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2� 1 ���873 <br /> Payment�f Pr�nc�paZ and Interes�; �ther�harges.B�rro�wer shall promptly pay when due the princ�pa�of and <br /> in�erest on�he debt owed under the�on�ract and�ate charges�r any other fe�s and cha.rge�due under�he�on�ract. <br /> Appli�able Law. As used in thi� Securi�y Ir�strumen�, �he term "App�icable Lavv" shall mean all con�r���ing <br /> app�icable federal, s�ate and 1oca� 3tatu�es, regula��ons, nrdinances and administra�i�e ru�e5 and arders �that have <br /> the�ffect�f lav��as Wel�as a11 app�icable final,non-appealable judicial opini�ns. <br /> Charges; Liens, B�rrnurer sha�� pay a�� �axe�, assessrnents, charge�, fnes and impositi�ns a�tr�bu�a.b�e �� the <br /> Property which may at�ain pri�rity over this Security Instrument, and Ieaseho�d pa�men�s or ground rents, if any. <br /> At the request of L,ender,B�rravver shall promptly furriish ta Lender re�eipts�v�dencing the paymen�s. <br /> Borrower shall promp�ly discharge any lien tivhi�h has pri�rzty�ver f�his Secur�ty�nstrument un��ss Borro�wer: �a� <br /> agrees �n writing ta �he payment flf the obliga�ion.secured by the Iien in a manner ac��p�abl� �o Lender; (b} <br /> contests �n gaod faith the �ien by, �r def�nds aga�ns� enf�rc�ment of�he �ien rn, legal pr�ceedings vvhich in the <br /> Lender's apv.�i�n operate to pr�ven� �he �nf�rcemen� af�he ��en; or �c} secures fram the ha�der of the Ii�n an <br /> agreemen�satisfactory�o Lender subord�nating the �ien�o �is S�curity�ns�rumen�. �f Lender de�ermines�ha� any <br /> par�of the Property is subj ec��o a Iien tivhich may a�tain priority over this Security Instrument, Lender may give <br /> Borr��ver a n���ce iden�ifying the l�e�. Borrow�r shall sa��sfy the lien or�ake ane �r more �f the ac�iflns set for�h <br /> abo�re within 14 da�s of�he giving�f notice. <br /> H�zard or 1'roperty Insurance. Borrav�er shall ke�p �he improvem.�nts na�v existing or hereafter ere�ted on the <br /> Property insured.agains��ass by fre,hazards in��uded�ri�hin�he�erm"ex�ended coverage" and any o�her ha�ards, <br /> includu�.g fl�ods flr fl�ad�ng, for �which Lend�r requires �n�ura�c�. Th�s �nsuran�e sha11 be ma�n�ained �n the <br /> amounts and for�he periods�hat Lender requ�res. The insurance carrier providing the�.nsurance shall be chosen by <br /> Borra�ver sub�ect �� Lender's appraval which shall not b� unreasQnably vtri�hheld. If Borrower fa�ls to ma�n�ain <br /> coverage descr�bed abave, Lender may, a� L�nder's op��an, ob�ai.� coverage �� protect Lender's rights zn the <br /> Property in accat dance tivith sec�ian��t�ed Protection of Lender's R�ghts in�he Property. <br /> A11 insurance policies and reneu�a�s sha�� be accep�able tfl L�n�ler and shall include a s�andard m�r�gage c�ause. <br /> Lender sha�l ha�e the right to hold the po�icies and renewals. �f Lender requires, Borrov�rer sha11 prornpt�y give ta <br /> Lender a��receipts�f paid premiums and rene�al natices. �n�he even��f loss, Borravver sha�I give prompt no�ice <br /> �a the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proaf of�oss if no�made promp�ly by Barrower. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Barrovver otherwise agree in �rriting, in�urance proceeds shall be app�ied �o res�arati�n or <br /> repair �f the Praper�y damaged, if, ix� Lender's sole d�scretzon, �he res�oratian or repair is econami�a�ly feasib�e <br /> and Lender'� secur�ty is n�t lessenede �f, in Lender's sole discre�ion, the r�stora�ian or rep�.�r is not econom�ca��y <br /> f�as�ble or Lender's securi�y�vould b�lessened,�he�nsurance proceed�shal�be app�i�d ta the sums secured by�h�s <br /> S e cur��y �nstrumen�, whether or not �hen due, uTi�h any �xc ess pazd �o B�rroWer. �f B�rro�wer aband�ns the <br /> Property, or does not ansvver wi�hin the nur�ber of days pr�scr�bed by Appiica��e Lavtr as se�for�h in a notice from <br /> Lend�r�o Barrawer tha��he znsurance carrier has offered tfl se�tle a claim, �hen L�nd�r ma�r c�Ilec�the �nsurance <br /> proceeds. L�nder may use the proceeds to repair or restore �.he Proper�y or to pay sums secured by this Security <br /> �nstrumen�s�vhe�her or n���hen due.The periad of�ime for B�rro�ver�o ans,wer as se�fo�l.a in the notice wz���begin <br /> v�hen�h�no��ce is gi�en. <br /> Unless Lender and B�rrotiver othen�vi�e agree in writing, any app�icatian of proceeds ta pr�.�cipal shall n�t ex�end <br /> or post�ane�he due date of�he pa�rrnen�s due under the �on�ract or change the amoun�of�he paymen�s. �f under <br /> the sec�ian ti�led Ac�elerati�n; Rem�dies, �he Fr�pe�ty is ac�uired by Lender, B�rro�ver's right�� any insurance <br /> policies and proceeds result�ng from dam.age to �he Property pri�r to �he a�qu�s�tian sha�l pass �o Lender �o the <br /> ex�en�of the sums secured by th�s Securi�y�ns�rumen�immedia�ely prior ta�he acqu�siti�n. <br /> Preservat�on, Main�enance and P�otection af the Property; Borrovver'S Loan Applicat�on; LeaSeho�ds. <br /> Borro�ver shall not des�ray, damage �r impair�he Praperty, allow�he Property ti� deteri�ra��, or G�mmi�WaSt� On <br /> �he Prapert�.Barrativer sha�I be in defaul��f any fvrfe��ux-e a��i�n�r proceeding,yvhe�her civi�ar cr�m�nal,is begun <br /> �ha� in Lender's go�d fa�th j�dgmen� cauld rest��� in farfeiture �f the Praperty nr othe�-wise ma�erially impa�r �he <br /> lien created by this Security Ins�rument ❑r L�nder's S�CIiT'1� in�erest. Borrou�er may eure such a defaul� and <br /> reinstate, as pr�v�ded�n section ti�led Borrower�s Right �o l�eins�ate, by caus�ng�he action�r proceed�ng�� be <br /> dismissed�rith a ruling tha�,in Lende�'s gaad fai�h determination,prec�udes�orfeiture of the Borrnwer's in�er�st in <br /> the Property Qr ather material impairmen� of�he lien created by this Security Ins�rumen� or Ler�derrs se�ur��y <br /> interest. BorroWer sha11 alsn�e�n default if Borrower,dur�ng�he Ioan appl�cat�on process,g�ve materially false ar <br /> znaccurate informa�ion ar s��ernents to Lender �or fai�ed to provi�e Lender with any mater�al informa�ian� �n <br /> connec�ion wi�h�he ��an evzdenced by the Con�rac�. �f th�s Security�nstrum�nt is on a leasehold, Barrow�r shall <br /> comp�y vvith aXI the pravisions of�he l�ase. If B�rrou�er acquires fee tit�e to the Property, the�easeho�d and the fee <br /> ti�le sha11 nat rnerge un�e ss Lender agrees to the�nerger in writ�ng. <br /> Pr�tec��ifln �f Lender'S R�ights in t�iQ �rop�rty. If B��-rourer fails ta perf�rm the cavenan�s and agr��xnents <br /> con�ained in this 5ecurity rnstrumen�, ❑r there �s a�egal proceed�ng�ha�may signif can�ly affect Lender'�rights in <br /> �he Property (such as a praceeding ir� bax�ruptcy, proba�e, f�r condernnation or forfez�ure or �o enforce laws or <br /> regu�a�i�ns}, �.ien Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to p�otec� the value af the Property and <br /> Lender's r�ghts in the ProperCy. Lender's �.ctions may�nclude p�.�ing any sum.�secured by a�zen vvhich has priority <br /> over this 5ecurity�nstrumen�, appearin��,court,paying reaso�.able a�t�rneys'fees and entering on�h�Property ta <br /> rna�e repairs.Although Lender n�ay take action under�his s�ctian,L�nder do�s no�have to d�so. <br /> Any amflun�s disbursed by Lender under this sect�an shall bec�me ad�l�t�ar�a� deb� of Borrovver secured by th�s <br /> 5 e curi�ty Instrumen�. Unless B orrovver ar�d Le�d�r agre e fo other terms af p ayment, these arn.ounts sh�.11 b ear <br /> �2�4�-2015 CoinpIia.nce Systems,Tn�,SC54-9EBfl-2a i 5.11,3,1�98 <br /> Consurc�er ReaI Estate-Security Ir�strument DL2�35 Page 2 of 5 www.cvmpIiancesystems.carn <br />