2� 1 ���� 11
<br /> Sec�i�n 5 ��at repa��z• or resto���.�xon is not economa���ly feasible, Bart�o��ver sha�� pr•omp�ly repair �he P�•operty �f
<br /> dama�ed �� av�id furthet• d�t�x•iora��a�a o�r damage. �f insu�•an�e ox• �ondem��a�iarl proc�eds aze paid �n
<br /> cannectio� wixh damage �Q, o� �he t�.��i�ag of, the P��aperty, �or�av�er shal� be �•esponsibl� fot• z��pa��•�r�g �r
<br /> r�starin� the Propez•�y only �f I�ender has x•eleased p�•oceeds far such purposes. Lender rn.ay disburse proce�ds
<br /> far the �•epa�rs and r�s�ar-a�ian in a single payn��n� oz• in a �eries af �ragress payments a� tlae r�a�rk �s
<br /> c�mplet�d. �f the insu�ance or condemn�tion p�•oceeds a�•e nat suf�cic�.t �o ��epair ar z•es�o�•e the Pi�oper�y,
<br /> �ot•r�vv�r is n��relieved n�Bort•Qwer's obligatiot�fo�r�he camp�etzon af su���repai���r resta�•a�ian.
<br /> I�end�r o�� ��s a�en�may mal�e reasonable en�ries upan ar�d ins�ec�ions of�l�e Proper�y, �f z���as t•easanable
<br /> cause, Lende�r may inspect th� irit�r�or af �he irr�pro�ements on �he �roperty. Ler�der s��a�l gi�� �3Qrrowei•
<br /> ��atice a�the t�me of nt�prio�•�o s�.�ch ata it��:erior inspcction sp�cifyxng suGl�reas�nable cause.
<br /> S. :Boa�rQw�r's �..�aaz� Appl�cationR Bor�•ower s�1a�l b� �� defaul� ��, duri��� �he �nan ap�lic��ion proGess,
<br /> Bo�rov�e� ox any p�rsons ar ['n�1t1�S acti�g at �he dire�tion of Bor�•ow�r �t� wi�h Borravv�r's I�����v�ed�e �r
<br /> consen� gave ma�e�•ia��y fa�se, misleading, o� inaccura�e �nformati�n or �ta�ements �o Lend�r �or failed to
<br /> �rovi�e L�t�d�� �n�ith materiai info�•matFa�.} �n �onn�Gtiion w��:h �he Lo�t�. M:a�eri�.I ��epresen�a1;ro�s include, bu�
<br /> ar� no� �xxni�ed tca, r�pr�s�nt�.�ions ca����r�zng I3oxrower's occupanc� of i.he ��•ap��rty as B�orx•ower's �rinc�pal
<br /> r�sidence.
<br /> 9. Pro�e�tion of Lender's Interest �n �he Froper�y and Rights Undez• t��is Security YnStrum�n�. IF�a}
<br /> �3oxrow��• fa�ls to ����form �hc� ��venan�s and ag�r�emen�s con�ained ir� this Secuz���y rns�rum.ent, �b} tk�ere is a
<br /> lEga� �ra��eding tha� migh� signz�"ica�.tly afFec� �.��nder's �nterest it� �h� Prope�•�:y a��dl��• righ�s und��, this
<br /> Secu�ri�y ��as�rumen� �suc�� as a praceedi�a.g ��a bankrup�c�, praba��, for c�zac�emna�ia�a or fQrfei�u��e, fo�-
<br /> enforcemen� af a �ien vv��ich may ��tain prior�t� over �his �ecurx�y 7�nstruzn�nt o� to enforce laws or
<br /> regulatians�, or �c� B or�ovver has ab�i�doned �hc propei��y, �hen Lender may �o and p�y fa�� �v��a�ever i�
<br /> r•�ason��l� or appropriate �� p�•o�ec� Lend��•'s �n��res� in�h�Pro�erty and x•ights ��der�his Sc�u��z�� Ins��rumeri�,
<br /> i���ludin� �ro�ec�i�g andla�• as�e5s�n� �he va1u� o��he Prapertiy, and s�curing a�adlor re�ai�i�g �h� P�operty.
<br /> Lenc�e��'s ac��ons can include, bu� ar� not limitied �a: �a} paying any sum� se�L�r�d by a Iien which has pr�ori�y
<br /> �ver �his Secu�•ity �ns�rument; �b� appea�r�ng in �aur�; and �c} payxng �•easflnable a��orneys' f�es to p�o�ec� i�s
<br /> izx�erest �n �he Yrope�r�y andlnr rights under �la�s S�curi�y Instrurrae���, rncludin�; z�s secure�i posi�iara �n a
<br /> �ani�rup�cy proc�edirig. Securing �h� Pr�pez•�y includes, bu� is no�t Iimi��d to, e����ring �h� F�•�pe�•�y t�a malc�
<br /> repa�rs, C�la.I7�P �QC�CSy replace or board up doors at�d �v�ndovvs, draz�� �a�er fram px�es, e�imi�aa�e building o�•
<br /> o�her co�e vialations ar c�an�e�,aus condztxons, an� �a�e utilzties tur�aec� on or Off. Al�hough Lende� �nay�alce
<br /> a��ion undet•th�s Scc�.ian 9, L�nder d�es no�hav�to do so a��d is not u��der any du�� or obliga�ion to do so. It
<br /> is agr��d�hat Lcr�d�z�incurs no l�a�ili�y for nat�a�ing any ar aIl act�ans a�utho�iz�d uzader�h�s SeG�ion 9.
<br /> 1�.ny �.��.ounts dxsbursed Uy I...ender u�adex this Sec�ion 9 shall beGame additlar�al debt af Borrower �ecured
<br /> by �his Security �ns�ru�ment. �These amoun�s shal� bear �nte��est a��he��o�e rate �z•om the d�.te of di�bursem�n�
<br /> arid sha�l be paya��e��uvi�h su�h zn�erest,u��n nati�e ft�om Lex�der��Borr�r�ver��equ�s�ing pa�m�n�.
<br /> �f this Secur-ity ��.s�rum�nt is on a 1�aseho�d, ll�orrower sl�.�l� comply w�th al� t���pr��is��ns of th� lease, �:C
<br /> �3o�•ro�rv�r acyui��es fee ti�le to �he Prope�r�y, �he leasehold and�he fee�i�Ie shall not rnerge unl�ss Lende�• a��•ees
<br /> to ti��mer�er��writing.
<br /> 1�. NYor��age I��surance. Tf Lenc���• required Mortgag� �nsuran�c as a condil;ion of ��.at�ing �he Loan,
<br /> Bor�•ower sl�all pa� the prem�ums reyu���d ta ma.in�ai�x�he Mcax•�gage �n�urance in �ffec�, Xf, foz• any z•�asan, �he
<br /> Mortg�.ge �n��rance covera�� r�quiz•�d by L�nd�x ��ases �o be avai�able ft•om �he mor��age insu�•er tha�
<br /> previous�y provided such �nsurance at�d B�rrower vvas requzred t❑ mal�e se�ara�ely designa�ed paytx��n�s
<br /> t��vard �h� p�remiums for N�or�gage �nsurance, �az�xo�er shall pay �he pr�miums reau�red #:� obtain caverage
<br /> substaratial�y �qui��.I�nt�:a the Mo����age Ins��ra.l�ce previou�ly �n �ff�ct, at a cos� substan�:ially equ�v�I�zat�o �he
<br /> c�s� �n �3or��ower �f the M�r�gage Insurar�ce pz-��iau�ly in eff�c�, fr-am �n �t�crz�ate mo����age insurGr selected
<br /> . b� Lender. If substantia�ly �qui�alen� Mortgage �nsurance coverage is n�� available, Borrower shall c�ntinue
<br /> to pay �� Lendez� the amoun� af the separa�ely desx�nated payznen�s that vvere du�when �h� insl�ran�� caverage
<br /> eeased �o be in eff�Gt, Lendex• will ac�ep�, use a��d retair� �h�se payn�c���s as a no�l--refun�a�le �oss r�s�z•ve in
<br /> lieu o�'N.[a�r��ag� Yr�s�tranc�. Such loss �•��erve sha]I b� non-re�unda�lc, ��otw��hs�azad�ng the f�.ct �h�t �he Lo�n
<br /> is ulti�r�a.t�iy paid in full, a�.d Lender s�.�ll no� be xequired to pay Borraw�r any �z��e��s� �r earnin�s on such
<br /> Iass reser�e. Len�der can no �onger rEquire Ioss re��rve paymen�� i� Mor�gage �nsuranc� �a�e�,a�E �in �che
<br /> amaunf: and fa�• �h� pe�•iod t�a� Lendez• requires} pz•ovide� by an i�a�urcz� sel�c��d by I.,endcz• again becarne�
<br /> available, is obtained, and Le�ac�er rec�uires sepa.ra����y desi�nat�d paymezats �oward �h�p�r�mi�.►zns faz• Mar�gage
<br /> �nsuranc�, z� Lender required Mar�gage Insura��ce as a c�nd��ion of znal�in� �he Loan a�d Borrowe�r v�as
<br /> requir�d �o make s�parat�ly ��signa�ed �ayments tovvard th�premium� :for Mortga�e Insurance, Borrovver shall
<br /> 1VEBR►ASKA�5ingle Family �Fannie MaelFreddie I�iac LINIFQRM INSTRUMENT
<br /> F�rm 3�28"�1�1
<br /> Laser Forms InG.t8��}44G�3555
<br /> LF I#FNMA3�28 91�`! -���� ��f�� I n i�ials:
<br /> ___�_�.r
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