2� 1 �� 1378
<br /> �R�SS C�LLATE�i.ALIZATI�N. I� is �he e�pressed infient of Gran�or t� cross �ollatera�ize aIl of its
<br /> Indebt�dness and �b�iga�i�ns to L�nder, hows�ever arising and whens�ever incurred, exc�pt any obligati�n
<br /> e�isting or arising agains�the principal d�elling of any Grantor.
<br /> WA�RANTIES. Grant�r, for ��self, ��s heirs, persflnal represen�ati�res, su�cessors, and assigns, represents,
<br /> warran�s,co��nan�s and agrees with Lender,��s suc�essors and as�igns,as follo�vs:
<br /> Pe�•formance vf Ubligations. Grantar pr�mises to perfarm al� terms, conditions, and �o�renan�s of this
<br /> Securit�y Inst�ument and Related Documen�s in ac��rdance�ith the te�ms con�ained therein.
<br /> Defense and T�tle to Proper�y.A�the time�f executi�n and deiivery�f f.his�ns�rument,Grantor is Ia�fu.�l�
<br /> seised of the estate hereby Gon�e�ed and has the exc�us��e r�ght to m�r�gage, grant, convey and ass�gn�be
<br /> Prflpe�-ty. �`rran�or c��enan�s tha��he Pr�per�y is unencumbered and free vf a111iens,ex�ept fvr encumbrances
<br /> of record accep�able to Lender. Fur�her, Crant�r c��renants tha� Grant�r w�I warrant and d�fend g�nerally
<br /> �he title to the Pr�perty against an� and a�� claims and demands whatsoever, subj ect to �he easem�nts,
<br /> restrict�ons, or other encuml�rances of record a��eptable to Lender, as may be Iis��d in the schedu�e of
<br /> e�cept�ons t� �o�rerage, in an� abstract vf title ar �itle �nsurance po�icy insur�ng Lender's �n�erest in the
<br /> ProperCy.
<br /> Candition of Property. Gran�flr pr�mises at all times t� preserve and t� ma�nta�n#he Property and every
<br /> par��hereaf in good repair, vt�orking �rder, and cond�tion and�i�1 frvm tune to time, make a11 needful and
<br /> proper rep au s s��hat�he�ralue of the Prop�rCy shal�n�t in any,way b e imp aire d.
<br /> RemovaX af any Part of the Property. �rantor promises not to r�m��e an�r part of the Property from i�s
<br /> present la�a�ion,except for re�laceinent,main�enance and rel�ca�ian i.n�he ord�nar�c�urse flf busuaess.
<br /> A�t�rations to th� Prop erty. Gran�or promises t� abs�a�n from the �ommxss�vn �f an� �as�e an or �.xi
<br /> connec��Qn w��h the Proper�.FuY�her, Gran�or shal�make no mater�a7 ai�era�i�ns, addi���ns ar�mpr��ements
<br /> af any type �ha�soever t� �he Proper�y, regardless �f whether such alterat�ons; addi��ans �r improvements
<br /> vtr¢uld �ncrease �he value �f�he Proper�y, n�r permi� anyone �o d❑ s� e�cept for tenant i.mpro�wements and
<br /> � c�inple��on �f items pursuant�o approved plans and specifica�ions, w��hout Len�.er's pri�r v�ri�ten Gonsent,
<br /> which cvnsent �.nay be v�i�ihe�d h�r Lender in �ts svle discre�ian. �rantvr vvi1l c�mp�y v�ith al� 1av�s and
<br /> regu�a�i�ns�f all pub��c au�hvrit�es ha�ring jurisdiction a�rer the Pr�per��.nc�ud�ng,���hou�lim��at��n,those
<br /> re�a�ing ta the use, �ccupancy and maua�enance �iereof and sha�1 upon r�quest pr�mptiy suhmit t� Lender
<br /> evidence af such compl�ance.
<br /> Due on Sale�Lend�r�s�ansent. Grantar sha�l no�se�1,fu�.-�her encu.mber or�therw�se dispase of,except as
<br /> here�n pr�Wided, any �r al� of i�s in�erest �n any par� of or a�� of�he Proper� �i�hout f�rst obtaining the
<br /> �vritten consent af Lender. If any encum�rance, lien, transfer or sale �r agreement for �hese �s created,
<br /> Lender may de�lare�rnmed�ate�y due and payab�e,�he en��re�alance of�he Indebtedness.
<br /> InSurance. Gran��r pramises to keep the Property insured aga�ns�such r�sks and in such form as ma�v�ri�hin
<br /> the so�e d�scr�tion of Lender�e ac�ep�able; causing Lender ta be named as l�ss payee or if requested by
<br /> Lender, as �nor�gagee. The insurance company sha11 �e chasen �y Grant�r subj ect �o Lender's appr��ral,
<br /> v�vhYch sha�1 n�� be unreas�nably vvithheTd. AII insu.rance pol�cies must pro�ride �hat Lender v�ri�� get a
<br /> m�n�mum of 1�days n��ice�ri�r to cance�Ia�ivn.At Lender's d�scretion, Grantor may be requ�red to praduce
<br /> receipts of paid premiums and rene�a��o�ici�s.If�rantor fai�s to ol��a�n�he requ�red caverage,Lender ma}�
<br /> do s�a�Grant�r's expense. G�an�or�ereby direc�s eacl�and e�ery insurer of�he Pr�per�y to make pa�rment�f
<br /> �oss�a Lender v�rxth the pr�ceeds ta be appl�ed, flni�at Lender's opt�an,to the repa�r and replacement of the
<br /> damage ar loss�r to be app�ied��the In�.ebtedness w��h�.ie surplus,if any,t�be pa�d by Lender to Grant�r.
<br /> � Payment of Taxes and Qther App�icable �harges. �rantor pr�mxses �� pay and to discharge �iens,
<br /> encumbrances,taxes,assessmen�s,lease payments and any other charges rela��ng to�he Proper�when�e�ried
<br /> ar assessed against Grantor�r the Praper�.
<br /> En�ironmental Lavys and Hazardaus or 'I'oxic Iviater�als. �rantar and e`�eYy tenant ha�re been, are
<br /> presentl� and shall �antinue �� be in str�c� campliance �vith any appl�ca�le Io�al, s�ate and federai
<br /> en�ll anmen�ai laws and regulations.Furthe�•,nei�her Grant�r nor an�r tenant shal�manufacture, s�ore,hand�e,
<br /> discharge or d�spose ❑f hazardous or to�ic maferials as may�e defin�d b� a.n� s�a�e ar f�derai Ia� on the
<br /> Property, �xCep� ta �he e�ent the e�i.s�ence �f su�h materials has heen present�� dxscl�sed in wri��ng t�
<br /> Lender. Grantflr will immediately not�fy Lender in writi.ng af any asser�i�n�r cla�m made by any pax-ty as to
<br /> ��e possib�e vio�ation �f applicab�e state and federal envu anmenta� laws inc�udu�g the locati�n of any
<br /> hazardaus �r tox�c materia�s on�r abau�the Proper�. Grantor indemn�f�es and h�lds Lender harm�ess fi�rn,
<br /> �ithout I�mifa�ivn, an� ��abi�ity ar e�pense �f�hatsaever nature �ncurred d�re�tly�r indirect�� out of or in
<br /> connec�ion vv�th: �a}an�i en�Xrvnmenta�Ia�s affec��ng a11 or any part af the Property�r�rantar;�b�the pas�,
<br /> present or future e��s�ence �f any ha2ardous ma�eria�s in, on, under, abou�, or emanat�ng from or passi_ug
<br /> through �he Proper�y ar any part thereof or any pr�pel-ty adj a�ent thereto; �c} an}� pas�, present �r future
<br /> hazardous activity at or in connec�ifln w��h the Prvper�y�r any par��hereof; and �d� �he noncompl�an�e b�
<br /> Gran�or�r Grant�r's fai�ur�to��mp��ful�y and tirne�y vSrith env�ronmen�a�1aws.
<br /> Fiaanc�ai Information. Gran��r agrees to suppiy Lender su�h fmancial and o�her�nformatian concerning its
<br /> affa�rs and the status of any of�ts assets as Lender, fr�m �ime to �ime, may reasonably request. �rantor
<br /> fiu-�her agrees t� permi� Lender �o verify acc�unts as �re�l as to insp�ct, �op� and �v examine �he boaks,
<br /> records and�iles�f�rant�r.
<br /> �2�04-2415 Carnpliance 5ystems,Inc.68F9-E69B-24�5.11.3.IQ25
<br /> Commer�ial Real Estate Security Instrument-I]L44U7 Page?af 5 www.campliancesystems.com
<br />