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2� 1 ����91 <br /> Transf�r of the Proper�y or a Bene�c�ax Interest�n Borrawer. �f a���r any par�flf�he Praper�ar any zn�erest <br /> in it �s s�ld or �ransferred �or if a beneficial in�eres� in Borrov�rer is sold ar transferred and Borro�er �s not a <br /> natural person� v�x�h�ut Lender's prior wr��ten consent, Lend�r m.ay, a� x�s ap�ion, requir� �mmediate paymen� in <br /> full of al� sums secured by this Securi�y Instrument. H�wever, th�s optian sha1� not be exercised by Lender if <br /> exerc�se is prohi���ed by federa�Iaw as af�he date af�his Sec�.�rity Ins�rumen�. <br /> I f Lender exerc ises �his op�ion, �ender shaXl gxve Borrawer n�t�ce of acce�era�ion. The natzc� sha�� provide a <br /> period af not less �han �he minimum number of days est�blished by App�icable Law from the da�e t�ae not�ce is <br /> de�iv�red or mailed within wh�ch BorravWer must pay aIl surns secured by �his Secur��y �nstrument. If B�rrower <br /> fails �o pay these sums prx�r ta the expira�ion af�his period, Lender may invake an� r�medYes permit�ed by �his <br /> Security Instrumen��ithout fur�h�r na�ice or demand on�orrow�r. <br /> �orrower'S R�ght �o Reimstate. If Barr�wer meets cer�ain condi�iflns, Borr�wer shall have the right �� ha�e <br /> enfarcement of�h�s Security Instrumen� d�scan�inued a� any t�me prior�o the earlier of: (a� 5 days ��r such ather <br /> p�riod as App�icabie Law may specify for re�nstatemen�}�ef�re sa��of the Property pursuan��a any pov�er of sa�� <br /> cantained �n th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�; or �b� entry of a j ud�ment enforcing this Security �ns�rumen�. Those <br /> condi�ions are �hat Borrower: �a� pa�s Lender al� sums vvh�ch then v��uld be due under�his Securi� �nstrumen� <br /> and�he Con�ract as i�no accelera���n.had occurred;�b}�ur�s any defau�t of any other co�renan�s or abre�men�s;�c� <br /> pays a�l expenses incurred�n enforcing th�s Secur�ty Znstrume��.�, �n��uding,but no�limited�o,reasonabl�at�arneys' <br /> fees ta �he ex��n�permi�ted b�lavv; and�d��akes such ac��an as L�nd�r may reasonably require to assure that th� <br /> lier� of�h�s Security�nstrument, I�ender's r�g��s �n�h�]Prflpe�and Borrawer's �blibat�on ta pay the surns sec�red <br /> by �h�s Security Ins�ument sha�I con��nue unchanged. Upan rei.nstatemen� by Borrov�er, this Secur��y �nstrum.ent <br /> and the obli�atians secured hereby shall remain fu��y effec��ve as �f na acceXera���n had o�curred. Hov�e��r, �h�s <br /> r��h�ta reinsta�e shal�no�apply in the case af accelerat�on under the sectinn t���ed Tran�fer of the Praperty❑r a <br /> �enefcza�Interest in Lor�ower. <br /> Hazardous Substan�es. Barrow�r shall n��cause�r permit the presence, use, disposal, storabe, or rel�ase af any <br /> Hazard�us Substan�es on or�n the Proper�y.Borrawer sha�l no�dfl,nor al�ow anynne else to do,anything affect�ng <br /> the Prape�-fiy that �s in �iolation of any En�iranmen�al Lav�. The precedznb �w� sentences sha�� not a�p�y t� th� <br /> presence,use,�r s�ara�e on the Pr�perty�f small quan����es af Hazardaus Substances tha�are�enerally rec�bn.iz�d <br /> to be appropria�e�o nflrmal residential uses and t�maxntenance of th�Property. <br /> Borr�wer shal��r.omptly��ve Lender written no�ice of an�inves��ga�i�n, clai�, c�emand, �awsu�t or oth�r act�on by <br /> any �o�ern�nenta� or reguiatory ab�nGy or private parfiy in�oi��ng �he Property and any �a�ardous Substance or <br /> Enviranmen�tal Law of v�hich Borrower has actua� know�edge. �f Borrov�er learns, or is not�f��d by any <br /> �o�ernmen�al ar rebu�a�ory authorxty,that any remo�al or oth�r remediation of any Hazardous Subs�ance affec�ing <br /> �he Prflperty is nec�ssary, Barrower sha�l prom.ptly �a�e al� n�cessary remedial actions in accardan�e wi�h <br /> Environmen�al Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardaus Subs�ances" are those subs�ances defned as�oxic or hazardous substances <br /> by En�iranmenta� Lavv and the following subs�ances: gasoline, keros�ne, other flammable or �ox�c pe�raleum <br /> produc�s, �ox�� pest�cides and herbicides, v�latile saX�en�s, mater�als containinb asbes�as or formaldehyde, and <br /> radioacti�e materials. As used in�his para�raphy r}En�ironme�ta�Law"means federai lavt�s and�aws of�he s�ate of <br /> Nebraska tha�rela�e�o heal�h, safety or en��ranm�n�al pra�ection. <br /> �.ccelera�ion; Remed�es. Lender shal� give ntitice �o �3orrov�er pr��r t� a�celeratian fo�lowing Sorrower's <br /> breach of any�a�enant or agreement�n th�s Se�urity Inst�ument ar the�ontra�t under wh�ch a�ce�eration <br /> is perm�tted (bu� not pr�ar �o acceleration under the se�t��n t���ed Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial <br /> Interest in Barrower, unZess Applrcable La� �r�v�des ot�erw�se}, T�e na�ice shall specify; �a� the defau�t; <br /> �b} the action requ�red �o cure �he default; �c� a �ate, no� �ess than the mir�imum nurr��er of day5 <br /> established by App��cab�e Law frflm �he date the not�ce�s gi�ven to ��rrower, by vvh�ch the defau�t must be <br /> cured; and (d} tha� failure to cure th� defau�t on �r befor� the date specif�ed �n the nat�ce ma� r�sult in <br /> acce�eration of the sums se�ured by �h�s Security I�strumen� and sa�e of th� Property. To the ex�en� <br /> permi��ed �y law, �he no��ce sha�l furtiher �nform Bor�-ow�er of�he rxght �o r�instate after acceleratian and <br /> the right�o br�ng a court ac�ion�o assert�he non-existenc�of a defau�t�r any o�her defense�f B�rr�wer t❑ <br /> acceleration a�d sa�e. If�he defaul� is not�ured on or before the da�e specifxed �n the notice, Le�der�t its <br /> optron may require imm�diate payment �n full of ali su�ns secured by th�s Securi�y �nstrument �i�haut <br /> further demar�d an�l may in�oke �he pawer of sa�e and a�y other remed�es perm�t�ed by Applicab�e Law. <br /> To the extent permitted by law, Lender 5ha11 he enti�ied to co���c� all expenses ir�curred in pur�u�ng the <br /> remedie5 pro��ded �n �h�s Sectinn, inc�ud�ng, but no� I�mi��ed to, reas�nab�e a��orneyst fees and costs of tit�� <br /> eviden�e. <br /> �f�he power af sa�e xs invoked, Trus�ee shal� re�ord a not�ce of default �n each county �n which any part of <br /> the Property is located and sha�� ma�� copies of such n���c� xn the nr�anner prescribed b�App�icab�e Law to <br /> �orrower and to the o�her persons prescribed �y Applic�ble Law. After �he �ime reyuired by Applicable <br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e pub�xc �.o��ce of sa�e to �he persons and in �he manner pres�ri�ed �y Applicahle <br /> Law. Trus�ee,w�thout demand fln �orr�wer,shal�se�l th� Proper��a�pu�lic auction �o the hxghest b�dder <br /> a��he time and p�ace and under the terms des�gnated in t�e notice of sa�e�n one or more parcels and �n any <br /> order Trustee dete�rmxnes. TruStee may pos�pone �ale of all or any parce� of the Prop�rty by pub�xc <br /> annauncement at��e��me and place of any previous�y scheduled sa�e. Lender or�t� designee may purchase <br /> the Pr�perty at any sa�e. <br /> Upon receip� �f pa�ment of the price bid, Truste� shail deli�er �o �he purchaser Trustee's d�ed convey�ng <br /> the Proper�y. The rec�ta�s in the Truste�'s cleed �hali be prxma fac��e�idence of th�truth of�he statements <br /> D 2004-2015 Compliance 5ystems,Inc.3�54-6257-2��5.�1.3.]Q�8 <br /> Cansu�ner Real Estate-5ecurity Instru�nent DL2�3G Pa�e 4 of 5 www,��mpliancesystems.corr► <br />