2� 1 ����91
<br /> Paymen�of Princi�a�and In�erest; �ther�harges, Borr��ver shall pr�mptly pay when due�he principal of and
<br /> �nterest on the de1�t avved under�he�antract and late charbes nr any ath�r fees and charbes due under the Contrac�.
<br /> �ipplicable Law. As used in this Secur�ty �ns�rument, �he term "App�icable Law" shall mean all contro�l�ng
<br /> applicable federa�, sta�e and lacal statu�es, rebulations, ordinances and adm�nistra�iv� ruXes and orders �tha� have
<br /> the effect of law}as vve�l as a�l appiicab�e f nal,non�appealab�e�ud�c�al�pinions.
<br /> Charges; L�ens. Borrower sha�] pay a�l taxes, assessments, charbes, fines and �mp�sitians attributab�� to th�
<br /> P�aperty �h�ch may at�axn prior�ty o�er�his Security Ins�rum�n�, and leasehold paymen�s or ground ren�s, if any.
<br /> A��he request of Lender, Borrawer shall�romptly fur�ish ta Lender rec�zpts evidenc�nb�he payments.
<br /> Borrarn�e�r sha�� promptly d�scharge any I�en wh�ch has prior��y over this Securi�y �ns�rumen�unless Borrov�er: �a�
<br /> a�rees �n wrxtin� �a �he payment of�he obligati�n secured by the I�en �n a manner accep�able �o �.ender; �b}
<br /> contests in gaad faitih the �ien �y, �r defends against enf�rc�men� af�he �ien xn, �egal proceedings whxch �n the
<br /> Lender`s op�n�an operate to preW�nt the �nforcement of�he l�en; or �c} secures from the h��der of�he ��en an
<br /> a�reement sa�xsfactory�o Lender subordir�a�ing�he Iien�a this Secur�t� �nstrumen�. If L�nder de�ermines tha� any
<br /> part �f the Property is subj ect�a a lien which may at�ain pr�ori�y over�his Security �ns�rumen�, Lender may give
<br /> Barrower a n��ice iden��fyin��he lien. Borr�vver sha�l sa��sf��he �ien or take �ne or m�re of�he ac��ons set for�h
<br /> abov�vvzthXn I 0 days of�the�ivYn�nf noti�e.
<br /> �azard or Praper�� Insuran�e. B�rrower shat�keep �h� xrx�.pravement� nflw�xrs��ng �r h�reafter erec�ed on�he
<br /> Property insured aga�ns��oss by f re,hazards included w�th�n�he t�rm"extended co�erage" and an�nt�er hazards,
<br /> inc�ud�n� floods or f�oading, for v�hi�h Lend�r requires �nsurance. This �nsurance sha�l be maintained �n the
<br /> amoun�s and far�he per�ods�ha�Lender re�u�r�s. The �nsurance�arrier pr���ding th�insurance shall be chosen by
<br /> Borrower sub�ect to Lender's appr��a� which sha�i no� be unreasonably v�zthheld. If Barrovver fails �:o maintaxn
<br /> co�era�e described above, Lender may, a� Lender's op�ion, obtain co��rabe to pr��ect Lender's righ�s in the
<br /> P�roper�y in accordance with sectian ti�Ied Pratec�i�n of Lenc�er�s R�ghts in�he Proper��.
<br /> AlI insurance palicies and renewals shall be a�cep�able to L�nder and sha�l �nc�ude a standard mor�bage c�ause.
<br /> Lender shali ha�e thL r�bh�ta h�ld�he poX�c�es and renewa�s. If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly gi�e�o
<br /> Lender all r�ceipts of paid premiums and renev�al no�r�es. Zn the e�en�of lass, Borrov�er shali gzve promp�not�ce
<br /> to th�insurance carrxer and Lender. Lender may make proof of Ioss if not made prompt�y by Borro,vc��r.
<br /> L�nl�ss Lender and Borrawer o�herwise agre� in �rit�n�, insurance proceeds shall be app��ed t� res�oratzon �r
<br /> re�a�r af the Prnp�rty damaged, if, �t�. Lender's so�e disc�e��an, the res�oratzon ar repa�r is econam�cally feas�b�e
<br /> and Lender's securit� is nat lessened. �f, in Lender's sole dis�r��ion, the res�arat�on or repa�r �s na� ecanomically
<br /> feasib�e ar L�nder's se�uri�ty v�rou�d be lessened,the�ns�rance proceeds shall be appl�ed�o�he sums secured by th�s
<br /> Securi�y �nstrumen�, whether or nat then due, vvi�th any excess pa�d �o Borrow�r. If Borrov�er abandons the
<br /> Proper�ty, or does no�t ans�er w�th�n t�e number of days prescribed by A.ppl�cahle Law as s��far�h in a notice from
<br /> Lend�r to Borrower tha��he �nsurance carrier has �ffered to s�ttle a cla�m, �hen Lender may co��ect th� �nsurance
<br /> pr�ceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds to repair �r res�are t�e Proper�y or to pay sums secured by��is S��urity
<br /> ��stra�nen�,whe�h�r��-r�ot�hen due. Th�peri6d af time for Bo��rower�o ansv�er as set forth�r��he no�:�ce wz����g�n
<br /> when�he notiGe is given.
<br /> Unless Lend�r and Barrower o�her-vvis� agree zn�vri�in�, any appl�ca�ion of proceeds�o principa� sha��not ex�end
<br /> ar postpone the due da�e �f the paymen�s due under�he Cantract or change �he amount�f�he payments. If under
<br /> the section titled A�cei�ra��on; Remed�es, the Property xs acquired by Lender, Borrov�rer's ribh��� an� insuranc�
<br /> pol��ies and pr�ceeds resulting from dama.ge to the Properfiy prior t� �he acquis���on sha�l pass �� Lender ta the
<br /> ext�n�of�he sums secured by th�s Secur�ty Instrumen�immediately prior to the acqu�sition.
<br /> Pres�rvati�n, Ma�ntenan�e and Prate���an of the Prvp�rt�; Borrvv�er�s Lvan App��cation; Leas�hold�.
<br /> B�rrower shall not d�stroy, damabe or impair�he Pr��aerCy, a��ov��he Proper�y to deteriorate, or commit v�aste �n
<br /> the Pr�per�y. Barrav�-er shal�be in default if any forfeiture ac��on nr prflceedrng,whether ci�ii or crzminal, is be�un
<br /> that in Lender's bood f.aith judbment co�ald resu�� �n forfeitur� af��e Proper�,� or otherv��ise materialiy ��n�a�r�h�
<br /> li�n created by this SecurYty �ns�rurnen� or Lender's security �n�erest. Borrov�er ma� cure such a defau�t and
<br /> reins�a�e, as pro��ded in section titI�d Borrow�r'� R�ght to Re�ns�ate, b� causin��he ac�zan ar proceed�ng�a be
<br /> dismissed v�ith a ru�ing�hat, �n Lender's gaod fa��h determina�ion,prec�udes forfei�ure af the B�rr�wer's xnterest�n
<br /> �h� Prnper�y or other rr�aterxal impairment of the Iien created by �his Se�uri�y �nstrumen� or Lender's securi�y
<br /> interes�. Borrower sh�,�I also be in defau�t�f Borrawer, during�he l�an app�ication process,�ave ma�er�a��y false or
<br /> inaccurate infnrma�ian or s�a�e�nents �a Lender �or fa�led to pro�ide Lender w��h any materia� �nforma�ian� �n
<br /> c�nnection v�ith�he �aan e�idenced by �he �antrac�. �f�h�s S�curx�y �nstrument is on a �easeho�d, Borrov�er sha�l
<br /> comp�y with a��the�rovisians nf the�ease. �f Borrow�r acqu�r�s fee�it�e ta the Proper�y,the �easehold and th�fee
<br /> tit�e shal�no�merge u�iess Lender agrees t�the merger in wr���nb.
<br /> Pro�ec�ion of Lend�r's RightS in �lae Praper�y. If Borrav�er faz�s �o perform the cov�nan�s and �.breements
<br /> con�ained zn th�s Securi�Instrument, �r there �s a lega�proce�ding tha�may significantly affect Lender's righ�s zn
<br /> �he Praperty �such as a proceed�ng rn bankruptcy, prabat�, for cond�n�nation �r forfei�re or to enfar�e �avvs or
<br /> re�u�at�ans), then Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary ta pratec� �he va�u� of the Praper�y and
<br /> L�nder's r��hts in�he Pr�pe�-�y. LenderTs actions may�nclude paying any sums secured by a��en which has priori�y
<br /> over thxs Secur��y Ins�rument, appear�ng xn cour�, payin�r�asonable at�orneys'fees and erzterinb an the Properry��
<br /> nzake repairs.Althoubh Lender ma��ake actian under this se��ion,Lender does no�have�o do so.
<br /> Any a�n�un�s disbur4ed by Lender under �his sec���n sha�l become add��iona� debt of Borrov�er secured by �his
<br /> Secur��y 7nstrument. Unless Barrav�er and Lender agree ta other �erms of paymen�, �hese amounts sha�1 bear
<br /> �2��4-20I5 Comp[iance 5yste�r►s,In�.8C54-6�57-2D1�.1�.3.1098
<br /> CaFis�a�r�er Real Estate�Security In�trument DL2�3fi Pa�e 2 of 5 www.compl�ancesystems.cam
<br />