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} ' <br /> c <br /> � <br /> � 2� 1 ���� 11 <br /> subsequen� charges each �ime remappxngs or similar changes oc�ur whYch ��easana�ly might affec� such <br /> de�ermina�ian or certifica�ion. Borrower sha�l aisa be resp�nsib�e for �he paymenti of any fees impased by the <br /> . �ederal Emergency Managemen� Agency �n cannection �ith the review of any f�ood zan� determina�ion <br /> 'resu�ting from an ab�ection by B arz�ov�er, <br /> . �f Barrovver fails tia rnar�.�azn any ❑f the cove�ages described above, Lender may a��ain insut•an�e caverage, <br /> . at Lender's op�ion and Bo�•rov�ez�'s e�pense. Lendez� is under no obligatio�. �a purchase any par�zcular �ype or <br /> amount of coverage, Therefo�re, such coverage shall covet• Lender, but migh� ar mrght na� protec� Borrowe�:, <br /> Bo�r�•owe�•'s equi�y in the Praper�y, or the con�en�s of�he Property, agaxns� any �r�s�c, hazard o� liabi�xty and <br /> rn.igh� pravide grea�er or lesse�r cove�age tha�. was previausly in effec�, Bo�rrawe� acl�nov��edges �ha� �he cos� <br /> of�he �nsurance coverage s� ob�ained m�gh� szgnif�can�ly exceed �he cos� of insurance �ha� Borra�ve�r c�uid <br /> ha�e �b�ained. Any amnun�s di�bursed by Lencler under �his Section S shall become additxo��a1 debt af <br /> Bo�rrowear secured by thrs Secur��y�ns�rumen�. These amounts sha�I �ear in�erest at�he Note rate from �he da�e <br /> Qf dx�bursement and shatl be payable, wrth such interes�, upan �.a�ice from Lende�r �o Borrower rec�ues�ing <br /> paymen�. <br /> � Ali xnsurance policies requ�red by Lender and �e�.�wals of suc�Z palicies shall b� su�jec��a Lende�'s rig�� <br /> to d�sapprove such palicres, shal� �nciude a standa�rd mor�ga�e clause, and shall name Lender as mor�gage� <br /> andlor as an additional loss payee. Lende� shali have�he right to hold the�policies and renewal ce�r�ificates, Zf <br /> Lender requ�xes, Borrov�er shall promp�ly give to L►ender aii receip�s of paid prem�ums and�enev�a� no�zces, If <br /> B�rrowex ab�ains an� f�rrn of xnsurance co�erage, no� o�herwise required by Lender, for damage �:a, or <br /> destruc��on of, the Property, such policy shall inc�ude a s�:andard mortgage clause and shall name Lender as <br /> mor�gagee andlor as an additio�a� �oss payee, <br /> r� �he even� af l�ss, Borr�we�r s�all gYve promp� na�ice to the �ns��ance carrier and Lender, Lender may <br /> make proof of lass if not made promp�iy by Borrower. Unless Le�der and Barrower otiherwise agx�ee in <br /> writing, any i�asurance praceeds, v�he�her or no� �hc underlying insurance was required by Lender, shali be <br /> applied to res�orati�on or repair of ��.e Proper�y, if �he restoratior� or repa�r is economica�ly f�asibl� and <br /> Lender's securi�y is not �essened. During such repair a�d �es�o�ra�ion periad, Lender sha�� ha�e the righ� �o <br /> hoid such insurance proce�ds until Lender has had an opportiunz�y �o inspect such Property �a ensure the worl� <br /> � has been cornpleted �o Len.der's sa�isfac�ian, pravided tha� such inspec�ion sha�� be under�al{en promp�ly. <br /> Lender may disburse proceeds far �he repaxxs and res��ration in a single payment or in a seri�s of progress <br /> paymen�s as ��ae work is comp�e�ed, Un�ess an ag�eemen�: is made in wxi�i�g or Applicabl� Law requzres <br /> � i�te�est �o be pai� on such insurance proceeds, Lender shall not be requ�red �o pay Bot•ravver any i�terest or <br /> �a��ings on such proceeds. Fees for public adjus�e�rs, ar o�her�h�rd parties, re�ained by B�rrowe�r sha1� not be <br /> . paid ou� �f the insut•ance procecds and-shatl be�he sole abligatia� of B or�ovver, �f�he res�oration or repair is <br /> � na� economxca�ly feasibl� ot• Lender's securitiy wou�d be iessened, �he insu�rance proceeds shall be ap�l�ed ta <br /> the sums secured by �his Secur��y �ns�rum�n�, whe�he� ar rioti tihen due, wi�h �he excess, �f any, paid to <br /> Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shail�e app�ied�n�he order provid�d for in Sect�on 2. <br /> If Borrov�er abandons the Prapeirty, Lende�r may f�Ie, negotia�e an� se���� any ava��able rnsurance cla�m and <br /> rela�ed mat�ers, If Borrower do�s no� �resporic� withzn 3� days �o a no�ice f�rom Lender i:ha� �he insurance <br /> . carri�r has offered �o set�Ie a claim, �hen Lender may nega�ia�e and set�ie �he c�aim, The 3�-day period will <br /> begiri v�hen the no�ice is given. In ei�her event, or if Lender ac�uires �he Proper�y under Sec�ian 22 ar <br /> o�herv��se; Borrovt�er hereby a�sign� �a Lender �a} Bo�rrower's right� �o �.ny �nsurance proceeds in an amoun� <br /> na�to exceed the am�unts unpaid under �he Note or�h�s Se�uri�:y I�as�rumen�, and �b} any ather of Ba�rower's <br /> righ�s �oth�r�han the righ� ta any refund �F unearned premiums paxd by Borrower} under all �nsurance policies <br /> caver�ng the Pxaperty, insofar as such rights are applica�le to 1:he covet•age of�he Proper�y. Lender may use <br /> the znsuxanc� proceeds ei�her�o �repair ar res��re �he Pxopet•�y ar �o pay at�oun�s unpazd under the Note oz, �his <br /> , Secur��y Ins�r�ment,whether or na��hen due, <br /> G. �ccupancy. Bo�t•ower shal� accupy, �stablzsh, and u�e the Property as Barrower's pr�n�ipal residence <br /> within �0 days aft�r the �xecution of���s Securi�y �ns��umen� and shall c�n��nue to occupy �he Praper�y as <br /> Bnrrower's prin.cipal residence fo� a� least �ne year after �he da�e of occupancy, un�ess Lender a�herwise <br /> agrees in writing, which consent shall no� be unreasonahly w��hheld, or u��ess extenuatirig circums�an�es exist <br /> vv��ich a��e beyo��d Bo���ro,wer's can�rol. <br /> . 7. Preservation, Main�enance and Pro�ec�xon af the Proper�y; Inspections. Borrowe� shall no� <br /> des�roy, damage or �mpair the Property, aliow �he Prop�x�y �o deteri�rate or commit waste fln �he Praperty, <br /> . . VL�he�her flr not Bor�•ower is t°esYding in�he Property, Boxro�vve�r shall main�:ain the Proper�y in order �o preven� <br /> , �he Pr�perty from de�eriora�ir�g �r decreasing in value due�� i�s cond��ion, Unless it is de�erm�ned pursuant to <br /> NE6RASF[A-Single Famiiy -Fannie N1aelFreddie Mac lJN1F�Ri1�INSTRUNIENT <br /> Form 3�28'I1�'I <br /> Laser Farms Inc,(80D}448-3555 <br /> l.Fl#FNMA3028 91�� Page�af 13 Inl�la�S: <br /> .�,... � �,�.. <br />