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2� 1 ���873 <br /> TranSfer of�he Proper�y�r a Benef���al Int�rest�n Borrovver. �f al�or any pa.r��f�he Proper�y or any�rnterest <br /> xn it is sald ar �ransferred �or if a �eneficial in�erest in B�rrovver is so�d or �ransferred and B�rrov�er is na� a <br /> na�ura� pers�n� u��thout Lender's priar written �onsent, Lender may, at i�s op�i�n, requ�re immedia�e payment �n <br /> full of all sums secured by th�s 5ecuri�y �nst�ru.m�n�. However, this optian sha�� n�t be exerCi�ed by Len�er if <br /> exereise is pr�hibited by federal law as of�he dat�of�his 5ecurity�ns�rument. <br /> If Lender exerczses this op��an, Lender sha�l giwe �orrow�r n�tic� of acceleratian. The notice sha1l provide a <br /> per�od of n�t Iess �han �he minimum number af days estab�ished by App�icable Lavv fr�n� the date the no�ice is <br /> delivered or ma�Ied �within which Borra�rer mus� pay all sums secured b� this Se�urzty �nstrument. If Borrower <br /> fa��s �o pay these sums priflr to �he �xpiration �f this period, Lender�na� inv�ke any remed��s perm��ted by thxs <br /> Securi�y�ns�rument wi.�hou�fur�her notice or dernand on B�rro�ver. <br /> B�rraw�r'S R�ght �o Rexnstate. �f B�rrawer meets cer�ain conditions, Bflrrovver sha�l have the r�gh� to have <br /> enforcemen�of�hzs 5ecurity Instrum�nt d�sc�n�inued at any time pri�r tfl t�e �arlier flf �a� 5 days �or su�h ather <br /> per�ad as Applicab�e Law ma�spec�fy for reinsta�ement}bef�re sa��af�h�PrQperty pursuan�to an�power of sa�e <br /> con�ained in this Se�uri�y Ins�rume�t; �r �b} en�ry of a jt�dgment enfor��ng �his Security �ns�rumen�. Those <br /> conditions are that Barrawer: €a� pays Lender a1� sums �•hich th�n w�ul.d be due under� Security Instrument <br /> and the Con�-a�t as if no acceieration had accur.�ed; (b}cures an�r defau��of any o�her caven�n�s�r agreemen�s; �c� <br /> pays a�1 expenses incurred in enfarcir�g this 5ecu.t-��y Ins�rument, including,but na�lim��ed�o,reas�nable a�torn.e�s' <br /> fees �a �h� ex�ent permi�ted by�aw; and �d}tak�s such ac�zon as Lender ma�reasonably requ�re �o assure�hat the <br /> lien of�h�s S�curity�nstrument, Lender`s rightis in�he Proper�y and Borrovver's obligation�o pay�he sums securet� <br /> by this Secur�ty Instrument shail continue unchanged. Upon�ei.nstatemen�by Borrower, this Security �nstru�.ment <br /> and �he �bligat�ons secured her�by s�all remain fu�ly effec��ve as if no acc�IeratiQn had occurred. Howev�r, �his <br /> righ�to re�nstate shall not apply in th�case af a��eleratian under�he sec�ion ti�led Transfer of the Property or a <br /> Benef�cial In�erest�n B�rrflwer. <br /> Hazardous Su�astances.Barrov�rer shall nat cause or permit the presence,us�, disposal, starage, or re�ease�f an�r <br /> Hazardous 5ubstances on or in the�'raperty,Borrav��r sh.a�l no�do,nor a11�vv an�one else t�da,anyt�iing affecti.r�.g <br /> the Property tha� is in violation af a�y Env�ronmenta� La�w. The preced��.g �v� sen�en�es shall not app�y�o the <br /> presence,use,or s��rage�n�.he Prop�r�y�f small quan�itie5 of Hazardaus�ubs�a.�ces�a�are genera��y recognized <br /> �a be apprapriate�o normal res�den�ia�uses and to main�enanc�of the Property, <br /> B�rrower sha1l prflmpt�y give Lender writ�en notice of any investiga�ion,clain�, demand,Iawsui�or��er actian by <br /> any governmental or regulatary agency or priva�e party �nvo�ving the prop�rty and any Hazardous Subs�a.nce or <br /> Environmen�a.l I,aW of vvhich Bflrrow�r has actual knou�Iedge. If B arrower learns, �r �s �otif ed by any <br /> g��ernmenta� or regulatory au�hority,that any removal flr�ther remediatian of any Ha2ardaus Substance affecting <br /> the Property is nec�ssary, Borr�vver shall pr�m.ptly ta�e �I1 necessary remed�a� acti�ns in acc�rdan�e �vvith <br /> Environm�nta.l LavSr. <br /> As used in�hzs paragraph, "Hazardaus Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazard�us substances <br /> by Envir�rtmental Law and the following substances: gasaiine, �er�ser�e, other flam�aable or tox�c petroleum <br /> products, �oxic pest�c�des and herbi��des, �olatile solven�s, materia�s can�aining asbestas or f�rmaldehyde, an�i <br /> radioac�ive ma�erials. As used in�his paragraph, "Environmental Lav�r" means federal lav�rs and Ia�s�f�he sta�e of <br /> Nebraska that re�ate ta hea�th,safety or environmen�a�pr��ect�on. <br /> Ac�e��ration; l�emed�e�. Lender� give notice to Bvrrv�ver priar to acce�erat��n f�llow�ng Borrower's <br /> brea�h�f any c�venant ar agr�ement�n thi5 Security Instrument�r the Contrac��nder which acceler��ian <br /> �s permitted �bu� not prior tv a�cel�rat��n under th� sectiun ti�Ied Transfer af the Pr�p�rty or a B�nef���al <br /> Interest in Borrow�r, unless App�i�able LaYv provides otheryvi�se�. The natice �hall spe�ify: ta} the defaul�; <br /> �b} the ac��an required to cure the defau�t; �c� a date, nvt less �han the m��irnum num�er �f days <br /> esta�lished by�A►.ppl�cab�e Law frorm the date the n�t��e is given to Borr�wer,by wh�ch the defau�t�rn.u�t be <br /> cured; and �d� �hat fa�lur� to cure th� defau�t on or before the date specified �n the natic� m�y result in <br /> accelera�ion af th� sums secured by this S�curity Instrurnent and s�le �f �h� Property. To the exten� <br /> permit�e� by�aw, the notice shall fur�her�nf�rm Borr�wer �f the right to r�instate a�'ter a�celeration and <br /> the right t�brir�g�court actiQn to a�s�r��he non�existenc�of a defau�t or any�ther d�fense af Borrow�r�� <br /> a�celerat�an and sal�. If the defau��is not cu�ed �n or before the da�e spe���ed in the notic�,Lend�r�t its <br /> vption may re�uire �mmediate payment �n �ull flf a�l sums secured by this Security Instrument wi�h�ut <br /> further demanc� and may inv�oke the power �f sa�e and any other remedies permi��ed by Applicable I�aw. <br /> Ta the exten� permitt�d by la�v, L�nder sha�.� be entit�ed to �ollect all expenses in�u�red in purs�xing the <br /> remedies pr�vic�ed�n this �ectxon,i�c�uding,but nvt limi�ed to,reasor�able a�tflrneys' �ees a�d cost�of ti��e <br /> ev�d�nce. <br /> If the povt�er�f�a�e�s i�n�a�ed,Trustee shall record a noti�e of defau�t in each c�unty�n yvhich any part of <br /> the Pr�p�rty�s���ated and sha�I mail copies �f such no�ic��n �he manner prescrfbed by Appii�abie La�v ta <br /> Sorr�wer and to the other persons prescribed by Applic�ble Law, Aft�r the taiame requir�d by App��cable <br /> Lavv, Truste� shai� g�ve pub��c n�t�ce of sa�e to the persons and �n the manner pr�scribed hy Appli�a�Ie <br /> La�v. Trus�ee,v�i�hout demand vn Bor�-ower,shall sei�the Praperty at�ubli� aucti�n t� the highest��dder <br /> a��he fime and��ace and under�he terms designat�d in th�notice af sal�irn one or more parce�s and in any <br /> order Trus�ee determines. Truste� may postpflne sale of all nr an� parcel of �he Prop�rty by public <br /> ann�uncement at the time and p�a��of any pr�viously 5cheduled sa�e,Lender vr it�de�fgnee may purchase <br /> �hQ Prop�rty at aa��sa��. <br /> Upvn re�e�pt af payment flf th� pr��e hid, Trustee shai� delxver to the purchaser Tru��ee's deed con�e�ing <br /> �he Property. The �ecitals in the Trustee's de�d shall be prima facie ev��ence�f the truth vf�he statement� <br /> c�aaaa-zax s cQ��i����sys���s,Inc.SC54-9EB�-��15.1 I.3.1098 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Sec�rity Instrument DL2436 PagE 4 v-5 www, <br />