of 5 ti►,wtv_cnmp�iancesystems.�om
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