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2� 1 ���873 <br /> in�eres� from �he date �f d�sbursement a� the same ra�e assessed an ad�anc�s und�r the ��ntract and shall �e <br /> �ayable,�rvi�h interes�,upon nat�ce fraxn Lender t�Borrower requesting payment. <br /> In�pect�on. Lender ar its agent may make rea�anab�e entrzes upon and inspec�ions af the Praper�y. Lender sha�� <br /> g�ve Barrav►rer natice at the�ime of or prior to ar�xnspec�zon specifying reasor�able�ause for the�nspec�ior�. <br /> �flndemnatian, The pr�ceeds of any award ar c�aim far damages, d�rect or conse�uen�ial, in connec�zan wzth any <br /> condemnatia�ar ather�aking of any par��f the Proper�y, or for c�nveyan�e �n��eu of car�demnation, are hereby <br /> asszgned and sha�l be paid to Lender. <br /> �n �he even��f a �o�ai taking of��ie Pr�perty, �he proce�ds shal� be applied �o �he sums secured�y this 5e�urity <br /> �ns�rumen�, whe�her or n�� then due, v�ri�h any ex�ess pa�d �� Borrotiver. In �he event of a par�ial �aki�g af the <br /> Property �n whzch�he fa�r market va�ue af the Praper�y �rnmediate�y before �he ta�ng zs equal to or grea�er than <br /> �he amaunt of the sums secured by �his Se�urit� Ins�-umen� immediately before �he �a�ing, unless Borro�ver and <br /> Lerider�ther�se agree in writing,the sum� secur�d by this Securi�y�ns�rumen�shall be reduced by the amaun�of <br /> the pra�eeds multipl�ed by�he fo��ovv�ng fraction: �a}�he�ota� amaun�of�h� sums secured�mmediate�y befare�he <br /> taking, d�vided by �b� the fazr xnarke�value of�he Praperty �mmediate�y�efore the taking. An.y ba�a�.�e sha�� be <br /> pa�d �a Barro�wer. Iri the e�ren� of a partial �a��ng af the Proper�y in wht�h ��ie fair market value af the Pr�pez-�y <br /> immediately before the taki�a.g �s �ess �han �he amoun�of�he sums secured �mmed�a�e�y before the �aking, unless <br /> Barr��ver and Lender o�herwise agre� ��.wr���ng or unless Applicable Lativ otherwise prov�d�s, the praceeds shal� <br /> �e appl�ed�o t�e sums secured by�his Security�nstrument whe�her or no�the sums ar�then due. <br /> �f�he Proper�y is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after natice by Lend�r to B�rrower�ha���he canden�or flffers tio <br /> rn.ake an a�vard or se�tle a claim for damag�s, �orrower fails�o res�flnd to Lender wi�hiri�he min�muxn number of <br /> days es�ablished�y App��cab�e La�v after�he da�e�h��.ot�ce�s given,Lender is author�zed�o collec�and apply�he <br /> proceeds, at �ts op��on, either to res�oratz�n ar repair of the Proper�y or �o the sums secured �� �hzs Securi�y <br /> ��xstrumen�,vvhe�her or not�h.en due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and B�rrower o�herwise agree in v�ri��ng, ariy app�ica�ion of proceeds�o pr�nc�pa� sha�l no�ex�end <br /> or pastpone�he due da�e af the payments due under�he�nritract or�hange the amount of such paymen�s. <br /> Borrower Not Releas�d; Forbearance By Lender N�t a Waiver. Ex�ens�an of the time far pa�rmen� ar <br /> mod�f ca���n of amor��zat�vn �f the sums secured by �h�s Security �ns�rument gran�ed by Lender�a �3arrower or <br /> any success�r in interest of Borrawer shail not operate ta release the �zab�l�ty of th� orig��.a� Ba�row�r or <br /> Borrower's successors zn�n�eres�. Le�der sha�I�o�be required�o commence proceed�ngs agai�st any successar in <br /> interes�ar refuse�o ex�end tim�for paymen�or a�herw�se modify am�r��za��on of the sums secured by th�s 5ecur��y <br /> �ns�rtxmen� �y reason of any demand made by �he original Barrower or Barr�wer's successor� in interes�. Any <br /> farbearan�e by Lender in e�erczs�ng any right a�r remed� shall not be a waiver�f or preclude the exercxse of any <br /> righ�or remed�. <br /> �uccessors and Ass�gns Bound; Join� and Several Liability; Accommodat��n S�gners, The �avenar�ts and <br /> agreements of�his Securi�y Ins�rument sha�l bind and benef t the successors and assigns af Lend�r and BorroWer, <br /> sub,�ect ta the prov�s�an� of $ec�ion titled Transfer of �he Property or a I3enef��ia� In�erest in Barrower. <br /> Bvrrovver's covenar��s and agreements sha��b��oint and severa�. Any person wha ca-�s�gx�s tih�s Securzty�ns�rument <br /> but has no personal I�ab���ty under �he Contrac� �"Accar�moda��on Signer"�: �a} is ca-sig�ai�g �his Security <br /> �ns�rumen� onl� �o mortgage, gran� and canvey �ha� Accammada�ion Signer's interes� zn fi�e Pro�erty under the <br /> �erms �f the 5ecuri�y Instrumen�; �b} is no� personal�� abligated to pay the sums secured by �his Se�urzty <br /> ��s�rument; and �c} agrees thati Lender and any a�her B�rrower may agree�o e��end,modify, forbear or make ar�y <br /> acc�mmada�ians With regard�a the terms of�his S ecurz�y Ins�rurn�n�or�he �ontrac�withau�tha�Accommoda�ion <br /> 5�gner's cozasent. <br /> Laan Charges. �f�he �oan secured hy this Secur�ty Ins�rumenti is subl ec� to a iav�r v�hich sets maximum �aan <br /> charges, and tha��avt�is fnally interpreted sa�ha�the interest or a�her Ioan charges co�le��ed ar to be c�l�ec�ed�n <br /> connect�on vvith �he �aan exceed the permzt�ed lirnits, the�: �a� any such �oan charge shal� be reduced by �he <br /> am�utl�necessary tv reduce �he charge �o�he pex�mi�ted limits ar�d �i�} any sums alr�ady ca��ected fram B�rr�tiver <br /> which e�cee�ed perrnit�ed I�m.��s w�l� be refunded �a �arrvvver. Lender may ch�ose �o make �his r�fund by <br /> reduc�t�.g the princ�pal owed und�r the Contract nr�y making a direc�payme��t� Barro�ver. If a refund reduces <br /> principa�,�he�educt��n v�ril�be treated as a partial prepayment under�he ContraCt. <br /> Notices. Any noti�e to Borrower provided for in �h�s Security �ns�rumen� sha1l be g�ven by de��vering �� or by <br /> ma��ing i�by f rst class ma��un�ess Applicabl�Law requ�res use of ano�her methad. The n�tice shall be d�rected�a <br /> �he Pr�per�y Addr�ss ar any ather address B�rrovver d��ignates by no�ice �a Lender. Borr�wer agrees ta pravide <br /> Lender wx�h$orrov�rer's m�s� curren�ma��ing address, as ��rnay change fram��ime. Any na�ice ta Lender <br /> sha11 be gzven by frs�c1a�s mai���Lender's address s�ated hereir��r any o#her addr�ss Lender des�gnates by notice <br /> to Barrower. Any nflti�e provided for�n this 5ecurity�nstrumen�sha��be deemed�o have been gzven�o Borrov�rer <br /> or Ler�der Whe�g�ven as pro�rided in�h�s paragraph. <br /> Gn��rning Lavv; Several�i�ity.This Security�ns�rumen�sha�1 be g�verned by federal�aw and the Iaws�f�he state <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he even� �ha� a.ny pr��is��n ar clause af�his 5ecurity �nstrument ar �he Cox�trac� conflicts vvxth <br /> App��cab�e Law, such conf�ict sha�� nv� affec� ather pr�visians of this Securi�y�ns�rumen� or�he �ontract wh�ch <br /> cari be given effect�wzthout the conflict�ng pravxs�on. To�h�s end the prnviszons of�h�is Securi�y�nstrumez��and rhe <br /> Con�rac�are de��ared�o be severable. <br /> B�rr�wer's��py.BorrQwer sha11�e g�ven one copy�f this Se�uri�}r Ins�rument. <br /> 9 24a4-2415 Campliar�ce Systems,�nc.8C54-9ES�-ZO f a98 <br /> Cvnsumer Real Estate-Se�urity Instnimen#DL2435 Pa�e 3 af 5 www.comp�iancesystems.cvm <br />