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2� 1 ���8�5 <br /> �nterest fr�rn the da�e of dzsbursement a� �he same rate assessed an advances under the Con�ra�t and �hall be � <br /> payable,�vith in�erest,upan notzce froxn Lender tv Borrower reques��ng payment. . <br /> Inspe�tivn. Lender or xts agen�may make reas��ab�e en�ri�� upon and inspec�ians �f the p�aperty. Ler�der sha�� <br /> g�ve�orrawer natice at�he��me of ar priar�o a.n inspec�xon s�ecifying rea�onab�e caus�for�he�nspec�io�. <br /> Condemnation.Th�proceeds af any award�r c�a�m for damages, direct�r consequent�a�, va.cannectian wt�h any <br /> condem�aatzori or other�aking of any par�of�h�Pr�pertiy,:or f�r conveyance �n���u af conden�ation, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and shal�be paid�o Lender.. <br /> In �he event af a���al tak��.g of the Praperty, �he proceeds sha1l be app�zed to the sums s�cured by thxs 5ecuri�y <br /> Instrumen�, v�he�her or nat ��.en due, vcri�h any ex�ess pa�d �o Bflrrawer. In the event of a partia.I �a�ng af�he <br /> Property in�rh�ch the fa�r marke�value of the �'roperty ir�rnediate�y before �he �ak�ng is equa�to or grea�er�han <br /> �he amount �f the sums se�ured by thi.5 Security �ns#�u.ment �mmedia�ely bef�re the �aking, unle�s ��rrovver and � <br /> Lender o�herwise agree in wr��ing,�he sums se�ured b�this Securxty Inst��.�sha11 he reduced by�he amoun�of <br /> the praceeds mul�ip��ed by�h�fol�owing fraction: �a}�he to�al amotu�t of�he sums secured�mmediately befare�he � <br /> tal�ng, divided by �b} �he fa�r marl�e�value af�he Propert�immediately�efore �he tal�n.g. Any ba�ance sha�� b� . <br /> pa�d tv Borravver. �n �he even� of a part�al �ak�ng of�he Propez-ty in vvh�ch �he fazr marke�value of the I'roperty <br /> immediately before �he �al�ing �s �ess than �he am��he sums secured irnmed�ate�y beft�re t�.e �aki.n.g, un�ess <br /> Bo�-rotiver and Lend�r atherwise agree in writing or tu�less Applzcable La�v a�herwise pro�rides; the proceed� shall <br /> be applied�o�he sums secur�d b�th�s 5e�uri#y Instrumen�vv�e�her�r n��th�surris are�hen due. . <br /> �f�ie Praperty�s aba�.doned�y B�orrovv�r, ar,if, af�er notice by Lerider t� Borrov�rer tha��he co�xd�na�or offers �o <br /> make an ativard or se��e a cxazm for damages, �orrovver faiTs ta resp�nd�o Len�er�t�v��h.�n the nv.nzmum numbe��f <br /> days es�abl�shed by Applicable Lav►r after�he da�e the no�i�e�s given,Lender is authorize�.ta ca�Iecx and app�y�he <br /> proceeds, at its �p�ion, ez�her �o res�ora�zon or re�air of the Proper�y or ta �he surris secured by this Security <br /> Instrurnent;tivhether or na��hen due. <br /> Unl�ss Le�.der and Barrawer o�herwise agree �n�rr���ng, any applica�ion of proceeds�o przncipal sh�11 not ex�ez�d <br /> or postpon�th.e due da�e�f the pa�mer��s due under�he Can�ract or change�h.e a�nount of such�aym��zts. <br /> �arrovver Nat I�e�eased; For��arance By Lender Not a Waiver. Ex�ensian of the �ime far paymer�� �or � <br /> �rn�dificatior� af amar�iza��o� �f�he sums secured by this Securi�y In��ix:men� grar��ed hy Ler�de� �� �orrower �r <br /> an� succe��nr �n �nteres� of B�rr�Wer sha�� �aot opera�� to release the l�ability of the orzg�nal �or�ovver ar <br /> Borr�vver's successars in interes�. Lender sha��not be required to cammen.ce proceedings agains�an�successor in <br /> in�eres�or r�fuse�o ex�end tizn�for payment or o�herwzse mad�f�amartiza�iori of�he sums secured by th�s Securi�y <br /> �ns�rumen� by reasa� of any demand made by the orig�na� Borrovver or Borr�wer's successars �n i�a�eres�. Any <br /> � forbearance by L�rider zn exercising any r�ght or remedy sha�� not be a waiver of ar preclude the e�erc�se of any <br /> right or rernedy. . <br /> Succe�snrs and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; A�commodation S�gners. The covenants and <br /> agreements vf�his Securz�y�n�trument sha��bind and bez�ef�the su�c�ssars and assigns af Lender arid BorraWer, <br /> subjec� �a #.he prav�szans of sec�ion tzt�ed Tran�fer of �he Property or a Benef���a� Interes� in I3orrawer, <br /> Barrower's covenants and agreemen�s sha�l be�ain�and several. Atay person v�ho co-s�gns this Secur�ty�ns�rumer�t <br /> bu� has nn personal �iab��z�y under �h.� �on�rac� �"Accomm�dati�n S�g.�er"}: �a} is co�s�gnirig �his 5ecur�ty <br /> �nstrument �nly to m�r�gage, grant and convey tha� Accammodat�on 5igner's �n�eres� in �he �'rvpe�t.y ur�der �he <br /> �erms of the Secur��y Ins�-umen�; �b} is no� persanally obl�gated �o pay the sums secur�d by this Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�; and�c� agrees�hat Lender and a�.y��her Borr�wer may agree�o extend, madzfy, forbear ar make any <br /> a�cammodations wi�h regard to�he�erms�f�his Securzty�ns�rumen�ar�he Contrac��i�hou��hat A�cammodat�on <br /> Szgner's cansen�. <br /> Loan Charges. If the ��an secured by �his Securi�y Instrumexzt is subj ec� �� a. lativ v�rhich se�s maxzmum Ioan <br /> charges, ar�d tha��aw is final�y in�erpre�ed sa that�he in�er�st or��her loan charg�s collected or to be c���ec�ed in <br /> cannec���n w�th the �oan exceed �he �ermitted Iimits, then: �a} any such I�an charge sha�l be rec�uced b� the <br /> am�unt necess�ry to reduce the charge��the perm�t�ed liml.�s and �b} any sums alread�ca��ect�d from Borrower � <br /> tivhi�h exceeded perm�tted �imi�s w�11 be refur�ded �o Borro�er. Lender may chaas� to mal�e. ��is r�fur�d by <br /> reducirig �ze pr�ncipa� o�wed under �he Contract ar by ma��ng a d�rec�payment ta �orravv�r. If a refund reduces <br /> principal,�he reduct�on�1�be�rea�ed as a partza�prepayment utader�he Contirac�. � <br /> No�ices. Any n��ice t� Barraw�r provided for in this Security �nstrument sha�l be g�ve�. by deliver�g it or by � <br /> mailing it hy first c�ass mail unless Applicab�e La;w requzres use of ano�her rne�hod:The n���ce Shall be dire��ed�a <br /> �he Praper�y Address ar any ��her address Borrov�er des�gnates by no��ce�v Lender. Borr�w�r agree� �o provide <br /> Lender w��h Barrovver's m�s� cur�r�n�mailing address, as��may change from�ime-�o-�ime. Ariy not�ce �o Lender <br /> sha�I be give�.b�firs�c�ass ma�I to Lender's address�s�a�ed here�n or any other at�dress Lender by no�i�e <br /> �o Borrvwer.Any n��zce�rovided far in th�s 5ecurifiy�ns�rumen�shal�be deemed�o have been g�ven to Borrou�er <br /> ar Lender wher�given as prav�ded in this paragraph. <br /> Goverriing Law; Severabi��ty.Th�s Security�nstrument shall be governed by federal lavv and the 1av�is af�h�s�a�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he ev�nt�hat a.ri.y provis�an vr clause of this Security �ns�rumen� ar �he �ori�ract conflic�s ��th <br /> App��cab�e Law, such canfl�ct sha�� nv�affec� ��her pravisio�.s af this Security�ns�rumen�.�r�he C�n�ract�vh�ch <br /> can be given effec�vv��hou��he car�fli���ng provis�an. Ta th�s end�he provisians of�his Se�urit�Ins�rument and the <br /> Can�ract are declared to be severable. <br /> Borrower�s Cop�.Borra,wer sha1�be g�ven one��py af�his S�curity�ns�rument. <br /> C�2404�241 S Campliar�ce Systems,It1c.SCS4-FF52-20I5.1 t.3.i�98 . <br /> Car�sumer Real Estate-Sec�rity Irtstrument DL2�35 Page 3❑f 5�ias�cesystems.cbm <br />