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� 2� 1 ����7� <br /> Payment of Principa�and Interes�; �ther Cha�ges.Barrv�v�r sha�l prampt�y pay when due�he prin�ip��of and <br /> interest on the debt owed under the C�ntract and late�harges or any other fees and charges due und�r�he�on�ract. <br /> Applicab�e Law. �s used in th�s Secur��y Instrumen�, the �erm "App�icable Law" shal� mean a11 contrvlling <br /> applicable federal, sta�e ar�d Iaca� s�atutes, regulations, ardinances and adminis�rat�ve ru�es and orders ��h.a�have <br /> the effe�t of�a�v�as wel�as aI1 appli�ab�e final,nan-appe�.lable ju�icial opinians. <br /> Charges; Liens. Borrawer sha1� pay al� taxes, assessments, charg�s, f nes and impos�tions attr�bu�ble to �he <br /> Property vvhich may at�a�n priority over�his Security�nstxu�ent, and leasehold paym�nts nr gr�und ren�s, if any. <br /> A�the request of Lender,Borrower sha��prompt�y furnish ta Lender rec�ip�s evidencing�he paymen�s. <br /> Borrower shall prornp�ly dis�harge an�r lien�vhich has priority flv�r this Secur��y Ins�rumen�unless B�rro�wer: �a} <br /> agrees in wr��ing to the payment of the obl�gation se�ured by �he �ien �n a manner accep�ab�e to Lender, �b} <br /> cantes�s in good faith the lien by, ar def�nds against en��rc�men� of�he lien in, Iegal praceedings which in �he <br /> Lender's opini�n operate to preven� the enfarcement of�he lien; ar �c} secures from �ie halder of�he l�en an <br /> agre�men�sa�isfactory to Lender subordi.nating the �ien to �h�s 5�curity Instrumen�. �f Lender determ�es tha�any <br /> part af�he Pr�perty�s subjec�#o a lien vvhich may a�tain prinrity over �his Security Instrurnent, Lender rr�ay gi�e <br /> Borr��vver a n�t�ce identify�ng the lien. Borrotiver sha�1 sa�:�sfy the I�en ar take ane �r more of�he act�a�s set forth <br /> abave vv��hin �4 day�af the giving of na�ice. <br /> Hazard or Propert�InSurance. Borrovs�er sha��keep thr�mprflvements now�xisting ar hereafter ere�ted fln�he <br /> Pr�perty insured agains�loss by fire,ha�ards included vvi�hin the�erm"extended caverage" and any o�her hazards, <br /> inc�udir�.g flaods or flooding, far �vhich Lender require� insurance. 7Ch�s insuranc� sha11 be main�a.�ned in the <br /> amaunts and for the per�ods that Lend�r re�uires. The�.nsurar�ce carrier praviding the i.nsurance sha�I be chosen by <br /> B�rroWer subj ect tQ Lender's appr�val Which shall not be u�.reas�nably wi�hheld. If�3�rro�wer fa��s to mair��ain <br /> co�erage described above, Lender may, at Lender's op�ion, obtain c�verage �� pro��c� Lender's right� in the <br /> Property zn accordance wi�h sec�ion titled ProtectiQn�f L►en�er's Rights�n th�Pr�perty. <br /> A�1 insuranc� policies and renewals shall be acc�ptable �o L�nder a�d shall inc�ude a s�andard mor�gage clause. <br /> Lender sha�l have th�right t�hold�he pal�cies and renewals. If Lender requires, Borrower sha1l prompt�y g�ve to <br /> Lender a11 rece�pts af paid premiums and reneura�no�ices. In�he event of�Qss, Borrower sha�l g�ve prompt not�ce <br /> �o th.e insuran�e carrier and Lender.Lender ma�rnake praof of��ss if na�made pramptly by Borro�ver. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Barr�v►�er otherwise agree �n writin�, insurance proceeds shal� be applied �o restora�ian or <br /> repair of the Pr�perty damaged, �f, in Lender's sale discre�i�n, the restoration or repair is econ�mica�ly feasi�le <br /> and Lender's securi� is not less�ned. �f, �n Lender's sa�e discre�ian, th� res�ara�i�n or repair is no� ec�nami�a��y <br /> feas�1�Ie ar Lender's s�ecur�ty�vould be Iessened,the insura.�:1�e prnceeds shal�be applied��the sums secured by this <br /> Securi�.y Ins�rument, whether ar not ��n due, with any excess pa�d �o Borr�wer. If Borro�t7ver abandtins the <br /> Property,or does not answer vvi�hin the number of days pr�escribed by Applicab�e Lavv as�et for�h in a natxce frflm <br /> Lender ta Barrower�hat the insurance carrier has offered ta �ettle a claim, then Lender may�o��ect the �nsurance <br /> pra�eeds. Len�er m.ay use the proceeds t� repair �r restore �e Pr�perty �r to pay sums secured by this Securzty <br /> Instrument,whe�her or not�hen du�. The periad of t�me for Barr�tiver tv answer as se�forth i�n�he n���ce vv�ll begin <br /> vt�hen the not�ce is gi�ren.. <br /> Unless Lender and F�arrativer o�herwise agree �n wri�ing, any�pplica�ion of proc�eds�o princ�pal s�a�l na�ex�end <br /> ar pas�pone the due c�ate of�he pa�ments due under�he �on��-act flr change�he amount af the pay�ments. If under <br /> the seG�ion�i�Ied A��elerat�an; R.em�dies, the Pr�perry i� ac�u�red by L�nder, Borrower's rzght�� any insurance <br /> poiicies and proceed.� resul�ing f�om damage �a �he Property prior �o �he acqu�s�tion shall pass �a Len�er to the <br /> exten�of the sums secured by this Security�ns�rument immediat�ly prior�o�he acquisi��on. <br /> Preservation, Ma�ntenan�e and Prvtec��fln of the Pr�aperty; �arrower's Laan A.pplica�ion; Lea�eho�ds. <br /> Borrawer shal�n�t d�s�rfly, damage or impair�he Proper�y, allovv�he Proper�y�o deteriarate, or coxnrn�t was�e an <br /> the Praper�y.Borrower shall be in default if any forf�iture acti�n�r proceeding,vvhe�h�r civ�l or cr�min�.�,is begun <br /> tha� in Lend�r's good fa��h judgmen�could resu��in f�rfeiture of�he Property ar o�herwise ma�erial�y impair the <br /> Iien created by �his Security Instrument or L�nder's s�cur�� inter�st. Barrower may cure such a defaul� and <br /> reins�a�e, as prov�ded in section tit�ed Borr�Vver's Righ� �o I�eins�a�e,by causing�a.e ac�ian or proceedir�g ta be <br /> dism�ssed wi�h a ru�ing tha�,i�Lender's gaod fai�h de�erm�n.atian,prec�udes f��f the Borravver'��n�terest in <br /> �he Pr�perty or ��her material impa�rment �f the �ien creat�t� by this Secur�ty Ins�rumen� or Lender's security <br /> izateres�.Borrovver shal� a�so be in defaul�if�orra�wer,during�he I�an applica�i�n process,gave�ma�eria��y false or <br /> inac�ura�e informa�ion or sta�ements to Lender �or failed �o prQvzde Lender v�ith any ma�erial infflrrna�ion} in <br /> connect�on�th�he Ioan evidenced�by the CQn�ract. If this S�cu.rity�ns�rument is on a leasehol�i, Barr�awer sha�I <br /> comply vvith all�he pravis�ons of�he lease. If Borrotiver ac�quires fee�itle�o�he Property,the leaseh��d and the fee <br /> t���e sha�l not merge unless Lender agrees�o�he merger in�vrit�ng. <br /> Pr�teC�ion of Lender'� R�ghtS in the Prflperty. �f Bor�rourer fails to perform the covenan�s and agreements <br /> contained in�his 5ecurity Instrument, or�here is a legal proce�d�ng that ma�signif cant�y affec�Lender4s righ�s in <br /> the Praperty �such a� a pr�ceeding in bankrup�cy, proba��, for candemnat��n ar farfe�� or t� enfarce �aWs or <br /> regulations}, th�n Lender may da and pay f�r whatever �s necessary to pr�tec� �he value of�he Praperty and <br /> Lender's rights in the Praperty. Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien vvhich has pr�ori�y <br /> �ver this Secur�ty In�trurnen�, appearing in cour�,paying r�asanable at�orn�ys'fees and en�ering an the Property to <br /> make repairs.Although Lender may�ake ac�ian under�his�ection,Lender dfles no�have�o�a sa. <br /> Any amoun�s disburs�d by Lender under this sect�on sha�1 �ecame additi�nal debt af Borrower secured by this <br /> 5ecurity �ns�rument. Unless Borrower and L�nder agree to ather term� of payment, the�e amounts sha.�� bear <br /> C�2ti44-Z�l 5 Co�npliance Systems,Inc.8CS4-ASDC-24I5.i�.3.1 ti98 <br /> Consezmer Real Estate-Security Ins�rument DL2fl35 Page�af 5 www.compliancesystems.�om <br />