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2� 1 ����91 <br /> in�eres� from �he date of disbursement at �he same ra�e assessed on advanc�s under �he Con�rac� and sha�l �e <br /> payable,��th inter�st,up�n no��ce from Ler�der to B�rr�v�er requesting paym�n�. <br /> Ins�ectian. Lender or ��s agen�may make reasonab�e entries upon and �nspections of�he Proper�y. Lender shal� <br /> give�orr�v��r no�ice at�he�ime af ar prior to an xnspectz�n spe�ifyYng reasonable cause for�he inspect�an. <br /> �andem�a�ion. The proceeds of any avvard ar claim for damag�s, d�rect ar cnnsequen��a�, xn conne�t�on wxth any <br /> cflndemnatYan or o�her taking of any par� of th� Property, �r f�r conveyance in Iieu of condemna��on, are her�by <br /> assigned and shall be paid�o Lender. <br /> In �he even� of a�otal �ak�ng af the Proper�y, �he praceeds shall be applied to the sun�s secured by �his Secur�ty <br /> �nstrume�t, vvhe�h�r or not �hen due, v�i�h any excess paid to Borrawer. �n the e�en� of a partia� tak�ng of t�e <br /> Property in wh�ch�he fair marke� va�ue of�h� Property �nr�med�ately �efore the taking is equal to or greater than <br /> �h� amou�� of�he sums secured by �his Secur��y Ins�rument ixnmed�ate�y before th� taking, unless Borrovver and <br /> Lender atherw�se agr�e in�riting,�he sums secured by this Secur�ty �nstrumen�sha�l b�reduced by the amnun�of <br /> the proce�ds mu���pl�ed by�h�fol��v�ing frac�ian: �a}�he�o�al amount of the sums secured immediately before the <br /> tak�ng, d�vided by �b} the fa�r marke� �alue af�he Pr�per�y �mmedia�ely b�fare the tak�ng. Any balance shall be <br /> paid �� B,orr�v��r. rn �he even� flf a par�ial taking af the Property �n which �he fair market Wa�ue af�he Property <br /> imm.ediat�ly befare the �a�ing rs less than the amaun� of�he sums secured immedia�ely before �he takinb, uniess <br /> Barro�er ar�d Lender o�herw�se agre� in wrz��ng ar un�ess Applicable Law o�hervv�se pro��des, �he proceeds shal� <br /> be app�ied to the sums secured by�his Security�ns�rument Wh��her ar nat�h�sums are then due. <br /> rf the Praperry �s abandoned by Borr�vver, �r if, after no��ce �y Lender to B�rrower fha��he c�ndemnor�ffers�� <br /> make an av�ard or set��e a�Iaim far damages, Borrov�er fails�o respand�o Lend�r within�he mxnimum number of <br /> days es�ab��shed by App��cabl�Law after�he da�e�h�n��ice is g��en,L�nder�s au�hori�ed t��oX�ect and app�y�he <br /> proceeds, a� i�s ap�ion, e��her to res�ora�ion or repa�r of the Property or �a �he sums secured by this SecurYty <br /> �nstrume�t,whether or not then due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Bo�-rower ather�vise a�re� �n wr�tzr�g, a�y a�p�i�ca���n Qf pro�eeds �o�rin�ipa� shall n�t ext�nd <br /> or postpo��the due date of the payments due under�he�ontrac�or change�he amaunt of such payments. <br /> Borrovv�r Nat R.e�eased; Forbearance �3y Lender Not a �ai�er. EX��n51Qt7 of �he t�me for paymen� or <br /> mad�f cation of amor��za�ion of�he sums secured by this Security �nstrum�n� gran�ed by Lender t� Borrower or <br /> any suc��ssor in in�erest of Borrawer shall nat operate �o re�ease the �ia�b���ty of �he �r�ginal Borrower or <br /> Borrflvver's successors in�n�erest. Lender shall no��e required�o�ommence proce�d�ngs agains�an� successor in <br /> interes�ox refuse�fl ex��nd�ime for payment or oth�rw�se mfldify amort�2a�ion of the sums secured by th�s Securi�y <br /> Zns�rumer�t by reason of any demand made by �he orxgznal Borrawer or Borr�wer's successors in xn�erest. Any <br /> forbearax�ce by Lender �n exercising any r�gh�or remedy shall no��e a�ai�er of or prec�ude the exercise of any <br /> righ�ar r�medy. <br /> Succes5o�-s and Ass�gns Lound; Joint and Severa� L�abi�ity; Ac�amrnoda��on Signers. The c�venan�s and <br /> agreemerrts of this Secur��y �ns�rumen� shal�b�nd and benefit the su�cessors and assigns of Lender and B�rrov��r, <br /> subjec� to �he prav�sians of section �it��d Transfer of the Proper�y or a Lenefcia� Interes� in Borrower. <br /> Borrower's co�enants and agreem�n�s sha��be jain�and se�eral.An�person�ho co-sxgns�his Secur�ty �nstrument <br /> but has no persana� l�ab��ity und�r �he Contra�t �"Accomm�da��on Signer"}: �a} �s co-signing �his Securi�.y <br /> �ns�rumen� only �o mar�gage, grant and convey that AccnmmQda�ion Sign�r's in�eres� in �h� Praper�y under the <br /> terms flf the Securi�y �nstrument; �b} is not persona�ly obl�ga�ed t� pay �he sums secured by thxs Securi�y <br /> �nstrumer�t; and�c} agrees that Lender and any o�h�r Borrower may agree�o extend, modify, forbear or mak� any <br /> accamm.adatians wi�h regard to the t�rms of�h�s Security Znstrument ar�he Con�ract vv�thtiut tha�Accommodat�on <br /> S�gner's cansent. <br /> Loan �harges. �f the Xaan secured by this Se�ur��y Ins�rument is subj ect �a a Iaw wh�ch s�ts maximum ioan <br /> charb�s, and�ha� �a�Ys fnal�y �n�erpre�ed so tha��h� xnteres��r o�her loan charges coliected ar to be collected �n <br /> connec��cn with the Ioan exceed the perm�tted limi�s, �hen: �a� any such �aan charbe sha�I be reduced by �h� <br /> amoun�n�c�ssary�o r�duce�he char�e ta the permit�ed �imi�s and �b} any sums a�ready collected fram Borrflvver <br /> whxch ���ceeded permi�ted ��mi�s vv��� be refunded to Borr�wer. Lender may �hoose �o make �h�s refund by <br /> reducing the prin�ipai owed under the Con�rac� �r by making a direc�paymen��o Barrawer. Zf a refund reduces <br /> pr�nc�pal,the redu��ion w�ll be treated as a par��al prepaymen�under�he Con�ract. <br /> �I�ti�es. Any notice to Borrawer pr��id�d for zn �his Secur�ty �ns�rument shal� be bi�en by de���er�ng �t ar by <br /> mai��ng��by f rst class mai�unless Applxca�ble Lavv requires use of anather me�hod. The notice sha11 be d�r�c�ed to <br /> �he PropEr� Address or any other address Borrovver designa�es b� notice ta Lender. �3orr�wer agrees to pro�ide <br /> Lender v�i�h Borrower's most curren�ma�Xxng address, as �t may change from�ime�-�a�-t�me. Any notice �o Lender <br /> shalt be�i�en by f rst c�ass mail�o Lender's address s�a�ed here�n or any o�her address Lender desibnat�s by noti�e <br /> �o B�rro�er. Any no��ce pr��ided for�n�h�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�sha��be deemed to have been��ven ta Borrower <br /> ar Lender when given as prov�ded in this paragraph. <br /> Go�ern��g Law; Severabili�y.Th�s Secur�ty�ns�rum�nt shal�b�go�erned by federa��avv and�he laws of the s�a�e <br /> of Nebra�ka. Zn the even��ha� an� provisi�n or ��ause of�h�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen� �r �he C�n�rac� c�nf�ic�s v�ith <br /> App�x�ab�e Law, such conflxc� shall no� affec� o�her pro��sions af�h�s Secur�ty Instrument or�he C�ntrac� whic� <br /> can be g��en effec�w��haut�he confl�c�ing proWision. To th�s end�he provis�ons af�his Security�nstrumen�and the <br /> Contract�.re declared to be severable. <br /> Borrower's�opy.Bflrrower sha��be gi�en one capy of�his Securi�y Instrumen�. <br /> C�3?444-20I S Compliance Systems,Inc,8C54-6257-24Z�.1].3.14�8 <br /> CQnsumer Rea1 Estate-Security Instrument DL2a35 Page�of 5 www.compliar�cesysterris.cvm <br />