2� 1 ���� 11
<br /> pay �he premiums requit1ed to main�ain Mor�gag� �nsu�rance �n eff�ct, oz• �o pro�ride a non��•efundable 1os5
<br /> reserve, un�il Lender's �•�quzr�met7� f��� Mortigage �nsurance ends in aGcarda�ace wi�h any w��i�te�a agr�em�n�
<br /> betweei� I3orx�v�ez• and Lender p���vi�zng fo� such tezmiila�:�on ar until terrnzna�ian is requir�d by App�icavle
<br /> L�aw. No�hing �n i.his Sec�ian �0 affec�s Borrower's oblzg��ion ta pay znte�,est a�the z•ate prav�ded in the No�e.
<br /> IVlortgag� Insura��ce �,e�mbut•s�s Lender �or an� en�ity tiha� pur�hases tihe Note} �ot� �er�a�zn losses it may
<br /> incur if Borrower does no�repay�h�Laan as ag��eed.�oz°ravvez�zs no�a party�a the Moz,tgage Ir�su��ar�ce.
<br /> Mor�gage �n�u�z�ers evalua�e t�aeir to�a� risk on a�� su�h i��urat�ce in far�e �`rom ��rne t� �irne, and may en��r
<br /> iza�a �agreern�n�s ��vi�h �ther par�ies �ha� share or rnadzfy ���ezr rislc, o�• reduce 1Qs�es. �"hese agxeern�nts are o�
<br /> ��x�ms and condi�i�ns tha� a�•e sa�rsfac��x•y �o �he rnor��age �nsurer• and the o�her pax,�y (ar• �a��ti�s} to �hese
<br /> agreemen�s. Th�se agreem�nts may requir� tl�e mnr�gage i�lsurer to make paymet��s using any �aurce of funds
<br /> �}7a� the zx�ortga�� insurer� may ��ar�e �.�ai�able �which may tnc�ud� fLl�ldS C?U��.1�]�C� ��'�I77 M�t•tgage �nsurance
<br /> premiu�ns�.
<br /> As a re�ul� of�hese �.greemen�s, Lender, any �urc�aaser �f the Note, ano�he� �nsurer, �.n� reinsuz�er, any
<br /> ��:her entz��, or at�y af�liate of an� of�t�e fo�•egaing, may receive �directi�y or indirectly} arnourits �hat derive
<br /> f�•om �or migh���c�arac��riz�� as� a por�ion of Barrnwet•'s paym�nt�s far Mortga�e �nsuran��, in �x�hang�foz�
<br /> slaaring a� modif�ing �he mor��a�e insurer's ��sl�, a� I'eC�U�117� I{�SSeS, If su�h a�reemen� ����i��s �h�t an
<br /> affiiia�e of Lender talces a share af �he ��surer's z•isi{ in exchange for a share of �h� pa•em�ums p�id �o �he
<br /> insurer,�he a�rran�ement�s ofi'ten�er�x�.ed "cap��ve z,einsurance,"Fur�he�•:
<br /> �a) Ariy such agreemet�ts w��l not affect the amou���s �ha� Sot•rowe�• has ag��eed to pay for• Mortgage
<br /> Insuranc�, or an� �ther�erms �f�he Loan. Such agreemen�s wil� not increase �he amor�n�Bor�•ower wil�
<br /> owe far 1Vrortga�,e In��.rance,ax�d�hey wxll nat en�itl���Y�rovver�o an}�x�efu��d.
<br /> �b) Any �uc� agreernents wil� no� affect �he rx�h�s Bor�•flw�r has �- xf any � wi�h respe�� to the
<br /> Mar��a�e Ynsuz�ance under �he �omeovv�aez�s Pro��c�xan Act of 1995 or a��.y other �aw. 'r"hese righ�s may
<br /> �n�lude �he �•ighf ta r�ceive cer�ain d��clasures� to request �nd ubtain Gan�el�ation of th� iVlort�a��
<br /> In�uran��, to har�e the NYoz•ti��g� Ynsurance ter•mina�ec� automa�xca��y, ax�dlor �a� receiv� a refurid of any
<br /> 1Vlartgage In�ur�n�e premiums tha�were u�earYaed a��he time of such ca�acella�Xon ar�erxanina�zon.
<br /> ll. Assx�nment of M�sc��laneo�s�ra��eeds; Forfeitu�•e. AI1 M�scella.neflr�s Proce�ds ar� hereb� assigned
<br /> �o and shall be pa�d to L�nder.
<br /> �f the �ropex�y is d�.maged, such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be app��ed �o res�ora�ian or repair af�he
<br /> ���oper�y, if th� ���s�ora��an ox �•epair �s ecanomically feasib�e at7d Lend�r's secur��y is na� �essen�d. Durin�
<br /> such repair and ��es�o�•a�ir�� �exi�d� L�ender sha�� have �he righ� �c� h�ld such Misceliane�us Pro�e��s un�i�
<br /> �.�ender has had an oppartuni�y to in�pec� such Proper�y �o ensur� �he worl� has be�� completed to L��der's
<br /> satxsfac�ion, pravi�ed �h�� sucla insp�ctz�za sha11 be uz�dertalten pr��mp�ly. �.lender may pay for �he repairs and
<br /> res�o�ra�i�t� in � si��gle dis�urse�xaen� ar �fl a se�ies af p�rogress pa�ments as the worlc is completed. �nless an
<br /> agre�rn�n� is made in vv�itin� o�• �ppi�cab�e Law reyu�res interest �a be paid on su��� Miscellaneou.s Pxaceeds,
<br /> Lender shall no� be rec�uix•ed to pa� �orrawex ai�y int�r�s� �r ea�nings 4n s��ch Miscellaneous pr�ceeds. If tl�e
<br /> res�ora�i�n or repair is zan� e�flnaimically �easible or L�x�der's securi�y w�u�d be ��ssened, �he Mi�c��IaneQus�
<br /> F�rocee�s shal� b� applied �n �he sum� secur�d by �his Securi�y Ins�z�um�nt, whe�h��• or n�t �hen due, with x�ae
<br /> excess, zf any, p�id to I3 o�•rower. �uch N�isce��aneaus Pz-o�eeds sha�1 be a�pli�d in the order pravided for �n
<br /> Section�,
<br /> Tn �he �ven� af a to�al tal{ing, d�structiQn, or loss in vaiue of th� Prap�rty, �h� �isc��laneous F�•oceeds
<br /> shall be app�ied ta the surns s�c��•ed by this Secuz��ty �ns���r�men�, vvhether or no� �h�n due, with th� ex�ess, if
<br /> any,paid�Q Bo�rot�er.
<br /> �In �h� even� of a pa�•tia�i ta�cin�� destru���on, or lass in �alue of�hc P�rap�r�y in which th� fair mar�c��va�ue
<br /> af the Property irnmed�a��Iy before the pax�ial �aking, des�ruc�ion, �r loss in value is eaual to ox grea�er �han
<br /> �h� amount of��7� sums secured b�this 5e�uri� Instrurnent immediate�y b�fore t��e pa��ial �alcing, des�ruc�ian,
<br /> or loss in �alu�, un�ess F�orrov�e� and Le�.der ather�ise a�ree in wri�in�, �he sums secu�•ed by t�ais �ecuxi��
<br /> Ins�rurnetat shall b�teduced by�he amou��of�he Niis�e��an�ous Proceeds m����iplied by the �'ollow�n� fraction;
<br /> �a} �he ta�al amau�a� of�he surns secured xmmedia�ely b�fore �h� par�ia� �a�cing, de��ruci;ion, fl� ]oss in va�ue
<br /> divid�d by �b} the fair ma�l�et value�f�h� Proper�� immedia�ely b�f��•e thE partial takinga C�@S��G1G�I�rI� �r lo�s
<br /> it��a1ue. A���balanc�shai�be�axd ta Borra�er,
<br /> �n th� e�en� n#�a par�ial 1:alcxng, des�ruc��an, ar �oss in value of the Frope���y �n w��xch the fair m���lc��value
<br /> of�he P�•ape��y immediat�l� befot•e �he par��a.l talcit�g, destt�uc�ion, �r l�ss iM value is less than �he a�x�ouflt of
<br /> the sums secur�d i�amediat�ly bef�re �h� par�i�.l t�.Icing; destruc�ion, �r loss �n value, unless Bar�•awer azad
<br /> Lender atherwis� agree in v�ri�in�, 1;he MisGellan�ous Pxac�eds shall be app�ied tQ �he surns secL�r�d by this
<br /> IVEBRASKA�Single Family �Fann9e MaelFreddi��ac UN�F(�RM INSTf�UIU'IENT
<br /> Form 30�8�10�
<br /> l.aser Forms Inc.{8a�}�4�-3555
<br /> L.FI#FNMA30��911� ��������� Ini�ial5; �
<br /> . � �..�..�...
<br />