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<br /> C]E�EC] �F T'�IU�T'
<br /> Loan Nv: �Q�Da����8 ���ntl�ued} Page 3
<br /> Rea� Prope�ty, or any interest in the Rea� Proper�y. A"sa�e or trans�er" means the con�eyance of Real Property vr any
<br /> r�gh�, tEtl� or interes� in the Rea� Property; whether [ega�, beneficial or equitable; whether �olun�ary vr in�oluntary;
<br /> whether by au#right sale, deed, installment sa�e contract, land �on�rac#, contra�t for deed, leasehoid in�erest with a
<br /> te�m greater than #hree �3}years, lease-aption contract, or by saie, assignment, or#ransfer o�any beneficial in#erest in
<br /> ar ta any land trust holding title to the Real Prope�#y, ❑r by any o�her method v�can�eyance af an interest in the Rea�
<br /> Prope�ty. How��er, this aption shall not be exe�cised by Lender if such exer�ise is prohibi�ed by federal �aw �r by
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The f��low�ng provisions �re�atsng to the taxes and I�e�s on the Property are part of�his Deed af
<br /> Tru st:
<br /> Paym�nt. Trustor shaf�pay when due �and in ail e�ents priar to definquency}a�!taxes,special taxes,assessments,
<br /> charges (�ncluding water and �ewer�, f nes and impositions le�ied against or on ac�oun�of the Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due all claims for wvrk done vn n��or serv��es rende�ed or material furnished to�he Prope�ty. Trustor
<br /> shall mainta�n the Proper�y free of afl liens ha�ing priority o�er�r equal to the in�erest o#'Lender under�his Deed of
<br /> Trust, except fa�- the lien o� taxes and assessments not due and except as ❑therwise pro�ided in th�s ❑eed of
<br /> T'ru st.
<br /> Right to Contest. Trus#or may withhold payment of any tax, ass�ssmen�, vr c�aim in connection with a govd faith
<br /> dispute a�er the obliga#ion to pay, sfl long as Lender's interest in the Praperty is no�jeopardized. If a lien arises ar
<br /> is filed as � resu�f o� nonpaymen�, Trus�or shai! within fifteen ('f 5} days af�er#he lien arises ❑r, if a �ien is fi�ed,
<br /> within fi�teer� �'I�} days after Trusto�- has notice af the fi�ing, secure the disch�,rge af the �ien, or�i�requested by
<br /> Lender,d�posi�with Lender cash o�a suffic�ent corporate surety bond or oth�r security satisfactory#o Lender in an
<br /> amount suffi�ient to discharge�he lien plus any costs and attorneys'fees, or oth�r charges that cauld accrue as a
<br /> result of a forec�osure or sale under the fien. In any contest, Trustor sha�l de�end itself and Lend�r and shall satisfy
<br /> any adve�se;udgment be�ore en�Farcem�n�against t�e Prop��#y. Trustor shall name Lende�-as an addit�anat obiigee
<br /> under any surety bond furnished in the contest proceedings.
<br /> ��idence of Payment. Trustar shall upon demand fu�nish to Lender satis�ac�ary e�idence of paym�nt af the taxes
<br /> or assessmen#s and s�ali autharize the appropriate ga�ernmental affi�ial to deli�er to Lender at any time a written
<br /> statement❑f the taxes and assessments against the Properky.
<br /> Notice of Construction. Trustor sha�l not�fy Lender at least fifteen t'I5} da�s befvre any work is commenced, any
<br /> services are furnished, ❑�any ma#erials are supplied to the Proper#y, if any mechanic's lien, materialmen's li�n, ar
<br /> ather Ssen could be asserted �n account of the wark, servic�s, or maferial�. Trustor vui1� upon reques# of Lender
<br /> furnish to Lender ad�anee assurances satisfactory to �.ender that Trustor �an and wifl pay the cost vf such
<br /> imp�o�emen�s.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE fNSURANC�. The fal#owing pro�isions re�ating to insuring the Property are a pa�of this ❑eed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Maint�nance of Insurance. Trus�or shal� pracure and maintain policies o�fire insurance with standard extended
<br /> co�erage endorsements on a rep�ac�ment basis for the fuff insurab�� �alue ca�ering ali Impra�ements on the Real
<br /> Property in an amoun� suffic�ent to avo�d application of any co}nsurance �iause, and �vi�h a standard martgagee
<br /> clause in fa�or o�Lender. Trus#or sha�l alsa procure and maintain comprehensi�e generaf liability insurance in such
<br /> co�erage amounts as Lende� may reques� with Trustee and Lender being named as additiona! �nsureds in such
<br /> �iability insuran�e poficies. Additionally, Trusto� �ha�l maintain such o�hsr insurance, including but nat limited to
<br /> haza�d, bus�ness tnterruption, and bo�ler insurance, as Lender may reasonably requir�. Paficies shall be wri�ten in
<br /> �orm, amoun#s, co�erages and basis reasonably acce{o�able to Lender and issued by a cvmpany or companies
<br /> reasonab�y accep�able �a Lend�r. Trustor, upan re�uest vf Lender, will deli�er to Lender frvm tim� ta time the
<br /> policies or cer��ficates of insurance in f�rm satis�ac#ory to Lender, ineluding stipula�ions�hat coverages wili not be
<br /> can�el�ed ar diminished without at least tl�irty�30} days prior�uritten no�ice to Lender. Each insurance po�i�y aiso
<br /> shall include an�ndorsement pro�iding�hat coverage in fa�or of Lender will not be impaired in any way by any act,
<br /> ❑mission ar defau�t of Trustor ar any ather person. Should the Real Property be �ocated in an area designa�ed by
<br /> �he Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a specia�f�ood hazard area, Trustar agrees ta
<br /> obtain and maintain �edera� Flood fnsurance, if a�a'rlab�e, within 4� days after no#ice is gi�en hy Lender that the
<br /> Property is located in a special fload h�zard area,for the full unpaid principa[balance of the loan and any prior liens
<br /> on the proper�y se�uring the lvan, up to the maximum p�licy limi�s s�f under the Nat�anai Flood �nsurance Program,
<br /> ar�s othen►vise required by Lender,and ta maintain such insurance for the term of the laan.
<br /> AppEicat�on of Proce�ds. Trustor shal� prompfly notifiy Lender af any loss or damage to fhe Proper�ty. Lender may
<br /> make proof of lass if Trustor fails #o d❑ sa within fift�en �15} days ofi the casuaity. Whether or nQ� Lender's
<br /> securify is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's election, re�ei�e and retain the pra�eeds of any insurance and apply
<br /> the proceEds to �he reduc�ian ❑f the Indebtedness, payment af any fien affec�ing �he Property, or the restoration
<br /> and repa�r of�he Prope�ty.� �f Lender e�ects tv appiy#he proceeds#o restora���n and repair, Trustor shall repair ar
<br /> replac� the damaged or des�royed impro�ements in a manner satisfac�ory �o �ender. Lender shall, upan
<br /> sa#isfactory pr�of of such expendi�ure, pay or reimburse Trustor fram #he proceeds for #he r�asonable cost of
<br /> �-epa�r or �est�ration i� Trustor i� na# in default under �his Deed of Trusf. Any proceeds which ha�e not been
<br /> d�sbursed within '180 days after their receipt and which Lender has nflt committed to �he repair or restaration a�
<br /> the Prope�ty shall be used first t❑ pay any amoun�awing to Lende�under#his Deed of Trus�,then to pay accrued
<br /> inter�s�, and the remaind�r, if any, shall be applied �o the principal balance af the Indeb#edness, I�Lender holds
<br />