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2� 1 ����7� <br /> zn�eres� from �he date flf disbursemen� a� �the sanae ra�e assessed an advances under the Contra�t and shal� be <br /> payab�e,with�n�erest,upan na�ice fram L�nder ta�3orrower reques�ing paymen�. <br /> In�pe�tion. Lender or i�s agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of�he Propert�r. Ler�der sha11 <br /> g�ve Borrower no�i�e at�he�ime af Qr pri�r tfl an inspectian spec�fyzng reasanable cause for the�spec�ian. <br /> Cflndemnatian. The praceeds of any a�vard or claim for damages, direct or consequentia�, in connec�ian�u��h any <br /> �ondem��on or o�her�aking af any part af the Pr�per�y, or for �onveyanc� in lieu af condemrlation, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and sha1l be paid�a Lender. <br /> Zn the eve�t af a tata� �akir�g t�f�he Proper�y, the pr�ceeds s�.all be appl�ed�o �he sums secured by thzs SeGur��y <br /> �nstrumen�., vvhe�her ar na� then due, vvith any excess pa�d to B orrawer. In th� event af a partia� taking of the <br /> Praper�y in v�rhich the fa�r marke�va�ue of�he Proper�y immedia�e�y before �he �ak�.ng �s equal t� ar grea�er�han <br /> �he am�unt �f the sums secured by thzs Securi�y �ns�rumen� immedia�ely before the taki.n.g, unl.ess Borrower and <br /> Lender o�herwise a�ree in wri��ng,�he sums�ecured by�his Security Instrumen�sha��be reduced by the amoun�af <br /> the praceeds mu���p��ed by�he folloWing fra�tian: �a}�he to�al amotu�t of�he sums secured imrnediately befor�the <br /> �aking, d�v�ded by �b} the fair mark��va�ue of the Property immediate�y bef�re �he tal�ing. Any balance shall be <br /> pazd �o Barra�ver. In �he event of a par�ial �a.king �f the Property in which �he fair mar�et va�ue af the Pr�per�y <br /> immedia�ely befare �he �aking is less �ha�.�he amour�t of the sums secured immedia�ely b�far� �he taking, unless <br /> Borrotiver and Lender a�herwise agre� in wri�ing or unless Applicable Lativ at�erv��se p�avides, �he proceeds sha�� <br /> be app��ed to the sums secured by this Security�nstrument w�e�her or not�he sums are then due. <br /> �f the Praper�y�s abandaned by Barra,wer, or if, af�er notice by Lender�o Borrovc�er� the conden�or offers to <br /> m.ake an aWard ar se�tle a��aim for damages, �arr�tiver fai�s ta respond�a Lender,wi�h�n�he minimum number nf <br /> days es�ab��sh�d by Applicable La�w af�.er�he date�he no���e is gi�en,Lender zs author�zed�a col�ect and apply�he <br /> proceeds, ati ��s option, ei�her to rest�ra�ion or repa�r af the Proper�y or �a the sums secured by �his Security <br /> Ins�rument,v�rhe�her or n�t then due. <br /> Unless Lender a�d Borr�wer o�herw�se agree zn writing, any appl�cat�an of proceeds�o p�rinc�pal shall not extend <br /> or pos�por�e�ie due date of the payments due under�he Contracf ar change the amoun�of such paym�nts. <br /> Borrower Not Released; Fvrbearance By Lender No� a �Va�ver, Extensi�n of the time f�r payrn.en� or <br /> m�dif cation af am�rtiza�zon �f the sums secured by this Secur��y Ins�rumen� gra�a.ted by Lender �o Borrawer or <br /> any successar in in�erest of Sorrovver shall nat aperate ta releas� t�ae �zability of �he or�g�nal Barr�wer or <br /> Borrower's suc�ess�rs in in�er���. Lender shal��.ot be required�o cammence pr�ceed��gs against any success�r in <br /> in�eres�ar refuse to extend tzme far paymen�or o�herwise modify amor�izat�on af�he sums s�cured by�his Securzty <br /> �nstrurnent by reason of any demand made by �he or�gina� Borrower or Barr��rer's successors �� �n�eres�. Any <br /> farbearan�e by Lender �n exercising an�r ri�ht or rem�dy shal�not be a v�ra�ver�f or prec�ude the �xerc�se of any <br /> right or remedy. <br /> Successors and Ass�gns Bound; Jo�nt and Severa� Liabxl�ty; Accommodat�on S�gners. The cavenants and <br /> agreemen�s af�h�s Securi�y Instrument �ha��bind and benef t the suc�essors and assigns af Lender and Borrow�r, <br /> sub�e�� �� the provis�ons �f sec�zon ti�led Transf�r nf �he Property or a Benef c�a� Interes� in Borrower. <br /> �3�rravver's cavenan�s and agreernen�s sha��be j a�nt and s�v�ral. Any persan who coMs�gns this Securz�y�ns�rument <br /> but has no persona� ��abili�ty under the Contrac� �"Acc�rnmoda�ian Signer"}: �a} zs cfl-51gri1rig �h.1.5 Security <br /> �ns�rument on��r ta mortgage, grant and canvey tha� Accammvda��an Sigr�er's �n�eres� �n �he Pr�perty ux�der the <br /> �erms of the Securzty Instrume�x�; (b} is not persona��y obligated �o pay �he sums secured hy this Security <br /> Instrument; and(c} agrees that Lender and any��her Bo�-r�wer may agre��a extend,modify, forbear�r make any <br /> accommoda�ians wi.�h regard�o the terms of th�s Securz�y Ins�rum.en�or the �on�ra��tivithau��ha�Accan�amada�ion <br /> S�gner's consen�. <br /> Loan Charges. �f the Ioan secured l�y �hzs Security �nstrument �s sub�ec� t� a law wh�ch se�s max�mum laan <br /> charges, and�ha��aw is f�nal�y interpre�ed so�ha��he in#erest or o�her loan charges col�ec�ed or to be cnll�c�ed in <br /> connec��on tivi�h �he lnan exceed �he p�rmit�ed �imi�s, then: (a� any such ��an charge shall be reduced �y the <br /> amoun�necessar�r ta r�duce�he charge ta �he perm��ted��mits and (b� ar�y sums al�eady colle��ed from Borrov�rer <br /> �vhich exceeded permztted lim��s tivi11 be refund�d to $orroWer. Lender may choose to ma1�e th�s refund by <br /> reduc�ng �he principax owed u�.der the Cantract ar b}�making a direc�paym.e�t to �3�rrovtTer. If a refund reduces <br /> prin�ipa�,the reduc��on vv�ll be�rea�ed as a partial prepaymer��t�a.der the�on�rac�. <br /> Nvti�es. Any no�ice to B�rro�ver provided for in th�s Se�urity �nstrumenti �ha�� be gi��n by deliverir�g �� or by <br /> mailing i�b�first�lass mail un��ss Applicab�e Lavv requ�res use of ano�her me�hod. The n�t�ce shall be dire��.ed�o <br /> th� Property Address or any other add.res� BarroWer des�gna�es by no�ice to I.ender. �3orroWer agrees �a pro��d� <br /> Lender wi�h Borrawer's most curren�mailing address, as z� may chaxzge from tiime-�o�-tzme. Any na�xce �a Lender <br /> sha��be given by f rs�c�ass mai��a Lender's address s�a�ed herein�r any ather address Lender des�gna�es by n��ice <br /> ��Borrovver.A�.y r�o�ice provided for xn�his Security Instrumen�sha���e deemed�o have been g�ven to Borravver <br /> or Lender when g�ven as pravided i�x th�s paragraph. <br /> Governing La�v; Severability.This Securi�y Ins�rument shall be gaverned by federal law and�he laws vf the�tate <br /> �f Nebraska. In �he even� �hat ar�y prov�s�an or clause of this Securit�r �ns�rument or �he �ontract conflic�s v�ith <br /> Appli�a�ble Law, such ca�flict shal� not affect other provisians af�his 5�cur�ty�ns�rument or t�ie Contract wh�ich <br /> can be g�ven effect�rithou��he cflnflic��ng prov�s�on. To�h�s end the pr�visions of�his Security Ins�rument and the <br /> �ontra��are declared to be se�rerab�e. <br /> B�rrower's�apy.Borrotiver sha��be given one���y af�h�s Securi�r Instrument. <br /> c�2004-24]S Campliance Systems,Itt�.8C54-ABDC-�O l S.�1.3.1498 <br /> Cansumer Rea[Estate-Security Instrument�L2�35 Page 3 of S �aww.compI� <br />