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, � 2� 1 ���8�5 <br /> Transfer af the Pr�perfy.or a Benef�ciaY Interest in Borro�ver.�f a1��r ar�y par�of�he Properry or any interes� <br /> �n �t �s so�d or �ransferred �or if a beneficial in�eres� in Borr�wer �s sald �r �ransferred and Borrovver is not a <br /> na�ura� person� �thou� Lender's prior written cansent, L�:nder may, at its op�i�n, require immediate pay�n�n� in <br /> full �f a�i su�ns secured by this Security �nstrumen�. Ho�vever, �his ap�ion,sha�1 not be exer.cis�d by Lender if <br /> exercise is prohibite�by federallavv as of the date of this Secu�rity�nstrument. . <br /> �f Lender exercises th�s op�ion, Ler�der sha�l give Barrower not�ce of acce��rat�an. The no�ice sha1l prQvide a <br /> periad of no� Iess th:an the m�nimum number of days established by Applicable Law from the date �he no��ce zs � <br /> de���ered �r zna�led wi��n which BorroWer mus� pa� al� sums secured by �his Securi�y �ns�rumen�. If Borrovsrer <br /> fails �a pa���hese surns pri�r to the exp�ration of�his per��d, Lender ma� invoke any remedies�ermit�ed b� �his� <br /> S e curi�y Ins�rumen�vvithaut fur�her notice or demand�n B ar���rer, . <br /> Borroyver's l2ight to R.e�n�tate. If Borrov�rer meets �ertain condi�i��s, Borr�v�rer shal� have �he right �� have <br /> enfor�emen��f�his Securi�y�ns�rum�n� dzs�fln�inued a� a�y tixne pri�r ta �h� ear�ier of: �a} 5 day� �ar su�h other <br /> per�od as.App���ab�e Lavv may sp�cify for reinsta�ement}b�fore sale of�he l�ropert�r puxsuant�o any po�ver�f sa�� � <br /> contained �n �his Security Instrumen�; or �b} en�ry of a ju�igm�n� enforc�ng �is� 5ecur��y Ins�rument. Those <br /> conditions are that Borrower; �a} pays Lent�er al� sums which�hen�w�u.�d be due u.r�der�his 5ecur�ty �ns�rumen� <br /> and the,Can�ract as�f no acce�eratiQn had occurred;�b}cu�Ls a.�y default of an�other ca�enants or agreemen�s; �c} <br /> pays aIl expenses incurred in enfar�ing this Security Instrumer��, inclu�irig,but nfl�limited�o,reaso�able attar�ne�rs' <br /> fees t4 the ex�en�}�errrutted by Iaw; and�d}�akes such ac�ior�as Lender may reasonably require�� assure that the <br /> Iien of�his 5ecurity_Instrumen�, Le�der's rights in the Proper�and Borr�we�'s flb�igation to pay�he sums�ecured <br /> by�his.Security Instrumen� shall con�inue unchanged. Upon rei.n.s�atement by Borro�ver, Securi�y,�ns�rumen�. <br /> and the ab��gations secured her�by sha�l remain ful�y eff�ctiv� as if no acc�lera�ion had occurred. However, �h�s <br /> �right tQ reir�s�a�e sha�l not app�y in the case of acceleration under the sect�on�itled Tran�fer of th�Property ar a <br /> Bene�c�al In�er�st in B�rr�wer. <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances.Bor�ro�rer shall nat cause or pern-��t the prese�ce,t�se, d�sposal, �t�rage, ar reieas�of any <br /> Hazaxdous Substances on nr in the Property,B�rrovver sha]1 nat do,n�r a��ovtr anyane e�s��o d�,an�th�ng�.ffecting <br /> the Praperty that is in violatifln flf ariy Env�ronmenta� Law. The precedzng t�vo se��ences sha1l nat apply �a the <br /> presence,use,or s�orage on�he PraperCy of small quantities af Hazardous Subs�ances that are genera�ly recognzzed <br /> �o b�appropriate�o normal res�dential uses and ta ma�n�enanc�of�h�P�aperty. <br /> Borrovver shall pramp�ly give Lender v�rrit�en notzce of a�.y inv�stiga�i�n;clai�n, demand,Iavvsut�or a�he�a��ion by <br /> any gavernrnen�al oz re�ulatory agency �r priva�e party i�vfllving �he Property and any Hazardous Su�s�an�� or <br /> Environmen�a� La�v of vvhich B�rravver �as actual knowl�dge. �f�Borrower learns, or is natif��� �y any <br /> g�vernmental or regula�vr�autharity,�hat any rexnova�ar��her remedia�ian�f any Hazardous Subs�ance�ffec�ing <br /> the Proper�y is necessary, Barro�ver shall promp�l� �al��. a�l necessary r�me�ia� actions in accordance with <br /> Envixa�.menta�Law. <br /> As used�in�his paragraph, "Hazardous Substa��es" are th�se subs�ances�ef ned as�oxic or hazardaus subs�ances <br /> by Environmental Law and �he f�I�ovving subs�ances: gasaline, kerosene, �ther flamma�a�e or �oxic p�tro�eum <br /> produc�s, �ox�c �estzczdes and herbicides, valati�e sol�ien�s, r.�a�er�a�s con�aining asbestos or farma�dehyd�; and <br /> radioac�ive materiaTs, As used in�his paragraph, "Env�ranmental Law" mean�federal laws and Iavvs of�he s�a��vf <br /> Ne�araska tha�rela�e to health,safety or enviranmeri�a�protection, <br /> Accelerati�n; R.emedies. Lender shall give n�tice to Borrovver prior �fl acce�erai�ian f�llowing B�r�ovver's <br /> breach of any covenant vr agreement�n this Secur�ty I��trument�r the��ntract under whi�h a��elerat�on <br /> � �s perm�tted �but no�pr�or ta acceleration under�ti�n tifled Transfer of the Property or a��nefic�a� <br /> Interest in B�rr�wer, unle�s App�icable Lavv prnv�des a�h�rw�se}, The r��t��e shai� spec�fy: �a) the def�u�t; <br /> �b} the:acf�on required t� cure the default; �c� a date, na� less �han �he nninimum num�er �f days <br /> established by.�pp�i�able Lavv fram th�date the n�tice is gi�en to Barrnwer,by v�hich the default mu�t be <br /> cured; .and �d� that fai�ure to �ure the defau�t on or befv�-e the date s�e�i�ed in �he n�t�ce may r�suit �n <br /> acc�leration Qf the sums se�ured�by this S��urity In�trw.ment and sa�e �f th� Property. To the e��ent <br /> permitted by law, �he n�tice Shali further inf�rm B�rrower af the right to reinsta�e af�er a��eleration and <br /> �h�r.ight to hring a court action�o�sser�the�on-existence of a default ar any vther d�fense�f Bvrr�v�v�r�� <br /> acc��era�i�n an� 5a�e.If the defau�t is not cured �n or bef�re �he da�e spe�i�ed in �he notice;Le�der�.t its <br /> opt�an may requ�re �mmediate payment fn fuli of a�I sun�s secured by �his S�cur�ty Instrun�ent w���.out <br /> fur�her demand and may i�voke the pawer �f sale and any ot�er rem�di�s permitf�d by:Applicab�e LaVv. <br /> T� the exten� p�rm.�tted by lavv, Lender shal� be ent�t�ed t4 co��ect a�l �expenses �r�curred �n pursuin� �he <br /> r�medies prov�ded�n �hYs Se����n,�inc�u�ding,but not lir�uted�o,rea�onable attorn��s' fees and co��s�f title � <br /> eviden�e. : <br /> If the power of�ale �s�nv�ked,Trustee shall re�ord a not�ce of default in each cvunty in wh�ch any pa�rt of � <br /> the Property i5 lacated and sha�l mail cvpi�s �f such na�ice in �he manner prescribed b�Ap�licable La�w t� <br /> Borrower and to th� �ther persons prescribed by Ap�licab�e La�v. Aft�r the t�me requ�red by Appiicab�e <br /> �LaYv, Trustee sha�� gi�e publ�c not��e �f sale.�a the p�a�snns and �n �he mannQr prescribed hy Appl�cab�e <br /> Law.Trustee,w��h�ut demand vn Borr��vver,�hall sell the Froperty at publ��aucti�n �o the h�ghe�t b�dder . <br /> at the t�me,and place and under�he ter�n.s designa��d i��h�n��i�e of sal�in on��r rnore par�els ar�d�n any <br /> ord�r TrusteQ determines. Trustee may p�5tp�ne sa�� Q� a�l or ariy par�e� af the Property. by public <br /> ann�uncement at the�ime and p�ac�of any pre�ious�y s�heduled sa�e.L�nder�or�ts designee may purchase <br /> the Property at any saie. � � <br /> Up�n recexp� af payment of the pricQ b�d, Trustee sha� deliver to the purcha5er Trustee's deed conve�xn <br /> g <br /> �he Pr�perty. The recita�s�n �he Trustee's deed shall be prnma fa��e evid�nce nf�he�ru�h of�he statements <br /> �2�Q�-ZOl5 Compliance Systems,Inc.8C54-FF52-2� � ' . <br /> Car�s�mer Real Estate-Security Ir�stna�tient DL2036 Page 4 of 5 www.�ompIiancesyscems.c�m <br />