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2� 1 ���7� 1 <br /> C�IEED �F T'R��T' <br /> Loar� IVo: ���D����'�� �������ued} Page � <br /> deficiency ta #he extent Lender is otherwise entitled to a claim fQr defieien�y, before or after Lender's commencemenf <br /> or completion af any fo�eclosure actian,either judic�a�ly o�by exer�ise of a powe�ofi sale. <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF4RMANCE. Except as atherwise pro�ided in this Deed of Trust, Barrower shall pay to Lender all <br /> �ndebtedness secured by th�s ❑eed a� Trust a� it becames due, and Borrawer and Trust�r sha�l perForm all �heir <br /> respecti�e obli��tians under the Note, this Deed a�Trus�, and the Re�ated Documents. � <br /> P�55ESStON AND MAINTENANCE QF THE PROPERTY. Bor�-ower and Trustvr agree #ha� Bflrrvwer's and Trustor's <br /> possession and us�af the Praperty shall be governed by the following pro�isions: <br /> Possess�on and Use. Until the occurrence of an E�ent of De�ault, Trustor may �'�} remain in possession and <br /> � can�rol af�he Property; �2} use,opera#e or manage the Prvperty;and {3} co�lect the Rents fram the Proper�y. <br /> Du�y ta Maintain. Trustor sha�l maintain the Property in tenantable cond'ttion and prompt�y perform all repai�-s, <br /> replacements,and maintenance necessary ta preserve its�alue. <br /> Compliance lll�ith Envir�nmental Laws. Trustar �epresents and warra�ts tv Lender that: t'#} During t�e period vf <br /> Trustar's ownership of the Praperty, there has been na use,genera#ion, manufacture, s�vrage, treatment,dispasal, <br /> release or threafened release vf any Hazardous Su�stance by any person on, under, about or from the Property; <br /> �2} Trustor has no knowledge ❑f, or reason �o befieve that th�re has been, except as pre�iously disclosed to and <br /> acknowledged by Lender �n wri�ing, �a} any breach or �iola�ion �f any En�ironmental Laws, �b} any use, <br /> genera�ian, manufacture, s�orage, treatmenf, dispasai, releas� or#hr�a#ened refease ❑f any Hazardvus Subs�an�e <br /> on, under, a�out ar fram the Property by any prior owners or o�cupants af the Praperty, or �c} any actual ❑r <br /> threatene� li�ig�tion or claims of any kind by any person refating t� such ma�ters; and �3} Except as p�e�iously <br /> disclosed�o and acknowled�ed by L�nder�n writ�ng, �a} neith�r Trustor nor any tenant, contractor,agent o�other <br /> authvrized user of the Praperty shall use, generate, manufactur�, s#ore, �reat, dispose af or re[ease any Hazardous <br /> Substance on, under, abou#or from the Proper#y;and {b} any such acti�ity shall be conducted �n compl�ance with <br /> afl applicable �ederal, state, and [oca� Eaws, regulations and ordinances, including without ifmi�ation af[ <br /> En�i�onmentai Laws. Trustor au#hor�zes Lender and �ts agents to enter upon �he Proper#y to make such <br /> �nspe�tivns and #ests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appr�opriat� ta determine comp[iance Qf the <br /> Propert� with this section �f the Deed o�f Trust. Any ins�ectians or tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's <br /> purpases only and shai� not b�canstrued #o creat�any responsibilify or liability on the part of Lender to Trus�or or <br /> to any other person. The representa�ions and warranties contained herein are based on Trustor's due d��i�ence in <br /> in�estigating the Property�or Hazardvus Substances. Trusto�hereby ��} refeases and wai�es any futur� cla�ms <br /> against Lende�fvr indemnity or contr-ibution �n #he e�ent T�usfor becomes I�able f�r cleanup ar other costs under <br /> any such laws; and ��� a�rees ta �nd�mnify, defiend, and hvfd harmisss Lender against any and all claims, losses, <br /> liabili#ies, damages, penalties, and expenses whi�h Lender may directly or indireGtly sustain ar suffer resu�ting from <br /> a b�each of this section of#he Deed af Tru�t ar as a cansequ�nce of any use, genera�ion, manufacture, storage, <br /> dispasal, reiease or�hreat�ned release accurr�ng pri4r ta Trustar's ownership or int�r�est in the Property,wheth�r ar <br /> no� the same was or should ha�e been kn�wn to T�us�o�. The pro�is�ans ofi this sectivn o��he aeed of Trust, <br /> in�fuding t�e ob3i�ation ta indemni�J1 and defend,shall survi�e the payment of the Indebt�dness and the satis�a�ti�n <br /> and reconveyance of the lien o�this Qeed of Trust and shalf not be affected by L�nder's acquisition vf any interest <br /> in the Property,whe�her by for�closure or other-vuise. <br /> Nuisance, Waste. Trusfor shall not cause, conduct or permit any nuisance nor commit, permit, or suffer any <br /> s#ripping of o�waste on ar tv the Property or any portian af the Prop�rty. VIlithout fimiting �he generality o�the <br /> �oregoing, Trustvr wi�l not remo�e, or gran�ta any other party the right to rema��, any timber, minerals �including <br /> oil and gas�,coal, clay, scoria, soi�, gra�ei ar ro�k produc#s without Lender's priar writ�en consent. <br /> RemoWa�of lmprv�ements. �'rustor shalf not demolish or remo�e any impro�ements from the Reai Proper�y wi#haut <br /> Lender's pria�wri�ten consen�. As a condition to the remo�al of any lmpro�ements, Lender may requ��e Trustor ta <br /> rnake arrangements satisfact�ry to Lender to replace such Impro�emen�s wi�h �mprv�ements of at leas� equal <br /> �a1ue. <br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and �-epresen�a�i�es may en�er upon #he Rea! Proper�y at al� <br /> reasonahle �im�s tv attend to Lender's interests and to in�pe�t #he Real Praper#y for purposes a� Trustor's <br /> compliance with the terms and condit�ons af this Deed o�T�ust. <br /> Campiiance wi�h Go�ernmental Requirements, Trusta� sha1� promptly �omply with all iaws, ordinances, and <br /> regulations, now vr hereafter in effect, of ai� go�ernmental authorities applicable to the use flr occupancy of the <br /> Property, including without iimitatian, �he Americans With Disabiliti�s Act. Trustor may contest �n good fa�th any <br /> such law, ordinan��, or regu�ation and wi#hhold comp�iance during any p�-oceeding, inciuding appropria�te appeals, <br /> so long as Trustor has nntified Lender in wri��ng prior to doing so and sv long as, �n Lender's sale opinion, Lender's <br /> in�eres�s in the Property are not�eopard�zed. Lender may require Trus�or to post adequate security or a su�ety <br /> bond, r�asonably satisfaetory to L�nde�, to pr�te�t Lender's interest. <br /> Duty #o Protect. Trustor agr�es neithe�-ta abandon or �ea�e unattended the Prope�ty. Trustor shall �o all ather <br /> acts, in addition�v those a��s set forth above in this sectian,which from the character and use of the Praperty are <br /> reasonahiy necessary to pro#ect and preserve the Property. <br /> DUE �N SALE �C�NSENT gY LENaER. Lender may, a# Lender`s option,declare immediately due and payable al�sums <br /> secured by�his Deed o�Trust upon the safe ar trans�er, without Lender's prior written consent, ❑f a�l or any part of the <br />