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<br /> ���D �F TRu��'
<br /> Loan No: �000�voo�� ����t��1u�d� Page 4
<br /> any proceeds af�er payment in futl of the lndebtedness, such proceeds shaf� be paid to Trustor as T�-ustor's
<br /> interests may appear.
<br /> Trus#or"s Report an Insuranc�. Upon request of Lender, hawe�er nat more than once a year, Trustor shall furnish
<br /> to Lender a re�por� ❑n each existing pal�cy a� insurance sh�wing: �'I} the name of the insu�rer; �2} th� �-isks
<br /> insured; �3} the amount of the policy; �4) the property insured, the #hen current replacement �alue af such
<br /> property, and the manner of d�termining that�alue; and ��} the expira#ion date of the policy. Trustor shall, upan
<br /> �equest of Lender, ha�e an independent apprais�r satisfac�ory�❑Lender determine the�ash�alu�repfacement cost
<br /> af the Prape�ty,
<br /> LENDER'S EXPENDIT�RES. !f any activn ar proceeding is commenced#hat would materially affec#Lender's interes#in
<br /> fhe Prop��ty or if Trustar fails to camply wi�h any pro�ision o�f this Deed of Trust or any Reiated Dacuments, including
<br /> but nat limi�ed �o Trustar's fa�lure ta d�scharge or pay when due any amounts Trustor is required to discharg� vr pay
<br /> under thEs❑eed of Trust or any Related Documents, Lende�r on Trus�or`s beha�f may�hu�shall not be obligated to}take
<br /> any action that Lender deems appropriate, including but not limited #o discharging or paying all taxes, liens, security
<br /> interes�s, encumbran�es and other c�aims, at any time le�ied ar placed on the Proper�y and paying a�l c�sts far insuring,
<br /> maintaining and preservin� #he Praperty. All su�h expenditures in�urred or paid by Lender for such purposes wilf then
<br /> bear in#eres#at the rate cha�rged under the Note�rom the date �ncurred or paid by Lender to the date o�repaym�nt by
<br /> Trus�o�. Alf such expenses will become a parf of the ind�btedness and, at Lend�r's op�ion, w�ll �A} be payab�e on
<br /> demand; {B} be added �a #he ba[ance of the N�te and be apportioned among and be �ayabie with �ny ins�allment
<br /> payments to bec�me due during either t'!} the term of any app(icable insurance po�icy; or {2} the remaining term of
<br /> the iVote; or �C} be t�eated as a ba�loon paymenf which w�ll be due and payable a#the No#e's matur�ty. Th� Deed of
<br /> Trus� afso w�ll secure payment of these amounts. Such righf shall be in addi�ion to a!I other �-ight� and remed�es �fl
<br /> which Lender may be enfitled upon Default. �
<br /> VIlARRANTY; DEFENSE Q�T�TLE. Th�fo[lawi�g p�-a�isions re�a�ir�g�o flwnershsp o�the Property are a part o�this fleed
<br /> af Trust:
<br /> Ti#le. Trustar warrants that: �a} Trus�or ho�ds good and marketa�le titfe of record to �he Praperty �n fee simple,
<br /> free and clear of all liens and encumbrances ather than those set�orth in the R�a� Property descripfion or in any
<br /> title insurance policy, title repor#, or fina� title opinion issued in �a�or af, and accepted by, Lender in connect�on
<br /> with#his Deed of Trust,and �b}Trust�r has the�ull righ�, power, and authority ta execu#e and del�ver�his De�d of
<br /> 7'rust to Lender.
<br /> Defens� of Title. Subjec�to the exceptifln sn the parag�aph above, T�rustar warrants and will for��er defe�d the
<br /> title tv the Prvperty agains�the lawful claims o�f all p�rsons. (n the e�ent any ac�ion o�-proceeding is cammenced
<br /> tha�questions Trustor's�itle or the interest af Trustee or Lender under this Deed af Trus�,Trustor shaff defend the
<br /> act�on a�Tr�usto�-`s expense. Trust�r may be the naminal party in such proc�eding, but Lender shall be entitled to
<br /> partic�pate in ��e proceeding and �o be �e��esent�d in the proceeding by counse� o� Lender's own cnoice, and
<br /> Trustor w�fl de�i�e�-, nr cause tv be deli�ered, ta Lender such instruments as Lender may reques�fram time ta time
<br /> to permit such par�icipation.
<br /> Compliance Vllith Laws. Trustor warrants tha� the Property and Trustor's use of the Property compEies wi�h all
<br /> existing applicab[e laws,vrdinan�es, and regufatior�s of ga�ernmental authorities.
<br /> 5ur►�ival of Representaf�ons and WarrantiQs. AII representa�ions, warrant�es, and agreements made by Trustvr in
<br /> this Deed of Trust shall survi�e �he executivn and deli�ery�f#his �eed of Trust, sha�l be continuing in na�ure, and
<br /> sha�l rema�n�n full�arce and effect unti4 suc�time as Bor�ower's Indebtedness sha�l be paid in full.
<br /> CC]NDEMNATI�N. The falfawing pravisians rela�ing�a condemnation proceed�ngs are a part o�'this Deed❑f Trust:
<br /> Proceedings. If any proceeding in condemnatian is fi�ed, Trustor shali promptly notify Lender in writing, and
<br /> Trus�or shall prompt�y take such steps as may be necessary tv defen� the ac�ion and obtatn fhe av►rard. Trustor
<br /> may be the nomin�f party in such prviceeding, but Lender shail be entitl�d to participate in�he proceeding and tv be
<br /> �epresented in the prviceeding by cvunsel of its own choice, and Trustor wi!! de�i�e� or cause to be de�i�ered fio
<br /> Lender such ins�rumen�s and documentation as may be requested by Lender fram time to time �fl permit such
<br /> particfpatian.
<br /> Application of Ne� Praceeds. I�all or any part o�the Property is candemned by eminent doma�n proceedings vr by
<br /> any prviceeding or purchase in lieu of c�ndemnatian, Lend�r may at i�s efection require that afl a�any po�tian c��'the
<br /> net proceeds of the award be applied to #he ind�b�edness ar the repair ❑r restvrafion af the P�nperty, The nef
<br /> proc�eds of the award shall mean the award a#�er payment o�all reasonabie cos�s, expenses, and attorneys'fees
<br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in connection with#he condemna�ion.
<br /> IMPQSITIqN QF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES gY G�VERNMENTAL A�T'HORITIES, The follvwing pro�isions rela#ing
<br /> to go��rnmenta�taxes,fees and cha�ges are a part of this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Curren� Taxes, Fees and Cnarges. Upon reques# by Lender, Trustor sha�! execute such documen�s �n addition �o
<br /> this Deed af Trust and take whate�er ather actian is r�quested by Lende�-�a perfect and continu�Lend�r's lien on
<br /> �he Real Proper�y. T�-ustor shal� reimburse Lender for a�l taxes� as described below, t�c�ether with al� expenses
<br /> incurr�d in recarding, pe�fecting ar continuing #his ❑eed of Trust, in�luding w�th�ut iimi�ation a�l taxes, fees,
<br /> dacumentary s�amps,and flther charges for recording or registering this Deed o�Trust. .
<br />