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2� 1 ���8�5 . <br /> Payment of Pr�nc�pal and Interes�; �ther Charges.Borrow�r shall prom��ly pa�When due the princrp�I af and <br /> �nterest on�he debt ov�ed under the�antract and 1a�e charges or any o�her fe�s and charges due�h�Ctin�rac�. <br /> Appli�ab�e Lav�. As used .i.n this SeGurity Ins�rument, the ��rm "Applicable I�av�" sha1l mean a11 con�rolling <br /> � applicable federal, s�ate and �ocal sta.tu�t�s, regulations, ordina.nces and�adm�nis�rat�ve ru�es and �rders (that have <br /> the effec��f 1aw}as vve1l as all app�icabl�fna1,nvri--appea�able�u�licia��p�n��ns. <br /> � : Charge5; L�ens. Borrower sha�1 pay all.�axes, assessments, cha.rges, fine� and impositi�ns a�.tr�butab�� �Q the <br /> � Property whi�h may at�ain prior��y�ver th�s Secur��y�ns�rument, an�i leasehold paymen�s ar grourid ren�s, �f any. <br /> At the requ�st flf Lender,Bflrrower shaTl pr�mptly furnish to Lender receip�s evidencing the paym�n�s. <br /> Borro�ver shall pramptly discharge any lien v�rhi�h has pr�or��y over this Security�ns�rumen�unless Barrovver:: �a� � <br /> agrees in writ�ng to th� pa�ment of�he ab�iga�ion secuxed �y the �ien in a manrier accep�ab�� �a Lende�-; �b} <br /> con�es�s in good fai�h the �ze�. by, or defends agains� enforcement of�the Iien in, l�gal pr�ceedirigs whzch in the <br /> Lender's opi.nian operate t� preven� the enfarcemen� flf�the lien; ar �c� se�ures from the holder of the li�n an <br /> agreement sa�tisfactory�a Ler�der subard�.n.ating the Iien ta thi� Securi�y�. �f L.ender determin�s�ha�any <br /> par� of the Proper�y is subj ec�to a �ien vvhich may atta�n priori�y over �his Se�urity Ins�rumen�, Lende�may give <br /> Barrower a:��t�ce ide�.�ifyix�g the Iien. Borro�ver sha�l sa��sfy�he Iien�r tak� one ar rn�re �f the actiox�s set for�h <br /> ab�ve w�th�n 1�days of the giving of na�ice. <br /> Hazard vr Pro�erty Insurance. Borrotiver sha�l keep the improvemen�s nv�exi.s�ing or hereafter erec�ed on�he <br /> Pr�per�y insured agains�loss hy fire,ha�ards included�xrithin�he term"extended coverage'f and any o�her hazards, <br /> �ncluding f�aods nr f�ood�ng, f�r tivhich Lender requires insurance. This insurance shal� be m�.intairied a�z �he <br /> am�u.nts and for the periods that Lender requires. The insurance ca.rrier providing tlie:insurance shall be chosen by <br /> Bflrro,wer su�aj ec� ta Lender's approva� ,t7vhich sha11 not be ur�reasonably withheld. If Barrovver fa�Is �o mainta�n <br /> �overage described aba�e, Lender may, at Lend�r's opt�on, �b�a�.r�. coverage to protect Lender's rights in the <br /> , Prop�rty in accordance vvi�sec�ivn t���ed Pr4te�t��n�f Lend�r's R�ights in�he Proper�y. . <br /> AlI �nsurance policies and renev�rals sha�l be acceptable �o Lender and shali include a s�andard mortgage cl�use: <br /> Lende.r shall have the right to hold�he pa�ic�es an�rene�va�s, If Lender requ�res,B�rr��ver shal�prflmptly gi�re to <br /> Lender ai�receip�s�f paid premiums and renewa�no�ices. In�h� event af I�ss, B�rrovver shal�g�ve pr�mpt natice <br /> ta the insurance carrier and Le���r,Lender may ma�e proaf of��ss zf nat made prampt�y by Borro�ver. <br /> Unless Lender and Bnrrfl�rer o�.h.exwise agree in wrz�in�; insurance p�ocee�.s sha�� be.applied �� restaratiian �r <br /> � repair of t�ie Proper�y �iamaged, if, in I�ender's sole discretion, �he restorati�n or repa�r is econ�xn�cal�y feasibl� <br /> and Lender's se�urity�s not lessened. �f, in Lender's sale discre�i�n, the res�ora�i�ri or repair is n��economzcaX��r � <br /> feasible or Lend�r's security u�auld be lessened,the insurance proceeds sha1�be appli�d���he st�.ms secured b��his <br /> Securi� �nstrumer�t, vvhe�her or nat then due, ,t�trith any ex�ess paid ta ��rrower. If Borrower abar�dflns the <br /> Proper�, or does rio�answer�v�th�n the number of days prescribed by App�icable Law as s��for�h�n a notice from <br /> Lend�r to Borrower tha�th�insurance carr�er has offered�o s�t�le a cla��n, then Lender may collect the insuran�e <br /> . proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repa�r or restor� the Pr�perty ar�� pay sum.s secured by�h�s Sect�rity <br /> Ins�rumen�;whether or no�then due.The per�od of��me f�r Borrovver to answer as set for�h in�he n.��ice�vvi�l beg�n <br /> �vhen�he n�tice is g�ven. � <br /> Unless Lender and Borrovsrer atherw�se agre� in writing, any applicati�n of pr�ceeds�a principa� sha1��o�e�tend � <br /> or pos�p�ne the due da�e�f the payments due under the ��n�ract�r�change�he amour��of the paymerits: �f under <br /> the sec�ion titled Acc��eration; Remedies, the Prflpe�-�y is a�Quir�d by Lender, Borrav►rer's r�gh.t tfl any insurance <br /> pol�cies and proGeeds resul�ing fram damage �a the Property prior t� the acquis�t��n sha�� pass �o Lender �o the <br /> ex�ent of the sums secured l�y this Secur�t�r�ns�rum.en��mmed�a�e�y pr�or�o th�acquisitio�. : <br /> Preservation, Nlaintenance and Prote��xon of the Prnpe�ty; �orro�vve�'s Loan App�i�a�ion; Lea�eh�Ids. <br /> Borr�wer sha�l not des�roy, damage or�mpair�he Proper�y, al�ow�he Pr�per�y to deteriora�e;or cammi�v�as�e on <br /> the Propert�r.Borrower sha��be in defaul�if an.y farfeiture action or pr�ceeding,�rhe���r civil or crimina�,is begun <br /> �ha� zn Lender's go�d faith judgment cou�d resu�� i� fo�feiture of�he Proper�y�r o�herwise ma�eraal�y�mpair�he . <br /> l�en .created_by �his Security Instrtzm�n� ar Lender's securit� �interes�. Borrower may cure such a default and <br /> r�ins�ate, as pr�vided in se�t�on�i�led Borr�wer's It�ght t� R�instate, by causing the action or praceeding�o be <br /> d�smissed ur�th a ru�ing�hat,in Lend�r's go�d faith det�rmin.ation,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's in��r�s��n � <br /> the Pr�perfiy �r other ma�eria� impairment of the �ie� created�by �his Sect�ri�y Ir�strumen� or L�nder's sec�r�ty <br /> in�eres�.BQrravver sha�I also defaul�if Borroyver,during t�ie loan appiic��ion pracess,gave material�y fa��e or <br /> inaccurate infvrma�ion or statements to Lender �or failed�to provide Lender with any ma�er�a� informa��on} in <br /> corinectian ur�th the �oan e�rdenced by the �ontrac�. If this.Security�ns�rum�n�is on a�easehoTd, Borrnwer�hal1 � <br /> cflmply v�rith a�l th�,prov�s�ons af the l�ase. If Borro,t7ver acquir�s fee tit�e�a t�.e Proper�y,�he�easeho�d and�h�fee <br /> tztle shall na�merge u.riless Lender agrees�o�he merger in wr�ting. <br /> Protecti�n �f L�n_d�r's It�ghts in the Prvperty. If Barra�wer fails �o perfarm the�c�venan�s and agreerr�en�s <br /> canta�ned in�his 5ecurity Instrumen�, or there is a legal proce�ding�ha�may significan�ly affect L�nder's r�gh�s in <br /> �he PrQpert�r �such as a praceedzng in ban.�rup�cy, probate, for ��ndemna�ion ar forfeiture or �o;enfarce laws �r <br /> regulations�,,then Lender may do and pay for what�ver is n�cessary �a pra�e�t the.value of�he Proper� and <br /> Lender's righ�s in the Property. Lender's acti�ns may include payzng any sums seCured by a lien vwhich has priori�y <br /> over th�s Securi�y�nstrumen�, appearing in court,paying reaso�.ab�e at�orneys'fees and enter�ng ori the Prop�r�y ta � <br /> make repairs.Al�hough Lender may�a�e ac�ion under�his se��i�n,Lender does no�ha�e to dfl so. . <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lend�r under this secti�on shal� becQm� additiflnal d�b� of Borro�rer secured by this <br /> Secur��y �nstrumen�. Unless BQrrower and Lender agree �� �ther terms of paymen�; these amounts sha�� bear <br /> C�2fl44-2ti 15 Gompliar��e Systems,Ir�c.8C54-FFS2-ZQ 15.11.3.�Q�8 <br /> � Consumer Rea�Es#ate-Security It�strument DL243� Page 2�f 5 www:campI�anresystems.cvrri <br />