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. 2� 1 ����7� <br /> Transfer of the Property or a Bene��ia�Int�r�st i�Br�xr�wer.�f aIl ar any par�of�he Proper�y or�ny znteres� <br /> �n it is sold ar �ransferred �or if a b�neficia� �n�erest �n B���rovver is sold or transferred and Bo�rower �s rio� a <br /> natural person} vv�ithout Lender'� prior vvritten consent, I,en�er may, at i�s aption, re�uire �mmediate payment �n <br /> fu�l of aI� sums secured by this Security Ins�rumen�. �Ic�v�re�rer, this ap�i�n shall no� be exercised b� Lender �f <br /> exercise is prohibi�e�by federal l�.w as❑f the da�e of this 5ec�.�-i�y Ins�rument. <br /> If Lender exercises �his option, Lender �hal� give B arrc�we� notice of a�ce�era�ion. The no�ice sha11 provi�e a <br /> peri�d of not Iess �han the min�mum num�er of days es�ablished by Applicable La� from th� da�e �he n�tice i� <br /> de�ivered ar mai�ed within vvhich Borrower mus� pay a�� su�ns secured by �his Se�urity Ins�rumen�. If Borrower <br /> fa��s to pay�hese sums prior �o �he expira�ion of this perifld; Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by�this <br /> Secur��y�nstrumen�-vvi�hou�fur�her notice or demand on�3orr�ower. <br /> Borrower�s Rsght �o Reinstate. �f Borrawer mee�s ce��ain cond�t�ans, Borra�er sha�l have �he right �a have <br /> enforcement of�his �ecurit�Ins�rumen� discontinued at an��ime pri�r�o �he earlier of �a} 5 days (or such o�her <br /> period as Applicable Lavv may spec�fy for reinstatement}befflre sale of�h.e Property pursuant to any povver of sale <br /> c�ntained in this S�curifiy �nstrurnen�; or �b} en�ry of a judgmen� enforcing �his Security Ins�rumen�. Those <br /> c�ndi�i�ns are tha�Bnrrower: �a} pays Le�.�er a�1 sums �uhi�h then w�u�d be due under�h�s Secur�ty �ns�rument <br /> and�he Contrac�as if no acceleratinn had occurred;�b}c�res any defau�t�f any o�her covenants or�greemen�s; �c} <br /> pays aIl expenses incurred in enf�rcing this Secur��y�nstr��m.e-��,including,bu�not Iimited�o,reasonable a�torneys' <br /> fees to the ex�ent perm�.tted by�avv; and �d� takes suc�action as Lender may reasonab�y require to assure that the <br /> ��en of this SeCurity�nstrument,L�nd�r's r�ghts in the Pr�per�y and Barrovc�er's ob�iga��on to pay�he sums se�ured <br /> by�his Security�n��ru.ment shall con�inue unchanged. Upon reinstatemen�by Borrowe�, thi.s Securi�y Instrument <br /> and�he ab�iga�ions se� hereby shall remain ful�y eff�ecti�e as if no acceleratitin had accurred. Hovvever, th�s <br /> righ��a reinsta�e sha��no�apply in�he case of accelerat�o�1 unde��he sec��fln titled Transfer of the Prape�ty or a <br /> Bene�cial In�erest�n Borr�wer. <br /> Hazardous Substan�es,Borrovver shall no�cause or perm���he presen�e,use, disposal, s�orage, ar rel�ase�f any <br /> Ha�ardous Substances�n or in the ProperCy.B�rrn�t7ver shall not d�,nor all�tiv an�one else��da,any�hing�ffec�ing <br /> �he Property �hat is in viola�ion flf any Envir�nmen�a� L��r. The preceding two sen�ences shall not a�ply �a the <br /> presence,US�a Qr storage on the Pr�perty of sr�a.a�l quantities o�'Ha�a�rdous Subs�ances th�t are general�y recognized <br /> �o be appropriate�o nflrma�residentia�uses and t�main���ance of the Prop�rty. <br /> Borrower shall prvmpt�y gi�e Lender wri��en notice of an��n�restigatian,claim, demand,�awsuit ar o�h�r action by <br /> any g�vernmen�a� or regulatory agency or priva�e par�y �nvolving the Property and any Hazardous Su�s�an�e or <br /> En�xr�rimen�a.l Law af which Barrower has actual ��edge, �f B�rrower learns, or is notif�d by any <br /> gavernmen�al or regulatary autho�ity,that any rem�val or o�h�r remed�a�ion�f any Hazardous 5ubs�ance affecting <br /> the Prvperty is neces�ary, Bflrrower sha�l promptly �ake� aII neces�ary remed�al ac�ions �n accordance wi�h <br /> Env�ronmen�al Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are�h�flse substarnces d�fined as to�ic or ha�ardous substances <br /> by EnviroxLmental Lavtr and the following substances: gasoline, kerosen�, a�her flammable or toxie pe�raleum <br /> pr�du�ts, �oxi� pes�icides and herbicides, vo�a�ile solver�ts, rn.a�eria�s can�a�,ta�ng asbest�s �r f�rmaldehyde, and <br /> radioactiv�materia�s. As used in this paragraph, "Enviranmerntal Law" means federa�lav�rs and Ia�vs of the state of <br /> Nebraska�.iat rela�e to heal�h,safety ar environmen�al protect��n, <br /> ACCe�eration; Remedies. Lender shall gx�ve notice �a �arr�vv��r pr��r �� acce�era��on fallow�ng �or�-oyver's <br /> br�ach of any covenant or agre�ment in th�s Security�nst�ument or the�ontract under wh�ch acce�erat�an <br /> �s permitted �bu� nvt prinr to acceleration under the secti�n �it�ed Transfer af the Property or a BQneficia� <br /> Interest�n �orrower, un�es�A�pl��ab�e Law pravides oth�erwise}. The noti�e shal� specify: �a� the default; <br /> ��� the aetion req�aired to �ure the defauit; �c} a �dat�, no� less than the mi�imum number �f days <br /> established by App�xcable Law from th�date�he notice is given �o�3orrower,by which the defau�t r�ust be <br /> cured; and (d� that faiiure to cure the defau�t an or �bef�re the da�e spe�ified in �he nvti�e may result �n <br /> acc�leration of the sums secur�d by this S�curity Instrume�t and sale of the Property. To �he ex�en� <br /> pernrutted by�aw, �h� noti�e shaii further�nfor�n Borrfl�w�r of the right�o reins�ate after ac�e�erat��n and <br /> the right to br�ng a caurt ac�ion to assert the nan-exist�enc�of a defau�t or any afher dQfense af Borr�,w�r�o <br /> a�celeration and sa��.If the default is no� cured on or befnre the date �pecified in the notice,Le�der at its <br /> �p�ion may require immedia�e paymen.t �n full of a�� surn� sQcured by th�s Secu�ty In��rument v�i�hout <br /> further demand and xnay invoke the power of sale and a�y other r�med��s permit�ed by Applicabi� Law, <br /> To the ��tent permitted by �aw, Lender shal� be entitled to ca��ect aIl expenses incurred in pu�-su�ng the <br /> remed�es prav�dQd�n this Section, includfng,but not l�mit�d to, reasonable att�rneyst fees and costs of t��Ie <br /> evidenc�. <br /> If the pvwer of sale is inv�ked, TrustQe shall record a:natice �f d�fauit in each county in which any�aart af <br /> the Property i�loca�ed and shal�mail copies of such notic�in the manner prescr�bed by Applica��e Layv t� <br /> B�rrawer and �o the other per��ns prescrihed by Appli�able Law. After the time re�uired �y Applicab�e <br /> Law, Trustee shall g�ve pubiic not�ce of sa�e tv the p�rsons and in the manner prescr�bed by Ap�licable <br /> Law. Trus�ee,w�thaut demand on Borrov�ver, sha�l se�l the Property at publi� auct��n to the high�st b�dder <br /> at�he time and p�ace and under the terms designated im�he r�a���e of sa�e in one ar�nore parc�Is�nd in any <br /> order Trustee determ�nes. TruStee may postp�ne 5a�e �f all or any parcel of the Property by pub�ic <br /> annvuncement a�the time and p�ace af any previously sch�duled sa�e.Len�er or its designee may purchase <br /> the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt of pay ment af the price bid, Trust�e shall d��iver to the purchaser Tru�tee's d�ed �onvey�ng <br /> the Property. T'h�r�citals in the Trustee's deed shall b�prima fa�ie evidence of th��ruth vf�he statements <br /> 0 2QD4-2fl 15 Compliar�ce Systems,In�.8C5�-ABDC-2�I5.J 1.3.i q98 <br /> CansuFner Reai Estate-Security In�trument DL2�3f Page 4 r�f 5 <br />